MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1771 Surprise

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Hao Ren did not expect Lia to switch to the violent mode directly after entering the fighting state - surrounded by countless gods, there is a golden sacred code in front of him, but I am kneeling in the air and facing the street. The whole universe of the hustle and bustle swayed, and Lia’s current style of painting was thrown to the goddess of the goddess of creation, and it was another round of faith collapse...

After all, it was not until the believers had recently accepted that their goddess was a luoli with a silly scissors and a silly hand...

And this outbreak of Leah is obviously far beyond the expectations of the goddess of death, she is awkward at the same time, but it is not because of the effect of Liya's speech attack - she has completely integrated with the mad master Chaos and destruction are her essence. Even if Lia's martial arts are so powerful, she can't shake her in this respect. It is Lia's endless new attack method that really makes the goddess of the world go.

Whether it is directly modifying the local law to counteract the power of chaos, or using the gods to restore the order of time and space, she did not know. She thought she and Lia had the same origin, and she was able to grasp the battle rhythm of the latter, but now she found that she had made mistakes from the beginning.

"Where are you from all these powers?!" The goddess of death was once again forced to send to Leah's attack. She lost her calmness and calmness at the beginning, and turned to some anger. "You are In the short few months... what did you do?"

Leah smiled, and the cheat sheet in her hand turned to a new chapter again: "What have I done? I am learning, I keep learning all the time, I keep doing my problems all the time, I keep writing my homework forever! You never Knowing what knowledge is power is, but now... Learn one lesson!"

Countless diplomas appear in the space of millions of kilometers, and the space-time structures that are swallowed and torn by the goddess of destruction are quickly restored under the rune, but only halfway through the rune. The invisible power passed the battlefield and wiped out all the runes instantly.

"I have no interest in the source of your power. You are really much better than before, but it is meaningless." The figure of the goddess of the world disappeared again in the universe, and behind her, the cloud shrouded the chaos. The dark celestial body has gradually changed, and countless dark red light flows in the depths of the clouds, and the clouds themselves are gradually absorbed by the light flow and become thin. "Thank you for your cooperation, if you don't sway so unscrupulously My own power, the engine is probably not ready so soon..."

The cloud surrounding the dark celestial body finally disappeared. Its horrible and abominable body appeared in front of everyone. Hao Ren saw it like a group of randomly smashed metal, rock, flesh and bones. The substances that are very different from each other are stacked into the main body of the planet: the thick crust of the stratum corneum exhibits a cracked state, the flesh and blood of the fester is under the crack, and the complex metal structure is filled between the flesh and blood. Everything is not in the moment. Stopping and squirming, and these creeping objects form a strange structure on the surface of the planet.

Compared with the scene that was seen through the “resonance phenomenon” when the creation engine was completed, the visual impact brought by the “destruction engine” was obviously stronger.

At the moment of seeing the engine, Lia was silent and opened for a long time: "I already knew that you have finished it."

"But you can't stop it," the goddess of death stood in space. She opened her hands. The pale figure seemed to form a symbol in the background of the dark celestial body. "You can only sneak in like this, but infiltrate. It’s impossible to destroy or stop the engine from starting after coming in. My 'sisters' should be very clear about the principle of this thing..."

The face on the surface of the dark celestial body becomes clearer and clearer. There seems to be endless suffering and hatred in the face. Lia looks at it, but there is no action of dodging or defense: "As long as I capture my divinity, it will start. True God annihilation mode, right."

"Say goodbye," the goddess of death smiled. "After the universe is annihilated, no one will remember you anymore."

The dark celestial body started.

The endless energy is constrained, concentrated, and then turned into a power that is enough to affect the operation of the universe, enough to erase the gods. A large number of dark extensions escape from the surface of the celestial body and disappear into space, establishing a connection with the underlying data of the universe. Then it began to search the information characteristics of the "Creation Goddess" in the underlying data of the entire universe, and is ready to remove this part of the data from the universe.

But the goddess of the goddess has a change of expression on her face. She seems a bit confused: because Lia has not taken any action at this moment, Hao Ren is only holding a long sword and focusing on the water away from the battle center - in fact, from the beginning of the war to the present Hao Ren did not make any effort, the protagonist of the battle has always been only Lia and the goddess of death.

As for Wei Wei'an... Vivian has never known where she has been hiding since a long time ago, and now she can't see her shadow on the battlefield.

