MTL - The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse-Chapter 251 Warm winter

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When the first piece of snow fell, almost no mutant animal was seen outside the otaku team base.

After that, from the light snow to the heavy snow, the first snow after the winter was solid and underground for four days and has not stopped.

Originally, Luo Xun was still worried that if their base was too warm, would the snow falling on the roof and the like be exposed because of the high temperature and being photographed by the satellite? But the facts tell them that even if the temperature in their house is high, they can't resist the heavy snow that has been floating and falling for several days, although the snow on their roof is destined to be thinner than other places. But it was so thin that after the whole earth was completely covered by white, their base was completely integrated into the white.

For energy considerations, Luo Xun deliberately placed the solar panels outside the third floor windows and walls, so that although the collected energy is less than the daily consumption, but with the batteries they have accumulated before winter, spend There is no pressure at all this winter, and there is a lot of wealth.

Moreover, even if the electricity in their homes is used up, they can rely on the home's firewood, rice straw and straw to maintain their livelihood.

The snow outside is still floating and swaying. A group of people are all gathered in the game room at this time. Several people are playing in front of the big TV to play, and several people are sitting in front of the computer to play strategic games online. Xiao Xinran accompanied the little buns, and under the care of the two ladies, they even had fun in the bouncy castle. Naturally, the little buns would only climb and climb.

Luo Xun and Yan Fei sat on the sofa and looked at the tablet in their hands. It was the latest text exchanges, records, notices, etc. received from the satellite.

Turning over the internal documents of several A city bases, Luo Xun casually commented: "With the experience of heavy snow last year, the grain of the base has been collected in advance this year, and the materials seem to be almost ready. But I always feel these What is the amount of material?"

After Yan Fei had just finished reading, he immediately opened another base to send messages to other bases, and he thought about it: "Isn't the number of people in the base less?"

"No..." Luo Xun thought for a moment, and suddenly he raised his eyebrows and asked, "You said, will they prepare only the materials for the inner city?"

"Possible!" There was a game in the game. Han Li suddenly reached out and screamed, and then continued to press the handle.

Luo Xun glanced over there and continued to look down at the screen in his hand: "If you count, these things are definitely enough for the inner city, but the outer city..." said, shaking his head and sighing slightly .

Yan Fei shook his shoulder and asked: "You said, after the snow stopped, would we go out and put mushroom juice in those traps?"

They had been negotiating when they placed the trap, and they were going to fill the mushroom juice into the trap after the first snow, just let them freeze inside. The temperature outside should not be bad.

Luo Xun once again looked at what was going to be said outside the window. He Yukun, who had finished playing a game on the computer, suddenly asked: "Boss, remember that when it snowed last year, there were a lot of zombies who were not frozen in the snow. Is it in the ground? Do you say that the zombie tide will freeze after the snow?"

His words are a glimpse of everyone, and they have ignored it before.

"Yes, and even if the zombies are not buried in the snow, heavy snow will definitely affect their speed!"

The chapter traced back: "I said, have you forgotten? The zombies have not yet come to the north, they don't know where they are under snow."

It is said that a group of people have once again met each other.

"Cough." Luo Xun coughed, and everyone saw it and smiled: "We have to pay attention to the situation on the satellite photos recently, as for the mushroom juice..." He thought for a moment, "Look at the situation." If those If the zombies come too late, they will prepare mushroom juice in the traps in advance. If they have already blossomed in the spring when they arrive, those mushroom juices may all be wasted. It is better to look at the situation first.

In the early morning of the next day, looking at the sky as if it had been dyed by lead, Luo Xun sighed at the glass and had a white mist on it. The room was very warm, but because the outside temperature was too low, there was a layer of ice on the glass when I saw it early in the morning.

The little buns are already awake, and they are waving their arms very spirited. Don't look at his skinny when he was born, as if he might not have the look of breath at any time, but now he is very fat and white. As for his weight, size and children of the same age? Luo Xun, they have no place to verify the comparison now, so it is not very clear.

"You are spirited, waiting." Luo Xun picked up the already heavy child, went to the side of the bottle in the warm water, tried the temperature, confirmed that there was no problem before sending it to his mouth. The little buns are well-nourished, so now there are two teeth in the mouth. Although he still feeds him with creamy milk in the morning, Luo Xun will give him some complementary food during the day.

Yan Fei just returned to the room at this time, seeing that he was feeding the children and looking over.

"Give them a meal?" Luo Xun saw him come back and asked.

