MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 233 Shouldering the fate of the galaxy, rushing to the depths of the universe

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  Chapter 233 shoulders the fate of the galaxy, rushing to the depths of the universe


  Zhao Guofeng looked at Su Yun in surprise, this is a problem that the whole world is currently troubled by.

  Going to the moon or something is fine. This is going to another unknown galaxy. Even if the earth's technology develops according to the current progress for another 20 years, it is difficult to say that this can be done. The difficulty can be imagined.

   "Taozu, are you serious?"

  Zhao Guofeng looked at Su Yun in disbelief. Even though Su Yun said it himself, it still made him feel a little unbelievable.


  Su Yun nodded, looked at Zhao Guofeng and explained:

  “In the state of fugue, the laws of physical concepts don’t work, and the theory of space is only for three-dimensional creatures.

   But in the state of fugue, it is far above three-dimensional, so this should be the best solution at present. "

  Su Yun raised his head while speaking, looked at the thunder cloud above his head and sighed slightly:

  “What happened today is just the beginning, the earth is facing an unprecedented enemy.

  If you want to prevent, you must first understand the other party.

  Old Zhao, I will leave my physical body to you to take care of. This line of work is unknown, so make sure you have no worries. "

  After saying these words, Su Yun walked towards the magic weapon step by step.

  Looking at Su Yun's back, Zhao Guofeng cupped his fists excitedly and bowed deeply towards Su Yun's back:

   "Don't worry, Daozu, and protect Daozu's physical body!"

  Su Yun stepped into the coffin and sat cross-legged. In an instant, a light blue light covered Su Yun's body.

  The feeling of lightness struck again, Su Yun's translucent spirit came out of his body, and after seeing Xu Jiajia and others at the foot of the mountain, he quickly lifted off and went straight to space.

   Zhao Guofeng couldn't see this scene, but he could tell from Su Yun's gradually disappearing breath that Su Yun had already entered a fugue state.

  He raised his head, looked at the sky above his head, and his mind was full of thoughts.

  Taozu, the fate of the earth is all in your hands.

   Is it a blessing or a curse, the earth has no power to choose...

  Zhao Guofeng's eyes became more serious. He naturally knew how important the result of Su Yun's fugue would be.

   After a while, Zhao Guofeng stabilized his mind, and then immediately called the army captain from the foot of the mountain through the communication device:

   "Have you found the fragments of the flying saucer that Daozu cut down earlier?"

  The captain hurriedly said:

   "Boss, at that time Daozu made a move, and the flying saucer was in the sky above Shengu Mountain.

  After the flying saucer exploded, the fragments were scattered all over Shengu Mountain.

   Several teams are currently searching, and will send the found fragments to the Beijing Research Center according to the order. "

  Zhao Guofeng nodded:

   "Very good, but remember, during the search for the wreckage of the flying saucer, Daozu must not be disturbed.

  Send people to guard 24 hours a day. The sudden disappearance of Daozu's physical body last time will never happen again. "



  At the same time, in the dense forest of Shengu Mountain, heavily armed soldiers are using technological equipment to search for flying saucer fragments.

   This is one of the few channels through which they can get a general understanding of their opponents, so no one dares to take it lightly.

  With Su Yun's shot, the battle ended, and the war wolf and other mech squads returned to Nantianmen together with Luanniao fighters and Xuanwu fighters.

  The armed forces supported by various countries also withdrew from the territory of Daxia immediately.

  In today's Great Xia, no country dares to offend, especially in this contest with alien flying saucers, the weakness of the earth is undoubtedly evident.

  It is so difficult to unite and fight. It would be a bit too stupid to go to the same way as before.

   As for wanting to be an adulterer, fornicating aliens?

  Countries are very clear that this is completely impossible. First of all, it will hurt everyone, and secondly, will the alien civilization be so kind?

   Only destruction or captivity is the means of alien civilization, and surrender will only be worse.

   Daxia's technology is now the most developed country on earth, so it is logical that Daxia is responsible for the detection of flying saucer fragments.

  Due to the serious damage to the flying saucer, only some small fragments were found on Shengu Mountain.

  Zhang Keqi quickly ordered relevant experts to conduct a detailed inspection of these flying saucer fragments, and make the final inspection results public to other countries, so that everyone can learn as much as possible about their common enemy.

