MTL - The Original Heroine of the 70’s Cannon Fodder Book is Reborn-Chapter 37

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After hearing Meng Xing's words, Fang Ru smiled and said, "I don't know if that person is willing or not, but I have a scarf that I just knitted here. If you don't mind it, you can wear it?"

Fang Ru took out the gray scarf from her satchel and handed it to Meng Xing.

Meng Xing's eyes lit up: "Are you ready?"

"That's right, I knitted one for my second brother and younger sister, and one for Wei Huan. I thought you've helped me a lot during this time, so I knitted one for you by the way."

Fang Ru fiddled with the hair on her cheek, and said a little uncomfortable.

"By the way." As long as there is, at least it proves that he still has a place in Fang Ru's heart. Meng Xing smiled and narrowed his eyes, and wrapped the scarf around his neck, "Does it look good?"

Fang Ru narrowed her eyes and looked at Meng Xing. Meng Xing was wearing a black woolen coat with a slender neck, which matched the gray scarf very well.

Moreover, Meng Xing is not only handsome, but also has a good temperament. Wearing the ordinary scarf around her neck makes her look high-end.


"However, I think I'm missing something." Meng Xing stretched out his hand and showed it to Fang Ru, "Do you think there is something missing in my hand?"

Fang Ru rolled his eyes at him, and walked forward: "Don't push yourself too hard, I told you that your scarf was only knitted by the way."

Meng Xing chased after him: "Since we already knit a scarf by the way, let's knit another pair of gloves by the way. Look, it looks so monotonous with only a scarf and no gloves."

Fang Ru ignored him and walked straight forward. Meng Xing was not angry, and followed Fang Ru, but his usually cold face was now smiling. Instead, it attracted a group of passing girls to stare at him frequently.

When the two arrived at the educated youth spot, they met Ning Yuheng. Ning Yuheng stared at the gray scarf around Meng Xing's neck, his eyes filled with pain.

When Meng Xing went out in the morning, his neck was still bare, but now he was wearing a scarf, and it was self-evident who gave it to him.

Ning Yuheng remembered that Fang Ru also knitted a scarf for him. But where did that scarf go? After Fang Ru passed away, he wanted to find it, but he couldn't find it.

Meng Xing watched Ning Yuheng staring at his scarf, smiled, and said, "Fang Ru weaves, isn't it pretty?"

"It looks good." Ning Yuheng said in a hoarse voice, his eyes were sore, tears almost fell down. Ning Yuheng blinked and forced a smile, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

If he stayed any longer, he might lose control of his emotions. After leaving the educated youth spot, Ning Yuheng's tears fell.

He thought it was good for him to have an atonement attitude, he thought he could watch Fang Ru and Meng Xing together calmly.

But when he saw Fang Ru being nice to Meng Xing with his own eyes, and recalled everything in the past, he realized that he couldn't be calm at all.

His heart hurts, it hurts, it's a very small but sharp pain that circulates in his body, making him unable to stand upright.

He squatted down around himself, why on earth did he come to where he is today.

When Meng Xing returned to the room, Wang Hao was already in the room: "Brother Meng Xing, what ticket number do you plan to buy?"

"Ask Fang Ru first." Meng Xing thought for a while and said.

"Tsk, Fang Ru is the only one you see now." Wang Hao shook his head with a sigh, "I don't know who said that a year ago, only boring people would deal with such words."

Meng Xing knocked Wang Hao's head: "Okay, how would I have known a year ago that I would meet Fang Ru?" If he knew then, he would definitely not have said such a thing.

"However, you and Fang Ru, I'm afraid that Uncle Meng won't agree?" Wang Hao's eyes showed a hint of worry.

Hearing Wang Hao mention his father, Meng Xing's eyes turned cold: "When he married Zheng Xin, he didn't get my consent. Now, he doesn't care about my affairs."

"That's true, but..."

"You don't have to think so much, I can handle my affairs by myself. Fang Ru is the girl I like, and I will protect her even if I try my best." When Meng Xing said this, there was a gleam in Meng Xing's eyes. careful.