"Well, I sent it, and the two of them are comfortable. I guess they will be more lazy to get their own food in the winter when they open the spring next year."

Yan Fei just went to the basement to send food to the two stupid wolves. In the days when they built the traps, they considered the livelihood of the two wolves. After the consultations, everyone decided to let Yan Fei and Xiao Xinran be mainly responsible for traps. Others explored the traces of the mutant animals and searched for some animals. Tracing back and hunting a lot back.

After the first snow began, the two wolves would not go out except for the convenience of going out - it was definitely too cold outside. Since the two guys came, they have been mad in the basement and refused to come back to sleep.

Luo Xun, they studied it and decided to use meat and vegetables to make some unsalted food. They just wanted to try to see if they could not eat. Otherwise, if you feed the meat, then what are the cockroaches and rabbits? They eat?

The results are very gratifying, but they are also very embarrassing. Those foods do eat, and it seems that they seem to like the taste because they are fresher – so the people in the base agree that they are dogs! However, because of the habit of "stupid wolf stupid wolf", everyone simply named them "big wolf, two wolves."

The sultry place is - although they eat this kind of food, the amount of food is too big! Fortunately, Luo Xun, after they moved to the new base, planted a pile of corn out of a whole acre of rooms, and saw that they would be harvested this month, plus the rest of the previous ones - everyone can get up after they move out. More meat, so food consumption is slower. In short, it should be able to cope with the past winter, but then they have to increase the cultivation of various grains.

The crops that have been painstakingly planted, everyone thought that from then on, they would be able to live a good life with food and clothing, and wait for the goods exchange meeting to change some other useful things. The result is good, the family has more than two foods to eat, the hard work of the previous year has to fill their appetite. Think about it, Luo Xun feels sad.

Think of Luo Xun's teeth here: "No, you can't just watch them eat, let's eat shabu-shabu today!" So many meats, so many dishes, so much food in the family, how can you look at their two scourges? It’s hard to be angry with the people themselves.

"Li Tie just discussed it, saying that it is still snowing outside today. It is best to eat the pot in this weather." Yan Fei looked at Luo Xun's teeth and couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't it? When do you not eat the shabu-shabu at this time? And there are a lot of mutton in the house!" When they first picked up the mutton, Luo Xun they deliberately kept not eating. When they were eating, they mostly eat. All the meat of pork and all kinds of birds, it is only in the winter that it is the day to comfortably eat beef stew and mutton! "You have transformed your pot into a shabu-shabu. I want to be a spicy soup today!"

Luo Xun's interest was very high. After changing clothes and feeding the children, he went downstairs and expressed his intention to improve the food today. In exchange for everyone cheering in unison.

In the past few days, the second wave of food in the family has not yet reached the harvest day. The base has already been completely rebuilt. It is even more snowy, and they can’t even get out of the house. Time?

After breakfast, a group of people went straight to the basement to start taking care of the crops in the house. When they turned the three-story basement and the above-ground heating house, the time was just 9:07 in the morning. This group of food is no longer too much. Early, appetite for breakfast, did not digest, went straight to the kitchen to live up.

The mutton frozen in the refrigerator is not so easy to slice. Although they take out the mutton and let it thaw outside when they have breakfast, it is still hard. Even so, it still can't stop their enthusiasm for mutton.

A few big men are competing with the mutton. After you cut it, I cut it. I didn't have the strength to change it.

The rest of the people either help to pick vegetables and pick vegetables, or help Luo Xun prepare the bottom of the pot.

Luo Xun got a large bowl of red pepper, as well as the pepper sauce that was marinated before the pepper was harvested, and the freshly picked peppers that had not been dried at home.

Within five minutes, a group of people who had been helping him in the kitchen to wash vegetables and prepare things rushed out with tears in his nose. He grabbed the chapter sitting on the side of the console and asked his old man to launch his abilities. Fume.

Black face when the chapter of the range hood traced the leg of the leg on the chopping board, and then looked at a piece of cut poultry piece next to it, and decided to round the two things as much as possible after dinner. .

Don't look at the time when everyone started preparing. After waiting for everything to be done and the small materials to be adjusted, the time has already reached 11:30, and it can be eaten.

Half of the newly built hot pot is a red and spicy soup base, and the other side is a soup stock made from a bird skeleton and mushrooms. Together with the plates of meat, entrails and vegetables placed around the circle, the index finger is moving.

"Open it!" After all the things were on the table, Luo Xun waved the chopsticks.