   "Report! Commander, the test report has come out!"

   Not long after, the technician sent the report to Zhang Keqi.

  Zhang Keqi opened it to take a look, but his expression soon turned grim.

  He frowned slightly, obviously this report was not optimistic in his opinion.

   "Have you made sure, this is the final conclusion?"

  Zhang Keqi repeatedly confirmed with the technicians, and only sighed secretly when he saw the technicians nodding one after another.

   After waving his hand and gesturing for the technicians to leave, Zhang Keqi quickly connected to the international conference room.

  At this moment, the heads of state of various countries were waiting anxiously, and immediately asked after seeing Zhang Keqi entering the conference room.

   "Mr. Zhang, what is the situation? How far has the alien civilization developed?"

   "Commander Zhang, what method should we take to prevent it?"

   "Mr. Zhang, if a war really breaks out between the two sides, what are our chances of winning?"

  The heads of state looked at Zhang Keqi nervously, and were very concerned about the research report on the UFO fragments.

   Soon, Zhang Keqi sighed deeply, and then said solemnly:

   "Everyone, the test report has indeed come out, but I'm afraid this test report won't help us much."

"how so?"

  Heads of state are a little uneasy about this, and this is the only clue they can follow up so far.

   After all, it is currently impossible for earth science and technology to create an aircraft that can span the star field, but alien civilizations have clearly set their sights on the earth.

   "Everyone, the constituent substances of flying saucers are very special. There are at least seventeen kinds of substances, and none of them are known to us.

  Because there is not enough data support, the Tiannao system cannot perform calculations.

   Some of these substances should never even exist under our current laws of physics.

  Although it cannot be analyzed and calculated, this point illustrates a very serious problem. "

  Zhang Keqi paused, then continued:

   "That is, the degree of technological and cultural development of the alien civilization is far above ours. Perhaps, there are not only differences in time between us, but also differences in dimensions."

   While talking, Zhang Keqi waved his hand, and the technician next to him quickly projected a picture on the screen.

  The heads of state were very surprised by this, and asked in puzzlement:

"What's this?"

  The photo shows a small chip. The chip has been damaged, and only a shape can be barely seen.

   "Everyone, this is a chip found in the wreckage of the flying saucer, which is the core control system of the flying saucer.

   During the research on this chip, it was discovered that the control methods of these unmanned flying saucers are very special. The internal structure of the chip is similar to that of the human brain, but it is more complicated than the neurons of the human brain.

  We are also not sure what this technology should be called, artificial intelligence? Or artificial neurons?

   But no matter which one it is, it is showing us that the degree of development of alien civilization may be more advanced and powerful than we imagined. "

   Zhang Keqi's words silenced the heads of state present.

   It's not that Zhang Keqi boosts the ambitions of others and destroys his own prestige.

   Rather, they must face up to this gap and face up to this gap, otherwise it is meaningless.

   A moment later, the head of the Atlantean nation broke the silence:

   "Although Daxia has studied the alien wreckage, we still know very little about alien civilization.

  Is there no way to send an unmanned reconnaissance ship to probe the opponent's bottom like the alien civilization? "

  Zhang Keqi shook his head without thinking:

   "It is almost impossible to achieve it in a short period of time. First, we don't know where the other party is. At least there is no trace of alien civilization within the current observation range.

  Either they use better concealment methods, or the distance is far beyond the range of space we understand.

   To get there, it takes at least tens of thousands of light years, and unless you use wormholes to jump, it will never be possible.

  However, the wormhole theory has not been substantively proved since the Rosen Bridge appeared.

  Our technology cannot detect the existence of this kind of wormhole. "

  Suddenly, everyone fell into a desperate situation again.

   This doesn’t work, and that doesn’t work either. No matter how you look at this confrontation, the earth will have no power to fight back.


  The head of the Ice Bear Kingdom's eyes lit up, and then asked a little hastily:

   "Mr. Zhang, the Taoist ancestor of your country can easily destroy flying saucers. Is this also a guarantee for us?"

  Now the attitudes of various countries towards Su Yun have undergone earth-shaking changes. Things that cannot be done technologically naturally make the heads of state put their hopes on Daxia Daozu.

  But Zhang Keqi didn't know how to answer this.

  Because he didn't understand what kind of strength Daozu had.

