MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 189 In my domain, everyone can ask the immortal

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  Although it is late at night, Tianxian Mountain is brightly lit which is rare.

  The searchlight that can illuminate half of the sky is placed on the top of the mountain to provide the necessary light source conditions for the construction team.

  Zhao Guofeng did what he said, even though he would have to deal with the issue of Yinfan Kingdom after returning, he still took the promise to Su Yun to heart.

  As the saying goes, being in the official family is easy to practice after all.

  After the transfer of several departments, the Tianxianshan project was soon implemented.

  According to the new plan formulated, a martial temple will be built on Tianxian Mountain, in which the stone tablet carved by Su Yun will be enshrined.

   It is also equivalent to enshrining many ancient people in disguise.

  For Zhao Guofeng, this matter itself has no meaning to him.

  It was mainly Su Yun's idea, and Zhao Guofeng also wanted to be a favor.

  Since the Yuntai on the top of the mountain is not too big, it does not need to be magnificent to build a martial arts temple.

  The construction period is only one month at most, in Zhao Guofeng's view, why not do it?

  Su Yun and Zhao Guofeng agreed on a time, a month later someone will pick up Su Yun to Tianxian Mountain and complete the Martial Temple.

   This does not affect Su Yun's plan for himself. After a long time in the storm, he needs to return to Qingning after all.

  Early the next morning, Su Yun took the white monkey back to his hometown, Shengu Village. This village has never changed since Su Yun could remember.

  The only thing that changed was that when Su Yun appeared at the entrance of the village, the villagers sitting there got up one after another and greeted Su Yun enthusiastically.

  Su Yun is now the pride of Shengu Village, and the object of discussion among the villagers after dinner.

  Although their network is underdeveloped, none of what Su Yun has done is earth-shattering, so even in a remote mountain village like Shengu Village, Su Yun's deeds have already been spread.

  Su Yun smiled and greeted the villagers one by one, and finally saw the familiar old locust tree again.

   Seeing Su Yun, Yang Shan wept with joy, while Su Guowei looked at Su Yun with a smile not far away, his eyes full of relief.

  Su Yun already liked his mother's sentimentality. While speaking to comfort him, he also looked at Su Guowei and smiled.

  There is no need to say too much between the father and son, everything is enough to interpret in the eyes.

  When Yang Shan managed to stabilize her emotions and was eagerly busy preparing for a big meal as usual, the father and son also sat in front of the tea table in the yard and chatted.

   "Dad, I made you worry again. When I saw Uncle Zhao and the others in Yinfanguo, I guessed that it must be your call."

  Su Guowei poured hot tea into the cup in front of Su Yun, and said with a gentle smile:

   "You are my son, I don't worry about you, who worries about you?

  Your Uncle Zhao and the others called me later, and I was really relieved when I learned that you were fine.

  I thought that you would definitely come back, so I didn't call you, for fear of disturbing your affairs. "

   Speaking of this, Su Guowei looked at Su Yun:

   "Are you done with your affairs?"

   "It's over, Jiajia..."

   Before Su Yun finished speaking, Su Guowei immediately said:

   "Son, you don't need to explain any reason to me. As long as you think it is necessary, Dad will support you."

  Su Guowei's words warmed Su Yun's heart. Before he knew it, the rigid and serious father in his childhood impression seemed to have changed a long time ago.

  As time passed, Su Yun suddenly realized that his father in front of him was much older.

  His figure is no longer as tall and straight as before, and his eyes are no longer sharp. Now when we have a long talk, Su Guowei has become the one who listens instead.

  For him, being able to hear his son talking beside him is already a kind of happiness.

  Su Yun also cherishes the peace of the moment, and chatted with Su Guowei for a long time, and the content was mostly daily conversations between father and son.

   Regarding the general situation of the country, or the matter of spiritual practice that people are concerned about, Su Guowei never mentioned a word from the beginning to the end.

  In his mind, someone would ask Su Yun about these questions, and he was just accompanying Su Yun as a father.

  In the next few days, Su Yun spent all his time in Shengu Village. In his spare time, he would go to the back mountain to see Divine Doctor Lu.

   Whenever he sees Su Yun, Doctor Lu is very excited.

