MTL - The Most Powerful BOSS In the Heavens-Chapter 873v3 Sky ghost

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  Chapter 873 Heavenly Ghost

   "It turned out to be you!" The old grave guard's body tensed up, and he looked at Ning Que in shock with a terrifying look.

   "I haven't seen you in a million years, fellow Taoist, your body is still very strong!" Ning Que said with a smile, his whole body seemed very relaxed - he was invincible, of course he was relaxed.

  The grave guard took a deep breath, but the turmoil in his heart was still difficult to calm down.

  Ning Que was the last person to appear in the first battle of the ancient times, but he left an unforgettable impression on the old man who guarded the tomb and all the ancient gods who survived that battle.

   The King of Chaos was a heaven-defying master and a formidable enemy that the ancient gods feared, but he was trampled on the head by Ning Que's careless foot.

  The Dao of Heaven is the ultimate enemy of the ancient gods. In the battle of the ancient times, hundreds of millions of gods and demons shed blood, and even sacrificed several heaven-defying powerhouses to almost injure the Dao of Heaven.

  However, Ning Que can scare Heaven.

  The ancient gods such as the old man who guarded the tomb could hardly imagine what kind of state Ning Que's strength had reached.

   Therefore, they defined Ning Que as the number one taboo in history.

   Now that Ning Que appeared in front of him alive again, how could the old grave guard remain calm?

   "After the first battle of the ancient times, we searched the world for traces of you... but we never found you. We all thought that you had fallen in the battle with Heaven."

   said the old man who guarded the grave.

  For Ning Que, a taboo existence that can threaten the Dao of Heaven, the ancient gods who have always wanted to destroy the Dao of Heaven, naturally want to pull Ning Que into their camp.

   Therefore, after the First World War, many people were looking for Ning Que's trace.

   But, Ning Que is in the special time and space where the Dao of Heaven is located, how can other people find it?

  Many strong men searched the Six Realms but couldn't find Ning Que's trace, so they all thought that Ning Que had been killed by the Dao of Heaven.

  After all, all the gods know how terrifying the Heavenly Dao is, and no matter how strong Ning Que is, he probably won't be the opponent of the Heavenly Dao.

   "Tian Dao really wants to kill me... Unfortunately, it can't do it, and it's not qualified!" Ning Que smiled calmly, as if he didn't take Tian Dao seriously.

  Seeing Ning Que like this, the corner of the grave guard's mouth twitched fiercely, cursing the freak in his heart.

At the same time, he was also secretly horrified. Even Dugu Baitian, the number one taboo **** in the ancient times, did not dare to underestimate the way of heaven, but Ning Que looked like he didn't take the way of heaven seriously... Could it be that the strength of the young man in front of him has completely surpassed Heaven-defying level, reaching a higher level that even the gods don't understand?

  Suddenly, the old gravekeeper thought of what Ning Que had just said about Chen Nan, and said in surprise, "You just said that someone tampered with that kid who crawled out of the grave?"

   "That's right!" Ning Que didn't hide anything: "Not only did other people play tricks on him, but I also made some arrangements on him... In his life, he is destined to be a famous man, and he cannot be mediocre."

   "Even an existence like you is playing tricks on that kid. Is there anything special about that kid?" The old grave guard was completely shocked.

   "There is indeed something special... You will understand later."

  Ning Que didn't explain clearly.

  For him, deploying some tricks on Chen Nan is actually just a casual game, it doesn't matter if he succeeds or not, it's like playing an experimental game.

  However, since it is a game, it is not suitable to expose the inside story to others so quickly, otherwise it will be meaningless.

   "It seems that the old man will also pay attention to that kid in the future. I want to see what is so special about that kid that he can allow such an existence as you, and other big shots, to arrange tricks on him."

  The old man guarding the tomb was also interested, and decided to observe Chennan more in the future.

  In the simple thatched hut of the grave guard, Ning Que fulfilled his promise and invited the grave guard to drink tea... Of course, the tea was provided by the grave guard himself.

   "Fellow Daoist, what's your name?" The old grave guard asked curiously.

   "Some people used to call me Madman Ning, some called me Heavenly Emperor, and some called me the leader of Jiejiao... But the most popular one is Ning Laomo, so you can call me Ning Laomo."

  Ning Que smiled casually, frankly and detachedly.

  The old man who guarded the grave tried his best to search all his memories, but he still had no memories of all Ning Que's titles.

   "Old man, I have lived long enough. I was born before the age of ignorance, but I have never heard of your title..."

  The old grave guard smiled wryly, all the wrinkles on his face squeezed together.

   "I haven't heard of it, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This world is far bigger than you imagined, and there are far more secrets than you imagined." Ning Que said meaningfully.

