MTL - The New Order of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 646 I am you and you are not me

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Angry demons, bewildered demons, and demons who frightened their livers trembled from the void one after another.

Void energies tainted by the Heart of Y'Shaarj are infused into these demons.

More is evil energy. Argus the Unmaker has been used as a battery for resurrecting the Burning Legion for thousands of years. The power of the Titans is mixed with too many kinds of evil energy. The chaotic emotions have been hitting Vanessa. heart.

Carrying the thoughts of an incarnation of a planet with personal thoughts, even if Vanessa is already at the peak level among demigods, even if she reads various classics with pandaren, fights various evil spirits, and her state of mind is very high, But at this time, he was still overwhelmed by the boundless negative emotions.

Killing, pain, despair, hatred, she accepted the titanic power of Argus the Destroyer, and naturally also bore this part of her inner burden.

Fortunately, the paths of the Burning Legion and her Flame Druid are somewhat similar, except that one is reckless, the other is limited burning, and many basic points of view are similar.

"Let this world burn!" She continuously released the dirty evil energy in her body.

A huge earthquake began on the land of Argus, and the eruption speed of underground magma was at least ten times stronger than usual.

The already shattered earth was made even more terrifying. Volcanoes erupted, earthquakes continued, and the sky was suppressed to the extreme. It was a scene before the world was destroyed.

If the "enthusiastic citizens" of Stormwind City saw this scene, they would proudly declare that this was the ideal Twilight Trial in their hearts.

The demons who could bathe in the magma in the past were chased by the flames and ran around. From time to time, the demons whose souls returned to Argus were resurrected by Vanessa. A lot of evil energy and the power of the void were poured into them. It is ever-changing, and there are all kinds of things.

Like a dread demon king who has been roasted by fire, a five-meter-tall succubus covered in explosive muscles, and a hellhound the size of a wild boar supported by evil energy.

Vanessa welcomes anyone who comes, who died in Azeroth, who died in Outland, who died at the hands of the Holy Light Legion, as long as it is a demon that binds her soul to Argus, she will kill all kinds of messy things in her body. Throw the pollution over, and then forcefully pull it up to revive.

The dead demons help her purify the pollution in the power of the Titans, and the living demons help her clean up those polluted demons. The living demons become dead demons, and the dead demons are resurrected by her in a blink of an eye. Si's power is being consumed rapidly, but the purity of energy is gradually improving.

About thirty percent? She secretly calculated the gap between the two.

After getting rid of the negative emotional impact at the first moment, as the upper limit of her container continued to rise, the speed of her absorption of the power of Argus also gradually accelerated.

Argus the Annihilator had escaped from the 30-second short-term control of the Spirit Binder, and now he regained partial sobriety.

But the power of Kazgros in his body reached a high point. He didn't want to give up these pure energies, and he didn't know how to refuse them at all, so Vanessa forced him to **** them in and send them out.

"Did you see? In fact, I am you, and these pure energies belong to you." Vanessa was still bewitching the silly boy Argus.

Argus had never been in contact with Titans other than Sargeras, so he naturally didn't know Khazgoros.

To be honest, he likes the energy that Vanessa conveyed very much, and he likes it very much. The purity in it is something he can only think of in the deepest part of his dream.

"I am you?" The lie was told a thousand times, and he gradually believed it: "Are you the newly born consciousness in my body?"

This is what she said when she was first fooled. Now that Vanessa has successfully transitioned to the second stage, of course she will not insist on this statement.

She tried to induce: "Think again? When you see these pure energies, what do you think of? What is the most important thing about Titan? The core of Titan's power is not change, not repair, but creation, from the inside out, from the mountains and rivers to rivers, from rocks to fire, from fantasy to reality, from nothing to something..."

She took Eonar's words as her own understanding, and made a fuss about it.

In fact, she didn't understand a lot of things, but Argus, a real titan, believed more than half of them.

While the other party was pondering carefully, she entered the second stage at the right time: "You should have some impression, right? I am you, I am the kindest part of your heart, and you are a new personality produced after being polluted by evil energy! "

Her words were earth-shattering, thrown out when Argus the Eliminator was concentrating, and the other party couldn't help being surprised: "Me?...Could it be that you mean...meaning that I am the heart Demon? I am the inner monologue? And you are the main body?"

Vanessa sighed leisurely: "I have to hide, otherwise Sargeras will completely destroy the kindness in our hearts, and you...I'm sorry, I have to let you suffer all the pain and suffering alone."

From I am the demon, I am you, to you are me, you are the demon, Vanessa slowly adjusted her role, and at the same time increased the intensity of feeding.

The power of Khazgros in her body is getting less and less, while the power of Titan belonging to Argus is getting more and more.

This is so much that it has even reached the point where it affects her figure.

Being instilled with huge energy made her very uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but want to stand up straight.

A very casual stretching movement, the energy in the body flows to the heart and limbs, every drop of blood, every nerve is washed by the massive energy, and without finding a way to control her, she becomes a giant at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Vanessa was fifty meters tall, and she exuded dazzling light all over her body. Her golden eyes were the same as before, but the holy and pure golden light had already covered most of her body.

She is wearing a gilt gold helmet with two wings beside her ears, her wrist and knee pads are fiery red, and she is also wearing a robe that looks a bit like ancient Greece.

"You...!" The soulbinder knew that he was in big trouble, he trembled and didn't know what to say.

"Get away! Let's go! Take him away!" The last two sentences were addressed to the murloc chef. The spiritbinder didn't dare to stay any longer, and escaped from Argus like the murloc chef on an ecological boat.

"Uh... so strong!" Vanessa felt that she was so strong now, and this was only about 40% of the energy of Argus.

Her body can continue to grow, and she can grow as big as the planet Argus is.

But the work is not finished yet, in order to prevent the demons from interfering with her, she will continue to wait for a while.

She drew a blood-red scythe from the leylines.

This is the Scythe of the Eliminator, the special weapon of the Titan Argus. It is a bit like a companion spirit treasure. Now this weapon, hehehe...