MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 18 Can bend to reach out to be a husband! (1)

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Chapter 18 can bend to reach out to be a husband! (1) On the fourth day, return to the palace.

Qi Qi and I all wore clothes with a slightly higher collar and tightly wrapped clothes. The two saw each other and looked at them. They didn’t look over the cold, I thought I would pump him a few times.

The green fence licked my hand, and I endured it, only erecting the **** at the back of the Qi.

Zhangjiatunfu sent me out of the door and outside, and in front of the Zhang family, the young masters, Qi Qi took my hand, I subconsciously pumped back, did not twitch, this kid is still very tight.

Zhao Wang and his wife, Mao Dianjun, Shang Shujun and others had to walk behind us, so they also stood and sent us at the door. When Qi’s eyes fell on Jiang’s body, my hand was loose. I turned to look at Jiang, and now I did not wear white, but the white dress in the moon, the soft dress in the spring breeze swayed in the wind, screaming.

I am close to Qi, deliberately disgusting with him: "Hey? Look, Jiang's body is like a fairy-like dress, will it be a little peach?"

Qi Yan turned to look at me, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

I was not afraid of anger and angered him: "Zhao Wang and Jiang are all green at the moment, and it is estimated that they have not to sleep for a night!"

Qi Wei’s fingers forced and forced my hand bones to die. I endured pain and grinned.

Qi Qi also approached me and posted it to my ear: "Do not think that there is a family, I will not dare to treat you."

"Then, what did you do with me? Hurry up and take me off, or just kill me!" I provoked him. I also thought about it last night. For Qi, I can’t always be so used to squatting. I can't look down on Zhang. If I am low and small, even if he really makes me a queen, I have to step on it.

I have to let him see my value, just like you have to let your boss see your ability to work.

We just like this, you talked with me in a word, but at the foot, they kept on, and before the car, they slammed their feet and squatted on the ground as a footed servant. They lifted me into the car with one hand. I also jumped into the car, and this whispered and said: "You can't kill you, you can't do it when you are?"

After that, my hand was shot on my chest, and I poured it into the car.

Qi Qi also followed the car, I immediately thought, if you dare to go to me, I will kill you!

Qi Hao looked down at me.

I leaned upside down, holding my upper body with my elbows, and staring at the gods with all my nerves, vowing to live together with the chastity!

It turned out that it was my thoughts that were too evil. When people looked at me coldly, they passed by me. Obviously, I didn’t plan to make any car shocks...

I bowed, and then I laughed and laughed. Think about it too, as long as it is not psychologically distorted interest bt, no one is willing to play the overlord hard bow, he is a man, know this, one is not badly hurt, it is a lifetime of things.

Qi Qi saw me laughing, and gave me a look, did not speak, pulled out the book from the closet, and looked down.

My heart is that this car is so swaying, you can read it, and see it as myopia in the morning and evening! Hey! I still don't remind you!

The car drove slowly from Cuishan to Shengdu Imperial City. On this road, Qiqi’s words were reduced. I think it is very weird. I feel that the Qiqi in the car and the Qiqi in the car are just two people. Is it true that this kid has personality schizophrenia?

Thinking of this, I started to guard again, for fear that this kid’s beastly hair would be caught off guard by me.

I reminded me all the way, and there was no movement at all, but I only leaned on the corner of the carriage to read the book leisurely. I was nervous for a long time, and I couldn’t help myself. I had to move my **** in a small amount.

Qi Qi casually picked me a look, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, not paying attention to me.

The car arrived in the Imperial City into the Imperial City, and stopped until the East Palace. Qi Qi got up and got off the bus. He came back to the door and said: "You know if I am dead, how can you keep this?"

I was asked by him that the second monk could not touch the mind, let alone answer.

However, Qi Qi did not intend to let me answer, just sneer, and got out of the car, waiting for me to get off the car by the insider, the figure of Qi Yan has long gone.

I am full of doubts here. I just returned to my own temple. I still have to ask the hedges how to guard the hedges in the future. I came to the hospital for medical treatment. The temple door did not enter. I only stood in the courtyard and gave me A conclusion is reached. TCM terminology does not need to be repeated again. Simply put, I have to cultivate my body in the temple, plus a light diet.

I rub, slap your uncle! It’s not the way to look at it. Obviously it is in my whole!

The hedgerow was red again, and asked me with a strong heart: "The goddess was so loving last night and His Royal Highness, what happened to this day?"

I was fine, and when I heard the word "love", I was almost killed by a sip of tea in my mouth.