The next day, Fang Ru was asked by Meng Xing about the train ticket.

"Train ticket? Sister Wei Huan has bought it for me."

Meng Xing asked, "What number is the ticket?"

"Number 28."

"Okay, I see."

As the time to go home got closer, the educated youths also began to feel a little restless.

After many people finish their work, they don't stay at home and read books like before. Instead, come out, chat with everyone, and imagine the situation when you go home, with cheerful smiles on your faces.

In the previous life, Fang Ru hardly participated in such activities. Now she has come out and joined this group of people.

The young people talked about the daily life together, and soon talked about the relationship between men and women. When it comes to the relationship between men and women, everyone naturally looks at Meng Xing and Fang Ru.

No one thought that these two people would go together. After all, in the past, oh, if Meng Xing was the snow in the high mountains, then Fang Ru was the ice lotus in the polar region, and the two of them couldn't beat each other.

Who would have thought that an accident would bring these two people together.

"In ancient times, there were examples of a hero saving a beauty with a promise of body. We, Meng Xing, can be regarded as the first for a beauty to save a hero with a promise of body." A man joked.

Since the two got together, Fang Ru became more cheerful, and Meng Xing became more popular, so the man made jokes about them.

The educated youths all showed good-natured smiles: "Meng Xing and Fang Ru are both talented and beautiful, and they were originally matched. It's just that the two of them were not active before, so they didn't get together."

"Speaking of it, Meng Xing, you still have to thank the snake that bit you. It was the fate between you and Fang Ru made possible by it."

"Yes, I will set up a monument for it when I go back, and offer three sticks of incense a day." Meng Xing made a rare joke.

However, in such a warm atmosphere, there was one person who was sad, and that person was Ning Yuheng.

The sadness in his heart made him unable to stay any longer in such an atmosphere.

"I'm not feeling well, so I'm going back first." Ning Yuheng got up and left. An educated youth just wanted to call him to stop, but was stopped by another educated youth.

"Ning Yuheng failed to pursue Fang Ru. Seeing Meng Xing and Fang Ru are so happy now, he must feel uncomfortable. Let him go."

Ning Yuheng returned to the room, the emptiness and coldness of the room made him seem to have returned to the Ning family without Fang Ru in his previous life.

He wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, but he couldn't resist the chill that came from his heart continuously.

Ning Yuheng's room was deserted, but the educated youth's room was very lively.

"Do you know? That Qi Han and Liu Rong are having trouble again." A male educated youth winked and said.

"Okay, stop talking, it's not a good thing." Meng Xing suddenly interrupted the male educated youth, "There are still lesbians here."

The male educated youth looked embarrassed, and patted himself on the head: "I didn't think about it that much, I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen."

Everyone said it was okay, but the curiosity in their hearts was aroused by his previous words.

After the meeting was over, Wei Huan went back to the house and said to Fang Ru, "Do you know what happened to Qi Han and Liu Rong?"

Fang Ru shook her head. During this period of time, she followed Qian Jianghuai. She was studying medicine, studying how to cultivate yellow crystal emerald stalk flowers, and also studying the illness of her second brother. She was so busy that she had no time to inquire about Qi Hanhe. The matter between Liu Rong.

"do not know."

Fang Ru smiled, and was no longer interested in the affairs of those two people: "The train ticket for the 28th, are your things ready? It's only a few days away."

"Ready, it's a pity we can't go home together, otherwise we can be companions along the way." Wei Huan felt a little regretful.

On the 28th, Fang Ru woke up early, said goodbye to Wei Huan with her packed luggage, and went out.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Meng Xing and Wang Hao waiting at the door with their bags.

"What are you?"

"We'll be going back on the 28th too, on the same day as you, let's go together." Wang Hao said with a grin, and then gave Meng Xing a shoulder with his shoulder, "Really, brother Meng Xing."

"Yeah." Meng Xing stared at Fang Ru with his dark eyes, "Let's go together."

After finishing speaking, Meng Xing took the bag in Fang Ru's hand and walked forward. Fang Ru chased after him: "I can carry it myself."

