MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 362

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Ling Ye Bookstore of the world stayed here. During this period, Tohsaka Rin and Tohsaka Sakura from various worlds ran over, and a certain unreliable French dog ran over specially. I heard that the big dog passed by for a thousand years was tragic During the day, the two of them insisted on running over to hit Lip for two to one to vent their anger, but they were blocked by San Ying directly.

As for Ling Ye, at this moment, he returned to his room and prepared to upload the animations and comics that have been produced.

"Isn't Shopkeeper Tong, Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess? It's a pity that I crossed over without seeing the finale."

Ling Ye uploaded the animation while talking, and at this moment, the audience friends who already know Ling Ye quite well already know it by heart.

"Well, let me tell you, according to the author's urgency, as long as one anime is over, he will definitely pick up another one! As expected of the author, I have never let me down!"

"An'an, an', they are all on their own. Who knows this routine? As the most diligent author, we should give him enough encouragement, right?"

"However, the name of this anime feels very long. "Miss Hui Ye Wants Me to Confess the Love and Brain Wars of Geniuses" has not changed the name very much... it is getting more and more longer."

"That's right, I originally thought Reincarnated Slime and Reincarnated Otome would be long enough, but Miss Kaguya is even longer. Tell me, with such a long name, will it be another new show from another world? I feel that the author likes it recently. Another world anime."

"Tch, the long name means... Another World Fan, can't you tell that this is a romance fan?"

"What's wrong with the love story, isn't the love story in another world bad?"

Under everyone's discussion, at this moment, Miss Kaguya wants me to confess and finally started playing.

At the beginning of the screen, there is... a classic line that directly explained the core idea of ​​this episode.

"Falling in love with someone, and then confessing, the combination of two people, this is a very good thing that everyone thinks, but it is a big mistake.

There is also a clear power relationship between lovers, exploitation and being exploited, giving and being paid, winner and loser, if you want to live a noble life, then you must not be a loser when you are in love, love is a war, first fall in love with someone else One side, is...loser!!!!"

As soon as this scene came out, all the audience were stunned, "The strange knowledge has increased."


"Funds are spent in strange places."

"Well,,,, awesome."

Then, after the narration of this narration, Teacher Zhang Yu's distinctive opening song started.

I don't know if it's Ling Ye's bad taste. It's no problem for Japanese audiences to understand Japanese, but all Chinese audiences are dumbfounded looking at the subtitles of the opening song. The subtitles are this.

Aww girl is crazy about him Aww he's riding a Lhasa monkey That's a real obscenity I saw in the construction site, sells movies hot girl **** hot girl hot girl hot those days our admiral's outer pants are ripped to play together I have I had a hunch it wasn’t you, no way I asked him, did he kill chickens oh no, I was caught selling frogs, I took my aunt’s fifty silver coins and let him take the blame, it’s not as good as the cool old man who loves you, my sister He's dying, he doesn't have a gun: use it to be a master, die him, don't miss him, he has a bunch of haircuts, I touch you, you touch me, the boy's clothes can't be torn off, my dad has passed away In the tower, he saw that the salesman, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl, hot girl yelled at all the audience "......"

"Author,,, is this crazy? The opening song,,, don't tell me this is actually a Chinese song"

"I,,,, is that you, Mr. Zhang? This voice really is you!"

"Did the author let go of himself? Real,,, talent! I really admire this empty ear!"

"I have a hunch that a masterpiece is about to rise!"

When everyone is still silent about the inexplicable emotions brought by the opening song, the animation has finally entered the topic.

The content of the first episode is not much, it is mainly divided into three short stories, however, looking at the two "masters" in the anime

The constant tricks, every audience can't help but lean forward and back together with joy.

"What's the matter... the barrage brush master is so awake...nothing...sao operation, these two people have been together for a long time.... ..don't learn..."

"No problem hahaha"

"Brother is He Fangsheng who can see through the mystery at a glance!!!!!!"

"The real master is the secretary, well, without the secretary, the show is over"

"Speaking of it, isn't this the same as the prisoner's dilemma? If two people don't make moves, they stay together. If only one of them makes moves, there is a winner or loser. If both of them make moves, that's how it is now."

Chapter 1037━━Come to my room

It didn’t take long to come to my room for an episode of the anime, 20 minutes passed quickly, I have to say, the moment this anime appeared, everyone knew that a certain author was messing around!” Hahaha, I almost died laughing watching it so badly that I listened to it three times before I started watching anime, and then,,.

I am now in the hospital awaiting surgery."

"Wan Duzi... I heard you said it was poisonous. I read it once and it was nothing. I went back and listened to it again... I was poisoned..."

"Me too, originally I was used to jumping while watching anime, but in the end,,,,, I felt like I missed the whole world."

"I'm Teacher Zhang, I mean this song has nothing to do with me."

Looking at the reactions of these people, Ling Ye expressed that he was very happy. It was not in vain that he made such a spoof on purpose. It seems that the response was not bad.

Except for those people who complained, most of them are still discussing the plot.

For example, these people in my group, they are still very reliable.

At this moment, Ilya in Ling Ye's friend group said, "This is a story where you win as long as you go up, but the two sides have to move wildly."

Flatt "lost his head off.

After laughing, I thought that I was still single.

The smile gradually froze..."

Gu Xuelut "Hahahahahaha haha ​​haha ​​to death, thinking that he is single, and the smile gradually solidifies ..."

