MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 157 Giant Tenseigan!

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  Chapter 157 Giant Tenseikan!

   Facing the impregnable Otsutsuki branch castle, Shinji was not in a hurry, but hid in the distant dense forest and observed carefully.

  Although he now has a pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, but on the moon, he is really not qualified to walk sideways.

Once discovered by the Otsutsuki family, let alone coveting the giant Tenseigan, there is no question of whether he can escape the moon alive, so we can't be too cautious here. Anyway, this time we can find the secret passage to the moon. For him, the trip was worthwhile.

  Ning Ci pointed to the distance at this time: "My lord, look!"

  Following the direction of Neji's finger, Shinji looked over and found that a pair of Tenseigan puppets were forming a team and walking towards the castle of the Otsutsuki branch.

   "Is it a defense change?"

  Shinji stared.

  Even puppets need to replenish chakra and carry out regular maintenance, so it is obviously an opportunity for Shinji to return to the Otsutsuki branch castle with a whole team of Tenseigan puppets.

  So he took Neji closer, and asked Neji to observe the route of the Tenseigan puppets back to Otsutsuki's castle with blank eyes.

   Not long after, they discovered that in a hidden corner, there was a secret passage leading to the castle.

  As soon as the Tenseigan puppet approaches the entrance of the secret passage, the protective cover outside the secret passage will automatically open, allowing the Tenseigan puppet to only enter and exit the castle.

  Ningci saw this and said: "My lord, we can hold a puppet hostage and sneak into the castle through that secret passage!"

   Shinji hesitated.

  Ordinary Tenseigan puppets are average in strength, almost at the level of Chunin. It is not a problem to find a chance to hold one or two of them hostage.

  The problem is that they don't know anything about the internal structure of the Otsutsuki branch castle.

   Once discovered after sneaking in, they will be besieged by countless Tenseigan puppets, and even chased and killed by members of the Otsutsuki branch.

   Until then, it won't be easy to figure it out!

"Right now, Otsuki Tonero is only a year or two older than me, and he hasn't fully grown up yet. The other members of the Otsutsuki branch should be getting old. Now is the period when the Otsutsuki branch is relatively weak. Don't take risks at this time. After Otsutsuki Toneri gets stronger and stronger, it will be difficult to think about playing a giant Tenseikan!"

  After weighing things up, Shinji said to Neji: "Remember, this time we are mainly investigating and collecting intelligence, so after sneaking into the castle, don't act rashly, and follow my instructions!"


  Ning Ci solemnly agreed.

After accepting the request of Otsuki Hamura, he already knew the cause and effect of the war between the Otsuki branch family and the Otsuki main family, and also understood that if the Otsuki branch family continues to be allowed to continue, the earth will face a catastrophe sooner or later, so treat this One action, he is very cautious.

   Soon, the two stared at a single Tenseigan puppet.


  Shinji's 'Blinking Body Art' flashed behind the Tenseigan puppet, and the 'Susano' was activated instantly, and the huge skeleton palm grabbed the Tenseigan puppet, making it immobile.

  Afterwards, Shinji grabbed the Tenseigan puppet and came to the secret passage.

  After sensing the Tenseigan Chakra on the Tenseigan Puppet, the protective cover opened a hole, revealing the entrance of the secret passage.

  Shinji and Neji looked at each other, and rushed into the secret passage with two 'swish swish'.

  After entering the secret passage, Shinji immediately urged the 'Susanou' to crush the Tenseigan puppet that was in his hand before.

  Ding ding dong dong

  Listening to the sound of broken puppet parts scattered, Neji asked, "My lord, what should we do now?"

   Shinji lifted the 'Susano', and said: "Without the protective cover, your vision of the white eyes should not be affected? Our primary goal now is to investigate the location of the giant Tenseigan!"

  Ning Ci nodded, and observed carefully with his white eyes.

   After a long time, he said: "My lord, there are several areas in the castle that I can't directly observe with my white eyes. I suspect that the giant Tenseigan may be hidden in one of them!"

   Shinji vaguely remembered the giant Tenseigan, which seemed to be hidden in a floating temple by the Otsutsuki family, so he said, "Where are those areas roughly located?"

  Ning Ci pointed to several directions.

   Shinji made a rough judgment, and then said to one of the prescriptions: "Go to this place first!"

  The two sneaked along the passage. Because of their white eyes, they could always avoid the patrolling Tenseigan puppets, and came to the upper part of the Otsutsuki branch castle with a narrow gap.