   "That's true!" The old grave guard nodded, very calmly, and said: "A person is like a frog in a well, who can only see the world he can see. He lacks sufficient understanding and imagination of the world he cannot see."

   "By the way, an existence like you, which hasn't shown up for so many years, suddenly came to the cemetery of gods and demons. Could it be that you came here specially for that kid?"

   "It can't be said that I came here specially for him, but I just did some small experiments on him by the way. This time I showed up to open up the six reincarnations."

  Ning Que didn't hide anything, and there was no need to hide it, he directly stated his purpose.

   "What? Are you going to open up the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

  The old man guarding the tomb was like a rabbit, jumping three feet high, looked at Ning Que in shock, and said, "Are you going to open up the Little Six Ways like those people who used to be Dugu Baitian?"

"Small six realms? What kind of six realms is that? It can only be regarded as the fake six realms formed by putting together the inner heavens and earth of six strong people, and then blending their laws. The real six realms of reincarnation are the origin and destination of all living beings. The reincarnation place of all living beings is an important part of the laws of heaven and earth...and what I want to open up is the real reincarnation of the six realms."

   As Ning Que said, he took a sip of tea calmly.

  The old man who guarded the tomb was completely stunned when he heard Ning Que's words.

  Back then, Dugu Baitian, the Great God of Time and Space, the Ghost Lord, and three other heaven-defying powerhouses teamed up to open up the Small Six Paths and steal part of the power of the Heavenly Dao. This has been an eternal miracle.

  Now this person in front of him wants to open up the real six paths of reincarnation by himself, this courage is simply frightening to death.

  If someone else said such a thing, the old grave guard would definitely laugh and say that the other party was overreaching.

   But this was said by Ning Que, the number one taboo in history, but he couldn't help but believe it.

   "To open up the six realms of reincarnation, it is best to choose a place of absolute yin. The tomb of the gods in front of you is not bad... Forget it, this cemetery of gods and demons is arranged by others, so I will change it to another place."

   As Ning Que said, he finished drinking tea this time and walked away. The old grave guard hurriedly followed behind Ning Que.

The mountains of Fengdu in the west of Chu State are the junction of the east and west continents. In the past ten thousand years, many wars broke out between the east and west continents. The fierceness of the wars between the two continents can be imagined. Blood is like a mountain.

   In this East-West transition zone. I don't know how many military souls were buried. Fengdu Mountain has become a famous ghost town. It is said that the peaks here are all piled up from corpses, and finally sprinkled with loess and buried for a while, it can be said that there are corpses everywhere.

  This place is gloomy and gloomy, and it is known as the most cloudy place in the sky and on the earth!

  Black clouds surged, shadows of souls were indistinct in the mist, and the endless Fengdu Mountains were extremely terrifying in the yin.

   And in the mountains of Fengdu, there is also a sect of exorcising corpses from the Eastern Land Sect.

   This faction has an ancient heritage, and its strength is extremely amazing.

   According to the rumor, the Corpse Exorcist Sect once gave birth to the corpse emperor, and that corpse emperor is now a big figure in the heaven. And in the Corpse Sect, there are also many old antiques that have been cultivated for thousands of years.

  In the world, there are not many forces who are brave enough to provoke the exorcist faction.

  Of course, for such existences as Ning Que and the old man who guarded the tomb, the corpse exorcist faction is insignificant.

Ning Que and the grave guard entered the mountains of Fengdu as if nothing had happened, and even walked directly into the forbidden area of ​​the Corpse Exorcist Sect. However, many monks of the Corpse Exorcist Sect, and even the corpse kings of the Corpse Exorcist Sect, could not find them at all. trail.

"This Fengdu Mountain is not simple. I found out a long time ago that there is a great formation here to block the here to prevent the yin from leaking out. The old man came here once a long time ago...and found that someone had sealed a terrible statue here. Existence, makes the old man feel a little terrified!"

  The old grave guard followed Ning Que with a frightened look on his face.

  Fengdu Mountain is endless, covered with black clouds, cloudy, and there is a saying that it is a ghostly hell.

   Legend has it that this is the so-called hell, where the souls of ordinary people return after death.

  In the turbulent black mist, there seemed to be thousands of ghosts baring their teeth and claws, with a fierce aura.

   "Enough yin energy!" Ning Que glanced at the mountains of Fengdu covered by endless yin energy, and nodded in satisfaction. This place is indeed suitable for opening up the underworld and the six realms of reincarnation.

   "Who is it, hurry up and break into our corpse exorcist's territory."

  Ning Que and the old grave guard had already appeared at this moment, standing on a mountain of corpses full of bones, and were immediately discovered by the exorcists.

