MTL - The Omega Can’t Pretend to Be a Beta After Accidentally Witnessing the Major General’s Susceptible Period-Chapter 80 A lot of history

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"Aren't you going to do it once and for all?"

The sound from the depths of the chest was almost close to the sound of breath, it sounded in Xie Quan's ear, like gravel and feathers.

Rough, slight,sweet.

Xie Quan's white auricle was dyed red.

But his resistance in this regard has always been good.

Even if he was temporarily marked,his body will only react more strongly to Ji Cheying,Like now, hearing Ji Cheying's words, He subconsciously became emotional. But he still kept calm and said: "When your susceptibility period is over and you are calm enough,We will discuss again."

He really wanted to do it once and for all.

Just a sleep.

It's just that Ji Cheying is in the susceptible period at the moment, if there is a complete mark at this moment,I am afraid it will be out of control.

What's more, he mainly wanted to help Ji Cheying get through the susceptible period.

Just do it,Give it back.

Once and for all.

He did think about it before.

But after hearing Ji Cheying's confession to herself,this thought was dispelled.

Hearing Xie Quan's words,Ji Cheying couldn't help but hummed in a low voice.

When calm enough?

Xie Quan thinks there is a time when he can really discuss this matter calmly?

Then he thinks too much of his self-control.

With the fusion of pheromones, although the upsurge of the susceptible period has not completely receded, the physical pain has been comforted a lot. Just because it was marked,Ji Cheying couldn't bear Xie Quan's departure at this time.

As long as he has this thought, his heart will suddenly tighten, making it difficult for him to breathe.


Ji Cheying resisted the urge to eat people clean,he used twelve points of perseverance to get up and leave Xie Quan,he closed slightly He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then got out of bed, lifted up the wheelchair that fell to the ground, then walked back to the bed and helped Xie Quan turn over,At this moment, his clothes were messy, and he was pressed down just now When I went to bed, I moved too much, and the hem of the clothes was folded and pressed under the body. At this moment, it turned up stubbornly, revealing Xie Quan's thin and slender waist.

Xie Quan's figure is not as thin as it looks on the surface, and the direction of the muscles can be vaguely seen around his waist.

As an Omega, he has a small skeleton, and his muscles don't make people think of the word 'strength', but 'beautiful' instead.

Just after being marked, Xie Quan was all weak at the moment, and it was a little hard to even lift his hand. The warm feeling in his body made him fall asleep in the next second.

Seeing Ji Cheying let go of herself, he was relieved. After all, if Ji Cheying really wanted to do something at this moment, he probably wouldn't have much way to refuse.

And it is this fragile and undefended appearance that can provoke people too much. commit desire.

Ji Cheying pursed her lips, and then stretched out her hand to Xie Quan's abdomen.

Pull the upturned corner of the clothes and tidy it up.

Picking up the person and putting them back on the wheelchair, Ji Cheying pushed the person out of the door steadily.

"Go back and rest."

Then back to the room, the door slammed shut again.


Still dizzy, Xie Quan, who was exhausted, sat on the wheelchair and didn't react very well.

Although he did not plan to complete the complete marking with the other party at this moment.

But isn't Ji Cheying's reaction too heartless?

Anyway, let him lie down for a while?

Xie Quan was awakened by the chaotic noise.

He sat up from the healing capsule, climbed into the wheelchair, carefully avoided Anna and Sophia who were still on the ground, and then searched for the source of the noise.

From the street.

There is a small crowd of people who are putting something on the megaphone.

Xie Quan operated the wheelchair to the window.

Although the windows were closed, the commotion of the people on the street outside the house could not be isolated.

Xie Quan listened carefully, and the crowd was shouting - "The members of the crown prince take the lead in bending the law for personal gain, despising Beta, the frontier soldiers protect the family and defend the country, but they are slandered, where is the law!"

Xie Quan frowned, not knowing what happened last night, he was a little confused.

Why do I suddenly have a **?

And looking at it, the mood of the people has clearly climbed to the top.

Crown Prince...Is it the result of the Crown Prince's campaign?

Xie Quan stopped by the window and listened for a while, when suddenly, there was movement from the door.

'DiDi Di' is someone entering the password for the gate.


This person has a password and must be someone Ji Cheying knows.

So Xie Quan didn't hide at all, just stopped at the window and waited for the door to open.

Yan Siyu, who came to check the situation, covered his nose as soon as he entered the door. Although he was constantly using air purifiers, the smell of pheromones in the air still made him a little resistant. No Alpha would be happy to have another Alpha enter his territory during a susceptible period. By the same token, no Alpha is willing to take the risk of crashing into someone else's territory.

But he can't, he has to come.


He was a little confused.

Why does the taste of Ji Cheying pheromone seem to have changed?

Is it his illusion?

With this question in mind, Yan Siyu walked to the depths of the house. The house was on the ground floor and the rest was underground.

So he didn't take a few steps when he saw the person sitting by the window at the end of the corridor.

Yan Siyu paused and stopped ten meters away.

"Are you looking for Ji Cheying?" Xie Quan asked.

Yan Siyu frowned, a little puzzled, "Are you Xie Quan?"