"It's okay, this bag is not heavy, I'll carry it for you, and I'll return it to you in the car."

Meng Xing refused to let go, so Fang Ru could only follow behind him. When they arrived at the train station and checked the tickets, the two had to separate. Fang Ru bought a hard seat, but Meng Xing bought a sleeper berth.

"Wait for me." Meng Xing Fangru finished speaking, and pulled Wang Hao aside.

"Brother Meng Xing, how about I change the ticket with Fang Ru, I'll take the hard seat back, and you two sleep on the sleeper berth."

"No, Fang Ru won't agree. You go back by yourself at the Beijing Railway Station, and I may have to send Fang Ru off."

"That's fine." Wang Hao waved to Meng Xing, then turned and walked towards his own compartment.

Fang Ru saw Meng Xing came back and wanted to take the bag from Meng Xing's hand, but Meng Xing didn't return it to her. Instead, he helped her get on the train and stuffed it on the luggage rack in the carriage.

"Go back to your own compartment quickly. I can do it myself, this bag is not heavy."

Because of past life reasons, although Fang Ru has some money in hand now, she doesn't carry big bags and small bags home like before.

I only brought something for my second brother and younger sister, some food for my nephews and nieces, and nothing else, so the luggage is not heavy.

"Don't worry." Meng Xing put his bag on the luggage rack as he spoke.

"What are you?" Fang Ru couldn't understand Meng Xing's behavior.

Meng Xing smiled at Fang Ru, walked to the middle-aged man next to her seat, and talked to him a few words.

Then Fang Ru saw that the two exchanged tickets, the middle-aged man stood up with a smile, and Fang Ru said, "You are a good match, little girl, take care of it."

Meng Xing sat down beside Fang Ru: "Look, I told you not to worry."

"Why are you doing this?" It would be a lie to say that you are not moved. How could such a man not be moved if he treats her so well?

Fang Ru remembered the pair of gloves in her bag. After Meng Xing said that, she finished knitting, but she didn't give it to Meng Xing for a long time.

Weaving a scarf can still be said to be casual, but this glove cannot be said to be casual.

So, even though she finished knitting the glove, she didn't intend to give it to Meng Xing.

But now, after hesitating for a moment, Fang Ru took out the glove from her bag and handed it to Meng Xing: "This is for my second brother, try to see if you can wear it."

Seeing that pair of gloves, Meng Xing's eyes lit up. He put the gloves on his hands and said with a smile, "I didn't expect my second brother's hands to be as big as mine."

Fang Ru's face turned into anger from embarrassment: "Where are you talking so much nonsense, do you want it? If you don't want it, give it back to me." After speaking, she stretched out her hand to grab the glove.

Meng Xing shrank his hands back, afraid that Fang Ru would **** the gloves back: "Yes, of course. The thing you wove by yourself is just a piece of cloth, so I have to keep it. What's more, it's such a beautiful glove. "

After a while, Meng Xing stretched out his hand again, looked at the gray gloves on his hand, the more beautiful he looked, the more beautiful he felt.

He glanced at Fang Ru, Fang Ru was sitting solemnly, facing out of the car window, as if attracted by the scenery outside the window.

But outside the window, it was gray, except for the shadows of a row of black trees passing by occasionally, there was nothing else.

Meng Xing secretly laughed, Fang Ru was shy. He didn't dare to tease Fang Ru anymore, for fear of making her angry.

However, with Fang Ru's hand-knitted scarf around his neck and Fang Ru's hand-knitted gloves on his hands, Meng Xing could only feel a warm current all over his body. This winter seemed to be extraordinarily warm.

The train was very boring, Fang Ru and Meng Xing were not talkative people, so they just took out their books and read.

Fang Ru thought that if she and Meng Xing were alone together, the atmosphere would be awkward. Unexpectedly, the two read the book and exchanged opinions from time to time, and they got along unexpectedly harmoniously.

After nine o'clock in the evening, the lights in the carriage were turned off. Fang Ru closed the book and began to sleep with her eyes closed. Fang Ru gradually fell asleep amidst the rhythmic "clang clang clang" sound of the train.