Yvette "Hurrah."

Luvia "Why are you laughing, you are not the same"

Yvette: "Who said that, she is Teacher Ling Ye's lover!"

Luvia "I can't pretend that I didn't hear that."

Black king "+1"

Hei Zhen "+1"

Xiao Mo "+1"

..........Tohsaka Rin "21"

"Senior Ling Ye, you look so wicked!"

Ling Ye: "Hey! How did it get involved in me!"

Slime: "That's right! Ling Ye, you are too much, you should die now!"

Ling Ye: "Cut, talk without chicken."

Slime "Hmph! I don't want to be a slime! I want to be a human!"

Magical Girl Illya "I think the character of this heroine is similar to that of Rin-san."

Tohsaka Rin "Where does it look like me"

Tohsaka Sakura "same tsundere."

Rin Tohsaka "Sakura!"

Looking at the more cheerful people in the group, Ling Ye couldn't help but said, "I've finished the sixth floor of the Seven Heavens Sea here, and the seventh floor is coming soon. Are any of you interested in coming to the seventh floor? Black King, My King, Xiao Mo!" .”

Dr. Roman "It looks like the seventh floor of the round table should be our own people."

Ling Ye: "That's right, the seventh floor is Gao Wen."

My king, "Gao Wen? Since that's the case, please bring me one from the seventh floor this time."

Xiao Mo: "I won't go, I don't have that good relationship with that guy..."

Black King: "I won't go either. After my king is gone, I still have to look after our country. It's under construction and we can't do without people."

Nero "Our country! Musician! So you are the king too! How big is our country! Is there... an opera house! Is there a... Colosseum!"

Gilgamesh "Besides, there is one more Zaxiu who dares to be king."

Nero: "You are the Gilgamesh...the one whose hand was cut off by Emiya Shirou..."

Ling Ye: "...that..., Nero, let's say that people don't reveal their weaknesses.

What you said in this sentence,


Gilgamesh: "Miscellaneous cultivators! You wait for me, report to the world, and I will take it to you!"

Little Shining, "Calm down, calm down! You said it as if you beat Ling Ye and the others. If nothing else, Tiamat is enough for the few of us to drink a pot."

Jin Shining: "You are still not me! How can you be so cowardly!"

Old Winky: "It's not a question of whether to be cowardly or not, it's wisdom. Regarding this, I'm young Winky."

Jin Shining "Xian Wang Shan, what do you think?"

Xian Wang wins, "Reconstruction after the disaster, please do not disturb."

Jin Shining "You!! We are the united front!"

Xian Wang Shan: "You still know that we are on the same front! Then let me ask you, what do you do every day! Play games for those who play games, watch anime for those who watch anime! Have you ever thought of coming to help me! You! Are you still human!"

Jin Shining "We are Heroic Spirits."

Wise King Shining "..."

Damn!!! Xian Wang flash offline, no matter...

The rest of the people couldn't survive. Seeing that the scene had turned cold, Ling Ye didn't talk nonsense, "Then my king, come to my room for a while, let's go around together."

My king, "It's night now, what are you asking me to do in your room, don't you leave tomorrow morning?"

Ling Ye "......"

In an instant, the whole group was cold, and Ling Ye was in a cold sweat holding the moon machine. My king, when did you become: natural!!! No, if you don’t log off now, let’s wait! Just log off! Xiao Mo: "Ling Ye!!!! Ling Ye Ling Ye! You have the ability to let the father go to your room! You have the ability to not dive! You bastard, come out for me!!!!"

Chapter 1038 ━━I call you Mom, but you call me Sister

I call you Mom, and you call me Sister, "Hei Wang, I'll leave this to you first, I'll go back."

In the slime world, my king handed over the matter here to the black king, and then turned around and left.

On the other side, the black king nodded to my king.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."



My king suddenly remembered something, "What about Xiao Mo, why didn't I see her today?"

The black king looked at the puzzled my king and said silently, "I asked her to take Xiao 1 to the dwarf country for shopping."

"Oh, is that so?"

My king nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Then, just as my king was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, bang! There was a sound of a heavy object hitting. Hearing this sound, my king was taken aback, "What is that sound?" "

Hearing my king's words, the black king's expression changed, but immediately after a second.

Responding, "Oh, maybe there are mice, you know, this is a forest after all."

"But, how can the mouse's voice be so loud?"

"Maybe it's a demonized mouse, it's a monster after all, the sound is normal."


Let Merlin set up some magic circles tomorrow, and don't let so many mice in."

My king didn't doubt it either, she turned around and left here, and when my king left, there was a faint smile on the face of the black king, and then she came to the cabinet on the side, suddenly Open.

Boom! In an instant, two small figures fell out, and these two figures were Xiao Mo and Xiao 1.

It's just that at this moment the bodies of the two little girls are tightly bound, and their mouths are also covered with two pieces of cloth,!

The black king released the **** between the two of them... and the moment the bond was released, Xiao Mo threw himself into the arms of the black king, "Father! It's obvious that I was the first to come! If the father It's the same as Ling Ye! Don't I want to be called Queen Ling Ye!"

My King 1 "That...,,, call me Father."

Brush! Xiao Mo stared fiercely, and for a moment, my king shrank his head and dared not speak.

Don't look at her as Xiao Mo's father, but regardless of her actual age or biological age, she is Xiao Mo's elder, so,,

Xiao Mo......has been taking care of her like a big sister.