MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-Chapter 17 track

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The Cup and Bell Inn,

This is a well-decorated hotel located between the garbage disposal area and the trade area.

Pushing open the door of the bathroom, with a dagger stuck in the towel wrapped around her waist, Rossi came out while wiping her head.

In the living room of the suite, Dover is playing with the flintlock in his hand. On the round table next to it, there were more than a dozen plates of food.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?"

Facing Rossi's question, Dover, who was wearing sunglasses, tilted his head coolly.

"Wait for you."

What are you waiting for? It's not the time when someone chased you to pick up garbage and eat it, and you had to share a piece of moldy bread between two people.

Because only a towel was wrapped, Rossi exposed her upper body: there were dense scars everywhere, knife wounds, gunshot wounds, burns, welts...

Not to mention other people, even Rossi was taken aback when she saw this tragic body in the bathroom mirror.

Recalling the experience of "once", even the mature Rossi couldn't bear it.

Sure enough, the greatest evil will always be human beings themselves.

"Let's eat together,"

As Rosie sat down and picked up the knife and fork, Dover also put down the gun and began to grab food and munch!

Even when they were eating, their weapons were always within easy reach.

"Dover, we need to recruit people."

Although the two of them could start the Pinta, it was a waste of time.

In Rossi's plan, at least three types of professionals, navigators, chefs, and ship doctors, need to be recruited.

Although influence is important, personal strength is even more important!

While developing power and eyeliner, you also need to seize the time to improve your own strength.

In this world, the top powerhouses are truly able to achieve "one-handed battle for thousands of miles, and one punch has blocked a million divisions", so strength and influence must be grasped with both hands, and both hands must be hard.


Dover frowned, and while biting the lobster in his hand fiercely, he shook his head.

"I can't trust others!"

Based on the experience of the two being hunted down before, it is normal for Dover to instinctively reject other people.

Tilting her head back, she took a sip of beer and flushed down her mouthful of food. Rosie wiped her lips.

"...Don't be so absolute, one day we will also meet like-minded companions."

"If we want to make money, shipping is the easiest way."

Except for the 'red earth continent' that divides the world, the rest of the countries are almost all islands: the difference is only the size.

Because of the barrier of the sea, there is a huge difference in materials and production capacity between the islands. Ordinary minerals or products on one island are sought-after commodities on another island!

So shipping is very profitable, just like the Pinta: you can earn tens of millions of Baileys in just one trip.

At the same time, a large number of pirates were born!

"But those 'dynamite rocks' are the most important thing."

The tens of millions of Bailey's profits from the iron wine mine were nothing more than the salaries originally distributed to many sailors.

The real income of the captain, navigator, and boatswain is the huge profits from smuggling explosives. — According to the information that Rossi inquired, a barrel of dynamite rocks can be sold for millions of Baileys, and there are more than a dozen barrels of such oak barrels on board!

However, the explosive rock Rossi on board is not going to be sold, because guns need gunpowder.

These high-efficiency explosives are also a powerful force in the hands of the current two!

"Recruitment is imperative anyway, Dover."

The wind and clouds usually finished the table full of food, and Rossi, who had suddenly gained more than ten kilograms, changed into a small black sportswear with a hood, and stuck the dagger in his waist.

"I'll leave this matter to you. You can't let me do everything alone, can you?"

In order to turn the cargo on the ship into money, Rossi spent almost all of his energy fighting wits with the businessman Wesker during this period.

Now that a shipment of goods has begun to disguise itself, although most of the money is still in Wesker's hands, unless Wesker abandons his hometown connections, status, and real estate business for the tens of millions of Baileys, he will not be afraid of them reneging on his debts.

"All right,"

Dover also understood that Rossi was busy making money during this period, and he should also share part of the work.

Just, recruiting people?

After eating and drinking, the two men left the hotel and walked towards Pier No. 3.

The Pinta stayed at the pier, and there were workers hired by Wesker to unload the cargo, and carpenters were repairing the bombed captain's cabin and deck, which was why Rossi and the others dared to go ashore to eat and drink.



Not long after walking, Rossi, whose speed remained unchanged, frowned.

After eating the Silent Fruit, he was very sensitive to the changes in the sound, which was a kind of 'strengthening' that came with the fruit.

"Well, we're being followed."

In any case, they had the experience of "running for their lives" for several years. Even in the streets with people coming and going, both of them noticed the dodging figure behind them and the secretly looking eyes.

Now that they had spotted the stalker behind them, the two immediately quickened their pace.

When passing by an alley, the two of them disappeared in the alley with a flash of agility.

? !

"Found us..."

"Hurry up!"

