MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 19 Handsome broken leg small military division (six)

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In the next ten days or so, Chen Liguo was very rare and did not go to the DPRK.

Even if the character of Chess is slow, it can be seen that the night of the game has dealt a great deal against his family.

When he sent the meal on this day, he asked carefully if Chen Liguo was uncomfortable.

Chen Liguo was lying in bed, saying that he was fine, let the music go out.

Le Che heard that a pair of beautiful almond eyes began to mist again. He said: "Adult, don't be angry with your body."

Chen Liguo sighed lowly: "I don't have to say more, I have my own size."

The chess game was stopped, but because of his servant status, he did not say anything and turned and retired.

Chen Liguo saw Le Chess go, yawned and put the quilt on top to plan to continue to sleep. He is very fragile. It is not easy for Chen Liguo to get up every morning before dawn. However, due to numerous factors, he must persist. Now that there is finally an excuse for not reporting to the DPRK, how can Chen Liguo let go.

The bed was very warm, and Chen Liguo was lying inside and was sleepy until the chess came to see him and he was still lying. He was shocked: "You are still sleeping?"

Chen Liguo snorted slowly.

When he saw it, he quickly stepped forward and touched Chen Liguo’s forehead. Then he hesitated: "You, adults, you seem to be a little hot..."

Chen Liguo did not speak.

Le Chess: "Adult, I will call you the doctor, you are weak and can't drag."

Chen Liguo coughed two channels: "I am fine."

Chess is full of worry.

Chen Liguo saw that he still intended to persuade, helplessly said: "Well, you are going to call the doctor."

Le chess snorted and hurried out.

After a while, the doctor came. After he helped Chen Liguo to finish the pulse, he frowned. "This is a heart disease caused by excessive anxiety."

Chen Liguo hangs his eyes and does not speak.

Le Chess Road: "There is a doctor who drove a few medicines for my family."

The doctor clicked on him. He said: "The medicine is only an auxiliary effect, and the heart disease should be treated with medicine."

Le chess bites his lip, revealing a sad expression.

The doctor and Chen Liguo also said something to pay attention to, and after they opened the medicine, they got up and left.

Le Chess took the medicine prescribed by the doctor and asked: "Adult, what do you want to eat?"

Chen Liguo was quiet for a moment, and said lowly: "You go to the Hongyan House to pack a table and come back for a feast."

Le Chess heard the words of the feast and thought that his ears were hungry. He stayed and confirmed: "Big, adults, do you want to have a feast?"

Chen Liguo said: "Well."

Le Chess is stunned: "But the joyful feast is so greasy..." The feast is a very famous feast of the Hongyan Building, using all the finest ingredients - what abalone sea cucumber, mushroom and grass, forcing How come high. Obviously, this banquet is completely unsuitable for patients to eat.

Chen Liguo smiled and said: "I can't rejoice, then I will have something to eat."

The original horror of Chess became a sad moment. He choked a little, and he felt that he had touched the most bitter place in his own heart. His adults could only use this method to comfort the heart.

"Adult, I will go." Le Chess turned and silently wiped the tears on his cheeks and went out to Chen Liguo to pack the food.

Chen Liguo looked at the back of the chess sorrow, and the conscience that had been smashed by the dog was a bit unbearable.

But I can't bear to just a moment. When I think that I don't have to drink porridge, I can finally eat some hard food. Chen Liguo's heart is full of strength.

It’s fast to go back to the music, but half an hour’s effort, Chen Liguo is filled with a table of good food.

The Buddha's jump wall, which exudes a rich scent, has been mouth-watering without being untied. It is just Chen Liguo's pale face, but it is doubtful whether he can eat the dishes of this table.

Le Chess wanted to stand by and serve Chen Liguo. As a result, Chen Liguo asked him to go out and wait.

"Big, adults." Music is obviously afraid of Chen Liguo where he can't open, he said, "You don't have to be embarrassed yourself..."

Chen Liguo said: "Go out."

Although the chess is not willing, it is still grinding out.

Seeing Le Che went out, Chen Liguo immediately picked up the chopsticks and clipped a large piece of fat into his mouth.

"It's delicious." Sure enough, it is the most expensive banquet. This fat is fat and not greasy, the entrance is instant, and Chen Liguo eats tears. He said, "System, it's good to have money."

System: "..." Mom is coming again.

Chen Liguo said: "Can your next world help me choose a more wealthy identity?"

System: "Yes."

Chen Liguo was stuffing his mouth into the mouth and heard that the system was so crisp and neat. He was a little panicked. He said, "You didn't lie to me?"

System: "No."

Chen Liguo: "..." It feels even worse after the end.