  He loves Su Yun beyond words, and he is even more proud of having such a successor as Su Yun no matter in front of anyone.

  Because Su Yun had attracted a lot of people's attention to Chinese medicine through live broadcast some time ago, now the door of Miracle Doctor Lu's house is basically full of people every day.

  Whether sick or not, there will be a long queue at this door.

  Some people hope that the miracle doctor can cure chronic diseases, and of course many people hope to try their luck, maybe they can meet the legendary Su Yun.

  So when Su Yun appeared in the back mountain, many people in the originally long queue surrounded him excitedly.

   "Hero Su Yun, I finally meet you, you are my idol!"

   "Hero Su Yun is younger than he looks in the video!"

   "Hero Su Yun, can you sign for me!"

  Su Yun never expected that he would have so many fans.

   While greeting everyone with a smile, he found an opportunity and hurried into the house.

  At this moment, in Doctor Lu's hut, several hospital beds are full of people.

  These people did come to seek medical treatment, and the superb medical skills of Dr. Lu also impressed these patients.

  Su Yun hurried forward to help, seeing Su Yun coming, Doctor Lu was as happy as usual.

  The patient lying on the bed widened his eyes in astonishment, some couldn't believe that the legendary hero not only appeared in front of him at this moment, but even healed the disease himself.

  In the afternoon, Su Yun couldn't remember exactly how many people he cured.

   Just remember these people thanking him over and over again as they go.

  After sending these people away with great difficulty, Divine Doctor Lu quickly hung up the sign that the door was closed.

  He didn't want Su Yun to come, he was very busy.

  Poured hot water soaked in traditional Chinese medicine for Su Yun. Divine doctor Lu sat opposite Su Yun, looking at Su Yun with love in his eyes:

   "Boy, what have you been up to these days?"

   Miracle doctor Lv has been here all year round. In addition to seeing a doctor, he collects medicine in his daily life, and he doesn't like to use any electronic equipment.

   This made Dr. Lu's news not well-informed, but in this way, it is true that others can have a rare peace.

  Although the matter of Yinfan Kingdom was raging on the internet, Divine Doctor Lu knew nothing about it.

   Occasionally heard two sentences from the patient's mouth, and Doctor Lu couldn't quite figure out the ins and outs of them.

   "Master, it's nothing, I've been running around all this time, and I even went abroad.

   I won't be back here, so I will come to see you as soon as possible. "

  Hearing what Su Yun said, Divine Doctor Lu smiled and nodded:

   "I heard from the patients that you went to Yinfan country?

  That is not a good place, a group of barbarians are weird and out of order.

  I also heard that what temple did you destroy? "

  Su Yun didn't know how to answer these words, but before he could speak, Divine Doctor Lu said to himself:

   "Destroy it! Those people are all superstitious, and they regard their mother river as a holy river.

  The holy river is a holy river, and it is not well protected. I heard that the river is dirtier than toilets.

   This group of people still ran inside to take a bath and drink. I really don’t know how this group of people survived. "

  Su Yun listened to Miracle Doctor Lu's complaints, and echoed from time to time.

   After all, Miracle Doctor Lu is old, and because he has been in the mountains for a long time, it is normal for him to have a stubborn impression of the outside world.

  In Lu's opinion, what Su Yun did was right, and this is also his unique preference for Su Yun, a person with a strange temper.

   "Cough cough cough..."

   While speaking, Miracle Physician Lu suddenly started to cough violently, which surprised Su Yun:

   "Master, what's wrong with you?"

   Divine doctor Lu coughed so badly that he couldn't even speak.

  Su Yun quickly handed the water to Dr. Lu's hand, and then patted his back lightly.

   After a while, Doctor Lu finally calmed down a lot, and he waved his hands with some effort:

  "When you get old, some problems will show up."

   Upon hearing this, Su Yun hurriedly said:

   "Master, Chuan Fritillaria, Nansha Ginseng, and Sydney Green Paste can cure lung cough. You didn't tell me this. Why don't you give yourself some conditioning?"

   Divine doctor Lu shook his head with a bitter smile, and sighed helplessly:

   "It has been conditioned, but the grass has roots and the trees have roots. I am old and I will not live long.

