MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 156 Request from Otsuki Hamura!

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  Chapter 156 Otsuki Hamura's request!

  The Land of Thunder, Yunlei Gorge!


  A Yunyin ninja fell from the sky, came to Kirabi, bowed and said: "Master Kirabi, Lord Raikage has sent a message, asking you to go and meet him!"

  Holding a notebook, Qi Rabi, who was thinking about the lyrics, shook his head: "Yo yo."

  Yunyin Ninja had a black thread, and said helplessly: "Master Kirabi, this action is extremely urgent. Master Raikage wants you to act as soon as possible. Be sure to meet him at the appointed time!"

   "Got it! Got it!"

  Kirabi closed the book, then stretched.

  Yunyin Ninja breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Master Yumuren is leading the team towards this side. After meeting you, we will go to meet Master Raikage together!"

  Qi Rabi's lazy gaze suddenly became sharper: "You Muren also participated in this operation?"


  Kirabi frowned slightly: "It can't be a war with Konoha!"

He has been practicing in Yunlei Gorge, and he doesn't know much about the news of the ninja world, so when he learned that this operation was not only led by Raikage himself, but also that both he and Yukito would participate in it, he Immediately thought of war.

  So apart from war, he really can't imagine any other missions that require Yun Yin to dispatch such a gorgeous lineup.

  Yunyin Ninja explained: "You misunderstood! This operation is to arrest a member of an organization called 'Akatsuki Organization'."

   "Xiao organization?" Qi Rabi looked confused: "Arresting members of a secret organization requires the eldest brother to lead the team himself?"

The Yunyin ninja who was in charge of the communication quickly passed the information of the Akage organization to Kirabi: "Master Kirabi, this Akatsuki organization is extraordinary! This time, Raikage-sama went to Konoha to participate in the Five Kages Conference. Discuss how to deal with this organization!"

  Kirabi just glanced at it briefly, and surprise appeared in his eyes.

  He, like the other high-level leaders of the Five Great Ninja Village, does not pay much attention to some bounty ninja organizations that are active in various black markets.

   In his eyes, these bounty ninja organizations are all rats in the sewers. It's not that they can't be solved, but it's a bit troublesome to clean them up.

   But after reading the information of the Akatsuki organization, he immediately realized that this "Akatsuki organization" was not an ordinary bounty ninja organization at all, it was an alliance of a group of S-rank wanted criminals.

  Most of its members are rebels from major ninja villages. Among them, there are many ruthless people such as the red sand scorpion who has been rumored to have killed three generations of Kazekage, and Uchiha Itachi who has slaughtered the entire Uchiha clan.

   "No wonder the big brother needs to lead the team himself!"

   After muttering secretly, Kirabi put away his contempt.


  A moment later, accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, a four-member team led by Erwei Jinchuriki came to Yunlei Gorge!

  As soon as the wooden man landed on the ground, he asked in a hurry: "Qirabi, are you ready?"

  Kirabi glanced at the three teammates standing behind Yu Mu, with a dignified expression.

   These three people are all well-known masters in Yunyin Village.

  Among them, Kaluer has Lan Dun Xueji Limit, and is an elite Jnin of Yunyin. Of the remaining Xi and Gesha, one is an all-round elite Jnin who is good at illusion, medical treatment, and perception, and the other is an elite Jnin who has the limit of magnetic escape and blood inheritance.

   It can be said that Yumuren's four-member team, together with the 'AB' combination of him and the fourth generation of Raikage, is more than enough to hunt down even one Kage!

  The cloud hidden ninja in charge of communication stepped forward and urged: "Master Kirabi, Master Yumu, and Master Raikage are waiting for the two adults in the Kingdom of the Moon. Please join Master Raikage as soon as possible!"

   Kirabi said: "Let's go!"


  Yumuman didn't talk nonsense, he just flashed his figure and followed Kirabi.

  In an instant, this team consisting of two Jinchurikis and three elite Jōnin turned into black dots, disappeared in Yunlei Gorge after only a few ups and downs.

  Walking in a desolate and dilapidated town, Ning Ci had a look of disbelief on his face: "I didn't expect a town of this size to exist on the moon."

   Shinji's eyes were also full of curiosity.

  He knew that the Otsutsuki family had always lived on the moon, and he also knew that this family was not small, but when he was actually in the relics where they lived, he still couldn't help feeling shocked.

