MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 38

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When Fang Ru called Meng Xing in the reception room downstairs of her staff, she felt a little nervous.

Meng Xing got together with a few friends, drank some wine, and was lying on the bed dozed off when he heard the phone ring.

He sat up abruptly, his eyes, which had been fogged from drinking, dispelled the fog at this moment, and were astonishingly bright.

At this time, not many people would call these numbers. And he just had a party with those friends, and they were all drunk, so it was impossible to call at this time.

Well, only one person.

Meng Xing jumped up from the bed, his heart was beating very fast at this moment, he was excited and distressed. If Fang Ru had no other options, she probably would not have dialed this number.

Meng Xing quickly ran to the phone, excited but cautiously picked up the phone: "Hello!"

Fang Ru secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the familiar voice from the microphone: "It's me."

"I know, are you in any trouble?" Meng Xing knew that Fang Ru had a thin skin, so he took the initiative to ask.

Fang Ru paused for a moment and said, "I would like to ask you to help me buy two sleeper tickets back to Shuangxi Village. Will it be too much trouble for you?"

"No trouble, what size do you want to buy, I'll let someone buy it."

Fang Ru told the time and explained why she wanted to buy a sleeper ticket. After Meng Xing answered, the phone fell silent.

The sound of the two breathing to each other, through a telephone line, entangled together.

Fang Ru was a little uncomfortable, just about to say goodbye to Meng Xing, Meng Xing said: "Aru, when I was eating at noon, I saw a small cake, it was delicious, do you want to try it?"

In the past, Fang Ru would definitely refuse.

But today I don't know why, listening to Meng Xing's low and cautious voice, Fang Ru's heart suddenly softened, and her voice also softened: "I just want to eat, but I can't eat it. !"

Meng Xing's eyes lit up: "As long as you think about it, you will definitely be able to eat it. Fang Ru, wait for me, and I will go there right away."

After Meng Xing finished speaking, he hung up the phone without giving Fang Ru a chance to refuse. He put his hand on his chest to calm down the beating heart in his chest, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Knowing that Fang Ru likes to eat sweets, he specially ordered some snacks for lunch, thinking that if he tasted something delicious, he could bring it to Fang Ru in the future.

But he didn't expect that his little wish would come true so soon.

When Meng Xing went downstairs carrying the pastry box, Meng Yi and Zheng Xin were sitting downstairs talking.

Seeing Meng Xing going downstairs, Zheng Xin hurriedly stood up: "Meng Xing, you drank at noon, why don't you take a rest?"

Meng Xing glanced at Zheng Xin, ignored her, and walked out the door indifferently.

"Meng Xing, is your mother talking to you? Why don't you have any manners?" Meng Yi also stood up and scolded Meng Xing angrily.

Zheng Xin quickly pulled Meng Yi back: "Lao Meng, don't do this. Meng Xing misunderstood me, and he didn't mean it."

"Didn't he do it on purpose? I think he did it on purpose. After reading books for so many years, he has read them all into the dog's stomach."

Zheng Xin didn't speak, Meng Yi wasn't that angry yet, when she opened her mouth, Meng Yi felt that Meng Xing was deliberately against him.

Meng Xing sneered: "Mom? My mother is buried in the ground. You want me to call this woman a mother? Is she worthy? I call her, will she dare to answer? She has done something wrong herself. Did she have a heart attack in the middle of the night?" Dreaming about my mother looking for her? And you, too!"

"You bastard!" Meng Yi was so angry that he was trembling all over, but there was a hint of guilt in that tone.

Seeing the father and son like this, Zheng Xin hurriedly stood up to smooth things over: "Meng Xing, you really misunderstood me too much. I never destroyed the relationship between your mother and father."

Meng Xing snorted softly: "You don't need to tell me that, you know the truth yourself. Also, don't try to provoke me anymore, I am no longer the kid who let you bully me!"

After Meng Xing said this, he left the house. If Grandpa hadn't lived here, he wouldn't have returned to this house at all.

