MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 286 King of the island and king of the world!

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  Chapter 286 The King of the Island and the King of the World!

  In the real world, among the archipelagos surrounded by thunderstorms, is the main island of skeletons.

  In the north of the island, there are giant mountains towering, primitive jungles are densely covered, and mist pervades the surrounding fields.

  A human team is walking carefully, the team configuration is four men and two women.

  Although they are fully armed and have well-trained officers and field guides, they are still like a group of ants struggling to survive.

  In this team.

  Packard's dark face was serious, he was holding the rifle tightly in his arms, and his eyes were full of fear and sadness.

  He is a colonel of the American Army. He was instructed by his superiors to lead the army to protect the archaeologists organized by the Emperor, and he was ordered to explore this mysterious skeleton island that has been shrouded in storms for many years and cannot be detected even by satellites.

  Colonel Packard initially dismissed the mission.

  Although it is indeed very dangerous to explore an unknown island, he is leading the best American soldiers, with the most sophisticated helicopters and thermal weapons and equipment, what can be done to them in a barren land.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as the army led the archaeological team, broke into the storm and entered here, the entire army was almost wiped out!

  They encountered a creature that could not be explained by modern technological cognition—

   King Kong!

   To be more precise, it is a giant King Kong with a head of more than 30 meters!


   That is more than 30 meters, larger than a ten-meter-high floor, a fist can easily crush a tank into a discus, and throwing a big tree is enough to knock down a helicopter!

  The steel bullets of the machine gun can hardly penetrate the rough skin and thick diamond fur. It is like a tank with the size of a small mountain, and the armed army has no power to fight back wherever it passes.

  In less than five minutes, his soldiers were almost wiped out, and he had to flee the scene with the surviving archaeologists.

   And this is the beginning of the nightmare.

   Next, they were constantly attacked by strange creatures all over the island. These strange creatures are not in the scope of human cognition, and they all have a common characteristic—huge size!

  Whether it is a spider monster or a strange bird, the size is either more than ten meters or tens of meters.

  The adult normal size of the human race, in this unknown island, is like a weak ant from the outside world!

   Fortunately, in the central area of ​​Skull Island, they encountered a tribe of primitive people living there.

  In the primitive tribe, there is also a veteran who has lived with the primitive tribe on the island for decades since his plane crashed here during World War II.

  The veteran told them that the island was called 'Skull Island'.

  The giant King Kong who attacked them just now is the king who shelters Skull Island, the guardian deity believed by primitive people, and suppresses the giant creatures on the island.

one way or another.

  Under the guidance of local veterans, the remaining survivors came to the north of the island without any risk, which is also the location agreed with the external support army.


   What made Colonel Packard feel uneasy was that the communicator, which had been in contact with the outside world intermittently before, had completely lost its contact signal just now!

  Colonel Packard lowered his voice, while guarding the surroundings with a gun, he advanced and asked: "How far is it to reach the northern end and join the support army?"

  The veteran replied: "This is already the north of the island."

   "The support army should be around here. If we find them, we can leave here." Colonel Packard nodded.

   "That's great, I can't stay here for a second." Someone whispered to himself.

  In the team, two young women who were magazine reporters and archaeologists numbly nodded in agreement.

   Fear remains on their white and tender faces. They have witnessed too many deaths here, and the human power is vulnerable. It feels like it is a miracle that they can survive until now.

   At this time.


  In the jungle ahead, there was a commotion.

"Who is there!"

   Immediately, except for the two young women, the other four members of the surviving team all raised their guns, pointing their muzzles towards the shadow of the jungle.

  Under their shocked gaze, the vegetation and shadows in the depths of the jungle seemed to move away by themselves, and a human youth walked out.

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, inexplicably astonished.

   In any place, it would not be strange to meet strangers.

   But here is the Skull Island where the giant King Kong and other strange creatures lair!

   This is undoubtedly an absolute forbidden zone for humans. Even the primitive people who are protected by King Kong only dare to operate in the center of a specific island.

  If they were not to join the support army, they would never dare to risk their lives to act outside.

  And at this moment, in the depths of the jungle on Skull Island, a young Asian youth unexpectedly walked out.

  The young man has shining and dazzling pure silver hair, a handsome face, and a tall and perfect figure. He is wearing ordinary and comfortable casual clothes.

  There is no backpack on her body, only a delicate blue witch doll hanging on her waist, dangling as she walks.

  There is no trace of fatigue or fear on the face of the young man, and there is no dust or damage in the clothes on his body.