Yan Siyu was a little skeptical, "As far as I know, Xie Quan should be Beta."

Xie Quan didn't explain too much, just said: "If you want to find Ji Cheying, he is in the inner room."

Yan Siyu noticed at this moment that Xie Quan's eyes were empty and he was still sitting in a wheelchair. Instead of looking for Ji Cheying directly, he asked, "What's wrong with your eyes and legs?"

"Targeting by nanomachine molecules temporarily blocks vision and motor nerves in the lower body."

Yan Siyu suddenly understood how to solve the problem, he nodded clearly, "I see, I have an instrument in the laboratory next to me, and I will borrow it for use."

Seeing that he didn't go to Ji Cheying, Xie Quan tilted his head suspiciously, "Aren't you going to go to Ji Cheying?"

Yan Siyu said lightly: "I was worried about that idiot, so I came. But it seems that you have solved the problem, so I don't need to rush to find him."

Just now he felt that the pheromone in the air did not smell right.

At this moment, he doesn't have to worry about his friend's susceptible period in the future.

However, Si Yu was not in a hurry to find Ji Cheying, but Ji Cheying came out on her own.

He changed his clothes, obviously washed himself, his short black hair fell submissively at this moment, looking at the whole person softened a lot.

But the aggression in him did not subside.

Yan Siyu took another step back and said, "I have no intentions of your partner."

Ji Cheying was expressionless, "I know."

Knowing is knowing.

But now he can't stand any Alpha near his Omega.

In the end, Xie Quan was sent back to his room so that Ji Cheying could sit down and talk with Yan Siyu.

"Congratulations." Yan Siyu said first.

"..." Ji Cheying took a sip of water, then her expression was gloomy, and she had a desire to be satisfied, but there was no joy at all, "Who knows."

Yan Siyu raised his eyebrows lightly.

How did I find the Omega I liked and marked it, so I don't need to be disturbed by the susceptible period in the future, but it doesn't seem to be happy at all.

Looks like there's more to this.

But he did not continue to ask, he knew how to abide by the boundaries between each other.

Yan Siyu said simply and directly: "Now the imperial capital is under martial law, and you are wanted by the whole country." you."

Squinting at the dark blue mecha parked next to him, he said with a bit of pity: "If that thing can pass the bright side, it will surely lead to a wave of reforms in combat mode, but it's a pity , now you'd better hide that thing well."

He said with emotion: "When the wind passes, remember to lend it to me to study it for a while."

"That won't work." Ji Cheying refused decisively.


"It's not mine, I have to return it to the original owner." He said slowly.


"Xie Quan's."

Yes, this mecha is actually a semi-finished product left by Xie Quan in the apartment, because the structure and internal structure have been completed, so Ji Cheying asked Yan Siyu to roughly follow the design The idea is completed.

He came up with the idea of ​​Xie Quan's new mecha.

After half a second of silence, Yan Siyu put on his glasses, "Where did he get it?"

Ji Cheying did not directly answer that it was Xie Quan's work, but said, "You can ask him yourself."

"Okay." Yan Siyu took over the words, "I want to ask him more than this, just don't want to explode like you did just now."

"…" Then he cannot guarantee.

You know, it took a lot of willpower for him to leave Xie Quan now.

To really follow his instinct, he should wrap the person in his arms now, and never separate for a moment.

Ji Cheying was very calm about this, he didn't explain, just asked: "What else do you want to ask him?"

Yan Siyu opened his optical brain and threw a photo into the air.

The man in the photo is wearing a silk shirt and a stiff coat with intricate gilt patterns on a white background, and his long hair is tied with a jade ring around his shoulders. This man looks handsome and noble, and at first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

More importantly, the cold browbones, the clear and reserved eyes like autumn lakes, and the delicate and straight nose with soft lines.

It is very similar to Xie Quan.

Ji Cheying looked at the photo with a serious expression, "Who is this?"

"His name is Ansair."

Ansier is the current emperor's surname.

"Joan Ansair, the elder brother of Hear the Great, the third prince who lost his power because of the Beta re-differentiation research, and finally died of misfortune."

"Joan Ansair." Saroyan looked at the photo of the first three princes that had long since disappeared from the palace, but was now blatantly published on the Internet last night .

Then, a person appeared in his mind.

"It's him."

No wonder, no wonder he always thought that person looked familiar before.

He always felt like he had seen that person somewhere.

Yes, because he had seen this picture, on that royal family tree.

Their eyebrows and eyes are too similar.

"You Omega, I'm afraid you have a lot of history." Yan Siyu said to Ji Cheying.

At this time, some technology on the Internet stayed in the published video of the dark blue mecha escaping, and parsed the picture of the healing capsule behind it, Then the person lying in the therapeutic capsule zooms in, and finally gets a clear face of the person inside.

Looking at that face, he hesitated and made a post on the Internet.

Old shock.

Originally, netizens just wanted to laugh at it.

But after clicking on the post, I saw the comparison between the restored face and the photo next to it, and I realized that this is not a mystery at all.

Here, this person looks so similar to the first three princes!

The author has something to say:I am obsessed with a TV series, chasing after, delaying the code, hey...