Meng Shengrong looked at his son and the woman putting on airs upstairs, and he also looked angry: "Meng Yi, get the **** out of here!"

"Old Meng!" Zheng Xin grabbed Meng Yi's corner with fear in her eyes, but she bravely stood up and said to Meng Shengrong, "Dad, don't blame Meng Yi, it's all my fault."

Meng Shengrong didn't like Zheng Xin's pretentious appearance, and said coldly: "Of course it's all your fault, and, our Meng family, when is it your turn to speak? Do you think you gave birth to a son in this I can do whatever I want? I'm not dead yet!"

"Old Meng, Dad, why did he say that about me? I never thought of doing whatever I wanted." Zheng Xin fell into Meng Yi's arms with tears in the corners of his eyes, which made Meng Yi feel distressed.

Meng Yi patted Zheng Xin's hand: "It's okay, Dad just talked about it, it's not your fault, don't worry."

Meng Shengrong couldn't see how old they were and still looked so sticky, so he shouted upstairs: "Meng Yi, can't you come up? See what you've become?"

After Meng Yi comforted Zheng Xin, he went upstairs to Meng Shengrong's study. As soon as he entered the door, a book was thrown towards him. Meng Yi didn't notice for a while, and was hit by the book on the forehead.

"Dad, what are you doing? Zheng Xin has been married to me for so many years, and Ah Zheng is so old, why can't you save some face for her?"

"I save face for her, and it's up to her to save face." Meng Shengrong didn't have any objection to Meng Yi remarrying, but it couldn't be Zheng Xin.

This woman, when Meng Xing's mother was in the hospital, hooked up with Meng Yi and forced Meng Xing's mother to death.

With such a moral character, if she hadn't been pregnant at the time, his son would be dying, and he would never let this woman into the house no matter what.

"Dad, it's been so many years. I know I'm sorry for Zhou Ying, so all these years, the family's resources have been given to Meng Xing, Ah Zheng has nothing, and Zheng Xin and I have never complained. Isn't that enough? "

Meng Yi is not without complaints about his father giving Meng Xing all the good things, but his beloved son Meng Zheng has nothing.

"You still have the nerve to mention Meng Zheng? Look at how Meng Zheng has educated that woman. She is full of thought, instead of doing things well, she just wants to go astray. You still want to give him resources, you just Given it to him, what achievements can he make?"

When Meng Zheng was mentioned, Meng Shengrong was even more angry. He raised the crutch in his hand and hit Meng Yi down.

Seeing that his father was really angry, Meng Yi could only bear it. Fortunately, Meng Yi was old after all, and stopped panting after a few hits.

But even though he was hit a few times, Meng Yi guessed that his body was also bruised, and the weight of the crutch was not light.

Meng Shengrong lit the floor with his crutches: "I tell you, if I hear you asking Meng Xing to call that woman a mother in the future, I will still beat you. How did Meng Xing's mother die? Do you want me to remind you?"

Meng Yi stopped talking. On this point, he and Zheng Xin were indeed in the wrong, but they couldn't help themselves.

After Meng Xing walked out of the house, he adjusted the expression on his face. He couldn't meet Fang Ru with such a face.

After Meng Xing hung up the phone, Fang Ru didn't know whether he should wait here or go home.

Thinking that Meng Xing came here on purpose just to share his favorite snacks with him, Fang Ru walked outside slowly.

Meng Xing didn't make her wait too long, the car stopped when he saw Fang Ru from a distance. He opened the car window and waved to Fang Ru: "Aru, here!"

Fang Ru saw him and hurried over: "You are really here!"

"I told you I wanted to get you a snack, so get in the car quickly." Seeing Fang Ru walking towards the back seat, Meng Xing said again, "Take the passenger seat."

Fang Ru froze for a moment, but finally walked towards the passenger seat.

"Where is this going?" Fang Ru asked after fastening her seat belt.

"You'll know when you get there." Meng Xing drove the car all the way to Xishan Park under the afternoon sun.

In the winter afternoon, the golden sun shines on people, making them warm and warm, and they can't help but feel relaxed.

