MTL - The Queen’s Gigolo-Chapter 62

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"I hate it. Don't let me finish." Guo Zhi was really exhausted, but she still wanted to say something today.

Yawned and rubbed her eyes, she cheered up.

"First, you have to listen to me," she said.

"Mmmm." Liao Yuan nodded fiercely.

"Second, when you're with me, don't cheat." She said firmly.

Liao Yuan didn't nod, he hugged Guo Zhi: "I definitely won't." After a pause, he said, "Don't cheat, okay?"

Guo Zhi turned his head to the side and squinted at him. Very dissatisfied.

"What you said is too lack of confidence." She said, "This kind of request has to be raised loudly and confidently."

Liao Yuan's eyes brightened. He hugged Guo Zhi, rolled, pressed her under him, looked her in the eyes and said, "Guo Zhi, you are not allowed to cheat."

He looked at her with an exclusive desire.

He said very seriously: "Guo Zhi, from now on, you can only have me"

Guo Zhi smiled silently.

Her answer was crisp and concise, just one word.


But she has one last thing to say.

Say it nicely, don't mess with those nonsense. You know what?"

"I don't know" Liao Yuan pressed her down, buried her head in her neck, and said angrily.

The two of them are just getting started, and she is already arranging the breakup, which is really maddening

"Why are you angry, I just tell you." Guo Zhi pushed him.

"Don't listen"

Tsk, he's actually self-willed.

Guo Zhi hugged his neck tightly, looked at the ceiling, and said softly: "You, you still don't understand. You will know later, this society, people, things, It will gradually become unrecognizable.”

"I've seen some people. It's like something when they're good. It's really ugly to break up."

"In the end, I can't even remember the good things from the past. It's very boring."

"You Understand"

Liao Yuan was silent for a while.

"I don't understand"

He rubbed her neck hard.

Guo Zhi could not laugh or cry, so he hugged him tightly and did not allow him to move. She was a little crazy today, her eyelids were so heavy that she almost fell asleep when she closed her eyes.

Liao Yuan also hugged her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would suddenly disappear.

People change.

He understands.

The parents who once loved him so much, once burst, those happiness will be annihilated like a bubble.

His eyes gradually only have the youngest son born by his step-wife, and all she cares about is the new family.

No one thought of him anymore.

The change of heart is chilling.

But I won't change, Guo Zhi, I won't.

He hugged her tightly.

If you are separated one day, it must be that you don't want me anymore.

So, in order not to be left behind by you, I have to work hard.

When Liao Yuan opened his eyes again, although the light-blocking curtains were tightly drawn, he knew that it was already bright. His biological clock is always on time.

He stared at the ceiling, always feeling that the world today is different from yesterday.

Yes, it really is different.

He had an indescribable joy.

Turn your head to look at the person beside the pillow.

Her eyelashes are dense and long, and they vibrate slightly with the rhythm of her breathing. She sleeps very peacefully, making people want to lie gently beside her and snuggle quietly with her.

Liao Yuan watched for a while, the more he looked, the more he liked it, and couldn't help but pecked her lips lightly.

Guo Zhi grunted and turned over.

Liao Yuan knew that she was exhausted by his torment yesterday, and today, Monday, when she arrived at the office, it seemed like she was going to fight again, so she didn't dare to touch her again. He got up lightly, took a shower, put on his clothes, and went out the door.

The world is really different.

The air seems to be extraordinarily fresh, the trees seem extraordinarily green, and the pedestrians on the road seem extraordinarily gentle and friendly.

It was clear that last night he was the one who really used up his physical strength, but in the early morning, Liao Yuan felt that he had endless energy and was very energetic.

He even ran faster than usual today and ended his morning workout earlier. Looking at his watch, he went back earlier than usual, before it was time for Guo Zhi to get up.

He helped her close the door, put on headphones, put on lively music, and went to the kitchen to tie an apron.

Boil a small saucepan with water. While waiting for the water to boil, blanch the tomatoes, peel them and cut them into pieces. Once the water boils, throw them in and cook first. Tomatoes will be fragrant when they are fully ripe, and they have to be cooked for a while.

He quickly unfastened his apron and took off his headphones. First go to the second guard to take a battle bath, a matter of a few minutes. After washing it out, the aroma of tomatoes has wafted out of the kitchen. Put on the apron again, knock two eggs directly into the pot, and stir with chopsticks.

Guo Zhi doesn't like eggs with egg whites and yolks mixed evenly, she likes yellow and white ones.

Turn off the fire as soon as the egg drop is cooked, it will not taste good when it is cooked. You don't need to add any seasoning, just a pinch of salt is enough. The tomatoes are cooked long enough for the aroma to come out.

Put it out and let it dry.

Look at the watch, opened the kitchen door, took off the earphones, and listened carefully, there was a sound in the master bedroom. Guo Zhi had already woken up. She has always been someone who can go off when the alarm clock goes off.

