MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 69 take away freedom

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"Welcome to Xiaocheng Talk Channel ~ Hello! I am your Xiaocheng ~ Today we will continue to pay attention to the election support rate of the crown prince."

The woman with the doll's head was sitting on a round sofa,the white wall behind her projected the photos and names of the four candidates for the crown prince.

Indicate the current approval rating below each name.

"It is said that the crown prince's election has not reached the last day, and you can never make a conclusion. Yesterday, His Royal Highness Saroyan, who was firmly at the top of the list with 60% of the support rate, was suddenly exposed in the early hours of this morning. The recording of the discriminatory remarks of the Beta crowd caused an uproar.His Royal Highness Saroyan has been loved by Emperor Hea since he was a child,has always been active in front of the public with an image of courtesy, elegance and naivety. However, in the recording that broke out in the early hours of this morning,His Royal Highness Saroyan revealed his true face...Although the recording in the early morning has been quickly processed, the support rate of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Saroyan by major polling organizations Downgraded."

The approval rate under Saroyan's name on the screen suddenly dropped from 60% to 36%.

At the same time, the support rate of the eldest princess Amelia has risen a lot.

The other two candidates, Lu Wu and Erika, did not fluctuate much,but there were also slight increases.

It can be seen that Saroyan's scandal is most beneficial to the eldest princess Amelia.

After all, the only one who has the ability to compete with Saroyan is Her Royal Highness Amelia, the eldest princess who is also directly related to Emperor Hea.

At this time, many people on the barrage began to speculate that this scandal might be the plan of the first princess.

Obviously,It's not just these melon-eating masses who will guess so.

On the second day, the eldest princess Amelia was exposed to have an affair with a number of noble men.

After such a confrontation,everyone felt that the crown prince's election war had really begun.

There was a lot of ups and downs outside, but these had nothing to do with Xie Quan.

This is his seventh day in captivity.

Since the confrontation that day,Xie Quan was no longer kept in the room.

He can move around in a small area in this house,he can even open the windows,hear the sounds of birds chirping and talking to people outside.

The man certainly wasn't totally unguarded.

The reason that Xie Quan can be assured to act like this is because he is confident that even if Xie Quan is not locked in the room, Xie Quan will not be able to escape.

On the first day,he paralyzed Xie Quan's optic nerve with medicine.

Temporarily took away Xie Quan's sight.

On the third day, he again paralyzed Xie Quan's leg muscle control nerve with medical means.

Xie Quan was temporarily deprived of his ability to walk independently.

"Next time, please be sure to let me hear a satisfactory answer from Mr.As long as Mr. promises me,your leg and eye problems will be cured immediately. "The mysterious man dropped a kiss on Xie Quan's hand with a smile, and then touched his hand suggestively.

It means that if Xie Quan doesn't agree to him next time, he will make Xie Quan temporarily unable to use his hands.

True TM is a pervert.

Metamorphosis happens every year, especially this year.

Is he too old this year? Wherever you go, you can meet perverts?

Sitting in a wheelchair,Xie Quan looked at this exquisite and wild garden, the expression on his face was like a pool of stagnant water, without any fluctuation.

He just directed the maid behind him to push himself to the edge of the garden. As I said before, the mysterious man was very relieved after taking away Xie Quan's ability to move alone, and the restrictions on his range of activities were relaxed a lot, and Xie Quan was also repeatedly testing where he could go. as well as-

He suddenly shouted, "Little Bai."

The garden is quiet, except for the crisp bird calls and subtle cicadas. On the other hand, the maid Sophia beside her was stunned for a moment. She bent down and leaned forward, "Sir?"

Xie Quan lowered his eyes, "It's okay."

The maid Sophia looked at the young man in front of her, facing her sideways, her eyes lowered, her long eyelashes covered the thoughts in her eyes, and the afterglow of the setting sun pulled his already thin and slender figure even more long.

Such a good looking man—

Her eyes fell on the young man's long, smooth legs, and the blind and unfocused eyes.

—a disability who cannot see or walk.

Sofia hides her inner unbearableness and cannot show any emotion when working in this house.