Ning Ci suddenly stopped and picked up a broken kunai on the ground: "Even the kunai made of fine steel has been completely corroded. It seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time. It's really strange, such a big town, why Abandoned?"

   Shinji said: "Look around!"

Ning Ci looked around, observed carefully for a while, and then said in surprise: "It seems... It seems that there has been a war here? No! Didn't you say that there is only the Otsutsuki clan on the moon? Then why is there a war here? Who are they fighting with?" fight?"

   Shinji remained silent.

   "Could it be." Neji seemed to have thought of something, staring at Shinji: "Could it be that a civil war broke out in the Otsutsuki clan here?!"

Shinji said: "The Otsutsuki clan on the moon, like your Hyuga clan, also has a main family and a separate family. However, there is no 'caged bird' here, so the main family cannot completely suppress the branch family. A war broke out."

  Ning Ci hurriedly asked: "And then?"

Shinji said slowly: "Originally, the strength of the main family is higher than that of the sub-family, but in order to win the civil war, the sub-family used the white eyes of the clansmen to condense a giant Tenseigan at the cost of sacrificing a large number of clansmen, and then swept across the battlefield. Take down the family, and finally slaughter the family!"

   "Wha what!?"

  Ning Ci looked shocked. He had never thought that the civil war of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon would be so cruel and bloody, and it ended with the complete massacre of one side.

   Immediately, he looked around again.

  At this moment, the dilapidated town ruins in front of him seemed to become a tomb in his eyes, a tomb named Datongmu!

  The two continued to explore in the ruins of the town, and soon came to a dilapidated stone temple.

   "An ancient oath, if the human relationship collapses, the eye of reincarnation will revive, and the fist of the moon will exterminate mankind!"

   Gently reading a line of words engraved on the altar, Ning Ci's brows became more and more wrinkled.

  Then he looked at Shinji beside him: "My lord, what does 'the fist of the moon wiped out the human race' mean?"

Shinji said: "This should be the agreement between the younger brother of the Six Paths Sage, Otsutsuki Yumura, and the Six Paths Sage! The ancestor of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon is the Six Paths Sage's younger brother Otsutsuki Hamura, who defeated and sealed the 'Goddess of Uo' at the beginning. After that, Otsutsuki Yucun moved to the moon and was responsible for guarding the seal. Before leaving, he made an agreement with the Sage of the Six Paths that if the human beings taught by the Sage of the Six Paths fell, he would come forward to cleanse the world and restore order!"

  Listening to Shinji’s narration, Neji had a sense of unreality in which myths reflected reality: “These should be just myths and legends, right?”

   "Legend?" Shinji chuckled and said, "What do you think 'Fist of the Moon' is?"

  Ning Ci shook his head blankly.

   Shinji stretched out his finger and pointed around.

  Ning Ci became more and more confused: "My lord, does the 'Fist of the Moon' refer to this temple? Does this temple have the power to destroy human beings?"

   Shinji smiled: "Use your imagination well."

  Ning Ci was taken aback for a moment, then widened his eyes: "Do you mean to say that the so-called 'Fist of the Moon' is actually the entire moon?"

   The smile disappeared, Shinji nodded: "Yeah!"

  Ning Ci was a little disbelieving: "How is it possible!"

"Nothing is impossible in front of that giant Tenseigan!" After a pause, Shinji said: "Perhaps in the near future, the only remaining Otsutsuki branch on the moon will use the giant Tenseiyan to pull the moon into the earth, Launch the 'Fist of the Moon' to exterminate mankind!"

  Ning Ci panicked: "This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!"

  Shinji said with emotion: "Yes! The giant Tenseigan cannot be controlled by a group of lunatics!"


   At this moment, the altar suddenly cracked, revealing a secret passage downward.

   Shinji's eyes froze, and he was secretly happy: "Bring Neji, it's really right!"

  Ning Ci was surprised and suspicious when he saw the secret passage that suddenly appeared: "Is there a secret room under the altar?"

   "Come on, let's go down and have a look."

   Saying that, Shinji walked into the secret passage, and Neji followed closely, and also went down.

   After a while, the two came to a dark hall.

  The dim light did not hinder the observation of the two Hitomizu blood successor ninjas. They just took a glance and found that the hall hidden under the altar was actually a tomb full of tombs.

  Round tombs were neatly arranged, extending into the darkness. For a while, the two of them couldn't estimate how many tombs were buried in this tomb.

  Suddenly, a figure walked out from the darkness.

  Ning Ci shouted: "Who!?"