Fang Ru narrowed her eyes, raised her hand to block the glare of the sun, and asked, "Didn't you mean to treat me to some snacks?"

Meng Xing took out a box from the back seat of the car: "Let's go over there."

The two sat down on the seats on both sides of the road in the park. Meng Xing opened the box, revealing the uniquely shaped snacks inside.

He pushed the box in front of Fang Ru: "Try it, when I ate it at noon, I thought you would like it. I wanted to take it back to Shuangxi Village and give you a taste."

Fang Ru took the dim sum and tasted it in her mouth. The dim sum was sweet and crisp, which she liked.

But Fang Ru's nose was a little sore. Meng Xing, who is a proud child of heaven and is being chased by others, puts her in his heart, even thinking about her when he eats such a small snack.

Fang Ru swallowed the snack in her mouth, and made a decision in her heart: "Meng Xing."

"What's wrong? Is it delicious?" Meng Xing looked at Fang Ru with gentle eyes.

"Meng Xing," Fang Ru closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was a trace of firmness in her eyes that she didn't have before, "Meng Xing, give me a little more time."

Meng Xing was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly felt a little sore, he looked up at the blue sky, the sun was too glaring today.

"Silly girl, don't worry, I can afford to wait!"

In the evening, after Fang Ru returned home, she was questioned by Fang's parents.

"I heard that you went out with a man in the afternoon? That man is still driving a car? Are you dating? Who is the other party and what do you do at home? Do you have a house?..."

Fang Ru listened to Fang's mother's question after question, but she never asked if the man was good to her.

Thinking of her previous life, her parents used her own death to negotiate terms with the Ning family. Even though she told herself not to care, Fang Ru still felt a little sad.

Do you only have these values ​​in the eyes of your parents?

"Mom, what are you doing? Checking the household registration! Didn't my sister just go out with someone, maybe a friend, do you need to check out the eight generations of his ancestors?"

Fang Yue saw that Fang Ru's face was a bit unsightly, so she said impatiently.

Mother Fang rolled her eyes at Fang Yue: "You little girl, what do you know? Your sister is so beautiful, smart, and educated. I can be more strict with her when she is in love."

"That's not such a strict law? I know, you are guarding for my daughter, but I don't know, I think your daughter has committed something!" Fang Yue pursed her lips and muttered.

"You girl, can you talk?" Fang's mother patted Fang Yue's arm, "Okay, stop standing here, hurry up and cook, it's all over."

Fang Ru felt even colder when she saw her mother's behavior of trying to hide it. Already disappointed, right? But why, my heart is still sad?

In the Meng family, Meng Yi and Zheng Xin were waiting for Meng Xing to come home for dinner. Besides Meng Zheng, Sun Tong, the daughter of Zheng Xin's younger sister, was at the dinner table. Sun Tong and Zheng Xin look very similar, and Meng Yi loves Wu Jiwu, and loves her very much.

"Auntie, why hasn't Brother Meng Xing come back?" Sun Tong asked, pouted.

"Maybe something is wrong." Zheng Xin smiled helplessly.

"What's the matter? You don't even come back for dinner tonight?" Meng Yi looked angry, "Don't wait for him, what a pretension, asking the whole family to wait for him to come back for dinner."

"Wait a little longer, maybe something has delayed it." Zheng Xin persuaded.

"Wait no more, what time is it, I should be back by now." Meng Yi waved his hand and asked Mrs. Li to serve the meal.

After eating, Sun Tong leaned in front of Zheng Xin: "Auntie, is that Meng Xing really as good as you said?"

Zheng Xin gave Sun Tong a white look: "When did Auntie lie to you? You'll know when he comes back."

Sun Tong held Zheng Xin's arm and acted like a baby: "I know that my aunt treats me the best."

Zheng Xin nodded Sun Tong's head, and said with a smile: "You, you will act like a baby with me." It's just that when her eyes turned upstairs, there was a little more coldness in her.

On the side of the Fang family, during dinner, Fang's mother brought up the previous topic again and asked Fang Ru what the relationship was with the young man who was driving.