  Even if these medicines get into the body, they can’t be absorbed anymore. This disease is a disease of the elderly, and you have to accept your fate when you get old...”

  While speaking, Divine Physician Lu coughed again. Every time he coughed, it would affect the lungs of Divine Physician Lu, causing bursts of tearing pain.

  Seeing it, Su Yun couldn't bear it. He quickly went to the medicine box to grab the medicine, boiled it in water and gave it to Doctor Lu.

   But the facts are also like what Divine Doctor Lu said, these medicines can only relieve the pain, and cannot change anything.

   When Su Yun left from Miracle Doctor Lu after a while, his expression was very serious.

  He didn't say in front of Miracle Doctor Lu that he had just entered an extraordinary state, so he had a general understanding of Miracle Doctor Lu's physical condition.

  Being old, what Divine Doctor Lu said is true, the vitality of various organs in the body is getting weaker and weaker, which is a sign of old age.

  This discovery made Su Yun feel a little heavy. He didn't go home directly, but took the white monkey along the back mountain to the top of Shengu Mountain.

   Sitting next to Shengushi again, things have changed.

  Su Yun recalled that when he first came here, he didn't even have an accurate concept of the word cultivation.

  At that time, he wanted to practice the method of flying cards and flying needles, but today he is looking for more advanced answers.

   Sitting cross-legged, Su Yun's heart is always calmed down here.

  He closed his eyes gently, settling his thoughts and digesting new insights.

  The white monkey was very happy because he returned to a familiar environment.

  It was playing with the wooden stick in its hand, moving around in the open space beside it, like a majestic saint.

  Breezy breeze blowing on face, heart sank like water, Su Yun sat down and seemed to be in the barrenness, dissociated from this secular world.

  Before he knew it, Su Yun entered the extraordinary state again, and in Su Yun's spiritual world, he stepped into the extraordinary space again.

  In the vast and boundless space, following Su Yun's thoughts, the place is constantly changing.

  Su Yun has never thought deeply about the issue of life and death, but now he is beginning to face it squarely.

  In this space, green branches emerged on the ground in front of Su Yun, and then the branches grew and flower buds bloomed.

  A life just appeared, but it withered quickly.

  As the flower withers, scattered on the ground and re-merged with the soil, new branches appear again.

  Su Yun sat here quietly, watching the flowers fall and bloom, and gradually realized something.

  Life comes from nothingness and returns to nothingness in the end. This is an unchangeable law.

   But the end of life does not mean the end, but the beginning of everything.

  Some are old and some are young, some are dead and some are reborn.

  The true meaning of life lies in continuous reincarnation, and reincarnation is another bond that exists in the world and continues the law.

  He felt relieved, making Su Yun's mood no longer so dull.

  As his thoughts changed, the space in front of him changed again.

  A familiar forest appeared in front of Su Yun, and there was a person in the forest who was constantly practicing flying needles and flying cards.

  Su Yun recognized at a glance that this forest is the Shengu Mountain where he is now, and that person is his former self.

  In this space, all skills can be conceptualized, so Su Yun, as a bystander, can also see more changes that he was not aware of before in the process of flying needles and cards.

   This is also the first time that Su Yun looked at his former self from this perspective. He trained again and again, even if his arms were numb, even if he was exhausted, he never stopped.


  Su Yun saw that Lin Zhong had entered an extraordinary state, and in his eyes, the invisible extraordinary state was also conceptualized in the form of golden light in this space.

   This surprised Su Yun. He looked at himself in the forest seriously, and he was covered by golden light at this moment.

  It was also in this state that I practiced faster and faster, and all the fatigue seemed to be healed by the golden light.

  Recalling myself at that time, after entering the extraordinary state, I felt a sense of transparency, as if I had a deeper understanding of the flying cards in my hand.

  At the same time, all the tiredness disappeared, and the soreness that bothered me disappeared.

  In the extraordinary state, I can always break through the current bottleneck in a short time.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun frowned suddenly, then stood up slowly in surprise, and walked towards the forest in front of him.

  At this moment, Lin Zhong himself is constantly practicing in an extraordinary state, and the skills of flying cards and flying needles in his hand are indeed constantly improving.


   Following Su Yun's thought, everything seemed to freeze.

  Lin Zhong himself was still in the posture of flying cards, as if time had completely lost its effect at this moment.