   At this moment.

  The stinky, scarred survivors seriously suspected that there was something wrong with their eyes.

  The young man in front of him seems to be unaware of the danger of Skull Island, just like an ordinary tourist, strolling casually, completely out of touch with army soldiers and adventurers.

  The only lucky thing is that the other party is a human being after all, not a giant creature on the island.

  The field expert James in the team breathed a sigh of relief, put down the gun in his hand, and asked, "Friend, who are you? Don't you know that this place is dangerous? How did you come to this island?"

   "It seems that they still don't understand their true situation." The young man didn't respond, but whispered to himself.

  The blue witch doll is still swaying, and the ice blue skirt flutters, with elegance and nobility, as if responding to his words.

  Colonel Packard hadn't put down his rifle, and was still vigilantly watching the silver-haired youth who appeared alone.

  Intuition told him that the other party was dangerous!

  No matter where they appear or how they dress, they are too abrupt, out of tune with the extremely harsh surrounding environment.

  The opponent is obviously not a soldier supporting the army.

   Colonel Packard looked at the veteran beside him.

  The World War II veteran felt his scalp tingling, and smiled bitterly: "I have lived on this island for more than 20 years, and I have never seen other humans except primitive people."

  Colonel Packard's heart tensed, his fingers resting on the rifle wrench.

  The opponent appeared too abruptly and strangely, the existence was as weird as this island.

  Instead of letting it go, why not shoot to ensure the safety of your team, even if you kill by mistake?

   This thought flashed through Colonel Packard's mind.

  But at this moment, the young man's eyes also fell on him.

  He smiled and said, "Packard, I advise you not to do that."

  Same as before when he stared at the giant King Kong, Packard felt cold sweat pouring out of his back, and the palpitations were even stronger.

  How did the other party know that he wanted to shoot?

   Also, why does the other party know his name?

  The breath of the opponent was just the tip of the iceberg, which made Colonel Packard, who had experienced swords and fires and hail of bullets, hang down his gun in a sudden loss of confidence.

  He didn't know, this action saved his life and the team's life.

At this moment.




  The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

A huge and burly black creature like a hill, using the towering giant mountain as a stepping stone and a rock climbing body, swiftly leaped across the island deftly and violently, and landed in the river not far from the side, roaring a lot of mud and river water Blast!

  Its gigantic figure enveloped the forest area, with its back facing the radiance of the sun, its huge eyes lowered, and it looked down at the virgin forest beyond the river.

   That's a—

   King Kong!

  The mountain-sized Black King Kong, more than 30 meters in length, with rock-like muscular agglomerates and shiny black hair, stands indifferently and violently on the river, sweeping outwards to suppress the powerful momentum of the island.

   That is also the king of Skull Island, the patron saint of this island!

  The survivors were all trembling, and no one dared to look at it.

  Only the silver-haired young man's face remained unchanged, and he was not surprised or surprised by King Kong's appearance, and calmly raised his eyes to meet his gaze.

  Everyone on the field recalled this scene later, perhaps only belatedly realized that this was the first time the king of the island and the king of the world looked at each other.

"hold head high!"

   King Kong suddenly beat his chest, raised his head and roared, the sound was like thunder, and then rushed towards this side!

  King Kong is already known for its strength in the animal world, let alone its volume dozens of times.

  At this moment, the area on one side of the forest was bulldozed, and the giant tree was broken in the middle, destroying it!

   "It's over!"

  The survivors thought that King Kong was coming towards them, and many of them collapsed to the ground, their faces turning pale.

  The silver-haired young man, Yi Meng, who was wearing even clothes, stood there motionless.

  He watched as King Kong leaped over them and lunged towards the forested area behind the survivors.

   Just at this time.

A giant creature with a white skull face, a thick and bloated upper body and forelimbs, and a lizard-tailed lower body rushed towards the survivors. The jumping King Kong directly clasped its neck with its thick arms, and the two entangled and rolled towards the island behind past!


  Dozens of trees were pushed down and crushed, and two huge creatures wrestled together.

   "It's the skeleton monitor lizard!" The World War II veteran exclaimed, his face pale.

   On Skull Island, most giant creatures are relatively 'gentle', at least obedient to King Kong who is the king and patron saint of the island.

  There is only one powerful group from the underground world, which is King Kong's mortal enemy, that is, the skeleton monitor lizard in front of him.

