MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 570 Elder Kunlun

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"Big event!"

   "Absolutely a big event!"

  Lin Gui paced back and forth in the corridor, looking at the corpses on the ground.

  Beside him, twenty or thirty strong men in black suits all turned pale.

   These people are all confidants trained by Lin Gui, and all of them have seen blood on their hands. To deal with such a **** matter, instead of using ordinary security guards, he used these henchmen.

  Rao is so, these strong men who have seen blood can hardly hide their fear in front of the headless corpses on the ground. It is conceivable that if it were an ordinary security guard, I am afraid that even the station would be unstable at this time.

   "Kunlun's disciples who participated in the Nine Lakes Competition were actually slaughtered... This matter, the Kunlun faction will never let it go!"

   "This young man has such terrifying skills at such a young age, and there must be a very powerful division behind him. Next, there will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers."

"Hateful, how could this kind of thing happen to my Nine Dragons Villa? My little world can't afford a fight with the gods! I made a little mistake, I don't talk about it at this time, I'm afraid I will even kill myself. Get in."

  Lin Gui walked around, his face full of anxiety.

   In the end, I couldn't think of a better way.

   "You can only take one step and say one step."

  Lin Gui sighed and turned to his subordinates and ordered:

   "Go! Go and find the ice coffin, put away these corpses, don't neglect!"

   Next, it's time for the gods to fight, no matter who wins. Lin Gui knew that even if it was the losing side, it was not something that a little guy like him could provoke.

  Gu Shao killed someone, and the Kunlun faction was absolutely furious. If these corpses are not disposed of by themselves, the Kunlun faction will definitely blow their anger on themselves.

   "Mr. Lin, if there are so many ice coffins... I'm afraid I can't find it for a while."

Next to   , a man in black wiped his sweat and said cautiously.

   He could also see that the mood in his forest was very bad, very bad. For fear of being outraged.

   "If you can't find it, look for it!"

  Lin Gui growled.

But. He soon realized that his order was a little too unreasonable.

   Take these bodies to a hospital morgue?

   Dajiu Lake Scenic Spot has a hospital. However, that kind of hospital. Just a little bit of stuff. There is no morgue at all.

   further away. The people from the Kunlun faction came over, do they want to run up Baili Mountain Road to see the body of the same sect? In that case, his life would definitely not be saved.

   "Even if it is transported by air, at least three ice coffins must be found, and the rest of the bodies can be placed in our refrigerator." Lin Gui waved his hands irritably.

   "Yes, Mr. Lin."

   This is not easy, but it is finally possible. The man in black agreed and started to act quickly.

   Corpses were carried downstairs.

   At such a time, it is impossible to avoid everyone.

   As ordinary people, Lin Gui can let them avoid it. For the ancient warrior, no one will buy his account.

   Immediately someone found out.

   At first, I just glanced at it casually and didn’t pay much attention to it.

   It is quite normal that there are killings in the Nine Dragons Villa during the Nine Lakes Big Competition.

   However, seeing the corpses being carried down one by one, and someone recognizing that they were from the Kunlun faction, the news spread, and people immediately began to boil.

   It is normal for someone to kill before the start of the Nine Lakes Competition. But dead people like the Kunlun faction are relatively rare.

  The majesty of the great faction, few people dare to provoke them. What's more, so many people died at one time?

   There are no secrets in Jiulong Mountain Villa at this time.

   Soon, the disciples sent by the Kunlun faction to participate in the Nine Lakes Great Competition were slaughtered... This matter spread. The killer's surname is Gu.

   Soon, the information of Gufeng was dug up.

  Ancient style, the ancient style of the health resort, the ancient style that has been in the limelight recently. At this time, the name of the ancient style has spread not only in the secular world, but also among the ancient warriors.



  The goshawk sings, hovering over the rolling mountains.

  The majestic Kunlun, vigorous and upright.

   Among the continuous mountains, there is a canyon with cliffs standing on top of the cliffs, difficult and dangerous, and difficult for birds to enter.

  Crossing this line of canyons, the scenery suddenly changes, the stream is gurgling, and the terrain is flat, just like a fairyland on earth. This is a paradise.