Waking up the next day, Fang Ru found that her head was leaning on Meng Xing's shoulder. She quickly sat up straight and touched her cheek, but luckily she didn't drool.

This was too embarrassing, how could she fall asleep leaning on Meng Xing's shoulder? Fang Ru sneaked a glance at Meng Xing. Meng Xing was still sleeping with his eyes closed. Fang Ru breathed a sigh of relief, luckily he was not noticed.

In order to ease the embarrassment in her heart, Fang Ru simply closed her eyes, pretending that she hadn't woken up yet and hadn't noticed this embarrassing thing.

What Fang Ru didn't notice was that after she closed her eyes, the corner of Meng Xing's mouth slightly raised an arc.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the train finally stopped at the Beijing Railway Station. Although it was five o'clock, the winter days were short and it looked dark outside already.

"I'll take you home." Meng Xing frowned when he saw that Fang Ru had no one to pick him up.

But he didn't ask Fang Ru the reason. In Shuangxi Village, Fang Ru would rather be hungry than reach out to the family. He can probably guess that the relationship between Fang Ru and the family may not be very harmonious.

"No, I'll run over now, and I can still catch the last bus."

Fang Ru grabbed her luggage and wanted to run to the opposite bus station. But he was grabbed by Meng Xing, and his luggage was also taken away by Meng Xing.

"I'll take you back. It's getting late. It's not safe for a girl like you."

Just when the car to pick up Meng Xing arrived, Meng Xing looked at Fang Ru: "Get in the car."

Fang Ru had no choice but to follow Meng Xing into the car, and when they got downstairs to Fang Ru's house, Meng Xing helped Fang Ru take off her luggage: "Go up."

Fang Ru said goodbye to Meng Xing, picked up her luggage and went upstairs.

However, the closer one gets to home, the more complicated Fang Ru's mood becomes. Looking at the familiar wooden door at home, Fang Ru hesitated to reach out and knock on the door.

However, she didn't stand at the door for a long time, the door opened, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl came out. This was her younger sister Fang Yue.

"Sister, you're back!" Fang Yue's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Well, I'm back." Fang Ru looked at the younger sister, her eyes became much gentler.

Fang Yue yelled into the room: "Dad, Mom, sister is back!"

"Come back as soon as you come back, it's not a guest, why are you yelling?" Fang's mother's impatient voice came from the door.

Fang Yue stuck out her tongue, and Fang Ru said: "Sister, don't mind, Mom is not targeting you, she is in a bad mood today."

Suddenly, Fang Yue lowered her voice, leaned close to Fang Ru and said, "Mom and sister-in-law had a quarrel because of Xiaobao's matter, you should stay away from Mom these few days, and don't go up and get scolded."

"Okay, I see." Fang Ru looked at Fang Yue who was like a ghost, and cursed in her heart that she was really blind in her previous life, why did she only see Fang Yue's shortcomings? Fang Yue is obviously such a cute little girl.

"I knitted a scarf for you, and I'll show you later."

"Really!" Fang Yue had a look of surprise on her face, she didn't expect Fang Ru to know how to bring her something, "then hurry up and go into the room, I'll see what you knit."

When Fang Yue saw the scarf Fang Ru woven, she couldn't hold back the smile on her face: "Sister, this scarf is too pretty. I like it so much, thank you sister."

Wearing a scarf, Fang Yue looked left and right in the mirror, she was extremely smug: "If I wear this scarf to school, I will definitely envy my classmates."

Fang Ru looked at Fang Yue's playful appearance with a smile on her face. In this life, she doesn't care about other people, at least the second brother and Fang Yue, she wants to protect their safety and happiness for the rest of their lives.

Fang Ru stayed at home for a few days and told his second brother Fang Weihua about Qian Jianghuai.

Fang Weihua hesitated: "Can it really be cured?"

It's not that he suspects Fang Ru, it's just that he has seen Western medicine and Chinese medicine for his disease, and he has taken all kinds of medicines, but he still doesn't get better.

He was worried that he had made this trip in vain, as his body could no longer withstand the toss.