  Skull monitor lizards not only like to invade the ecology of the island, but also like to hunt and kill humans! Fortunately, King Kong stopped them in the island, once they go out, it will be a disaster!

at this time.

  The battle between two huge creatures that are the top layer of Skull Island caused the entire island to vibrate.

This skeleton monitor lizard, which is only a little smaller than King Kong in size, wraps its tail around King Kong's neck. King Kong grabs the neck of the skeleton monitor lizard with one hand, and presses the lizard's huge white head with the other hand. Time and time again, it smashed towards the mountain next to it!

  Boom! boom! boom!

  Until the mountain burst into cracks and blood flowed like a waterfall.

  The skull monitor lizard's head in King Kong's hands was also smashed to pieces, its body went limp, and the giant lizard tail wrapped around King Kong's neck also fell down.

"hold head high!"

   King Kong sprayed two streams of hot air from his nostrils, gasped violently, and beat his chest to show victory.

   "This is...King of the Islands."

  The survivors looked up in shock.

   "It's just begun." The silver-haired young man of unknown origin said suddenly.

  Everyone was startled.

  Not over yet? The skeleton monitor lizard had its head exploded...

  The next moment, it seemed to follow the words of the silver-haired youth.

  The blood-stained, cracked mountain exploded suddenly, and another skeleton monitor lizard collapsed the mountain and appeared. Its appearance was exactly the same as the previous skeleton giant lizard, but its size was half the size of King Kong!

   On Skull Island, body size is not absolute, but absolute size suppression is an insurmountable moat!

   As high as fifty meters, it is a veritable mountain tonnage.

  As soon as the giant skeleton monitor appeared, it pushed King Kong down to the ground, wrapped its tail around King Kong's burly body, and the explosive force shook the island!

  The World War II veteran opened his mouth wide and trembled all over: "It's the first time I've seen such a big skeleton monitor lizard!"

   "King Kong is not its opponent."

   "We want to help King Kong, if it dies, we will all die here too!"

   "How can I help? The support army is gone, and our weapons alone can't even break the skin!"

   Survivors feel hopeless.

   This kind of monster is too big, it can't cause actual damage without missiles and bombs!

   "Just now, where was that person?"

  The female reporter among them was stunned for a moment, and looked around. The young man just now had disappeared.

"hold head high!"


  The half-hundred giant skeleton monitor lizard entangled King Kong with its tail, and pressed King Kong to the ground with its thick and powerful palms. No matter how hard King Kong struggled, it was difficult to escape. The surrounding forest was razed to the ground like grass!

   At this moment, the giant skeleton stopped suddenly.

"That is…!"

  The eyes of the survivors watching the giant biological battle also froze.

   It can be seen that a human figure appeared above the tip of the giant skeleton's nose, as if standing on the edge of a cliff or tall building tens of meters high.

  The skeleton monitor lizard is pressing King Kong alone, and he is on top of the skeleton monitor lizard.

   "It's the Asian youth just now."

   "When did he pass?"

   "I don't know, who knows how he got there?"

  The extraordinary scene in front of them was far more shocking and incomprehensible to the survivors than the existence of giant creatures.

  The thing that completely subverted their cognition is obviously just beginning—

  The skeleton monitor lizard uttered angrily, and subconsciously slapped the white skull face with its big hand, just like a human being slaps a mosquito on his body, and covered the young man with a ferocious giant palm.

   Then, there is no more.

  The big hand falls.

  The skeleton monitor lizard blankly looked at the tiny human youth still standing on the tip of his nose, then turned his gaze to the side, and saw his empty right arm...

   It turns out that its hands are gone.


  It can't figure it out.

   At that moment, no one knew what happened.

   Except Yi Meng himself.

   "It's too weak. When you come to my world, if it's a dragon, you can curl up for me, if it's a god, you can lie on your stomach."

  Yi Meng had lost interest, his whole body glowed with a faint daytime brilliance, the S logo was outlined by the current flowing on his chest, and he stepped down on the big face door of the skeleton monitor lizard.

   Heaven and Earth lost their voice.


  Boom! !

  The storm swept across, and the unspeakable power exploded to form a shock wave and pressure to vent. The energy exploded, and the downward air and the earth burst and collapsed inch by inch!

  Located in the middle layer between the explosive shock wave and the island's surface, the head of the skeleton monitor lizard was first crushed into powder by the shock wave, and the rest of the body wrapped around King Kong and continued to roar down, and the vegetation with a radius of one kilometer was uprooted and lifted off!

  (end of this chapter)