  The figure staggered, and slowly came in front of Shinji and Neji, muttering: "It's the white eyes, I feel the white eyes!"

   Shinji looked at the strange man in front of him.

  He looked about forty or fifty years old, wearing the costumes of the Datongmu clan, his complexion was extremely pale, and he didn't look like a living person at all.

   And the most important thing is that the opponent's face has only a pair of black eye sockets, and there are no eyes at all!

  At this moment, the strange man suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out a ball of light from his mouth, and then the ball of light floated in mid-air, and suddenly exploded.


  Ning Ci yelled, as if he saw something, he was stunned.

   Shinji hurriedly asked: "What did you see?"

Ning Ci was stunned for a while, and then said: "In that light group, I saw the battle between the main family and the branch family, and I...I also saw the giant Tenseigan! In the battle, all the members of the main family died Under that giant Tenseiyan!"

   Shinji frowned: "Only these?!"

   With a sound of 'crash', the weird man seemed to disintegrate, his body completely collapsed, and he fell limply on the ground. He tilted his head and said, "We must stop Datongmu."

  Ning Ci stepped forward to check it out, then was lost in a daze.

   Shinji on the side didn't urge him, but just stood quietly.

   After a long time.

  Ningji came back to his senses, and said to Shinji: "My lord, I saw the younger brother of the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, Otsutsuki Hamura!"

   Shinji asked: "In the light group just now?"

Neji nodded and continued: "As you just said, the branch family on the moon used the giant reincarnation eyes to destroy the main family, and misinterpreted the last words of Otsutsuki Yumura. They... They really want to use the giant reincarnation Destroy the Earth!"

   Shinji asked calmly: "What did that Otsutsuki Hamura tell you?"

  "He" Ning Ci pondered for a while, and said, "He asked me to destroy the giant Tenseigan of the branch family, so as to quell the catastrophe!"

   Shinji's face darkened.

   At first glance, Otsuki Hamura’s request is normal. As long as the giant Tenseikan is destroyed, the Otsuki branch will no longer have the ability to destroy the earth.

   But if you think about it carefully, there is something weird in it.

   You must know that this giant Tenseigan on the moon is formed by gathering all the white eyes of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, and it is the embodiment of the power of the Otsutsuki clan.

  Once it is destroyed, the existence of this large tube of wood on the moon will also disappear.

   "This old guy, probably worried about entrusting the giant Tenseigan to Neji, so he would rather destroy it, once and for all!"

  Thinking of this, Shinji's mind became active.

  On the current moon, there is actually only the giant Tenseigan, and the entire Otsutsuki is separated, and there is no normal Tenseigan. When Otsutsuki Toneri of the branch family transplanted Hanabi's white eyes and evolved into Tenseiken, it would be eight or nine years later.

  So the current Otsutsuki Sect can only indirectly control the giant Tenseigan through spells or spells.

   This is Shinji's chance!

If you can steal the spell or spell that Otsutsuki Sakae uses to control the giant Tenseigan, or find a way for Neji to get Tenseigan before Otsuki Toneri, it is possible to surpass Otsutsuki Sakae and win the giant Tenseigan Control of Tenseikan.

  After leaving the underground secret palace, Shinji and Neji went out of the town, sneaked all the way, and finally came to the castle where they live separately.

"One place, two places, three places. Forty-one places, forty-two places." Ning Ci's face was slightly gloomy, and he turned to Shinji and said, "My lord, there are a total of forty-two sentry posts around the castle, and all of them are Tenseiyan puppets. , there are hundreds of them!"

   Shinji shook his head: "You haven't counted the top ones yet!"

  Ning Ci was startled, and quickly looked up, only to see scattered black spots in the sky above the protective shield covering the castle.

  He looked carefully, and found that those black spots were all Tenseigan puppets riding on the puppet Asuka, and there were hundreds of them.


  Ning Ci was momentarily at a loss for words.

  The castle of the Otsutsuki branch is not only protected by a huge protective shield, but also countless Tenseigan puppets are scattered around.

  With such a tight defense, even if he has white eyes, he doesn't know how to sneak in.

   Shinji also got into trouble at this time.

   You must know that there are still eight or nine years before the death of the Otsutsuki family in the original time and space, so he is not sure how many members are left in the current Otsuki branch.

   Coupled with the giant Tenseigan and countless Tenseigan puppets, it is really not an easy task to sneak into the castle of the branch family

   Two chapters in one! Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Please everyone!



  (end of this chapter)