  But in fact Su Yun is very clear that what he sees in front of his eyes is all because of his conceptualization of thoughts in this spiritual space.

  What you think in your heart will appear in this space, regardless of time and space, this place is like an independent world outside the law.

   Soon, Su Yun stood in front of him. This special feeling made Su Yun feel a little weird.

  At this moment, he seemed to have crossed time, met his past self, and met his immature self at that time.

  But what really caught Su Yun's attention was the golden light that enveloped him in the past.

  Extraordinary may not only be a force acting on oneself...

  After this idea appeared in Su Yun's mind, it lingered for a long time.

  If the extraordinary state is regarded as a kind of domain, like this golden light, then whoever is in this golden light can get a lot of gains?

  Su Yun looked at himself in front of him and kept thinking about this matter, and then he tried to control this power in his mind.


   Soon, the golden light that was originally only wrapped around Su Yun's body, as his mind control expanded impressively, a golden field opened up.

  Su Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he in reality suddenly opened his eyes.

  What he saw and heard in the spiritual world just now gave Su Yun an unprecedented thought.

   For a long time, I have been obsessed with preaching the Dharma, trying to find a once-and-for-all method.

   But in fact, Su Yun himself is very clear that although his current realm is unparalleled in the world, he doesn't know much about cultivation.

  If you want to preach the Dharma, you must first understand the system, state, and even method of practice.

   This is not an easy task. When the four realms were clarified, it was already very difficult.

   What's more, compared to the system of practice, the four realms are too simple.

   It is precisely this point that has been bothering Su Yun from taking this step.

  Preaching the Dharma is like a distant goal that can never be approached.

  But now, Su Yun suddenly had an idea just now, why must he be obsessed with this?

  Didn't I also enter into the skill first, and then enter the Tao from the skill?

  For Dao, I need time to understand it now, but for technology, I have already mastered it.

  If the idea just now is correct, then is it possible to...

  Su Yun thought of something, and soon decided to practice it.

  He suddenly entered the extraordinary state again, and tried to spread the extraordinary state.

   All along, Su Yun just regarded the extraordinary state as a kind of spiritual power that only he can instruct.

  But now, in front of Su Yun who has entered a new realm, there is another possibility.

  Since it is spiritual power, it should be controllable, or at least spread out.

   After all, the white monkey who was only a year old just got to his extraordinary state and stepped into practice.


  Following a faint ray of light flashed in Su Yun's eyes, the extraordinary domain suddenly spread around Su Yun.

  Su Yun gritted his teeth, and then consciously applied the extraordinary state to the domain.

   Sure enough!

   Soon, Su Yun's eyes lit up. His idea was correct. The extraordinary state acts on the extraordinary field, forming a new state that can spread.

  As long as it is within the scope of this field, it can be affected by the extraordinary state.

   At this point, there is no need to follow the fate, anyone can get it.

   This made Su Yun very happy, this discovery meant a lot to him.

  At the same time, Su Yun also realized that even if his previous self thought of this aspect, he might not be able to implement it at all.

  Because he didn't master the domain at that time, there was no carrier for the spread of the extraordinary state. For him at that time, this idea was just empty talk on paper.

  But it is different now, Su Yun has stepped into a new realm, mastered the extraordinary domain, and his spiritual strength has naturally increased accordingly.

  He can now clearly perceive the existence of the energy body of the extraordinary state, and within the scope of the domain, he can freely release the extraordinary state.

   In other words, Su Yun can directly cover the surrounding area into the domain, covering all directions. In his domain, everyone can be extraordinary!


   While Su Yun was still immersed in the joy of this new discovery, he suddenly heard the excited cry of the white monkey.

   Puzzled, Su Yun looked around, but the next scene made him startled.

  When Su Yun was sitting quietly just now, the white monkey had been playing with the wooden stick in his hand.

  Although it is dexterous, it is quite satisfactory.

  But at this moment, the white monkey seemed to have suddenly enlightened, and when it turned around, its movements became more and more fluid.

  The so-called boxing is afraid of the young and the stick is afraid of the old man. It means that the pointing and stick method pays more attention to the flexible transformation of moves and the combination of skill and strength.