Although the system is suspected to be unscrupulous, the next world is estimated to be a long time later... Chen Liguo is too lazy to think about it, and simply eats the food in front of him.

He has not eaten such a greasy thing for a long time, and it is reasonable to say that according to Chen Liguo, the body will certainly not be able to bear it. But because of the system's golden fingers, and Chen Liguo's own love for things, he actually swept away most of the food on the table.

After eating almost, Chen Liguo took a piece of cake left on the table and started eating again. This pastry is a bit dry, Chen Liguo eats a little urgently, and the result is that the card is in the throat.

Chen Liguo had been swallowing hard for a long time and had never swallowed it. A face that was originally white was like a ghost. The most talkative thing about him was that he found no water in the room.

"System, system! Help, I am going to die!" Chen Liguo felt that he would faint.

System: "..." Mom's mental retardation.

Just when Chen Liguo felt that he had to leave the world because of a piece of cake, the door was suddenly pushed open. Chen Liguo thought it was a chess game. As a result, as soon as he looked up, he saw a black cloud-covered face--you The third of you, how come you come again.

"Three halls, you can't go in." Le Chess also did his best to play the play, pretending to be able to stop the appearance of the three halls.

Yan Jingyi didn't have a soft heart. He lifted the chess piece directly, like throwing a garbage bag and throwing it to the side, then entering the house to lock the door - until the house was locked, and the cake card was destined to die. Only then reacted completely.

Yan Jingyi’s eyes stared at Chen Liguo. His eyes swept through the few dishes left on the table in the room. He sneered and walked to Chen Liguo in a few steps.

Chen Liguo examined the situation and felt that he was definitely not the opponent of Yan Jingyi. However, he could not show weakness because of his identity. He could only sit at the table with no expression and pretend that he did not see Yan Jingyi.

Yan Jingyi looked at Chen Liguo's pale face and looked at the similar food that was eaten at this table. He had never spoken for a long time.

Suddenly unveiled the disguise, Chen Liguo, although his expression was calm, actually his heart had collapsed. He cried and said, "System, will he kill me?"

System: "Yes."

Chen Liguo said: "You don't help me?"

System: "No."

Chen Liguo: "Can you say a few more words?"

System: "Yes."

Chen Liguo burst into tears and immediately swears that he will not bully the system anymore. The system is full of Chen Liguo in farting.

Just when Chen Liguo’s heart was fluctuating wildly, Yan Jingyi spoke. However, the first sentence he said made Chen Liguo stunned. He said, “Hey, I didn’t expect you to come up with this method to toss. Himself."

Chen Liguo: "..." Hey, the plot is different from what he thinks.

Yan Jingyi reached out and pinched Chen Liguo's chin. He slowly pulled Chen Liguo's face to his face. His tone was dark and deep: "Hey adults?"

Chen Liguo looked at the handsome face of Yan Jingyi, and sniffed the faint **** smell that he had uploaded. It was so scary that the pastry that had been stuck in Chen Liguo’s throat was not allowed to move. !

Chen Liguo: "..." So cool!

Yan Jingyi looked at Chen Liguo's eyes, and there was a little bit of water vapor. When he thought that Chen Liguo would cry out, he found that the traces of water vapor disappeared without a trace.

In the end, there is a literati who has the bones. Yan Jingyi has a strong interest in the people in front of him.

Chen Liguo said hard: "Three Royal Highness, what do you want to do."

Yan Jingyi said: "If the adults follow me, I will treat them with courtesy, how?"

Chen Liguo closed his eyes. His body was shaking. It seemed to be suppressing his inner feelings. When he blinked again, the inside was restored to a lightness. He said: "It is hard to die."

Yan Jingyi had already guessed the answer. He looked at Chen Liguo's thin body and said with great interest: "You can know that there are many ways to ruin a person."

Chen Liguo said: "Know how."

Yan Jingyi turned to look at the wreck of a table next to her eyes and smiled. "You said, you are not worthy of my worst way."

Chen Liguo is silent.

Yan Jingyi said: "Hey adults?"

Chen Liguo didn't want to talk. He was afraid that he would talk to himself - he would spit out all that he had just eaten, and it really was too much to eat, and vomiting - all stuck in the eyes of the blind man.

Yan Jingyi looked at Chen Liguo's face more and more ugly. He thought that this was his own threat, so he gently leaned over and saw that he wanted to kiss Chen Liguo's lips.

I felt that Yan Jingyi’s lips were stuck on her lips. Chen Liguo’s face was black, and he did not hesitate to push Yanjingyi, and then turned his head: “vomit!!!”

Yan Jingyi saw this scene, his face was blue, and he said, "I just make you sick?!"

Chen Liguo: "..." No! You listen to me, this is not the case!