MTL - The President’s Heartbeat: Mermaid Wife is Adorable-Chapter 972 Have evidence

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Biquge, the latest update of the president ’s darling: the latest chapter of Mermaid's Wife Meng Meng!

Seeing Meng Youyou's fragile, frightened, Lan Duodu feel uneasy.

I just felt that my life was boring and I wanted to go out and have fun, and this immediately came to my door. God really treated her well.

"Hey, you're dumb, my mother asks you!"

Nippo took an aggressive step forward.

She didn't believe that this woman had her father's child in her belly. This woman looked ugly and stupid. How could it be worth one-millionth of her mother.

Her dad is a visionary and tasteful person, no matter how to find a good-looking woman.

However, few women in this world have her mother looking good.

Nibao yelled so loudly, and startled Meng Youyou again.

"Yes ... it's Jun Shao him ..."

Before she finished speaking, Dabao couldn't help but spit out the two words with a cold face: "Exquisite."

"What I said is true, Mrs. Jun, this child is really a young man. I did not lie ..."

Meng Youyou hurried forward a few steps, for fear that others would not believe her.

"There is no reason to say that there are more women who want to rely on their sons and daughters. What you say is what you are. Let us be fools."

Li Mumu gave her a scornful glance.

"No, I have evidence, I have evidence!" Meng Youyou hurriedly found her cell phone from the bag.

"This is a surveillance video of Jun Shao staying in Shengshi Hotel two months ago. That day, that day, Jun Shao and I ..."

As if she couldn't keep talking, her voice was getting lower and lower.

Hearing words, Lan Duo frowned slightly.

She has a good memory. She remembers that one night two months ago, Jun Yue returned at midnight.

"Fart less!" Li Mumu grabbed the phone, and when she finished watching the video on the phone, her face was a bit ugly.

The video shows that Brother Lao Yue entered the room at 8 pm, and shortly after he entered, Meng Youyou also entered.

I waited until 11 o'clock, and when I came out, I was out of clothes.

If anything happens in these hours, it is more than enough.

If it wasn't for Brother Yue Yue's willingness, then how could that woman stay in Brother Yue Yue's room for so long.

This ... is very problematic.

"What, I want to see it." Nibao took her hand and wanted to see the so-called evidence in the phone.

Li Mumu touched her head: "Ni Bao is good, children are not suitable."

Nibo didn't understand the meaning of this statement, but Dabao understood it.

The little face grew colder and looked up worriedly at his mother.

Lan Duoduo didn't change his expression, as if he hadn't been affected.

Dabao bowed his head. Maybe, he and Niebo are not suitable here, they are still children, let the adults deal with it.

Anyway, mother can't afford to lose again.

Thinking, he walked to Nibao and took Nibao's hand: "Nibao, let's go back to the room."


Nibao's eyes were reddish, and the little meat bun face looked aggrieved.

She's not as emotionally emotional as her mother, but it doesn't mean she's not sensible.

She knew from Xiao's expression that there must be something important in the phone.

Perhaps Dad really did something to be sorry for Mom.

"Ni Bao, let's go back to the room and let Mom and Xiaozhang fix it."

Niebo bit her lip poorly, her expression was awkward, and she followed her brother upstairs and returned to the room.

The children left, Li Mumu ignored Meng Youyou who was kneeling on the ground and sobbed, and handed her mobile phone to Lan Duo Duo.

"Duo, do you want to see it?"

Lan Duo shook his head.

Don't even think about what's in it, she's afraid that watching it will lower her IQ.