The two people in front of them were out of sight, and the gangsters who were dodging and following all the way on the street were shocked, and immediately rushed to the alley without caring about other things.

The ferocious expressions of these people, the weapons exposed under their clothes while running, made the pedestrians around subconsciously lower their heads and get out of the way.

For ordinary people in this world, it is not bad to be able to survive.

Killing the strong in a fit of rage is just a daily routine.


Several gangsters rushed into the alley suddenly, and even if they went deep into the corner of the alley, there was no one in sight.

"Damn it, they escaped!"

"What should I do? This is what Brother Torre ordered..."

"Go to Pier 3! Stay around their boat, and you won't believe those two brats won't show up!"

The gangsters turned left and right a few times bitterly, and could only helplessly admit that they really lost their target.

No, they were not 'lost'.

"Already know about Pier 3... It's moving faster than I thought."

? !

The sound from behind made several hooligans turn around abruptly. In front of them, two blond boys stood in the shadows, blocking the entrance of the alley.

"Don't be afraid,"

"It's just two brats!"

Although the leader of the hooligans was taken aback by Rossi and Dover's "walking around" actions, what is the most important thing when they come out to gangsters?

It's face!

"Little brat, don't think you're going to be arrogant just because you beat up Tony that trash!"

Walking in front of Rossi in a few steps, compared to the murderous Dover, the gang leader instinctively chose this mild-faced kid as a breakthrough point.


Bending down, he grabbed Rosie by the neckline.

"Don't inquire, the whole processing area belongs to our 'four-suit' family—"


A small hand also grabbed the gangster leader's collar, interrupting his threat.

In the alley, the two twisted each other's collars, and the scene looked very funny for a while.

Compared with the adult gang leader, Rossi, who is only over one meter old due to malnutrition, has a very obvious height disadvantage.

But in this world, height and shape are not the criteria for judging strength.


Pulling the opponent's collar, Rossi stepped forward suddenly, bent his knees, turned around, and threw the opponent into the air!

Although it was just an ordinary 'throwing technique', given the difference in size between the two of them, it was impossible for them to do such an unbelievable movement normally.


In the next second, the leader of the hooligans passed Rossi and fell heavily on the ground, his cheeks making intimate contact with the ground.

This fall not only has Rossi's strength, but also the opponent's own weight, plus the impact of the forward throw.


Blood, broken teeth, and **** things were mixed together. The leader of the gangster curled up on the ground covering his face, and blood continued to ooze from the gaps between his fingers.

? !

The other gangsters stared wide-eyed, facing the shock of their leader being 'knocked down' by one blow, they almost thought they were hallucinating.

"Stupid...screw him...!"

Amidst the roar of the fallen leader leaking air, the gangsters finally came to their senses.


The chaotic figures rushed towards Rossi immediately, with murderous intent!

They are the members of the largest gang in the handling area, the 'Four Suits'. They are not the soft guys who only know how to steal and bully the market, but the ruthless people who dare to fight and kill.


"Little devil, court death!"

The first gangster pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed Rossi in the chest without hesitation.

Fast, accurate and ruthless!

Faced with this fatal blow, Rossi did not retreat but advanced, and kicked high and high.


The dagger spun and flew towards the sky, reflecting a cold light.


Before the gangster whose wrist was numb and whose weapon had been kicked off reacted, Rossi had already rushed in front of him, grasping his fingers like an awl, and stabbing the opponent's throat suddenly.


The **** pierced the throat fiercely, causing the opponent's Adam's apple cartilage to burst on the spot, and suddenly squeezed the trachea and esophagus into a line.


Covering his throat with his hands, the ashen-faced **** fell to the ground.

This blow directly made him unable to even breathe.

Retract your legs, and kick out head-on like a spring!

With this kick, the strength of Rossi's waist and legs was concentrated, and he hit the crotch of the second gangster who rushed forward.


With a slight cracking sound, the unlucky guy's eyes popped out on the spot, his mouth grew to the limit, and the severe pain beyond his physical limit made him fall straight to the side.

With a kick of this thorn, the rabbit would rise and fall as fast as a falcon.

And the dagger that was kicked flying before began to fall, and the blade was aimed at the top of Rossi's head.


Raising his hand and grabbing it, his five fingers firmly grasped the handle of the falling dagger!

Turning the wrist forward again, the murder weapon stopped in front of the neck of the third gangster who rushed forward. The sharp blade made the opponent tremble, and his crotch became wet on the spot.


"I surrender!"

Come out to hang out, what is the most important thing?

It's a wink!

Ahem, please ask for a recommendation ticket or something... how about it?