  Om rumbling——

With the roar of   , two helicopters flew out of the valley.

  On the helicopter, several old men in robes, with long hair **** above their heads. Behind, some carry a long sword, and some carry weapons such as hooks and forks. People who don't know this dress think they are filming a costume drama.

   Elder Kunlun!

   These old people are all Kunlun elders, the old guys who were not born normally, but now, they are all alarmed.

  The disciples who were sent to the Nine Lakes Great Competition were destroyed... This is something that has not happened in many years, and this is a challenge to the Kunlun faction.

  If it cannot be handled well and the murderer cannot be severely punished, the reputation of the Kunlun faction for many years will be ruined. No more majesty.

   The disciples who were sent to participate in the Nine Lakes Great Competition were already the elite of the sect. In the hands of the opponent, it is even vulnerable, so the dispatch of the elders seems to go with the flow.

  The development of science and technology, although the ancient martial arts do not like to see the rapid development of science and technology, but they do not reject the convenience brought by science and technology.

   For example, the application of communication means such as mobile phones, the disciples of Dabi are destroyed, of course they have other means to get the news at the first time.

  For example, the helicopters equipped by the martial art... The ancient martial art sect shunned the world and lived in seclusion in the mountains. In the past, even if there was an emergency, it took a lot of effort to go out to the mountains.

  Now, two helicopters can easily cross the rolling mountains.

   Their destination is the nearest city w, and then transfer to a civil plane from city w.

   With the influence of the Kunlun faction in the secular world, this itinerary has naturally been arranged a long time ago. However, among these elders, there are still people with anxious expressions on their faces.

   "Gu Feng! Humph! No matter who he is, he dares to challenge the majesty of my Kunlun, and I will kill him!"

   The other people closed their eyes and rested their minds, relatively calm.

   "Hey, how long does it take to get to W City?" The old man shouted to the pilot.

   "Go back to the elders, there is still more than an hour to go directly to the W city airport." The pilot replied respectfully.

   "What? It actually takes more than an hour? It took me over an hour to run for such a short distance. How could you be so slow on this plane? Accelerate! Accelerate now!" The old man shouted angrily.

   "This..." The pilot hesitated, with an embarrassed look on his face.

   In fact, for them, although this is not the extreme speed of flight, if they accelerate again, flight safety will be difficult to guarantee.

   Now the old guys on the plane are all terrifying, the pilot is very clear.

  If there is a problem with the helicopter, the strength of these old guys, as long as they are at a slightly lower altitude, it will not be a big problem to jump directly. However, he will be miserable when he is **.

   "Safety first." Fortunately, at this time, another thinner old man opened his mouth to make a clearance.

   "Yes, Elder Qingyun!" The pilot sighed in relief and quickly agreed.

   This elder Qingyun has the most detached status among the elders and has the most right to speak.

   He said so, but the sturdy old man did not refute it.

   "Junior Brother Huo, remember, haste is not enough." Qing Yunzi said, pun intended.

   That sturdy old man... Huo Yunzi was slightly startled and sighed.

   He understood what Qing Yunzi meant. The haste is not enough, not only refers to the itinerary on the road, but also refers to the purpose of this trip.

   That ancient style... Since people dare to kill so many people without any scruples, of course they rely on them. If you are arrogant and impulsive, you may not be able to achieve your goal. Maybe it will be used by others, causing even greater losses.

  Thinking like this, Huo Yunzi's mood is also a little calmer.

   "Thank you, Senior Brother for your advice!" Huo Yunzi agreed.

   Qing Yunzi nodded slightly and closed his eyes. He knew that his junior brother had a character as hot as his dao horn.

   Moreover, among the disciples who died in Dajiu Lake this time, everyone knew that the disciple named Yang was nominally his nephew, but in fact, he was the illegitimate son of his illicit affair with his sister-in-law.

  Huoyunzi's surname is the surname Yang.

   This is his only flesh and blood. Now he was beheaded. Huo Yunzi's irritable personality, when he heard this, he went wild on the spot.

   I hope he can deal with it calmly!

   Qing Yunzi sighed inwardly. (To be continued..)