MTL - The Most Generous Master Ever-Chapter 766 : You don't die, we can't sleep

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To be born in such an era is a tragedy.

The history books are vast, and in this chaotic and turbulent era, it is already a very remarkable thing to leave a heavy stroke in this turbulent river.

I don't know how many geniuses are buried in the rolling river of history, and they don't even have a name left.

Compared to these people, Ye Qiu was already remarkable.

At least, he let the world remember his name.

"Haha...Ye Qiu, Ye Qiu, you have today too!"

After being silent for a long time, seeing that the Immortal Lock Cauldron had not moved for a long time, Gongsun Tiance finally let out a frenzied laugh, unable to conceal the joy and excitement in his heart.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. Today, when I, Gongsun Tiance, made my debut, I would step on your bones and climb up this proud mountain."

"Starting today, I, Gongsun Tiance, will officially join this competition."

The current him, with pride in his chest, killed God Son Butian in the first battle of his debut, and reached the top in one battle.

This is something that many people dream of and dare not even think about, but he did it.

Once this matter got out, the name Gongsun Tiance would become famous overseas and officially enter the sight of the big bosses.

Seeing his smug smile, many people were upset, but there was nothing they could do.

Compared to him who was arrogant at this time, everyone didn't want Ye Qiu to be alive.

Because he is alive, no one can sleep.

But Gongsun Tiance is different, it doesn't matter if he lives or not, because at least he hasn't reached that height yet, and there are not a few who can defeat him.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Ye Qiu locked inside by the Immortal Suoding Cauldron, Jiaolong panicked, and he didn't expect such a thing.

It was all too sudden, to see a temporary ally collapse, and now it was his turn.

At this moment, Jiaolong had a hundred scolding words in his mind, and couldn't help wanting to export to Gongsun Tiance crazily.

Looking coldly at him holding the Immortal Locking Cauldron, he was so angry that he flicked his tail suddenly, and the power of the supreme law suddenly came to kill him.

Gongsun Tiance, who was still happy, didn't realize that Jiaolong would attack him suddenly, and was caught off guard.

"Pfft... Damn it!"

Only a mouthful of blood was spat out, and Gongsun Tiance was sent flying for hundreds of miles, his limbs and bones were all shattered by the dragon, and his body was in excruciating pain.

"Boy, you ruined my big business, I will take your life to pay for it."

Jiaolong was really vicious. In his plan, Ye Qiu was only allowed to be seriously injured, but he was not allowed to die.

Because once he died, the situation would get out of control, and it became almost impossible for him to deal with so many strong people present at the same time.

The months of waiting came in vain, Jiaolong felt an indescribable anger, and he vented it all on Gongsun Tiance.

With a heavy blow, Gongsun Tiance was caught off guard, and before he could catch his breath, Jiaolong came again.

At this moment, Gongsun Tiance seemed to have seen his own death, and his mood fell to the bottom in an instant.

He never thought that he, who was still in high spirits just now, fell into the altar in a blink of an eye.


Roaring unwillingly, seeing that Jiaolong was about to suppress and kill Gongsun Tiance, at this moment...a tiger roar came.

"Go away!"

I saw that white tiger Liyuan made a sudden move, and with a swoop, he flew the dragon away.

Jiaolong was furious.

"Chop Suey, are you looking for death?"

Even in the face of the remnants of the white tiger who also belonged to the golden bloodline, Jiaolong was still very rude, his eyes were full of contempt.

In his eyes, such mixed-blooded creatures are simply not ranked high.

Li Yuan naturally knew that he was no match for Jiaolong, but he still didn't take a step back.

"Fuze, I admit that you are very strong, but now, you can't kill him, at least I want to confirm that Ye Qiu is really dead."

Li Yuan responded imposingly, never taking a step back.

After finally seeing a chance to really kill Ye Qiu, even if he risked his life, he still wanted to keep Gongsun Tiance.

Because once he died, no one would be able to control the Immortal Suoding Cauldron. At that time, if Ye Qiu came out again, it would be a massacre.

Hearing what Li Yuan said, everyone who originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and was going to watch Jiaolong Fuze take care of Gongsun Tiance, realized this one after another, and quickly stood up.

"That's right, Fuze, we don't care if you want to kill him, but not now."

Another immemorial remnant said.

Seeing this scene, Fu Ze suddenly understood that his own situation was over.

On the other side, those few golden bloodlines who had been chasing him fiercely, the descendants of the emperor's blood also followed.

"Haha...Fuze, don't worry, Ye Qiu is dead, it will be your turn soon."

"Aren't you crazy just now? Now I want to see if you have any help."

A head of golden blood sneered, at this moment, Fuze has really reached a situation where the whole world is enemy.

All the creatures standing densely in front of him wanted to put him to death.

However, even in the face of such pressure, his momentum remained undiminished, revealing the power of a true dragon.

"It's up to you? Let's go together, I have nothing to fear."

With a dragon's roar, in anger, Fuze's firepower was fully activated, and dozens of masters in the Zhou Fangtiandi were swept up in a gust of wind, forced to open the domain, and directly pulled them into the vortex, and started a **** fight.

A world-shattering battle kicked off. In order to save the ally he wanted to kill, Fuze went into a state of extreme madness.

Because he knows very well that one wins and one loses.

Once Ye Qiu died, he probably wouldn't be able to live.

Therefore, he concentrated all his firepower on Gongsun Tiance in an attempt to break through the Immortal Locking Cauldron from the outside.

It's a pity that many masters protected him so well that they didn't give him any chance at all.

However, although he didn't hit the Suoxian Ding head-on, the powerful impact of Fuze still indirectly helped Ye Qiu.

During the flow of the powerful runes, the Immortal Locking Cauldron was constantly impacted from the outside, causing the internal cracks to further increase.

Seeing this scene, at this moment...Ye Qiu, who was in the Immortal Lock Cauldron, showed an excited smile.

"Haha, there is no unparalleled road. Senior Tianhorn Ant, today I, Ye Qiu, owe you a favor. If I am lucky enough to meet your old heir in the future, I will take good care of you. Thank you..."

Ye Qiu clasped his fists with a sense of gratitude, and his hands landed firmly on the rune of that day's horned ant.

In an instant, shocking power rushed into Ye Qiu's body. At that moment... Ye Qiu seemed to have been sublimated.


A long groan, this long-lost carefree feeling is hard to resist.

The overwhelming power in his body boiled completely, his eyes stayed on his arms, and Ye Qiu was ecstatic at the golden runes that were revealed.

"Skyhorn Ant Treasure Art! Extreme Strength?"

"Haha... It's really hard to find nowhere to find it. It doesn't take much effort to get it."

"bring it on!"

With an angry shout and a bang, Ye Qiu slammed his fist into the crack.

In an instant, the entire interior of the Suoxian Cauldron trembled violently, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains.

And the outside world was stunned by the sudden noise, and the chaotic battlefield fell silent in an instant.

"This kid, is he still alive?"

At this time, Fuze, who was seriously injured, couldn't believe that Ye Qiu in the Immortal Locking Cauldron was still alive.