"Second brother, if I'm not absolutely sure, I wouldn't dare to mention it to you. I told Master about your illness and symptoms, and he said he was 70% sure. The other 30% can only be confirmed by seeing you. .”

Fang Ru told Fang Weihua exactly what Qian Jianghuai said.

Fang Weihua lowered his head and said after a while: "Let me think about it."

"Okay, then you should think about it carefully. But, second brother, Master's medical skills are really powerful. I hope you can go to Shuangxi Village with me to cure your illness completely." Fang Ru persuaded Fang Weihua.

Fang Weihua nodded: "I see."

Two days later, Fang Weihua gave Fang Ru the answer: "I decided to go and try it with you."

In the past two days, he thought a lot. The disease is procrastinating, so he might as well give it a try.

Fang Ru is not a person who likes to talk big. If she dares to make such a guarantee, her master must have some real skills.

Fang Ru got Fang Weihua's consent and told Fang's father and mother about this matter, but unexpectedly met with strong opposition from Fang's father and mother.

"Are you trying to kill your second brother? Don't you know what your second brother's body looks like? How could he ride the train with you for so long?" Fang's mother scolded, feeling that her eldest daughter was getting worse and worse. sensible.

Wei Hua's body was already so weak, she asked Wei Hua to go with him to some Shuangxi Village, that kind of poor and remote place. How did Wei Hua endure that kind of hardship?

Fang's father remained silent, looking at the expression on his face, it showed that he supported Fang's mother's words.

"Dad, Mom, my master's medical skills are really good. He can cure my second brother's illness. If not, I wouldn't dare to let my second brother follow me to Shuangxi Village." Fang Ru patiently explained to her parents .

But Fang's father and mother didn't listen to her explanation at all, they just disagreed blindly.

Fang Ru had no choice but to look at her second brother Fang Weihua.

Fang Weihua stood up and looked at his parents: "Dad, Mom, I know you are doing it for my own good. However, my body is like this, and no medicine will work. I want to try it."

"Wei Hua, it's not that mom doesn't let you go to the doctor. It's really a day and night train. There are too many people on the train, and the air is not good. Your body can't bear it. Don't arrive at the place by then. , you will fall first."

"If I can get a sleeper ticket, will you let the second brother go?" Fang Ru said suddenly from the side.

Fang's mother was stunned for a moment, and she took a look at herself as the eldest daughter: "You, where did you get the sleeper ticket?"

"Don't worry about it, you mean, if I get a sleeper ticket, will you let my second brother go?"

"If you really get a sleeper ticket, I'll let your second brother go with you." Mother Fang made a decision.

"Alright then, just wait, I'll get you a berth ticket."

"Okay, then I'll wait. I hope you don't just talk big." Fang's mother raised her eyebrows, and she still didn't believe Fang Ru's claim that she could get a sleeper ticket.

That sleeping berth ticket is not something ordinary people can buy. Fang Ru is just an educated youth who went to the countryside. How capable is he to get a sleeping berth ticket?

Fang Weihua saw Fang Ru so busy with his own affairs, while being moved, he also felt a little uneasy.

He held Fang Ru privately: "Aru, don't do things you shouldn't do just to cure me. It doesn't matter if my disease is cured or not, you can't do bad things."

Fang Weihua and Fang's mother thought the same, Fang Ru was just an ordinary educated youth who went to the countryside, where to get a sleeper ticket.

Fang Weihua was worried that Fang Ru had gone astray in order to treat him.

"Second brother, don't worry. There is an educated youth in our village. He has some connections at home. If he can get me to make up the fare, I just ask him for help."

Hearing Fang Weihua's words, Fang Ru was a little funny, but the second brother could really think about where he was going.

"You didn't lie to me?" Fang Weihua was still a little suspicious.

"No, I promise I didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, I swear to you?" Fang Ru raised her finger and was about to swear.

Fang Weihua stopped Fang Ru: "I swear it's not necessary, as long as you don't go astray. Don't think that the second brother is long-winded, the second brother is also worried."

"I know, thank you, brother!"