The hedges seemed to flow out of my tears. Only when I was sad and uncomfortable, I was busy with my handcuffs to wipe the tears for me. I then persuaded me to say: "The mother and relax the heart, and there is room for everything to change."

I grabbed the hand of the hedge, and I had a hard time saying, "Hey, how can you understand, they are living and dying to bend me into the corner!"

The courtyard door was closed, and I passed the days of forbidden.

However, this time it is more horrible than the last time it was forbidden. If you don’t go to the door, it’s fine. Anyway, it’s hot outside, and there’s nothing to entertaining when you go out... But can you don’t give me the total tofu? I am not good, is it a Prince?

Just three days, my face is green.

The old master also said that food color is also. I can't color the color of my body. Is it necessary to break my food?

I am lying on the couch, I am weak: "Hedgerow, I want to eat meat..."

The hedges fanned me on the side and looked at me with tears: "Mother, you can endure for a few more days."

I thought about it and finally decided not to spend it with Qi, so I told the hedge: "Give me a head, look for clothes to wear, let's go find it."

As the saying goes, the arm is not screwed to the thigh, so I always do it with the boss, and I don’t have good fruit to eat.

Qi Wei is practicing swords in his hospital. Under the scorching sun, the sweat-soaked clothes are attached to the body, and his muscular arms are outlined. I can see that I am jealous, and the darkness is really sb, such a big sun. I don’t know how to find a shade!

Qi Qi’s set of swords was finished, and the style was set. The young ladies who had been standing aside for a long time were busy going around, picking up the sword from the sword, handing over the water, and some people carefully picking up their feet. He wiped the sweat on his forehead...

The entire yard filled with male hormones is red-faced when the hedges around it are hooked.

I am very angry and want to fry!

Qi Qi lightly raised his hand, and the surrounding female servants all hanged their heads down. The hedges were helpless, and they had to follow them. When they left, they looked at me with no worries and silently told me with their eyes. : Niangniang, you must hold back, otherwise, we have to eat tofu vegetables in the evening!

In order to have meat! I will endure!

Qi Qi looked back at me and asked with careless care: "Is it sick?"

Qi Hao, your uncle! I finished it in my heart, and I replied: "Okay."

Qi Hao is not cold or hot: "Only three days is fine?"

I can't smoke him, I can't smoke him, I can't smoke him...

I meditated a hundred times in my heart before swallowing this breath and nodded: "Well, it will be three days."

Qi Hao finally nodded with satisfaction: "Then be your prince!"

Yes, I will definitely be my prince, I will be a queen in the future, and then... one day I will abolish you to do the Queen Mother!

Just two days after eating the meat, I went to the palace to hold the ball-breaking ceremony.

Batting is a play in the military and is the best way to train riding and slashing techniques. After Cheng Zuo began to win the throne, he set the rules for the ball every May, and asked the royal children to participate, in order to ensure that the world would not forget to practice martial arts, and that the ancestors were the world, I was the master of batting. Ride on the ride and ride as a god.

There is also a scene in the history of a ancestors in the army and the general soldiers hit the ball in the same scene, Chengzu one person rides to and from Mercedes-Benz, such as wind and power, countless doors, attracting soldiers shouting long live the sound, even the military commander at that time Mai Sui can only hope to become an ancestor and sigh, but only one side of the body can be barely and ancestors.

When I saw this paragraph, I thought, that wheat may not be a ancestors, but people are deeply immersed in the workplace. Otherwise, how can they be the commander of the whole army? Instead, they can’t even show their faces. The guards are too tender!

Said a lot of hitting, in fact, to say it is to play polo.

I have never seen this sport before, but I used to belong to the ordinary small civic class. The horse was not seen on TV. If I was brought in front of me to let me ride a ride, it would be a little tremble. Not to mention letting me ride a horse and chasing a ball and running... If you change to a football that runs with your legs, we dare to play and play with them.

The hedges enthusiastically gave me the equipment to hit the ball. I was very distressed and asked the hedges tentatively: "Can I not play?"

The hedge returned to look at me. The apricot nucleus looked like a longan: "How is that going? The maiden is the head of the East Palace. How can we not play? Let's say, our old man is a famous hero in the Jiangbei army. One person, one ride, one knife, one kill, the scorpion, the wind, the wind, the world, who knows who, I don’t know, who is not known? The maiden is the door-to-door woman, and the name of Zhang’s family!

Don't fall into the name of Zhang's family!

Oh, my pressure is great! Looking at the serious appearance of the hedge, I really can't bear to tell her that your mother-in-law can't even ride a horse now...

I am contradictory. Do you want to report this situation to the "boss"?

(End of this chapter)