MTL - The Promotion Record of A Crown Princess-Chapter 19 Can bend to reach out to be a husband! (2)

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Chapter 19 can bend to reach out to be a husband! (2) If he knew this, what would it be?

Suddenly, I have some expectations.

On the eve of the batting game, I deliberately went to the temple to find him, very pondering, and then informed him of this situation with very euphemistic rhetoric.

Qi Qi also held a memorial for the approval of the hand, looked up at me, his face was not shocked.

I couldn't help but sigh!

Qi Hao suddenly fell into the hands of the memorial, from the book case, stood up and wandered around, without saying anything, pulling my hand and going out!

I was most annoyed between the big men, and I was pulled up by Qi Qi, and quickly called out: "Hey! You let go! What is this!"

Qi Qitou did not return, just whispered impatiently: "You shut up!"

After talking, he turned to the insider in the hospital and shouted: "Prepare the horse!"

The insider saw that Qi Hao had a poor face, and he did not dare to delay. He quickly ran in front of him to ask for a horse.

Because Qi Qi is a good martial artist, Dong Gong has specially created a block for him to use. When Qi Qi pulled me to the training field in the inner corner of Donggong, there were already two horses waiting there.

The servants were all sent out by Qi Wei, and there was no one in the martial arts field.

I immediately understood that this kid wants to play night training!

The night is dark, the horse is sleepy, this is too... too easy to accident!

I looked at Qi Wei and persuaded: "Can you learn again tomorrow morning?"

Qi Yan is cold-faced, only one word: "Getting started!"

I am helpless, I took the reins, I was trying to learn to go on the TV, but I was stopped by Qi Qi. I looked back and looked at it.

Qi Yan said coldly: "Take off the skirt!"

I take a look, take off the skirt? Are you asking me to start, or is my mother thinking about me?

Xu is my eyes to reveal the inner feelings is too obvious, Qi Yan black face, anger said: "wearing so trouble, how to ride?"

I suddenly realized that I quickly ran to the side of the field, and I took off my body and took it off the ground. I only trousers and trots back in the cloak and pants. I grabbed the reins and pulled the saddle to climb right away...

Although the posture was not chic, but I finally sat on the horse, I straightened my back and looked back at it.

Qi Hao looked at me dumbly, his face was very exciting and difficult to describe.

I wonder, he has never seen me like this... refreshing?

I shook the reins and asked Qi Qi: "Let's start..."

One night of hard training, and finally exchange for superb riding... This is a dream! I have never heard that riding a horse can be like this one night. I ask myself that my physical skills are not bad and I can't reach that height.

However, it is also possible to run a run, but the two difficult movements of the horse galloping and bending over the ball are separate, but if they are combined, I will not have the guts.

After all, the silver-like wax gun head is also worn out by the guns.

Qi Qi’s heart is anxious, but he hasn’t said anything on the surface. After all, it’s very rare for me to be able to get into this night.

Lin Tianming, Qi Yan said: "For the time being! Let's find an excuse to not play tomorrow!"

I have no ability to do it myself, there is nothing to say, honestly obedient. It was only when I dismounted that I realized that not only my waist and buttocks were numb, but also that the two thighs were sore and painful, and I touched the blood that touched my hand.

I rub! It’s actually worn out!

I even took a few mouthfuls of cold air, and walked to the side of the field to go to the clothes to wear clothes. I just walked in no two steps, and my body was suddenly light, and I was copied from the back, and then I was taken by him in the air. Turning, the big head turned back, and he was actually shouldered by him...

I am in a hurry, which one is **** to play?

I shouted: "You, he..."

"You shut up!"

I chose to shut up in the spirit of a good man who did not eat the loss before the eyes.

Qi Hao hooked up the outer skirt that I took off the ground, and covered it with me, striding out of the star.

I got up and recognized the scenery around me. Is this going to me... the palace?

The hedge guard kept the lights in the temple and didn't sleep. Seeing that I was coming in, I was so scared that my mouth was stuttering: "The temple hall! Your Highness!"

Qi Qi did not say anything, throw me into the bed, turned and left.

The hedge returned to him when he left, flew to the bed and looked at me. I saw blood on my skirt, and I fell down with tears. I bit my lip and choked: "His Prince, too, too. ,too……"

I didn’t say how Qi Qi is coming!

I guess: "Great?"

The hedges shook their heads in tears, just like the rattle.

I guess again: "Handsome?"

The hedge or shaking his head.

I tried again: "s..."

I didn't finish it, I wondered if the hedge would not use this word. So I changed my mouth again: "Animals?"

The hedge hugged me and cried, and cried and said, "Mother, I will go to give you water. You will be better off with some cleansing..."

Got it! It seems to be the word!

The hedge fell from the bed and cried, and wiped the tears on his face indiscriminately. He was busy preparing hot water for me. I also felt that the sweaty wet land was really uncomfortable, and I went by the hedge.

