MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1761 God is God

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The cathedral is lit up with light, the spiritual power of thousands of priests and the sacred attributes accumulated by the temple itself, which make the church and the outside world form two distinct worlds. The outside world is being shrouded in thick clouds, and the low and oppressive anomalies seem to herald the turbulence and suffering that the world is about to usher in, but the interior of the church just across the wall is full of gentleness and light.

But even if the church has the attributes of "holy land", those bright lights can hardly dispel the tension and uneasiness of the clergy.

The Pope has locked himself in the prayer room for more than twelve hours. During this period, dozens of powerful magical attacks erupted from the prayer room. No one knows the first "talking to God" in this thousand years. Will it be smooth, for the newly appointed Pope Otumus, this is his career challenge as a clergyman, and for the entire Glory sect, this is to verify the inheritance of countless generations in countless years. Is it right if the Pope successfully listens to God's will and has miracles, then the sect's inheritance for countless years will be recognized, its roots will not be shaken, and if the Pope fails...

Then the glory of the sect is over, and all previous arguments and doctrinal interpretations are meaningless. As a church serving the true God, when the true God denies its meaning, the existence value of the church will cease to exist.

The young assistant came to the prayer room. There were already several bishops waiting. He respectfully bowed to the bishops and whispered one of them: "Isn't your Majesty yet?"

"The Pope is still praying." The bishop questioned replied blankly.

"Marshal Ovra is already in the church," said the young assistant. "She took the king's will."

"But no one can go in before the end of the prayer," the bishop shook his head. "Perhaps the conversation between the pope and the gods has reached a critical moment."

The young assistant nodded slightly and waited with the bishops in front of the prayer room.

In the prayer room, the dialogue between Pope Ottoms and the gods is indeed at the most critical moment.

The goddess of creation is teaching him a special prayer that can resist the erosion of the mad Lord, and there are a great number of powerful magical rituals and rituals that were lost in ancient times.

Ottums received baptism from birth. He began to receive theological education as a child boy at the age of five, but in the long life of these decades, he has never been as excited as the gods today. It’s so precious, especially those that have been lost in the thousands of years of inheritance. It’s of extraordinary significance. Generations of priests have exhausted their minds in order to restore those magical models from a little bit of ancient scrolls. Almost everyone It is believed that those ancient knowledge cannot be completely repaired, and that the loss of knowledge is a punishment that mortals must bear because of arrogance, but who can think that they will one day be restored in this form?

Not only did the gods not blame the dullness and forgetfulness of the sinners, but they personally re-professed all this.

Otums believes that he is probably the luckiest pope in the history of the glory.

As for the gods, when they teach this knowledge, they are occasionally embarrassed by "more simple than five or three", "one lesson is useful and useful", "there are actually four solutions to this problem" and so on, Ottums thinks That is the embodiment of the deep thoughts of the gods and the inability to understand.

But before recording the divine model, he first carefully recorded the prayers that could resist the erosion of madness. After all, inheriting knowledge or something, you must survive before you are qualified to discuss.

As the radiance of the gods faded, Ottums looked at the enchanted scrolls that had been recorded in various spell models and prayers, and said with sincere heart: "My Lord, I have recorded these things." ”

"Very good, then I will also issue orders to all believers around the world. They will know what is going to happen in this world, but not everyone can use high-level magic, so give the original text of the prayer to You, you have to send them to all the bishops and the priests above the bishop. Within a month, you must master the methods of using these prayers and lay defenses around the world.

"Remember, from the moment you take these prayers, you are responsible for protecting the people. You will face the erosion of the crazy monster on the soul level, facing the most horrible side of the universe...

"If someone feels that their mind is not strong, they should quit early. I will not blame him, because this wise withdrawal will prevent the mortal world's defense line from appearing in advance. But if you choose to accept it, you must stick to the end. And I will always be with you.

"Remember, you are not alone."

Ottums felt that his heart was being touched like never before. He bowed down in front of the portrait of the Holy Spirit: "Lord, I am ready!"

"Then go, I still have two questions not written..."

