MTL - The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby-Chapter 3315 Cheng Wang defeat

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Sha Xingbao pushed Luo Lan to go to the room upstairs.

Going to the middle platform of the spiral staircase, sideways, she stared at the sand weaving star carefully.

Sha Zhixing belongs to someone who has seen everyone laughing, even if there is a lot of hostility to the other side, you can still face it with a smile.

The true emotions in the heart, not only outsiders, even the daughter of Sha Xingbao, is often difficult to distinguish.

Sha Xingbao actually had some concerns before returning to Cheng Xixi. At least, Luo Jia should not agree that she would marry a man who once held a wedding with other women and regarded love as nothing.

In the case of a person who is in love with the situation, after all, it is always the woman who suffers.

However, Sha Xingbao feels that with the degree of love of Luo Xi and Sha Zhixing, as long as she has determined, the husband and wife should still promise?

With this in mind, Sha Xingbao relaxed his heart.

Bringing Luo Yan upstairs, too grandfather, too grandfather to accompany him, and then help Cheng Chengxi to organize the room.

The room she arranged for Yan Chengxi was next door to her, and the two balconies were squatting, and the bed and bed were separated by a wall.

Finishing the room, when you go downstairs, there are only Sha Zhixing and Yan Chengxi in the hall.

Sha Zhixing did not ask him and Su Qi about it. He gave him tea and kept gossip. "Is it very busy?"

"Yeah." Yan Chengxi answered very honestly.

“When is there a lot of business trips?” Sha Zhixing smiled and asked.

"Almost every week."

"This way!" Sha Zhixing echoed the sound and sipped the tea. "Isn't it time to spend time with my family?"

"Really." What she asked, what Cheng Chengxi answered, didn't even know that she had turned down.

Sha Zhixing gently shook his teacup in his hand, and suddenly he said, "The woman who married into her family is also very hard."

"You have to know this before you enter the family."

"Also." Sha Zhixing smiled lightly and opened the subject. "How about Heyman recently?"

Sha Zhixing and Yan Anqi are relatively close, and they are still very clear about their family affairs.

She and the Heyman family have always been disagreeable because of the power, she also knows.

"At present, I am still in the investigation of each other's stage, and I have trouble with Mrs. Lao."

"The Prince of Heyman's network is very wide!" Sha Zhixing sighed to himself.

Sha Xingbao listened quietly on the stairs, and the conversation in front of the two did not feel anything.

Just, when I heard this, I suddenly heard the signs.

Sha Zhixing is learning about the inner/government of Y!

The family struggles between the Yi family and the Hayman family have long spread at home and abroad. The ambitions of the Heyman wolf are also obvious. If the Cheng Chengxi really inherits the power of the family, it is necessary to pull out the Heyman cancer. I am afraid that it will rise. Must be a storm?

Sha Zhixing is scolding this!

Marriage with the family, loneliness is a small matter, fighting small three small four is not a big deal.

However, if you are involved in such a dispute, then the victory and defeat are unknown, and Sha Zhixing is worried that Sha Xingbao will be implicated after the defeat of the family!

Sha Xingbao's pupils shrank slightly, and my heart tightened.

It seems that her previous fears are still naive!

What is it with Su Qi?

It is fatal to involve the inner fight!

Mom really is not a good person to deal with!

Sha Zhixing is still chatting with Yan Chengxi, the tone is relaxed, and the taste of temptation cannot be heard.