MTL - The Mercenary World of Online Games-Chapter 1493 Advantages play into disadvantages [Part2 / 2]

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Germany wanted to get up and revenge on Antaeus, but Christopher didn't allow it.

Concentrating on strength and winning odds, one by one, it's really complete.

"We have also won the support of three lawmakers." Neumann reported progress.

After playing a game to complete the regime, he said that he was not good at it, but he was in dire straits, and he must work hard to promote progress.

"It will take two and a half hours to win three MPs." Christopher was also exhausted.

He somewhat regretted why he didn't learn some skills such as diplomacy. The account was too serious, and the result was all kinds of nirvana when it was awesome, but really not when it was not.

The problem is that the advantage of partial division towards combat effectiveness has disappeared in front of the first master in China. Now what is left is nothing to do, not a general strike.

And Dawei here, humming Xiaoqu smoking cigarettes, leisurely.

Almost two and a half hours later, the progress of the matrix construction skipped 50 and was completed halfway. According to Robert's estimation, the construction was almost completed in another hour or so. And the other party still hasn't moved, what does this show, that the other party persuades!

How cool!

"I will fight against you with a name card, but you dare not answer. Don't panic?"

He is not disappointed. He has the power of a country and is home. The good situation card looks like he is going to be a bad hand. Just because he was holding the king of Moi in his hand, he was so scared that he didn't dare to play cards. He was worried that everything would be the result of the bombing. Even if he had a leaflet now, the other side watched.

The opponent urged him to dare not even play the cards, and winning would be a lot less fun.

After the arrangement is completed, how can the opponent fight? People who can play can also win games with bad cards, and people who can't play are as good as blind. A group of players who only rely on cheating, when they encounter problems that cannot be solved by force, they are no different from ordinary players.

When he didn't understand the situation and despised the situation, something happened in Parliament.

See the Super Ending Search





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