After a while, the hedges made people lift the bath tub and put it in the account, and they came in and yelled at me.

I waved my hand: "Don't yell at me, go find me some medicine, and I will wipe it."

The hot water in the big tub is so bubbling, oh, this is comfortable, I am so confused that I am soaked up, just want to sleep.

The hedge also wipes my tears from time to time. I want to marry her several times, but the little girl looks red and cute, and it is really tired. It’s really boring.

After taking a shower, I wiped the medicine. After I climbed the bed and slept, it would be bright for a while. The hedgerow gently asked me at the bedside: "The goddess, don't go here today, it means that the night is cold."

I was a waking up, shouting: "Go! Of course you have to go!"

Not going, how can I afford the hard work of my night?

The golf course is located in front of the Baojin Building. The boss is a green land. The two sides of the east and the west are each a large wooden door. The door is more than a foot high. The top is engraved with a golden dragon. The lower part is set with a stone lotus seat. It looks very stylish.

The Queen accompanied the Queen Mother, and afterwards, they were all on the Baojin Building, while the Ministerial Soldiers were surrounded by the venue.

The team in the field is divided into two, each with 16 people, a team of yellow clothes, a team of green clothes, in addition to the emperor's emperor, Tian Huanggui is the Chaozhong Juncai, the military upstart.

I took advantage of this yellow body on my body, and then I was quite happy with the green of the lavatory prince and Shang Shujun.

These scenes are naturally kicked off by the emperor.

The emperor rode on the court, drumming and screaming, and everyone went to their place.

Shang Shujun specially ran from one side and smiled and told me: "Hey, you have to show your hand and let us look at the goddess!"

I didn't talk, nodded silently.

The lavatory prince and I have passed by, and smiled slightly. Wen Sheng said: "Be careful."

I still nod.

Qi Wei walked past me, coldly whispering and whispering: "Run on the lap and leave!"

I still nod...

Zhao Wang and Na Jiang came together, and there was no indication when passing by me. I had already habitually nodded first.

Zhao Wang took a look.

Jiang smiled softly.

I couldn't take care of this for a long time. I held the stick in one hand and only waited for the emperor to kick the ball. Then... the horse chased the ball and ran on the run, then...just find an excuse to end!

Being engrossed, the hedges called me on the sidelines. I turned my head and the hedge was covered with my hands and shouted to me: "The girl must win!"

I suddenly speechless, and then turned around, the emperor has already opened the ball.

Just like this, I can't even see where the ball is. No way, see who is going to run there. It’s easy to catch up with the ball, but the ball has been picked up. He hits a few times, then hits the ball in the distance with a big hit. He whispers when he passes by me: "Let's end!"

I nodded, just to the side, let it happen, just hit the person who was galloping sideways, and the man was rushing to squat but it was too late...

I was still thinking when I got off the horse, I got it! This time, I can finally be justified!

The man hurriedly rolled down from the horse and protected me from hiding. A sharp and angular face was already whitish, only screaming: "The goddess, the maiden!"

I bite my teeth and endured the pain, carefully looking at the person.

He left the defending general He Bingze, and people said that "less Shaorui, they bowed the horse", his father He Liangchen, who had been to the post of the country because of the military power, is now a librarian.

A veritable high-ranking child, the real official second generation!

He Bing squatted on the ground with one knee on his knees. His arms were wide open on my side. I wanted to guard but I didn't dare touch me. I looked at me nervously and asked, "Where is the girl, can I hurt?"

My shoulders were first and the ground was hurt, but it was hard to bear. I only said with pain, "Nothing, my arm touched."

He Bing was even more nervous on the face and even pleaded guilty.

I am here to open my mouth and say something that draws people's hearts. On the other side, there is already a horse, and I jumped down to the horse. I bent over and looked at me. I didn't stretch my hand. I only called out: "Come and bring the Prince down!"

The emergency ambulance team that had been waiting for the side of the field finally came in handy. Several servants were very quick to carry a brocade pocket and lifted me up very professionally, and then sent it directly to the scene.

The words in my mouth have not yet been said, and I am very reluctant to look back. I heard Qi He’s comfort and He Bing said: “It’s the responsibility of the Prince, and it has nothing to do with Bing’s...”

Hey! You said this person, why did he have to grab the lines with me?

When I was taken off the court, the crowd was cheering up. The doctor took a small medicine box and came over. He squeezed from the crowd and looked at my expression first. Then he lowered his hand and reached out to me. He asked, "Where is the girl?"

I replied: "Shoulder."

The doctor was half-squinted, holding a few beards on his chin in one hand, pretending to be: "The maidens are guilty of blood loss, and they have both stagnation. They should eat some Bazhen Yimu pills, qi and nourish the blood."

(End of this chapter)