But the confusion of the goddess of death has only lasted for a while, because the dark red light flowing on the surface of the dark celestial body has reached its peak. No matter what plan the goddess of creation has, it is already too late to implement.

The engine completed the information retrieval of the goddess of creation.

But it returns a 404.

The dark red streamer on the surface of the dark celestial body quickly dimmed, and the squirming indescribable things slammed like a current with a violent tremor. A series of explosions erupted from the lower crust and smashed the thick **** and rock in space. The mid-spray emits countless spectacular jets of material.

Silent, but spectacular.

"What... how is this possible?!"

Even before Lia made a set of super-killing while she was on the street, she didn’t let the goddess of the gods be so ruined. Before she felt the shock of this moment, she carefully prepared for many years to steal the golden discs. The destructive engine that was created with a great deal of effort did not play any role at the moment.

She can imagine that Leah used other tricks to resist this attack. She could even accept that the engine could not be started due to its own structural defects, but could not accept that the engine was so inexplicably after the start...

As for her moment of blasphemy, countless pale gold gods suddenly appeared around her, and all her action routes were suddenly sealed. Hao Ren, who had been swimming in the outer edge of the battlefield, suddenly rushed up. The rifle of the universe is ruthlessly squatted.

The long sword did hit the target, but a force that seemed to be irresistible suddenly came back. Hao Ren was suddenly bombed out, and the shackles created by Lia also flashed off several times.

The goddess of extinction was not unscathed, and she had a scar on her arm, but she didn't care about it, just glared at Leah: "What the **** have you done?!"

"Change your account," Lia smiled, and more divines emerged from her side. "But for you, it's probably impossible to understand."

"It doesn't make sense... It doesn't make sense..." The voice of the goddess of the world resounded in everyone's mind. The violent chaotic power in the space became stronger with her fury, and was repaired and stabilized by Leah. Once again, the structure of time and space became fragile. Hao Ren, who had planned to cut another sword, immediately stopped his movements because he saw the dark celestial body behind the goddess of the world change again.

"It doesn't matter... the engine can't kill you, but I can... just let this sad world breathe a few more times..."

Between the goddess of the gods and the dark celestial bodies, there are innumerable illuminating streams of blood in the darkness, and the dying engine that was damaged by the reverse phasing in the previous start-up process is once again forced to start - for this huge and implied For the infinite power artifacts, the previous small explosions were not worth mentioning at all. It turns out that it repairs much faster than the damage.

Dark red is like a blood stream that reappears on the surface of the celestial body. The creeping crust and flesh also form a face-like structure again. But this time, what emerges is the face that the goddess of death has begun to distort.

Even if the function of "true **** annihilation" fails, the dying engine itself is still a powerful weapon.

In an instant, the order of time and space began to shake and collapse. The dark abyss that had been wrapped up by darkness and chaos had an endless starlight—the starry scenes from all over the dream plane were projected into the universe by the distorted structure of time and space. Large and small galaxies and gas clouds emerged in a completely abnormal proportion in the dark abyss. In an instant, this crazy place is also star-studded.

In these abnormal stars, a dark torrent of water was generated from the emptiness around the engine, and went to Lia and Hao Renyong.

"You will be annihilated in chaos!!"

The voice of the goddess of death screamed in Hao Ren’s mind, and the accompanying mental pollution made him a headache, and even the soul became shaken, but a sudden ring of bells calmed it all.

The bell echoed abruptly in a vacuum, quiet and silent universe, as if it were everywhere, it was difficult to judge its source, with a kind of timeless and mysterious atmosphere.

Along with the bell, there was a sudden filling of the **** moonlight of the entire universe.

The goddess of extermination raised her head in horror and saw that a **** red moon did not know when it had appeared in distant space. It seemed to be a real celestial body, but it seemed to be a world-like texture. It is difficult to judge its true position and distance by the naked eye, but she can clearly feel that some kind of "power" emanating from the red moon is interfering with and suppressing the operation of the engine.

"That is..." The goddess of death can't help but mutter, because she has almost the same memory as Leah, so she easily thinks of the origin of this round of red moon, "Red Moon... I think of it It’s the little guy you threw into another world...but how could her weak power be...”

"Of course you won't know, because what I show you is just a part of my memory," Leah finally smiled smugly. "So you certainly won't know, the engine you built... only But it is a semi-finished product."

The red moon hung behind Lia, and she opened her hands as if she had become a symbol.

"The real creation engine is that it needs to be packaged..."