  The previous white monkeys often solved battles with one stick, relying on their powerful explosive power.

   But now, the white monkey has shown a rare skill in the stick, and the skillful connection between the movements makes the white monkey at this time like a master of martial arts.

  This discovery made Su Yun frowned, and then quickly relaxed it.

  A look of joy flashed in his eyes, and the white monkey's reaction confirmed Su Yun's guess from the side.

   Within the scope of the extraordinary state, the white monkey has entered the extraordinary state, and the training of skills has become more and more proficient, complementing each other.

  Su Yun himself did not expect that after a sudden enlightenment, a brand new possibility appeared in front of him.

   It takes time to spread the Dharma and evangelism. Only after you first sum up the system of practice can you have the opportunity to teach it to others.

  In the future, you can create a practice method and start practicing directly from scratch, and everyone can do it.

  But nowadays, it is still necessary to pass the domain coverage and let others take the path of starting from technology. Fortunately, I have already gone through it.

  Although Xu Jiajia and Yang Datou tried it before, they lacked the most important thing, which is the extraordinary state.

   Neither Yang Datou nor Xu Jiajia has entered a super state, so boring training is meaningless to them.

  But now, I can spread the extraordinary state in the field.

  This means that everyone in the field can step into practice by entering the Tao through technology.

  At present, what Su Yun can confirm is that the range of the Transcendent Domain is about five square meters. As long as it is within this range, the Transcendent State can be applied.

  At the same time, Su Yun probably guessed that with the improvement of his realm and the deepening of his Taoism, this field will definitely continue to expand.

  Although it is the worst strategy to enter the Tao from technology, it is at least a feasible method.

   After clarifying the system of practice and determining the path and realm of practice, there is no delay in spreading the Dharma.

   What's more, if they can lay a solid foundation at the stage of entering the Tao from skills, they will also be able to advance to a higher level after entering the Tao.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun quickly left the field. The white monkey who was practicing Zhenghuan seemed to have sensed it instantly, and was a little dazed. He looked back at Su Yun curiously.

   "Snowball, let's go down the mountain first, and you will have a chance to practice later!"

  As soon as the white monkey heard this, he happily jumped onto Su Yun's shoulder, and happily followed Su Yun down the mountain.

  In the next few days, Su Yun has been constantly trying to apply the extraordinary state to the domain.

  As the field unfolds, although Yang Shan and Su Guowei don't know why, they can feel the strange changes in themselves.

   "Old Su, I don't know what's going on these two days. I used to have knee pain so bad I couldn't get out of bed, but I haven't done it again these two days."

   Yang Shan looked at Su Guowei suspiciously and said, and Su Guowei also felt the same way:

   "Me too, the gunshot wound left on the battlefield before caused my junior to be in pain every day.

  But no matter how active I am these two days, I don’t feel any discomfort at all, which is really strange. "

  Su Yun sat beside the two and smiled without saying a word. Only he knew that this was because the two were often in the supernatural realm, and under the effect of the supernatural state, their ailments were alleviated and contained.

   Not only them, but even Miracle Doctor Lu was in high spirits under the cover of his extraordinary state.

  His cough disappeared, as did the sense of weakness that had plagued him due to advanced age.

   This surprised Dr. Lu very much. After searching a lot of medical books, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

   Naturally, he didn't think about Su Yun's body. He just wondered if he had taken some traditional Chinese medicine that had such a miraculous effect?

   During this period of time, Su Yun became more and more proficient in expanding the extraordinary state.

   In his heart, he gradually decided on a plan, and it was time to find someone to try it out, the idea in his heart.

  But it's not the time yet, for Su Yun, he still has things to do.

  Early this morning, Su Yun temporarily bid farewell to Su Guowei and Yang Shan, went to the entrance of the village, got on the bus, and rushed to the city.

   After wandering around for several hours, Su Yun finally boarded the car to the capital after meeting Xu Jiajia.

  After Lin Guodong and others returned to China, they were immediately secretly sent to the Beijing Military Region Hospital for treatment.

  Su Yun has always wanted to go to visit, but there are many things, which delayed until today.

  However, Su Yun has been learning about relevant information. Although everyone was seriously injured, fortunately, their lives were not endangered.

