MTL - The Rebirth of Han Yuxi-Chapter 17 Mr. Song (3)

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The eye of the inulin was sharp, and when I saw the person standing outside the house, I quickly squatted at Yuxi’s ear. ?八一中文W≤WW. 81ZW. COM

Yuxi did not argue, and sat down to the back. Although she is not afraid of things, she does not want to leave a bad impression on her husband on the first day because she quarreled with her sister.

After choosing the location, Yuchen’s cockroach immediately took out the white cloth and wiped the table to clean the stool, and then laid the tablecloth cushion.

Yuxi looked at the clean and spotless table and chairs, and did not understand what was good.

When Yu Chen’s cockroaches put out her dry kitchen utensils one by one, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention. This set of stationery is made of the finest sapphire material. Each object is engraved with a quaint pattern. When you look at this thing, you know that it is worth the money.

Yuxi originally thought that this set of equipment was very good, and it could be compared with Yuxi’s four treasures of the study room.

The waiter looked at Yuxi’s green-eyed eyes and was very disdainful. The four girls didn’t get sick before the wind blew, and the body became better after a sickness, but the eyelids were lighter. . The last time I saw her girl's double-sided embroidered eyes, she now sees that her girl's stationery is also green, a hate can not be seen as their own.

Yuxi is not a fool, and he can't feel the disdain of the book. She wondered, not just took a double-sided embroidery of Yuchen, as for the appearance of anti-thief!

Yuxi saw the whole set of things in Yuchen, and the hatred in his eyes could not be covered. The old lady is too eccentric, and any good things are close to Yuchen, as if only Yuchen is her granddaughter.

Yuxi’s eyes were too obvious, and Yuchen wrinkled his brow. However, Yuchen did not care, and Yuxi did not dare to bully her.

After a while, Mr. Song walked in with a few books. The book is second, the key is that there is a ruler on the book.

Yuxi looked at the black and black ruler in Mr. Song's hand and was a little scared. It is no wonder that many people were scared when they heard Mr. Song's name. She was shocked by the ruler.

Mr. Song placed the book and the ruler on the table, frowning and said: "Two girls, you change with the four girls."

Yuxi is not willing to let: "Sir, my four sisters don't like to sit in front, they like to sit behind." She didn't look at the back of the skull.

Yuxi was very angry, but she knew that she could not argue in front of the gentleman, so she kept her head down and didn't talk.

Mr. Song said with a cold face: "Two girls, you and the four girls will change positions." This is a direct command, not a consultation. The inquiring news said that Yu Yu was arrogant and arrogant, and now it seems to be more ugly than the rumors. I don’t know how to be ignorant, but I also lie.

Yuxi didn't want to change position, but Mr. Song's indifferent look made her feel awkward. Thinking of her aunt's warning, Yuxi was reluctant to stand up and change position with Yuxi.

Yuxi is not half-divided, but his heart is extremely comfortable. The two changed their positions, and Mr. Song asked what the three people read about each other.

There is no doubt that the most reading is Yuchen. Yuxi thought that he was the least learned, but this time he knew that the least words were not her, but jade.

Yuxi took over the books under Ding Pozi and opened it to see the Three Character Classics. This book uses the silk flower font. She had previously heard that Mr. Song’s teaching did not require the textbooks bought outside to be copied by himself. This also led to the fact that the girls who studied with Mr. Song were able to write a handful of flowers.

When the book was in the hands of four people, Mr. Song did not immediately start the lecture, but let the jealousy around him shed their ink.

Mr. Song said: "I grind myself."

Yuxi was somewhat puzzled, but when she saw Yuchen's words, she said that according to Mr. Song, the ink was poured out, washed and poured into clean water, and then the ink stick was picked up to start grinding. Yuchen listened to Mr., and Yuxi still dared to have two words.

Two minutes later, Mr. Song said, "Your ink-washing postures are all wrong. When you grind the ink, you must not only maintain a calm mood, but also light and slow when you grind the ink, keep the ink flat, and be vertical on the raft. Do not slant or push straight." After that, Mr. Song gave demonstrations to the four girls.

Yuxi’s last life also recognized a few words and did not do anything. When I knew that there was so much learning in the ink, let alone other studies.

Waiting for the posture of the four people, Mr. Song said: "You use your own ink to write a line of words."

Yuxi is okay, her ink for more than a month is rubbed by herself. This is also the habit of Yuxi wanting to develop everything. The other three people would not be able to do it. The inks written on weekdays are all pondered, so when Yuchen looked at the words written in ink that he had grinded out, the face changed for the first time.

