MTL - The Rebirth of 88s Begins with a Carpenter-Chapter 799 Last trembling, be sure to go all out

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  Chapter 799 Last trembling, be sure to go all out

  However, Wang Minya's words hit the nail on the head to break Pei Na's envy and fantasy.

   "It's not just any woman who can talk to a boss like a husband and wife."

  Pei Na was shocked when she heard this.


  I only looked at the scenery on the surface of the family, but I didn't see the hard work and hard work that the family put in behind the scenes.

  After all, it is not something ordinary people can do just to buy a dilapidated county garment factory, reinvigorate it, and develop it.

  Even if there is a boss behind the scenes, it is such a big factory.

  Everything is so small and detailed, it’s chilling to think about it.

  Pei Na also gradually realized the difficulty in this aspect after she became a financial supervisor.

  Lu Yuanchao followed the car.

  Because he'll be in charge of bringing the Mercedes back to the bunny plywood factory later.

   A group of four people just bought all the beds in a soft sleeper box.

   After spending a whole day in Pengcheng, everyone was tired.

  Wu Yuan let his daughter-in-law go to the upper bunk on the left, occupied the lower bunk by himself, and reserved the upper and lower bunks on the right for Zhaodi and Ming Chao.

  Then lock the box door and fall asleep.

  Except for the few people who came to check tickets at night, Ma Mingchao took care of them.

   Everyone fell asleep in the capital.

  The capital of September can be said to be a boiling city.

  As the place where the Asian Games will be held soon, people can feel a strong festive atmosphere everywhere.

  Gao Fei came to pick him up in the Mercedes owned by the furniture factory.

   Then the car was handed over to Xu Zhaodi, and Yang Luoyan got into the co-driver.

  Leave the three old men crowded in the back row.

   On the way back, Gao Fei was very happy, like a talkative brother from the capital.

   Along the way, they talked high-spirited, and between the lines, they were filled with a strong sense of pride.

   This is obviously not taking a taxi, but enjoying the chatting treatment of taking a taxi.

  Benz returned to the Asian Games Village Hotel.

  Wu Yuan took his daughter-in-law Yang Luoyan to the private room first to put down the luggage.

   Immediately left the car to Yang Luoyan and Xu Zhaodi, and then took Ma Mingchao and Gao Fei to the office.

   After all, the office is not far from the Asian Games Village Hotel.

   On the contrary, the specialty stores selected by Furongyi Lane this time are all concentrated in the bustling areas of the capital.

  One is in Wangfujing Street, and the other is in Xidan.

   It can be said that it is convenient to occupy the best location.

   In this regard, Jiang Cuihua is still somewhat decisive.

  Women from a small county can grit their teeth and take down such an expensive facade, but they have no courage.

  Even if there is no shortage of Yang Luoyan's instructions and support behind this.

  Come to the small building of the office.

   It seems to be affected by the new look of the Asian Games Village to welcome the grand event, and the small building of the office is also completely new inside and out.

  The front of the door is neat and pleasing to the eye, not to mention that the balcony of the office building is specially painted with slogans for the Asian Games.

   This not only achieves the new purpose, but also publicizes the Asian Games event.

   There is a set.

  Up to the second floor, the office of Panpan Furniture Factory is the first to arrive.

  In addition to Song Xian, the director sent by the headquarters, and Jiang Xiao, the veteran of the office, there are two new faces, a man and a woman.

  Perhaps because he has been the director for a long time, Song Xian's forehead is much brighter, and his short hair is stubbornly straight, giving people a feeling of power without anger.

   It can be seen that as soon as Wu Yuan appeared, these stubborn hair seemed to be much milder.

  Song Xian came out to greet him and said, "Boss, our BJ office is looking forward to your return."

  Wu Yuan let Song Xian hold his hand and said: "Come on, I don't believe it, you expect me to come so much."

   "Haha," Song Xian said with a haha, "If you don't look forward to it, you have to look forward to it! You don't know, early in the morning, the old leader of our marketing department called me."

  As an old employee of the marketing department, Song Xian is used to calling Yang Chenyu the old leader.

  This shows the kindness of the relationship and the seniority in qualifications.

  Wu Yuan sat down on the sofa in Song Xian's room, and then said: "Didn't she do it many times?"

   "Yes, yes, yes," Song Xian said without even stumbling, "The old leader is also kind."

  Then changed the subject: "Boss, what tea do you want?"

  After asking, I remembered and said, "By the way, have you had breakfast yet?"

   "Didn't eat," Wu Yuan blurted out, "But I'm not hungry, I ate a lot along the way."

   It’s true, those who are accompanied by their daughter-in-law can’t escape the fate of being repeatedly fed.

  Song Xian stopped talking, and yelled to the outside: "Jin Qi, come here to make a pot of Longjing."

   There was a reply from outside.

   Listening to the voice is the newly recruited young girl.

   After a while, Jin Qi came in with a tea tray.

  Song Xian also took the opportunity to introduce: "Boss, this is the newly recruited salesman Jin Qi in our office, who graduated from college."

  Jin Qi put down the tea tray and said, "Hi boss, boss is so young! No wonder Nana and Yaoyao are so obsessed with you!"

   After finishing speaking, he covered Tan's mouth, blushing and said: "Oh, did I miss something?"

   This little scheming, in Wu Yuan's view, is all pediatrics.

  As soon as he opened his mouth, he broke down and said, "I'll tell Meng Na and Meng Yao that you betrayed them."

  Jin Qi saw that her boss didn't take this kind of thing at all, but instead raised her hand to do a backstab, and quickly remedied: "Boss, I was wrong. Please don't tell Nana and Yaoyao."

  Seeing this, Song Xian also raised his hand to push people away: "You are the only one who has too many things! I told you a long time ago, don't play tricks with the boss. You must listen."

  Jin Qi stuck out his tongue, nodded slightly and said: "Then boss, you talk, I'll leave first."

   Exit after speaking.

  Wu Yuan asked: "Is this girl from BJ?"

  Song Xian gave a thumbs up and said: "The boss is wise."

  Wu Yuan said in a nonchalant tone: "Only BJ people are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and they have the biggest tone of my father in heaven and earth."

  Song Xian thought about it, and couldn't help laughing: "Boss, don't say it, it's true! When chatting with BJ's customers, as long as you hold your hand and follow along, you can talk about it no matter what."

   Gossiping is over.

  Wu Yuan asked about the business: "The opening of the Asian Games is coming soon, has the office arranged special personnel to follow up?"

  Song Xian also said sternly: "For the Asian Games, it is mainly the establishment of Panpan billboards, the docking and installation of sponsored furniture, and Jin Qi is currently in charge."

Wu Yuan nodded: "Although the popularity of Panpan Furniture has been spread through CCTV advertisements, we still need to cherish this kind of advertising opportunities in the Asian Games. For example, the background board of the Asian Games champions, the awarding platform under the feet, etc. To take advantage of..."

   "Absolutely!" Song Xian couldn't help but exclaim when he heard it: "Boss, tall! It's really tall!"

  Panpan furniture has been chasing the heat of the Asian Games for so long.

   This is equivalent to the last shudder, why don't we go all out, grab all the small details that can be used, and increase the exposure?

  (end of this chapter)

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