  After leaving the building, the vision in front of the two of them suddenly widened.

  The place under their feet was the majestic castle of Otsutsuki's family, and around the castle, there were still huge stone mountains suspended.

  There are buildings on all those rocky mountains, some are towers, some are temples.

  The stone mountains are connected by floating pieces of gravel belts, which look beautiful, like a fairyland!

  Ning Ci sighed: "I didn't expect there to be such a place on the moon!"

   Shinji asked: "Take a look at those floating stone mountains, which one can block your observation!"

  Ningji pointed to a stone mountain that seemed to have a temple built: "My lord, that's it!"

   Shinji's eyes lit up.

  The giant Tenseigan on the moon, nine out of ten, is hidden in the temple inside that rocky mountain!

  Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Shinji looked around again.

Although inside the protective cover, there are still Tenseigan puppets riding on puppet Asuka patrolling in the air, and from the outside, these Tenseigan puppets patrolling inside the protective cover are obviously more sophisticated than those outside. .

  It seems that it is the high-level Tenseigan puppet that was sent by Otsutsuki Toneri to Konoha to abduct Hanabi in the original time and space.

   "These high-level Tenseigan puppets can fight against Naruto after the Fourth World War. Their individual strength may not be inferior to that of Jonin. If they are entangled by them, even I may not be able to escape!"

   After thinking secretly, Shinji took Neji and hid in the passage again, waiting patiently for the time.

   In a blink of an eye, several hours passed.

  The high-ranking Tenseigan puppets patrolling in the sky landed on the towers on the rocky mountains, as if they were preparing to replenish Tenseigan Chakra.


  Looking at the right time, Shinji immediately dispatched and jumped out of the passage.

  Ning Ci followed closely behind and followed.

  The two avoided the sight of the tower in the distance, and under the cover of pieces of debris in the floating gravel belt, they got closer to the floating rock mountain where the giant Tenseikan was hidden.

   Seeing that the stone mountain was getting closer and closer, Shinji became calmer and calmer.

  In order to be safe, he even hid in the shadow of the gravel belt for several hours, and finally arrived at the stone mountain without any danger.

   Shinji breathed a sigh of relief until he sneaked into the temple inside the stone mountain.

  Ning Ci also stroked his chest and panted lightly.

   This journey is not easy!

  Then, the two walked slowly towards the depths of the temple.

  Because of the giant reincarnated eyes, the perspective ability of Neji Baikan inside the temple was greatly affected, and the observation distance was greatly reduced.

   Fortunately, there are no high-ranking Tenseigan puppets stationed here, so the two of them came to the hall where the giant Tenseigan was placed without any hindrance.

  Different from the dim temple passage, the golden inside of the main hall, suspended in the center of the main hall, is the giant Tenseigan.

   Around the giant Tenseiyan, there are huge circles of golden rings.

  These orbits surround the giant Tenseiyan. At first glance, the entire giant Tenseiyan and the orbits look like a huge globe.

  After a few ups and downs, Shinji and Neji jumped onto a circular track, and observed the giant Tenseikan in front of them closely.

   "This" Ning Ci was stunned for a moment, then said immediately: "This is bigger than the giant Tenseigan I saw in the light ball!"

Shinji said: "It's normal. What you see in the light group is just the giant Tenseiyan that the Otsutsuki branch family first condensed. Later they defeated the main family, collected the white eyes of the main family, and condensed them on this giant Tenseiyan. So the current giant Tenseigan must be bigger and stronger than the giant Tenseigan during the Otsutsuki Civil War!"

  Ningji became troubled: "My lord, Otsutsuki Hamura asked me to destroy this giant Tenseigan, what should I do?"

Shinji stared at the giant Tenseigan that was shining like stars in front of him, and said slowly: "This giant Tenseigan is not only the treasure of the Otsutsuki clan, but also the treasure of the ninja world. It would be a pity to go!"

  Ningji looked at Shinji: "Then what do you mean?"

   Shinji narrowed his eyes slightly: "As long as this giant Tenseigan is out of the control of the Otsutsuki branch, the Fist of the Moon will not fall!"

   Not to mention that he is still shouldering the responsibility of protecting the ninja world at this moment, even if he is not the "carrier of the lamp" and has no responsibility to protect the ninja world, he will not destroy the giant tenseiyan that is so beautiful and heart-pounding in front of him!

  Ningji became entangled.

