MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 61 Lead the snake out of the hole (one more)

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The streets here are full of potholes and bricks,the rainwater from last night has accumulated in it, but although it is a slum, it is within the jurisdiction of the imperial capital after all,sewage The sorting system is still very complete,there is no excessive stench.

Stay,Wherever you go, it seems to be shrouded in a thick cloud.

Those are not like the wealthy areas outside,The door that has been carefully cleaned by servants is overgrown with weeds, and the corners are visibly dirty,The glass of the windows is also full of It's stains, and there are some personal items hanging upeven some with small advertisements.

Xie Quan walking on such a street,can't help feeling in his heart.

As expected of the imperial capital,The slums are much cleaner and tidy than other places.

To be honest, Xie Quan's clothes are not eye-catching, wearing an old T-shirt and slacks,There is also a bulky backpack with many signs of wear and tear, which makes him like this environment is very harmonious.

However, Xie Quan's picturesque appearance and figure make him stand out from the crowd.

A scantily clad Beta greeted her, "Little brother,Where do you live? I'll take you off?"

Speaking,hand wanted to touch Xie Quan, Xie Quan stretched out his hand to block, "No need."

Then keep moving forward without stopping.

He walked firmly, and the inquiring eyes of the surrounding did not affect him in the slightest.

But in reality he had absolutely no idea where he was going.

He was just waiting,waiting for something to happen, for some people to come.

"Is it Major General Ji? I'm Lilith Nolia." Although she was anxious, Lilith's voice remained calm.

In the office, Ji Cheying glanced at Joseph who had transferred the communication, apparently surprised that Lilith could have a way to contact him.

But since everyone has come to the door, Ji Cheying can only ask temporarily: "Is something wrong?"

Lilith was still standing at the place where she was separated from Xie Quan. She looked at the direction where the young man disappeared. There was no young man at the narrow street, but she still looked at it persistently. that direction.

Hearing the low and stern voice from the other end of the communication, her heart calmed down slightly.

She first explained: "I asked Mr. Corey for the contact information of your military department, and I contacted rashly because it was urgent."

Ji Cheying raised her eyebrows slightly puzzled, he really couldn't think of what urgent matter would this darling in the upper class have with him, if it weren't for Xie Quan and her at the military school that day When they met, he didn't even remember the other person's appearance.

The next second he heard the other party say: "That's it, Mr. Xie went to the slum alone, I'm a little worried about his safety, Major Ji, you and..."

Ji Cheying didn't wait for Lilith to finish speaking, he frowned and asked, "What is he doing in the slum?"

Lilith was not obsessed with finishing what was interrupted before, she immediately replied: "I don't know either, at first we were just wandering around, and we'll be there soon. It's in the ghetto, I tried to stop him, but... the order in the ghetto is chaotic, Mr. Xie is alone, and I'm afraid he is in danger."

It's not that Lilith didn't really think about going with the other party, but she's an Omega, and a nobleman, such a person walking in a slum will only be more noticeable and thank you springs increase risk.

So after a second thought, Lilith gave up the idea of ​​following up, and decided to contact Major General Ji who regarded Xie Quan as a baby with eyes.

, just the public communication channel of the military.

After hearing this, Ji Cheying simply replied, "I see, thank you for letting me know."

After hanging up the communication, Ji Cheying dialed Xie Quan's communication almost without stopping. At this time, he waved his hand to signal Joseph to quit.

The moment Joseph closed the door, the communication was connected.

Xie Quan's voice like a clear stream sounded, "What's wrong?"

Ji Cheying listened to him, her voice a little noisy, he asked: "Are you still in the slum? What are you doing in the slum?"

Xie Quan was a little surprised, "How do you know I'm in a slum?" There was a bit of displeasure in his voice, "Are you monitoring me?"

"I'm not that bored, Lilith Nolia told me, you haven't answered me yet, what are you doing in the slum?" Ji Cheying tapped the tabletop restlessly with her fingers.

"Don't do anything, just walk around."

"If you want to go shopping, I will accompany you. Now you are alone, come back first."

"It's fine."

Listening to Xie Quan's indifferent voice, Ji Cheying felt a little impatient, and his voice became severe, "Xie Quan!"

Ji Cheying and Lilith are so nervous about Xie Quan entering the slum alone, although there are some reasons for the confusion, but more because the slum is indeed very unsafe.