Ottums touched the ground with a forehead and then stood up, but just before he left the prayer room, the idea of ​​the goddess of creation suddenly swept again: "Wait a minute, Ottum, and another thing."

The pope immediately stopped and turned to the portrait of the Holy Man: "My Lord, please tell me."

"What exactly is the mess of things like the abstract painting in front of you?"


At this moment, Ottums feels that his life as a clergyman is facing the biggest challenge ever!

"Lord...we are painting you..."


At this moment, Leah, who is far beyond 100 million light years, feels that she is facing the greatest challenge in history as the goddess of the goddess!

After a small embarrassment (well, in the eyes of Otums, this is a big embarrassment), the two sides finally reached mutual understanding and agreement on the issue of the holy portrait, and the new icon will replace In order to alleviate this too embarrassing atmosphere, Ottums had to find a new topic: "My Lord, today's unusual sky..."

The voice of the goddess sounded a bit confused: "What happened to the sky?"

“Is it also in the turmoil and chaos of the omen? We need to explain this to the believers...”

The creation goddess was delayed for another two seconds before the voice came: "Oh, my power sweeps across the world, and occasionally it causes some weather anomalies due to the reaction with the free energy in the atmosphere. There is actually no warning function. ”

Otums: " should we deal with it?"

"So you have to go home and collect clothes! How is this child so stupid!"

Otums: "..."

The door to the prayer room was finally opened.

The young assistants and the two bishops who had been waiting outside the door hurried forward, and they saw Pope Ottum’s face with a tired expression that had never been seen before.

Communicating with God is a very heavy burden for mortals, even if the most powerful pope in the church can't help but the bishops have come together to see such an idea after seeing the footsteps of Ottums.

"Your Majesty," a bishop came to the pope, "God..."

"God has come," Ottums did not wait for the other party to finish, and took the reel from the arms, which was filled with the sacred power. The scrolls exude the gods that are purely far beyond the imagination of the human priesthood. The sexual power immediately shocked everyone, and the devout gods on the scene couldn’t help but bend down. "This is the knowledge He has given. The Lord has also lowered his will and ordered us to unite and prepare for the greatest challenge in the history of the world." I will hold a bishop meeting to tell you later."

The bishops crouched down and prayed piously, and the voice was full of joy and firmness: "praise my Lord."

Ottum took a breath and tried to calm down and then said: "My Lord has two more orders..."

The bishops said in unison: "Please show your sigh."

"First of all, the portrait of the Holy One should be redrawed. As we discussed in previous meetings, our present holy portrait is a collective illusion produced by the interference of the 'eldest son' spirit, because the eldest son is polluted by evil forces. The holy portrait was also distorted by the goddess and did not blame us, but we must redraw the image of the gods."

As he spoke, he took out another scroll: "The gods have already lowered the revelation, and the new icon can be drawn accordingly."

A bishop took the reel, as if holding the key to guide the world's destiny, and then unfolding it seriously. He saw that the scroll was a beautiful little girl, and she was holding her hand on the viewer. The direction of the hand is better than a v.

Bishop: "..."

Otums: "..."

"God is the god," after a long time, Otums said firmly, "just do it."

Finally, some people in the bishop reacted: "So... another order?"

"The goddess let us not guess the weather, and quickly inform everyone to go home to collect clothes."

Bishop: "..."

Otums closed his eyes and seemed to be ten years old: "God is the god."

The bishops finally dispersed, and Ottums finally got a sigh of relief. In just ten minutes, he felt that he and the former pope did have a big gap, even though they had similar qualifications. The heart is really to be honed.

He also noticed the young helper who remained in the place. When he walked in the direction of himself, he took the initiative to say: "Marshal Ovra should have been waiting for a long time?"

"She waited in the cathedral and you refused our arrangement to send her to the lounge."

“In the glory of the sacred sect, the lounge is no more comfortable than the lobby,” the pope nodded slightly and walked forward. “Let’s go see her, a war is about to begin, God is already in the battlefield of God. On the position, people should also be on the front line."