After reading the words written by four people, Mr. Song did not praise anyone who criticized him. He just said: "Ink should be polished to a moderate level. The words written in ink that is too thick or too light are not good. You have to practice more in the future. In addition, the grinding time is relatively long, in order to avoid the acidity of the right hand, it is best to practice left-handed grinding."

Yuxi didn't take it for granted. There were so many besides where she needed to personally grind her ink, but she did not dare to refute the words of the gentleman in class.

Mr. Song’s eyes were so sharp that he naturally saw the look of Yuxi, and she did not care. In the past few years, she has taught a lot of girls. She has seen a lot of such temperament: "Today, we first learn the "Three Character Classics."

Mr. Song’s teaching is nothing special, one sentence at a time, leaving a little time for the four girls to take notes and then talk about it. One morning, Mr. Song spoke a quarter of the "Three Character Classics". All four have a foundation, so although Mr. Song speaks very quickly, he can accept it.

When he was in class, Mr. Song arranged the coursework, and the coursework was to write the words that he learned today.

Yuxi’s face almost broke. Write more than five hundred characters a night, and one can't be wrong. Isn't her hand broken? Yuxi felt the horror of Mr. Song for the first time.

Yuxi directly raised an objection: "Mr., only this evening and tomorrow morning, how can I write more than 500 words in such a short time."

Mr. Song said with a blank expression: "I don't want to write, no one is forcing you."

The face of Yu Yu rose red.

There is such a precedent, and others naturally dare not raise objections. Yuxi secretly took a look at Yuru and Yuchen. Jade is as painful as a face, and Yuchen is still so light and light, as if more than five hundred words are a piece of cake for her.

In the afternoon of September, although it was relatively cool, but after more than a minute, Yuxi was sweating. As soon as I walked into the Rose Garden, I immediately came to the Mung bean soup for summer heat.

Shen mother asked with concern: "Girl, how is it learned today?"

Yuxi naturally said that he understood everything, but he said vaguely: "Mr. I can understand it." The original Yuxi felt that he had some advantages. After all, he used to learn the flowers in his last life, but now he saw Yuchen. The beautiful word Yuxi wants to drill a hole. Losing her life for a lifetime, even the current Yuchen can not compare, actually still feels complacent.

When using dinner, Yu Xi looked at the six dishes and one soup on the table and asked: "How are so many dishes today?" They are three dishes and one soup on weekdays.

Shen mother said with a smile: "The old lady said that you have studied hard, so he told the kitchen to add food to the girl."

Yuxi did not say anything, anyway, there will be no more waste, and he will not be able to eat it. Yuxi deliberately pretends to be a casual look and asks: "Is it today or today?"

Shen’s face was a stiff face and said: “Just today.”

Yuxi no longer spoke when he snorted.

The way to maintain your body is to eat and eat a full seven-point full, so you have left more than half of the dishes. With dinner, Yuxi did not hurry to write homework, but went out for a turn, and then started to do homework.

Fortunately, this "three-character scripture" Yuxi has been memorized, and can be written without reading the textbook, so that the degree is much faster.

Yuxi wrote after dinner until the end of the Hai Dynasty. Before she went to sleep, she said, "Mom, I will wake up at 2 o'clock tomorrow." I finished my classwork today, but she didn't have time to check. I have to check it up tomorrow, and I will correct the mistake as soon as possible. She does not want to be beaten.

The next day, Yuxi first recited the text and then began to check the homework. After all the time, I arrived at the time of eating.

When I arrived at Yulan Court, Yuxi saw that Jade and Jade were like pandas. They were all panda eyes. Obviously, neither of them slept well. However, Yuchen looks natural and does not see a bit of exhaustion.

Cough, Yuxi couldn’t help but sigh, and it’s really better than people, mad. Therefore, learning with such a person really requires a lot of courage. Otherwise, you will feel inferior when you are not careful.

Mr. Song checked the Ding Pozi brought to her by the work of four people, and she asked the four people to recite the text. It’s not a back, but one by one.

Yu Ru only recited half of it, and the result was beaten five times. The first hand is down, and the tears of Yuru are rushing.

Mr. Song did not seem to see Jade in tears, the ruler still fell, and the sound of the sound.

Yu Yu’s face was green, and she didn’t know if she was scared. When she backed the text, she could only recite it without a few words.

Mr. Song said: "Bring your hand out."

Yuxi reluctantly reached out, but after hitting her, she would not want to reach out again. The jade is self-satisfied, and it’s not a matter of being hit by a ruler.

Mr. Song said with a cold face: "Go out." Seeing that Yu Yu did not move, Mr. Song said with no mercy: "If you don't go out yourself, I will let you drag you out." If it is, it will happen. She is not willing to teach such a person without character.

Yuxi cried and ran out.

Yuxi looked at his heart, and Mr. Song was really fierce, good, very good.