When she came back in the afternoon, she heard the neighbors say that Fang Ru got into a small car. Fang's mother couldn't tell how happy she was. The daughter who felt like a bookworm finally opened her eyes.

Fang Ru put down her chopsticks and looked directly at her mother: "Mom, that man's family is rich, but what does it have to do with us? I just asked him to buy a sleeper ticket for me. Do you think that in a family like ours, they can Appreciate it?"

"What's wrong with a family like ours? It's innocent if you don't steal or grab it. Besides, with your appearance, why don't you like it?"

When Fang's mother heard Fang Ru's denial, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. Why isn't Fang Ru's target?

That person can afford a small car, and the family conditions are definitely not bad. If he can marry Fang Ru, he can also help out the family.

Sister-in-law Chen Cuiping sneered from the side: "Mom, you are thinking too much. People can afford small cars, so of course they look down on families like ours. Besides, the eldest sister is beautiful, but she is dull. Why do you think so?" I can see it."

"Shut your mouth." Mother Fang was already disappointed, but when Chen Cuiping said this, she became even more angry.

Before going to bed at night, Fang's mother called Fang Ru over again: "Mom told you, if that person is good, you should take the initiative."

"With your appearance and ability, I don't believe that that person will look down on you. Besides, it might be interesting to you that that person can come to our house to look for you."

"Don't think about it, Mom! He already has a partner. Do you want me to destroy his relationship? In the car in the afternoon, his partner is also there. "

Not wanting to listen to Fang's mother nagging anymore, Fang Ru lied casually.

"Ah? I have a date." Fang's mother curled her lips, and suddenly lost interest in talking to Fang Ru.

"Okay, go to bed quickly. You said you are such a young girl, why don't you even have a date? I gave you such a good look for nothing, and I gave you so many years of books for nothing."

"Feelings, you gave birth to me and gave me to study, all of which are for sale, just to sell me for a good price. Am I your daughter or your pig?"

Hearing Fang's mother say such words, Fang Ru finally couldn't help but go back. This is what he most wanted to say to his mother in his two lifetimes.

"You girl, what are you talking about? Why am I just waiting for the price? Isn't it for your own good that I said this? Do you think I am good to you if I marry you to a poor man? "

Fang's mother felt that Fang Ru couldn't understand her own heart.

Fang Ru smiled. If she hadn't seen such a situation in her previous life, she would have believed her mother's words, but now: "Mom, are you really not guilty of saying such things? You can ask your conscience, are you doing this for how am I?"

"Didn't you fall in love with his family background, thinking that if I marry in the past, I can subsidize the family?"

Fang Ru's words hit Fang's mother's mind, and she became a little angry with embarrassment: "Even if you are asked to subsidize the family, what's the matter? Isn't it right? I raised you so much, and it was all for nothing? I just raised you Dog, it also misses me a little bit, right?"

"Mom, am I not good enough for my family? When I was going to go to the countryside, my eldest brother was not married. You said that my family could not live without my eldest brother, so I took the initiative to go to the countryside. How old was I in that year? You are not at all Are you worried that I won't be able to survive in the countryside?"

"I have been going to the countryside for many years. Have you ever asked me what my life is like in the countryside? Every time you write to me, apart from complaining about the lack of food at home, financial constraints, and asking for things from me, have you considered my life?" Are you having a bad day?"

"I'm a girl, and I can't carry my hands on my shoulders. The food I sent you was saved by me frugal and hungry. I have done so many things. In your eyes, even a dog It's not as good as it!"

"If I don't tell you, you will know that I am doing it for you in the future."

Listening to Fang Ru turning over the old accounts one by one, Fang's mother's face was a little unbearable, she turned impatiently, and turned back to the house.

She also knew that she owed the eldest daughter, but what could she do, the family was in such a situation, if the elder daughter was not allowed to go to the countryside, could she let the son go to the countryside? That must not work!

Fang Ru watched her mother go back to the house, and her heart grew colder. At this point, the mother refused to even give her a word of comfort.

