MTL - The President is Being Shameless Again-Chapter 15 Not waiting for you, but waiting for the car

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Then he turned around and walked out holding Lin Chu.

"Oh, big nephew, wait for your uncle!" Yanning Bai shouted at the back, and he was about to catch up, then he suddenly glanced to the side and looked at Lin Chu's bare feet.

So two chubby hands, grabbed a shoe in one hand, and immediately twisted the small fart. The stock kept up with the two.

The short-legged child was struggling to chase behind him, and after a while, the figure of Yanbei City could not be seen.

Fortunately, this big nephew is a bit humane. After the little fat man ran out of the hotel, he found that Yan Beicheng was standing at the door with Lin Chu.

"Yan Shao, thank you just now, you can let me down." Lin Chu was really embarrassed to look up, the cool wind at night failed to blow the heat from her face.

"You are barefoot, the ground is dirty and cold, how to put it on?" Yan Beicheng still hugged her as if she were holding a child. People coming and going at the entrance of the hotel looked here.

Lin Chu was invisible, but he didn't even notice it.

Lin Chu's brain was so bad that he could feel the eyes of passersby even if he could not see it.

His voice was still so low, he kept sighing in her ears. I don't know if he talked so quietly on purpose, let her pay special attention to what he said, and the result of listening intently was that he was particularly sensitive to the heat that he gave out.

Lin Chu wanted to hide, but he was still clasped by his back, like protection, which made her inexplicably reassuring.

"Not filial to your nephew, and I don't know to wait for your uncle!" A soft child's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Chu was surprised and looked back. This time Yan Beicheng didn't stop her any more, Lin Chu looked down and saw the fat man standing in front of them, holding her high heels in both hands.

As soon as Lin Chu was embarrassed, he heard the fat man reluctantly say, "But fortunately, you know that you are waiting for me at the door."

At this time, a large black Cherokee stopped slowly beside them, and the waiter in Shengyue uniform came down from the car, and respectfully handed out the key in his hand.

Yan Beicheng held Lin Chu in one hand and took the key in one hand before he said to Yan Ningbai: "It's not waiting for you, it's waiting for the car."

Chu Chu: "..."

Yan Ningbai: "..."

He felt hurt!

"You you ... have you forgotten your uncle!" Yan Ningbai jumped angrily.

Yan Beicheng's eyes narrowed: "Then my uncle and nephew called, I will leave you on the side of the road."

Children Yanning Bai felt frightened and abused. Two little fat hands held Lin Chu's high heels and rushed out quickly. Only one residual image was sitting in the back seat of the car.

With a "bang", he quickly closed the car door. He was so scared that the nephewful nephew really threw himself to the side of the road and hugged the pretty girl happily.

"..." Lin Chu silently watched where the fat man disappeared, "my shoes ..."

"Let's wear it later," Yan Beicheng said, hugging Lin Chu in the co-pilot and sitting. He quickly walked around and sat in.

--- Off topic ---

I even forgot to update in the middle of the night again, my mind is thinking about Senmo ~~ _ (: з 」∠) _