She asked in a respectful but flat voice like a robot: "Sir, do you want to go back? It's almost time for dinner."

However, the young man did not respond, until there were some small voices on the other side of the garden wall, and he suddenly asked quietly: "Where is the opposite?"

"I don't know, sir."

"There seems to be more people lately."

The maid Sophia listened carefully, and the small sounds next door were indeed the sounds of people walking.

Those footsteps were light, but they couldn't hide the hurriedness. She replied with the same tone: "I'm sorry, I'm not very clear, sir."

Although Xie Quan could not see, he still turned his head slightly in Sophia's direction, as if trying to look at her. He ordered: "I'm a little cold, please bring me a blanket."

It is summer now, although the garden is cool, it is certainly not cold.

Sophia couldn't hear that this was Xie Quan wanting to free herself, she said unmoved: "I'll let others take it right now."

"I just want you to go." Xie Quan said willful words without compromise, but his voice was as flat as ever.

Sophia frowned, but before she could speak, Xie Quan's voice sounded again.

"I can't walk or see, so what are you afraid of?" Xie Quan asked without much emotion: "Do you think I can escape from here?"


"You can listen to your loyalty and stare at me." Xie Quan continued to ask: "But in front of your master, do you think your loyalty is more important, or my mood is more important ?"

Sofia's hand gripping the wheelchair suddenly tightened.

"If I tell him that you are disrespectful to me, what will your master do to you?"

Sophia replied with some difficulty: "Sir, I just follow orders."

Hearing this sentence, Xie Quan knew that he had guessed right.

The mysterious person who can treat himself like this is definitely not a good person.

In addition, the house was so quiet as if no one existed, such a depressing atmosphere showed that the person's management methods were quite strict.

He must be a person who regards human life as a must.

I'm afraid, as long as he says he doesn't like this maid, that mysterious man can kill the maid directly to please him.

Xie Quan said: "It's a pity that your life is now not only in his hands, but also in mine."

"Leave me here alone, I won't run away, I won't run away."

Sophia pursed her lips and stared at the handsome young man in a wheelchair. In the end, she let go of her grip on the wheelchair handle.

took a few steps back, "I'll go get the blanket, sir."

Before leaving, Sophia hesitated again and again, tangled left and right, but still warned uneasy: "Sir, you'd better not act rashly, the guards around this house will not be lifted before they are lifted. Indiscriminate attack on all living things, if you accidentally trigger the device, you will only die."

Xie Quan heard the words, he smiled lightly, "Thank you for your reminder, you are really a good girl."

When the footsteps gradually faded away, the smile on Xie Quan's face gradually melted like snow under the sun. The control of the wheelchair was locked by Sophia, and Xie Quan had no intention of moving his position. He just held the handle of the wheelchair, carefully balanced his body, and bent down—

Hands touched the ground, and next to the path with residual heat was the land with flowers.

He groped for a while on the ground, and then found his target - a few stones.

He put those few stones in his hands and straightened his waist. He held his breath and listened carefully to the fine footsteps coming from outside the wall.

The advantage of losing sight is that his hearing is much sharper.

The last few days have been his most attentively listening to the outside world.

Maybe God wanted him to learn to use his ears to get close to nature...

But even though this experience was precious, he would not let that man go.

He put the stone in his palm, grabbed one with the other hand, and threw it hard in the direction he heard the sound.

With a 'click', the stone hit the wall and bounced back.

Xie Quan tilted his head slightly, avoiding the bouncing stone, and he picked up a stone again.

This time, he threw a little higher-

Failed again.

After several consecutive attempts, the stone finally climbed over the wall and went to the other side of the wall.


Someone exclaimed.

Then immediately, the person next to him hurriedly shouted in a low voice, "Shh—don't make a sound."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to." The man apologized in a panic, "Something hit me."

The man said sternly: "Where can something like this hit you? Don't make a fuss, if you lose your temper in front of those big people at the banquet four days later, then you will be young. Life is at stake."

"I won't next time."

"Get your stuff and go."

The voice of their conversation was very low, but they were all heard by Xie Quan who was separated by a wall.

