MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 18 A lie needs countless lies to complete

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"You saved me again."

Fei Li smiled, and just about to say it's okay, Luosang's cold voice came again, "Stay away from Silver Wolf next time, he is not a good person."

He pouted, not daring to resist.

Glancing at the fish swimming in the river, his saliva was almost drooling.

After such a time, he never dared to catch fish and return to the tribe.

To eat and save his life, he still chooses to save his life.

After Luosang's eyes were fine, he got up and returned to the tribe.

After walking a few steps, seeing that he didn't keep up, Luosang turned around and carried him back to the tribe together.

Back at the house, Fei Li's stomach was already growling.

Seeing a fan of wild boar hanging on the wall, he took it down and started to cook the meat.

The wild pork of primitive tribes is much more delicious than modern pork, especially after being roasted, it oozes oil, not to mention how attractive it is.

After it was baked, he kindly handed it to Lausanne first.

Luosang took the barbecue with a cold face and began to eat it.

After waiting for Lausanne to finish eating, Fei Li began to eat.

The tribe is very particular about respect and inferiority. Lausanne has a noble status in the tribe and has long been used to being served by others.

As night fell, Fei Li found some hay for Lausanne to make a bed.

Just as Luosang was about to lie down, he caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye.

His gaze moved down and slowly landed on his stomach.

Fei Li, who was originally thin, has not changed at all in his stomach, and Lausanne even doubts the authenticity of his pregnancy.

Lifting him in front of him, Luosang stared at him with burning eyes, "Is your stomach okay?"

Last time, I accidentally ate Faqing's herbal medicine and had such a relationship with him. I don't know if it hurt the cub in his belly?

Although this cub is not his own, since he has to be responsible to Fei Li.

You can't even ignore the cubs in your stomach!

Following Luosang's gaze, Fei Li stroked his flat stomach.

Is the lie about to be exposed?

As a modern medical student, he knew very well that his body was not pregnant.

He said this to avoid doing that with Lausanne before.

But now, he actually saw a trace of desire and hope in Luosang's eyes.

"No, it's okay, it's okay!" He felt guilty and turned his eyes away, not daring to look into Luosang's eyes.

"That's good."

After the words were finished, Luosang's long arms directly trapped him in his arms, and Luosang's warm breath was behind his ears, making him tickle.

He could feel Lausanne's rising body temperature, and the dangerous breath was approaching him.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a trembling voice.

"There are many pregnant people in our tribe. They can mate and mate after they are pregnant. I will be very careful."

Luosang said it in a serious manner, so direct that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Orcs are indeed orcs, and they make no secret of their primitive physical needs.

It was as if a deer had got into his chest, running around.

What to do?

Is he going to be lost tonight and be in this kind of place?

he does not want! He refuses!

Rolling his eyes, he spoke quickly, "I heard from our patriarch that my body is different from ordinary people, especially when I am pregnant with a cub. If I have **** with someone, it may hurt the other person's body."

"I'm not afraid." Luosang was not frightened.

"But I'm afraid." After a pause, he looked aggrieved, "The patriarch also said that my body is special, and you should pay special attention during pregnancy, otherwise you may lose your life. You don't want me to die, do you? "

He turned his head and grinned at Luosang, baring his teeth.