After Meng Xing sent Fang Ru home, he went directly to Wang Hao's house, and didn't return home until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Upon entering the room, a young girl greeted her with a smile on her face: "Brother Meng Xing, why did you come back so late? Put on your shoes quickly, and I'll pour you a glass of hot water."

Meng Xing was a little surprised: "Who are you?"

"My name is Sun Tong, and Zheng Xin is my aunt. It's vacation, and she asked me to come and stay for two days." Sun Tong always had a smile on his face, and his eyes flicked across Meng Xing, "It's the first time we met, and in the future Also ask Brother Meng Xing to take care of you."

Hearing that Sun Tong is Zheng Xin's niece, Meng Xing's eyes suddenly turned cold. After he changed his shoes, he ignored Sun Tong and walked upstairs.

Sun Tong looked at Meng Xing with a dreamy look in his eyes. The aunt really didn't lie to her, just because of Meng Xing's appearance and temperament, Sun Tong fell in love with this man with just one glance.

Her eyes showed the determination that must be achieved, the aunt was so difficult back then, she could handle Meng Yi.

She is prettier than her aunt, and with her aunt and Meng Yi helping her, she doesn't believe that she can't win Meng Xing.

Because of Fang's mother's words, Fang Ru didn't want to stay at home anymore. After discussing with Fang Weihua, Fang Ru called Meng Xing and moved back to Shuangxi Village to the eighth day of the first lunar month.

Meng Xing quickly agreed, not knowing what Zheng Xin was doing, and took over his niece. That Sun Tong would come to his side whenever he had nothing to do, so that Meng Xing didn't even come out.

This woman, like Liu Rong in Shuangxi Village, had calculating eyes when she approached him. Just like Zheng Xin, pretending to be weak and pitiful.

But he didn't know that since he was a child, he had watched Zheng Xinren's front and back, and he had long been tired of her delicate and artificial appearance.

He thought that he was like his foolish father, and he couldn't care about anything after a woman acted like a coquettish. Now that Sun Tong is doing this in front of him, it will only annoy him even more.

If he hadn't been worried about grandpa, he would have left the house long ago.

Knowing that Meng Xingchu was leaving on the eighth day, Zheng Xin was very surprised: "Why did you go back so soon? Don't stay at home for a few more days."

She took Sun Tong over on purpose, just to let her and Meng Xing develop a relationship. If Meng Xing likes her, it will be easier for her to marry in the future.

Therefore, Zheng Xin did not agree with Meng Xing leaving so soon, but Meng Xing would not care about her thoughts.

In fact, Meng Xing really couldn't understand this woman, Zheng Xin. His relationship with her had become so rigid. What gave Zheng Xin the confidence to think that he would fall in love with her niece?

Sun Tong was even more aggrieved. She blinked, and tears filled her eyes: "Brother Meng Xing, did you leave early because you didn't welcome me? If so, then I'll go. Here It's Brother Meng Xing's home, you can't stay at home because of me."

Meng Xing's face was cold: "First, I'm not your brother, please don't call me Brother Meng Xing. Second, you still have a little self-knowledge, I really don't welcome you. As for whether you want to leave, tell me It doesn't matter at all."

Sun Tong's eyes widened with disbelief: Why did Meng Xing react like this? My aunt clearly said that as long as you pretend to be pitiful in front of a man and act like a baby, the man will soften his heart. But why didn't Meng Xing?

"How do you talk? Sun Tong is a relative after all, that's how I taught you?" Meng Yi was not happy when he heard Meng Xing say that.

Meng Xing sneered and said, "What kind of relative is she? Besides, how old are you, and your memory is so bad? When did you teach me?"

Meng Yi choked in anger at Meng Xing's words, and pointed at Meng Xing, speechless.

Meng Xing glanced at him, turned around and left with his bag in hand.

Leaving Meng Yi pointing at his back: "This little bastard, I'm so **** off, I'm so **** off!"

Meng Xing completely ignored Meng Yi's scolding, he was anxious to meet Fang Ru at the train station. But thinking of meeting Fang Ru's second brother soon, Meng Xing was still a little nervous.