MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2339 You are the best gift (forty-five)

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In the end, it was still Grandpa Fan who was distressed by his grandson, and he lost first.

"Forget it, the child has grown up, have his own ideas, let you do it." Father Van Gogh was very old for a moment, stood on crutches, ready to rest in the room.

As he passed Vatican's side, he walked slightly.

"I ca n’t tell grandpa, who do you like?"

"" Fanfan's eyes narrowed for a moment, and a faint light flashed under his eyes.

It is not impossible to say, but dare not say.

People who are destined not to be together are the same whether they say it or not, so why bother to say it and make Grandpa worry.

"Okay, you know what you're doing. In Grandpa's mind, you are my grandson. You don't have to be too wronged and don't worry too much. Grandpa just wants you to live a little bit freely. As for you, It's a pity to talk to Zhong Zhong, but fate doesn't come, and maybe God has a better plan. "

Mr. Van Gogh meant something meaningful.

Slowly step away from the study.

Soon after Father Van Go left, Zhong Ruiyu went into the study, saw Fan Fan kneeling on the ground, and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"Are you all right? Can you stand up?"

When Zhong Ruizhen saw that he was not looking right, he could not help him by himself, so he could only shout.

Fanfan was carried out of the study.

The next day, Father Van Gogh booked an air ticket, and before he left, he saw him alone.

What was said, only Van Fan himself knew

Fanfan looked back from the memories, grinded the small photo in his hand, and a bitter smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Before grandpa left, he only asked him "Vanfan, do you live happily?"


"Child, life is unsatisfactory. Everyone has a hard time. But the most important thing to live is to make yourself happy. You have a mind and deceive yourself. Grandpa is afraid you hurt yourself and you are young. Yeah, I do n’t know the thoughts of my parents and elders, but I just want my children to be happy. I ca n’t accept anything. "


Vatican thought of this sentence at this moment, and his heart moved slightly.

He put the small picture in his wallet, and just before he opened the quilt to get out of bed, the nurse just pushed the door and came in to inspect the room.

The young nurse, faced with a handsome guy like Fanfan, couldn't help it, and blushed and greeted "Mr. Fan, are you going to take anything? You lie down and I will help you."

"No, I just want to change my clothes," and Van Fan turned to look at the nurse and opened his lips, "I want to go through the discharge procedure as soon as possible."

The "discharged" nurse was stunned, and some were uneasy to remind "Your body is recovering well, but you still need to rest. If you live alone ~ ~, the situation before it will happen again, I am afraid it is against you Physical rehabilitation has an impact. "

"I'm not living alone." Van Fan reached out and picked up his shirt and trousers on a hanger. He turned to enter the dressing room, and his feet paused. He looked back at the nurse with a smile, his lips opened slightly.

"I am going home."

The thoughts of parents and elders, but they all want their children to be happy

How could he be so stupid that he just understood it now.

h city.

Fan house.

Fan Yu, who had just arrived at Fansi Group, rushed back to Fanjia Villa because of a phone call.

Fannie's physical recovery has returned to school, but teacher Fannie visited the Fan family.

Fanny is not at home, the class teacher deliberately picked this time to come, this kind of thing has never happened.