MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 305 Where did Wonder Woman go?

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  Chapter 305 Where did Wonder Woman go?

  DC Universe, Earth, Manor House.

   On the bronze seat.

  The whole body of the young man has a sacred and clean silvery white texture. The exoskeleton has transformed into a battle suit. There is an S logo pattern on the chest, and a mysterious gold shines on the front of the nail on the right hand.

   Surroundings, Kryptonian Superman, New God, Old God, Martian Manhunter, etc., all surrounded the bronze throne with a low profile of awe and flattery.


   "You really came back and didn't give up on this world."

   "I have been staying here, and I know that this day will come sooner or later."

   "The king is immortal, and the king is invincible."

   "King, destroy the king!"

  After experiencing so many things, they called this name again, to this invincible king, and their current mentality is obviously true.

  Looking at the crowd surrounding him, the ancient ruined day Yi was in a trance, as if he had returned to many years ago.

  Suddenly, he looked to the right of the throne, which was replaced by Superwoman.

  A revived and determined female voice faintly resounded in the memory: "In the name of the goddess. I will definitely kill you and cut off your neck and head!"

  Should I say, is he really no longer a pure ancient Doomsday?

  In other words, under the projection of the characteristics of the Marvel Dream Mind Gem, there are more controllable emotions.

   "Wonder Woman?" Yi Meng spoke, her deep voice echoed in the room, and a fierce and powerful momentum and force field swept out.

  Since there is a mother box restart area, Wonder Woman who was killed by the Apocalypse forces before should also be resurrected.

  Everyone was silent when they heard the words.

Still standing on the left side of the bronze throne, Greer, the daughter of Darkseid, held the mother box in her hand and whispered back: "I restarted the area where Wonder Woman died, and I didn't find the resurrected magical Heroine."

   "Is the restart location accurate?" Yi Meng asked.

   "Exactly, I was at the scene at the time, inside the Metropolis." Superwoman Kara nodded, her jewel-like eyes covered with water mist.

   Half a year ago, Wonder Woman was trying to save her, leaving her pursuers to block the forces of the Apocalypse, and was eventually killed by the new God Mantis.

  Yimeng continued to ask: "Did you witness the death of Wonder Woman with your own eyes?"

  Superwoman Kara was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "No."

   She did not see Wonder Woman killed or Wonder Woman's body.

  Superwoman clenched her fists: "However, after staying to block the forces of Apocalypse, Miss Diana never returned to the underground shelter, and afterward, the New God Mantis said that Wonder Woman was killed by it..."

The Steppenwolf guarding the side of the door said hoarsely: "As far as I know, the new **** mantis has always used all means to hunt and kill powerful enemies. It is also common to mock and destroy others before the battle. Saw Wonder Woman's body."

  Superwoman was shocked and said in shock: "You mean, Goddess of Wonder, Miss Diana, maybe she is not dead? She is missing?"

   "The mother box restarted that area, but did not revive the other party. There are only two possibilities."

  Glerel held the mother box, and said indifferently: "One, the other party is not dead. If there is no death, it is naturally impossible to retroactively resurrect."

"Second, the other party died, and was killed by the destructive energy equivalent to the Omega effect or the King of Destruction, and the corpse was completely wiped out, without leaving any matter in the universe, so that even the mother box cannot restart the resurrection After all, the principle of restarting the mother box is to return the material molecules to their original state."

Black Adam pondered: "At that time, the King of Destruction did not return, and Darkseid, the King of Darkness, absorbed the Anti-Life Equation at the headquarters base. Rather than saying that a third character who controlled the most powerful force in the universe appeared on Earth and killed Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is more likely to survive."

  Leopard Girl couldn't help but said: "But if Wonder Woman is alive, she will definitely continue to fight against Apocalypse. How could she disappear for half a year!"

  She really knows this opponent and best friend very well.

  With Wonder Woman's strong temperament that hates evil like hatred, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the earth or hide in an unknown corner, even if it costs her own life, she will choose to continue fighting.

   Just when everyone on the field couldn't figure it out.

  On the bronze throne, from the hands of Yimeng, the ancient ruined day, came the soft and loli voice of Xiaohuahua:

   "If Wonder Woman arrived in another place due to unknown reasons, a place where it is difficult to return to the original world, wouldn't all this make sense?"

   "This..." Everyone was stunned, and this possibility was indeed not ruled out.

   Yi Meng suddenly had a thought.

  Unknown reason? Missing mysteriously?

  This is too much like the invaders and creations that suddenly invaded the real world from the multiple worlds of major film and television...

No way?

  Yi Meng shook her head, dispelling her inner thoughts.

  Wonder Woman has long since disappeared. If the other party really went to the real world, he would have discovered it long ago.

   Besides, so far.

  Whether the Marvel Universe and DC Universe experienced in these dreams is the same as other film and television multiverses, is a real universe world, and it is still impossible to draw a complete conclusion on this point.

  Superwoman firmly said: "If Diana is still alive, no matter where she is, I will definitely find her."

   "Let me help too." Superman Clark said.

   At this time.

Greer suddenly walked in front of the throne again, holding the mother box, and knelt down on one knee: "My lord, after digesting some of Darkseid's omega effect power during this week, I have obtained the remaining power of these powers. Some memory messages in it!"

   "The message in Dark Seid's memory?"

  On the field, other people couldn't help but change their colors when they heard the words.

  Although Darkseid was defeated by the King of Destruction, the power and fear of Darkseid still remained deep in their bodies and minds like a brand.


  Yimeng's face remained unchanged, sitting high and high on the bronze throne, like a perfect silver-white god.

   Greer, who chose to keep Darkseid's daughter, not only inherited Darkseid's power and half of the anti-life equation, but more importantly, the other party can digest and read Darkseid's hidden information.

   Greer knelt in front of the king's seat. She tightly clenched the mother box in her hand. Under the gaze of everyone on the field, she took a deep breath before slowly uttering a sentence:

   "Daxseid, you're not dead yet!"

   The room was silent at first.

   Then, except for Yi Meng, everyone else turned pale with shock.

"What did you say?!"

"how can that be!"

   "Dakseid was obviously defeated by the king, and then killed by you."

   "Even the corpse has been erased, so it should be impossible to revive the mother box!"

   Facing everyone's doubts.

   Greer continued to speak in a non-surprising manner, "In other words, the Darkseid we know is dead, but the real Darkseid is not dead!"

  (end of this chapter)