Liao Yuan smiled and put on his earphones, turned around to prepare flour and egg liquid, beat them together to make a batter.

After a while, a stack of fragrant egg pancakes was stacked on the plate.

Suddenly, a slender arm wrapped around his waist from behind, and his soft body was attached, and a soft touch could be felt behind him.

"Zhao" Guo Zhi hugged him, closed his eyes and rubbed his shoulders, sniffed, "It smells good"

When I wake up every morning, it feels good to see a handsome guy making a delicious breakfast for himself in the kitchen, Guo Zhixiang.

"Be careful not to burn it" Liao Yuan carefully avoided Guo Zhi and brought out two bowls of egg drop soup.

Guo Zhi followed behind and brought out the egg cake.

Liao Yuan went into the kitchen again, took the spoon and chopsticks, and took out the beef sauce from the refrigerator. Spread it on pancakes, roll up and eat, especially fragrant

The pancakes that are a bit hot, and the warm tomato egg soup, Guo Zhi eats and drinks deliciously.

It's nice to see her eating her breakfast so delicious every morning, Liao Yuan thought.

The two looked at each other before they knew it

At the same time, she was stunned, and at the same time, her eyebrows and eyes curled with laughter.

It has been more than a month since we had breakfast together like this, but today is very different.

On a Monday morning in the Imperial Capital, wherever you want to go, taking the subway is definitely faster than taking a taxi.

Liao Yuan's work during this period is also very full. There are announcements from the agent, friends introducing past work, and Guo Zhi pulling in, time is really tight. For a while, I've probably been busy rushing to the field.

Compared to the past three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, and taking a few jobs for a month, he would herd sheep when he couldn't be hungry. It's really different.

This kind of busyness and tiredness makes people feel fulfilled.

Guo Zhi took Liao Yuan to the subway station as usual. Just hung up the gear, looked up and wanted to say "get off", but was pecked on the cheek.

"What kind of flirting, early in the morning." She gritted her teeth.

"Tilting you" The boy smiled and pecked her lips again, "I'm leaving"

Bad Boy

Guo Zhi watched him disappear at the subway entrance, grinding his teeth.

Be sultry all day long

It's unbearable

But thinking about it, such a sultry bad boy is her man.

Liao Yuan listened to the rhythmic music with headphones, and walked down the subway briskly.

Monday, a busy day is about to begin. It seems that he has never been so eager to be so busy, that he can be so tired that he can't catch his breath, and rushes everywhere.

His goal is too clear now, the first step is to make money.

Liao Yuan soon realized the effect of the explosion. Within a few days, many businesses contacted him. He listened to Lao Cai's suggestion and changed the price from hourly billing to per-piece billing, and many people still make appointments with him.

In his spare time, he also asked a friend to find out, and knew that his price was still considered "affordable" in the online store plane. He realized right away that this meant he had a lot of room to grow. He was full of energy.

Actually, the first ones who looked for him were some fairly powerful merchants. These businesses make their own small brands and find their own models. Due to the limitation of the size of the home, the models will not find particularly high-end ones. Like Liao Yuan, the price/performance ratio is not too high.

Liao Yuan took the time to invite Lao Cai to have a meal, and Lao Cai instructed him: "Don't rush first, be steady first. These businesses are not large, if you ask for too high a price, they will bear it too. No. You can raise the price when you wait for a stall to come to you."

Lao Cai is just a slogan, he just said this, he called Liao Yuan the next day and laughed: "One meal is not enough, I have to invite me to dinner, my tough mouth. The steel-toothed one found a stall."

Liao Yuan's price rose again.

He used to have a small workload. When and where to find someone, it all depended on his brain. Brains alone are not enough these days. Like Guo Zhi, he got a schedule app on his mobile phone and started lining up the schedule in a serious manner.

One row goes after the festival.

The Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day are so close this year, the public holidays are directly connected. I have to work this week until next Wednesday.

Liao Yuan is very busy every day. It was the first time he experienced this kind of continuous high-pressure work intensity, and it was really hard.

But for Guo Zhi, he is used to it. Guo Zhi is really working hard, and she has been working so hard for a long time, he thought.

He felt ashamed by comparison.

Before the big holiday, it's always busy.

"I won't come back to eat, well, I see."

Guo Zhi worked overtime, and Liao Yuan had dinner by himself. In the evening, I turned on my computer to synchronize my schedule, looked at the last few days, and the post-holiday schedule.

He didn't have much experience in online shop graphic before. Since charging by piece, his speed of changing clothes has improved significantly these days. I heard that some online shops have already made them, and they can put on and take off in two hours, and can get one or two hundred pieces of clothes. It really didn't even work to breathe. It is said that the speed of posing, even the flash can't keep up.

He can't achieve this speed yet, but considering the increase in income after the speed is increased, he is full of enthusiasm and energy.

I was calculating the expected income within my schedule when my phone dinged.

Swipe and take a look.

Guo Zhi: Stomach hurts again tat