Feast? Big man?

No wonder that mysterious person hasn't come over these few days, is it to prepare a banquet?

He was imprisoned here, taking away his sight and ability to move, but the culprit was still happily preparing for a banquet.

It's really annoying.

In four days?

Throwing away the stone in his hand, Xie Quan raised his head and looked at the sky.

The man manipulated his vision, so he can't see what's in front of him now.

But his eyes still retain a weak light sensitivity.

He could feel the sun in the sky.

With some plans in mind, he suddenly had a bit of leisure and couldn't help but think of another person.

Ji Cheying told him that they parted ways.

He suddenly disappeared, which was the wish of this Major General Ji.

Just like this, his crime is completely confirmed.

In the case of Major General Ji, he is probably a complete liar.


Xie Quan sighed softly.

I hope Ji Cheying won't relentlessly throw away all his things.

But it's okay to throw it away.

It's all for him anyway, and it's his freedom to do whatever he likes.

Footsteps came from behind.

Sofia is back.

"Sir, your blanket." The soft blanket covered Xie Quan's legs. When Sophia was about to withdraw her hand, a cold hand suddenly grabbed her.

She was taken aback.

The young man's hand suddenly loosened.

"Excuse me," he said.

"It's okay, sir."

The young man's eyes that were as clear as ice crystals wrapped her figure meaninglessly.

He obviously couldn't see anything, but it made Sophia feel that his eyes seemed to shine into her heart.

"I'm sorry just now, I know it's none of your business." His voice was as cold as before, but something seemed to have changed.

"I'm wayward, sorry."

"It's all right, sir," Sophia replied, and she pushed her wheelchair, carefully avoiding the bumpy area, and walked back slowly.

Passing the group of flowers, Xie Quan suddenly said, "This flower is really fragrant."

"It's a blue lace rose."

Xie Quan thoughtful, "Blue lace..." He lowered his eyelashes, covering the deep thought in his eyes.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Xie Quan shook his head, "It's nothing, I just think the scent is a bit like the scent on your body."

"I...?" Sophia chuckled, "Sir, I'm just joking, I'm a Beta, and I don't have the smell of pheromones."

Xie Quan said softly: "It's not the pheromone, it's the fragrance on your clothes."

The voice fell softly, but it made Sophia's heart skip a beat.

But before she could think about it, Xie Quan's cool yet gentle voice sounded again, "Let's go, Sophia."

The author has something to say:I saw the little angel's worry about the stupid author in the comment area, don't worry, the author is still alive...

I'm so sorry for making you wait so long, and I'm so sorry that it keeps disappearing.

The author has been very busy with work last month, and then in April, he felt that he might have relaxed and then broke out, so he had a serious illness. Continued to be directly ill for more than half a month. In the beginning, it was acute tonsillitis and fever, then I had a severe cold for about a week, and now I have acute bronchitis (frowning and rubbing the forehead), and then because of the nature of work, there is no way to ask for leave to rest at home, so after a weekend break and returning home from get off work are basically the following The order: eat, take medicine, sleep. I wanted to take a good rest and recover quickly, but because I had to go to work, I kept repeating.

So when I got home, I didn't do anything, I just went to sleep.

It wasn't that serious this week, so I started writing articles, and I wrote a little bit, and then I thought that I had been interrupted for so long before, so I wanted to just write the rest of the content in one go, when the time comes It can be updated stably. But my friend told me that the readers and angels are very worried about me (yes, the author is very tortoise and dare not read comments), so after thinking about it, I decided to release what I wrote first, although I haven't been able to save many manuscripts QAQ .

The author has to go to the hospital tomorrow to see a doctor, so I can't guarantee that it will be updated stably recently. My friend asked me to take another half month off to take care of my body, but I thought about it and tried to write as much as possible , otherwise it really doesn't feel good (recently I started writing after a while, it's really stuck, it's a little smoother these days).

Sorry for making you worry~ I hope you all stay healthy. It’s really easy to get sick recently due to the repeated weather. Don’t be like the author, it’s really uncomfortable to be sick.