   I don't even know Daozu's attitude, what kind of view he holds on this potential crisis against the earth.

   Just as Zhang Keqi was silent, a link popped up on the big screen.

  Zhang Keqi looked at the technician with some doubts, and the technician quickly said:

   "Commander, it's Chief Zhao, requesting to participate in the meeting remotely!"

   "Old Zhao?"

  Zhang Keqi waved his hand immediately:

   "Come in!"

   Soon, a new screen popped up on the big screen, Zhao Guofeng was standing at the foot of Shengu Mountain at the moment.

  Before Zhang Keqi asked, Zhao Guofeng said straight to the point:

   "Taozu has a solution. He wants to use the method of fugue to investigate the bottom of the alien civilization."



  Everyone, including Zhang Keqi, widened their eyes and looked at Zhao Guofeng in puzzlement.

  For the heads of state, they have no idea what fugue means.

  But Zhang Keqi knew about it, but what shocked him was that Su Yun's fugue state was able to cross the galaxy?

   "Old Zhao, what you said is true?"

   Zhang Keqi asked a question, Zhao Guofeng nodded seriously:

   "Now Daozu has entered into meditation again, and his mind wandered away.

  Although I don't quite understand the reason for this, Daozu himself said that the laws of physics we recognize cannot have any impact on him who is in a fugue state.

  So where we can't go, Taoist ancestors may not be unable to go.

   Now I am in Shengu Mountain, waiting for Daozu to wake up, just to tell you that there is no need to work **** this matter. "

   Zhao Guofeng seemed very unwilling to contact the heads of state, so he withdrew after speaking with Zhang Keqi.

  The heads of state looked at the foreign language translation in front of the screen, and they knew every word clearly, but they couldn't understand it together.

   "Mr. Zhang, what is fugue?"

   "Mr. Zhang, is Daxia Daozu able to do something?"

   "Mr. Zhang..."

  Now Zhang Keqi is completely immersed in shock, unable to recover for a long time.

  The ability of Taoist ancestors can be so...

  Zhang Keqi swallowed deeply, then looked at the heads of state on the screen and said:

   "Everyone, Daozu has already set off, I believe it will not take long before he can bring us more information.

  In today's world, only Dao Patriarch can do this! "

  The heads of state are still very confused about this, but Zhang Keqi did not explain to them what fugue is.

   This explanation is no different from playing the piano against a cow.

   Therefore, Zhang Keqi quickly stated that the meeting will be temporarily ended, and once there is any new news from Daozu, he will organize the meeting again.

   But what Zhang Keqi didn't know was that after he withdrew from the joint meeting, other heads of state also hurriedly went offline.

  But after going offline, they were not idle, and immediately started looking for experts who were proficient in Daxia culture, trying to figure out what fugue meant.

  But how can the cultures of these countries understand this matter so easily?

   Even in their culture, the word fugue can only be translated as, to visit a place mentally.

  This makes many countries more and more confused. Only a few countries known as the four ancient countries can roughly understand some one-sidedness.

   But no matter what, the hopes of all countries are pinned on Su Yun, Dao Patriarch of the Xia Dynasty.

   Otherwise, they will be completely passive and have nothing to do but wait for the opponent to attack.

   At the same time, Su Yun quickly shuttled through the space, and the speed of the explosion was obviously several times faster than the last time.

After this three-year retreat, his strength level has improved again, and he has reached the peak of the fifth level "Heaven and Earth", and he is only one step away from entering the currently known sixth level "Ying Jie" .

Therefore, Su Yun, who is in the current realm, can already use the extraordinary aura in the space. Although compared with the extraordinary aura of the earth, Su Yun has used a process of eliminating other messy forces, but for the strength after retreat. As far as Su Yun who has been promoted again, it does not constitute any influence.

  In this fugue state, Su Yun spread the extraordinary domain, as if he was free to roam the world.

  The earth behind us is getting farther and farther away, and the dazzling sun has turned into an intuitively hot fireball.

  He passed through quickly, and the speed could not be measured by physical concepts at all. After all, these are two different concepts.

  Fugue is also not in physical three-dimensional at all.

  In contrast, Su Yun's state at this time is closer to quantum physics, which has always been controversial.

  With the Milky Way as the boundary, Su Yun is shouldering the mission of the earth and flying towards an unknown direction...

  (end of this chapter)