There is a group of people who live in urban subsistence allowances, or who cannot afford high rents, and who enter the customs illegally live together.

The biggest problem in slums is the problem of public security.

A nobleman once sneered at the ghetto: "What else can you expect a group of mice to do? Of course, do what mice do."

Fighting, provocation and trouble, illegal business…

It is the epitome of darkness in a city, a den of crime.

In the eyes of Ji Cheying and Lilith, Xie Quan is like a delicious lamb, entering such a criminal lair alone, so why not be swallowed alive?

Faced with Ji Cheying's impatience and worry, Xie Quan always seemed extraordinarily calm.

He just said: "I'll go back later." After a pause, he lowered his eyes and added hesitantly, "You don't have to worry."

Before Ji Cheying spoke, Xie Quan ended the call without authorization.

Ji Cheying looked at the disconnected call, his face was gloomy, and a storm was brewing in his eyes.

Here, the reason why Xie Quan hangs up communication is nothing else.

What he was waiting for happened.

Two men and one woman, but both were Beta, they blocked in front of Xie Quan with smiles on their faces and malice in their eyes.

"This gentleman looks very raw and has nothing to do during the day. Why don't we have a drink together."

"Yeah, let's have a drink."

Xie Quan looked at these people and knew it.

It's a hooligan.

The one who wants to take advantage of him.

He thought about it and said, "No." His voice was clear, "You are too ugly."


Not only the three people in front of them, but the surroundings fell into a strange silence.

Probably, I have never seen such an arrogant person.

So much so that they doubted their ears.

One of the men took a step forward and shoved Xie Quan hard, "Do you TM say it again?"

Since they all pleaded so sincerely, Xie Quan repeated the request sincerely: "You are too ugly. It is unsightly."

Seeing that they were going to come up to fight Xie Quan with their bare hands and bare fists, Xie Quan thought of the 'don't worry' he said to Ji Cheying before, and he took another step back.

"Wait a minute," he said.

"Oh, what, do you want to beg for mercy now? You can beg for mercy, I'll give you this chance, you..."

Xie Quan shook his head, and he said in a cool tone: "You are empty-handed, I don't like it, just bring weapons if you have one."

I saw someone who wanted to die.

I have never seen such a thought to die.

But in the next second, Xie Quan put on a good-looking ready posture. This posture, coupled with Xie Quan's fearless attitude, really made the three of them somewhat They looked at each other apprehensively.

Is it really Lianjiazi?

Not yet?

The three of us are still afraid of his little white face? Copy something!

How can there be few people who can do bad things in such a block, one person took out a sharp dazzling dagger from his pocket, one person took out a punch, one person took out from the road He took an iron rod beside him.

"I will teach you to be a good man today!"

With a roar, the three of them rushed towards Xie Quan with their weapons.

Xie Quan, who was the target, did not move, just stood there quietly watching these people attack him.

Daggers, punches, iron rods, when they were about to hit Xie Quan, the three sharp sounds of '咻'''咻'''咻' caused a breeze in the air .

in front of yourself.


The people on the street panicked and began to hide in all directions, and the center of the incident - Xie Quan's eyes were like torches, and his sharp eyes swept directly to the direction from which the anesthesia bomb was fired.

At the same time, he ordered: "Xiaobai, at five o'clock, investigate suspicious electronic equipment!"

Xiao Bai, who was in the light on his wrist, conveyed his answer through the receiver in Xie Quan's ear, "Come!"

When Xie Quan ran in that direction, Xiaobai had already searched the result, "There is an unregistered military detection device, which has been successfully located, and the target person is gradually moving away."

Xie Quan kept walking, he squinted and said, "Plan the nearest route, let's take a shortcut."

The woman in the cloak hurriedly shuttled through the alley without panic, but after about ten minutes, her footsteps were forced to stop.

The young man in front of him didn't know how he ran in front of him, standing in the alley, quietly blocking his way.

Grabbing her cloak, she lowered her head and stepped back, trying to turn around and run away.

However, the voice of the youth rang out.

Like a clear spring, the translucent and clear voice sounded flat and cool.

"Anna, where are you going?"

Her footsteps paused, the muscles of her body tensed, but they relaxed after a short time.

With a glass-like light.

"Yanbai... Xie Quan, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon." She greeted.

The author has something to say:This is yesterday's update ~ tonight.

The weather is good today, life is really happy - from a migrant worker who is working (don't ask, ask is I love work QAQ)
