MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5318 : Magic will strength

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

The war broke out finally.

Tiangong naturally believes that Ye Mo has received three pieces of the sacred artifacts. As for Ye Mo, it is impossible to admit that he did not take it. He said that he took it, but instead he became a card that could make Tiangong murder.


Ye Mo and the Emperor of the East Emperor, have been fighting for the war, sixty dragon spirits, behind them, each dragon soul, all show their own means, to the East Emperor.

This Eastern Emperor, but did not make any strong counterattack, one-handed wave, a simple stroke, it resisted Ye Mo's hand, and Ye Mo's attack, shocked back.

This means has transcended the ordinary heaven.

In the eyes of this incarnation of the heavens, the strength is much stronger than that at the time of the penalty.

"Ye Mo, I really didn't think about it. You actually practiced the chaos power to break through the limits of your own when the gods and fellow practitioners, but today is your death."

The Emperor of the East Emperor said faintly, with a big hand and a wave, Ye Mo’s side turned out to be illusory, and another piece of heaven and earth.

This is the means by which the peak of the heavens can be realized.

That piece of heaven and earth, containing countless creatures, seems to be providing a steady stream of heaven to the Emperor.

"The world is broken!"

The Emperor of the Eastern Emperor was pinched, and the Emperor of Heaven, began to break up directly, spread out, and shocked Ye Mo.

Ye Mo urged to reverse the fate, constantly reverse his own destiny, and even spurred the return of the ninety-nine, but the body was still hit by cracks, a trace of blood flowing out.

"Ye Mo, the incarnation of the emperor, has been restored to the peak of Tuo Tian, ​​how do you fight with this Emperor?"

The Emperor of Heavenly Emperor looked high and looked at Ye Mo: "You are indeed very strong. I am afraid that it is almost the same as the old guy who is far from the ancients. Unfortunately, in front of the Emperor, this is not the case. In the past, he was attacked by the ancients. The strength of the emperor's incarnation has not yet reached the level of today. Now, the emperor will let you understand the strength of the peak of the earth."


The body of the Emperor of the East Emperor immediately became taller, as if he had become the only one of the Emperor of Heaven. He grabbed a long sword in his hand and killed it.

This kind of momentum comes from this world.

"Reverse time and space!"

Ye Mo’s heart moved, the gas of the rebelliousness converges, turns into a time pointer, and instantly disappears in front of the Emperor of the East Emperor. At the same time, it has appeared behind the Emperor of the Emperor, and the mysterious killing technique directly runs out.

"Reversing time and space is powerful, but it only has the effect of running away. You ran, what about your friends?"

The Emperor of the East Emperor was very cold, turned around, grabbed the big hand, held a world in his hand, and all the murderous, all blocked in that world.

At the same time, he also directly seized Ye Mo's long gun.

However, Ye Mo’s next moment disappeared in front of the Emperor’s Emperor and appeared in another space.

Sixty dragon spirits are directly merged together, turned into a dragon, and they go.

At the same time as the ancestral bombardment, the heavens and the earth seemed to return to the ancient times.

That Zulong, directly hitting the body of the Emperor of the Emperor, caused a rupture in his body.

Donghuang Tiandi was shocked and said: "A tyrannosaurus that has not yet formed, is it so powerful? However, you can never collect seventy-two dragon souls, because those ancestral inheritors have all They were all exiled by the Emperor."

Between the words, he stabbed his sword and directly broke the slaying of the ancestral dragon.

"The Emperor of Heaven is already the peak of the heavens. He has mastered many means, but he has not yet been able to kill Ye Mo."

The eyes of the goddess of the queen are flickering. Even if the heavens of Ye Mo are recovered, they still fail to kill Ye Mo. This Ye Mo has already threatened them.

"This Ye Mo, if he let him practice again, it will be even more terrible."

"What are you afraid of? We still have the magic to be an adult, but I am really afraid that he will be overwhelming?"

Many elders of the emperor are also talking about it. Nowadays, they seem to have recognized the existence of the Emperor of the East, even if he is a heavenly road, as long as they can maintain the order of the heavens and the earth, they can obey.

Or, in their hearts, they dare not give birth to the idea of ​​rebelliousness.

Because once it is rebellious, its own heaven will be taken back.

"Ye Mo, even if the avatar reached the peak of the day, you can't help you. Now, the power of the power of rebellion has really been released. This battle, you are not his opponent, he can't hurt you."

Said the power of rebellion.

Wen Yan, Ye Mo did not respond, he has the power to fight back, and indeed can make himself invincible.

What's more, he has reached the level of the gods.

However, he can retreat from his body, and his companions are not necessarily.

On the other side, the devil will directly be on the masters of Baihe, Gulong, Tianjun and so on.

The devil will not even move, let them attack, it is difficult to shake the magic will be a point, really revealing strong strength.

"Heavenly life cycle!"

Baihe’s hands waved and the trees and vines together shrouded the magic.

However, the tree vine has not yet been formed, and it was torn by the devil and shattered.

"The power of your destiny has not absorbed enough essence of heaven and earth, and it will play no role in the presence of this."

The devil will say, the one-legged violent shock, the entire ground, began to break up, a block of boulder, all fluttered up by the shock, and then under the control of the magical, one by one to the white river and other gods.

Those megaliths are no longer ordinary stones, but red stones. Once they are hit, they are seriously injured.

"Pluto guardian!"

Heaven urges the power of Pluto, in front of the Hold up a huge Phantom ghost, want to block the attack of the magic.

However, the phantom of Pluto is as fragile as paper, and a few pieces of wild stone smashed into pieces.

Those ruins of the wild, squatting on the gods of the white river and the sky, directly smothered their blood, and fell heavily on the ground.

A random move, defeated all the masters of the eternal gate, the strength of the magic will be absolutely horrible.

The ancient wild people who entered the ruins of the ruins, the strong men of the evil palace, and the ancient celestial ambush, looked at this scene, and each one showed an incredible expression.

That devil, who is it?

"White River is a strong man, but also mastered the power of rebellion, and that ancient, strength is absolutely beautiful, so a trick is defeated?"

"Who is the armor, who is it? Is it so strong?"

Even if it is not inferior to the evil emperor, it is deeply shocked. This kind of strength, who else in this world can compete with it?