  From the perspective of his original intention, he actually wanted to obey the plea of ​​his ancestors and completely destroy the giant reincarnation eye in front of him. But when he really saw this giant Tenseiyan, he hesitated again.

  As a descendant of Otsutsuki Hamura's blood, he has a wonderful connection with this giant Tenseigan that Shinji can't understand.

  So he can personally feel the power of this giant Tenseikan.

  Compared with this giant Tenseigan, the monsters and monsters that were like nightmares in his eyes before are nothing.

   Therefore, he is very clear that if he wants to break through the shackles of the 'caged bird', he must rely on the power of this giant reincarnation eye.

   "Bold, how dare you break into this place!"

  Suddenly, a shout came from behind the two of them.

  Shinji turned his head and saw an old man in the costume of the Otsutsuki clan standing in the temple, glaring at the two of them.


"not good!"

   Shinji and Neji realized something was wrong at the same time.

  The old man in front of him is obviously not a Tenseigan puppet, but a living person, so the identity of the other party is ready to be revealed!

   As soon as he thought of this, Shinji decisively launched the "snapshot" technique, and with a "slap", he was bullied in front of the old man, and urged "Susanō" to punch the old man of the Otsutsuki branch.

   "Hey, Kaleidoscope Sharingan!?"

  The old man of the Otsutsuki branch was obviously taken aback when he saw the 'Susano' projected from Shinji's body.

  However, he didn't hesitate, he dodged Shinji's 'Susanou' punch with a flash, and then made a mudra with his hands, as if he was about to activate the giant Tenseigan.


   At this moment, Ning Ci used his soft fist to pounce on him.

  The old man of the branch family dodged sideways, the knot seal was interrupted, and a strange color flashed across his face again: "Blind eyes!? Who are you, and why did you appear in our temple?"

   Taking advantage of the other party's attention being attracted by Neji, Shinji's eyes were fixed, and he said secretly: "Amaterasu!"


  A black flame appeared out of nowhere on the chest of the old man from the branch family!

   "Ah!" Caught off guard, the old man from the branch family let out a cry of pain, and then sternly shouted: "You dirty ninjas, court death!"

   After drinking, he endured the pain of being burned by 'Amaterasu', raised his arm with difficulty, trying to seal.

  For him, as long as he can control the giant Tenseigan with seals, the two ninjas who sneaked into the temple are not worth mentioning.

  Because the giant Tenseigan can absorb all chakras except the white-eyed chakra, as long as the seal is completed, the black flames all over his body can be instantly absorbed by the giant Tenseigan.

   Shinji, who has used all his moves, has the idea of ​​killing people, so how could it be possible for the old man to use magic to control the giant Tenseigan.

  The moment he activated 'Amaterasu', his whole body fit and jumped on it.

   Flying in.

  His "Susanohu" changed from the original skeletal form to the half-body armored warrior form, and drew a knife and slashed at the old man.


  In an instant, there was a roar in the temple!

   Shinji took a closer look, and found that the old man of the Otsutsuki family who had been swallowed up by his "Amaterasu" black flames had blocked the half-length "Susanou" long knife of his body with only one hand.

   Immediately afterwards, the long knife of 'Susanohu' seemed to be absorbed by something, and it began to melt, and it couldn't even maintain its shape.

   Not only that, this kind of ablation is still spreading rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the entire 'Susanoi' has begun to ablate.

  The old man from the Otsutsuki family grinned grinningly: "Hmph, a mere ninja, dare to offend my Otsutsuki clan!"

   "He connected to the giant Tenseikan!?"

   Shinji's pupils shrank suddenly at this time, because he felt an extremely surging breath of Tenseikan from the other party's body.

  And not only 'Susano', even 'Amaterasu' has begun to be absorbed by the giant Tenseikan.

   This reminded him of the scene in the original time and space where Otsutsuki Toneri manipulated the giant Tenseikan to instantly **** the chakra dry from Naruto's whole body!

  The giant Tenseigan has a very obvious restraint effect on all ninjas who are not from Otsutsuki Hamura's lineage!


   At the moment when Shinji murmured that something was wrong, he thought of quitting.

  A figure flashed behind the old man from the Datongmu branch family, and then accompanied by a cold light, the head of the old man from the Datongmu branch family was tossed in the air, the expression on his face was full of astonishment!

   And behind his headless body is Neji holding a **** kunai.

   Two chapters in one! Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Thank you everyone!



  (end of this chapter)