   Soon, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia appeared at the gate of the Beijing Military Region Hospital. After thinking about it, this was his first time in the capital.

  The two entered the hospital very quickly, and after inquiring about the floor where Lin Guodong and others were hospitalized, they rushed over immediately.

  However, when they got out of the elevator, they realized that the corridor on this floor had been cordoned off.

  A team of soldiers guards here, except for doctors, it is impossible for idlers to enter.

  Seeing Su Yun and Xu Jiajia, the soldiers at the elevator entrance immediately stepped forward:

   "This place has been blocked, you..."

   While speaking, the soldier's eyes fell on Su Yun's face, and he froze immediately.

  At first, he looked familiar, but then he felt more and more familiar.

   " are Su Yun?"

   Su Yun was not surprised to be recognized, he basically has to keep a low profile wherever he goes now.

   "Comrade, I'm here to visit a friend."

   Just as Su Yun finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps and a familiar voice:

   "Comrade Su Yun, the chief has already guessed that you will come to visit, so he arranged for me to be in charge here, so that I can provide you with convenience at any time."

   It was none other than Zhan Lang who spoke.

  At this moment, Zhan Lang came in front of Su Yun and Xu Jiajia wearing a uniform, and the soldiers on the side immediately gave way.

  Led by Zhan Lang, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia followed him to the depths.

  Looking at the tight defense here, Su Yun said with some surprise:

   "Wolf Warrior, is the protection force so strict?"

  Hearing this, Zhan Lang immediately lowered his voice and said:

   "Comrade Su Yun, protection is only secondary, the most important thing is that the chief hopes to block this ward.

  After all, among the wounded, some people have special identities, which is inconvenient..."

  Hearing this, Su Yun immediately understood.

  The people with special identities mentioned by Zhan Lang refer to those friends of Xu Jiajia.

  They are all killers operating on the dark web. Although they only accept orders abroad, their identities are more sensitive after all.

   Therefore, Zhao Guofeng made such an arrangement, which was also a correct decision after comprehensive consideration.

   Soon, Zhan Lang stopped in front of a ward:

   "Comrade Su Yun, from here onwards is their ward.

  The first three wards are for Chairman Lin and fellow Chinese artists, and the last two are for those people. "

   After showing the direction, Zhan Lang stood outside the door alone and did not go into the house.


  Su Yun opened the door of the ward and brought Xu Jiajia into the ward.

   There are six beds in this ward, six people including Lin Guodong are lying on the beds.

  Seeing Su Yun coming in, they straightened up in surprise, and Lin Guodong was even more excited.

   "Brother Su Yun, why are you here!"

   After greeting several people with a smile, Su Yun came to sit beside Lin Guodong.

  Lin Guodong is now almost mummified except for his head.

   Seeing this in his eyes, Su Yun's tone was a bit heavy:

   "Brother Lin, the matter was urgent at that time, and I left directly after returning to China, and I have never had time to thank you in person.

  Thank you for rushing to the temple. In order to help me, I got this injury. "

   This is the first time Lin Guodong heard Su Yun call him Big Brother Lin. This address immediately made him feel that it would be worth dying in Yinfan.

  So Lin Guodong quickly said:

   "Don't be so polite bro, we're just doing what we can.

  As long as you're okay, it's no big deal for us to get hurt a little bit. "

   "That's right, Brother Su Yun, you are welcome, we are all voluntary!"

  Others echoed the voice one after another. As masters of martial arts, they always go straight and say what they have.

   At this moment, Xu Jiajia also bowed to Lin Guodong and others, and said sincerely:

   "Thank you uncles, thank you very much..."

  Lin Guodong looked at Xu Jiajia, and then looked at Su Yun in surprise:

   "Brother, is this girl the one lying in the coffin?"

  Su Yun smiled and nodded, which made Lin Guodong and others stare wide-eyed.

  When they found Su Yun, they also saw Xu Jiajia lying in the coffin.

  But what they didn't expect was that Xu Jiajia, who seemed lifeless at that time, was standing in front of them at this moment.

  Su Yun looked at the expression on Lin Guodong's face and showed a smile.

  When everyone's attention was on Xu Jiajia, Su Yun also quietly shrouded the extraordinary state on them...

  (end of this chapter)