  A mountain suddenly exploded, and three tall figures with soaring corpse aura emerged, and the evil spirit of corpses gushed out from these three figures, forming a black mist that covered the sky and the sun.

   Especially one of the figures, with disheveled hair, stood there quietly like a ghost. The unbearable rancid smell spread from there, and the empty eyes made people palpitate.

  His body was covered with large bone scales, and the dense white bone scales exuded a cold breath, and the parts that were not covered with bone scales had yellow and smelly corpse water, which was disgusting and terrifying.


  This figure opened its mouth wide, and endless black clouds and mist surged out, and the entire sky was covered in darkness.

   "Hey, this small sect actually has two corpse kings and one ancestor corpse king? It's interesting." The old grave guard looked at the three figures with great interest.

   "Jie Jie, you dare to trespass into the forbidden area of ​​our Exorcist Sect, you don't know what to do."

  The two corpse-like figures turned into two afterimages in an instant, bombarding Ning Que and the old grave guard.

   For such a small person, Ning Que just glanced at it lightly, and the other party blew himself up.

  This scene not only shocked the Ancestral Corpse King, but also shocked the entire monks of the Corpse Exorcism Sect.

   " is this possible, the two peerless corpse kings of our Corpse Exorcism Sect, died like this?" Many monks of the Corpse Exorcism Sect looked shocked.

   "Who the **** are you?"

  The Ancestral Corpse King suddenly uttered words, his empty eyes burst into light, and he looked at Ning Que solemnly.

  Ning Que didn't bother to answer, so he waved his sleeves!


  A shocking gust of wind whizzed past, and the Ancestral Corpse King and many monks of the Corpse Exorcism Sect were swept out of the mountains of Fengdu like garbage.

  However, when Ning Que swept away the Ancestral Corpse King and many monks from the Corpse Exorcism Sect, a terrifying existence sleeping in a small world in the mountains of Fengdu was also awakened.

  A peak collapsed suddenly, a monstrous ghostly aura rushed straight into the sky, and a huge, pale shadow rushed up from the ground, making a piercing ghostly howl, which sent chills down the spine.

   "What? A heavenly ghost?"

  The old man who guarded the tomb looked at the existence that suddenly appeared, and his face showed a look of astonishment, but he didn't expect that there was a heavenly master in Fengdu Mountain.

   Behind the thick dead air, there is a huge———skeleton skull!

  It is as high as a mountain!

  The pale skull is more dazzling than the snow mountain!

  A huge skull floated over the Fengdu Mountains, surrounded by violent black magic clouds, and endless evil spirits surrounded it. Its ferocious and terrifying appearance is extremely frightening. In the two eye sockets of its pale skull, two ghost fires are beating violently. It stares at Chen Nan in a horrifying manner, exuding endless evil spirit.

  At this moment, the powerhouses in the entire human world and the heavenly world were shocked.

   "...then, what is that?"

  In the mortal world, many powerhouses activated their divine thoughts, and when they saw the huge skull above the Fengdu Mountains, they all felt suffocated.

   This is beyond their imagination.

  In the heavens, no matter whether it is the many gods of the Eastern Immortal Realm or the gods of the Western Immortal Realm, they all lost their color at this moment.

Now the world is still relatively calm, and there have been a long time since the heavenly rank masters appeared. Even many strong men who grew up in this era think that the strongest is the **** emperor level strong man, and has forgotten that there are heavenly rank strong men. exists.

  Now I feel the terrifying coercion of the skull far above the emperor, and I am shocked and inexplicable.

  Only people above the three moons can calmly look at the skull.

  Ning Que watched the skull calmly. Under his eyes, there was nothing to hide from the skull. He clearly saw the essence of the huge skeleton.

  The skull like a giant mountain is made up of thousands of small skulls.

  The terrifying fluctuations it emits are surprisingly amazing, that is definitely the power of heaven!

   It's a ghost!


  The shrill sound of ghost cries emanated from the huge skull, instantly making the entire Fengdu mountain range full of ghost howls. This is a veritable place of death.

  The sky ghost opened its huge white mouth, and swooped in. The moment the white mouth opened, the wind howled, and the mist surged towards Ning Que.

   "Who is it that provoked such a terrifying existence?"

  Countless strong men in the human world and those in the heavenly world all looked at Ning Que.

  They basically thought that Ning Que would surely die.

  Now in this world, who else is the opponent of a ghost who surpasses the emperor?

However, everyone was stunned for a while. They saw that the sky ghost, which was as big as a giant mountain, was shrinking in size as it devoured Ning Que, and finally turned into a skull with a baby's fist. "Obely" fell into Ning Que's palm.

  In an instant, countless strong men from both worlds of heaven and man were silent for a while, and felt a burst of bone-piercing terror!

  (end of this chapter)