MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-Chapter 17 Mountain forest hermit

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Today, I have made a hundred more than yesterday, but I still sold it quickly. The extent of this popularity, to be honest, even Qiao Wei was surprised.

I didn't think I would sell it, but I didn't know how to sell it.

If we continue this way, it will not take long before she can get the rent of the next year.

Qiao Wei is in a good mood.

The children are in a good mood. Although they don't know how to do business, they see other people's stalls cold and clear, their own stalls are too busy, and they can't help but have a feeling of excitement and joy.

Qiao Wei bought three candied haws for the children, and then started to close with Luo Aunt.

Just after receiving half of it, a well-made carriage stopped in front of the stall. From the top, a scorpion wearing a light green color than the armor was the one who walked with the house mother.

She rushed over: "Madam, I want twenty red beans and rice cakes!"

Qiao Wei smiled and said: "Sorry, girl, you are late, have sold out."

I frowned in disappointment: "Ah? Sold out? Why is it so fast? I started from the capital early in the morning and made a special trip to buy your snacks!"

Although Qiao Wei does not like the mother and the lady, but this simple and simple impression is not bad: "I knew you will come, I will leave you some."

I blinked and thought about it. I took out a pair of silver from the purse. "Would you like to leave it for me tomorrow? I will make a deposit first."

They only saw one side, or in the case of a dispute with her master daughter, she actually dared to make a deposit -

Qiao Wei can not help but say: "I am a stall, not a shop, you are not afraid that I will collect your money and run away?"

"Ah? Are you going?" He widened his eyes.

Qiao Wei didn't know what to say, but she smiled: "No."

He patted the chest with relief.

Qiao Wei said again: "What snacks do you book, how many?"

"Are you not only red bean glutinous rice cake? Is there anything else?" asked.

Qiao Wei put the stools together and put them together: "I made some sweet snowballs today and sold them well."

I don’t think about it: "That must be twenty!"

"You eat so much alone?" Qiao Wei asked in amazement.

He said: "I didn't give it to me. I gave it to Mrs. Ji. You don't know. I bought the pastry from you last time. I was given to Mrs. Ji by my lady. She can like it, Miss. I must buy some more back. But today it seems that I can't buy it, you can definitely come tomorrow!"

"Okay." Although I don't know who Mrs. Ji is, but who can be favored by the Emperor, it is not rich. Qiao Wei gave the money back to him. "One hundred words is enough. Is there any change?"

"There is something!" I took over the money and took a small string of money from the purse, which was exactly one hundred words.

Today, I couldn't run into the embolism. Qiao Wei and Luo Auntie rented the carriage in the town. Now the business is good, but it is not worth the money.

Apart from the transportation expenses back and forth, the remaining three hundred yuan earned today, which can buy one hundred kilograms of rice.

Just half a month ago, the family of three did not dare to expect to eat big white rice. Now, let alone the rice, the meat is also there, and the children’s looks are much better. It is still very thin, much more to eat.

Qiao Wei cut a little pork belly and wanted to buy some calcium-supplemented shrimps for the children. However, because winter is not a season of shrimp production, it is not far from the south, and its price can no longer be described as expensive.

Buying seven or eight pounds, she can go bankrupt.

Finally I bought a fish.

The fish is stewed hot, the pork belly and the carrot are braised together, and the family of five (the little snow owl is also a member) eats a lot.

After eating, Qiao Wei went to the mountain forest, mainly to check if there are small animals hooked up, and change the fresh bait by the way.

What surprised her was that the doors of the two cages were closed today, and the bait inside was gone. But there is a pheasant in one cage, and there is nothing in the other cage, only one or two silver.

Is this...and bought her prey again? !

Who is it?

After Qiaowei thought about it yesterday, the villagers were excluded. Everyone was a poor person. They wouldn’t spend a couple of dollars to buy a game. Even if they wanted to buy it, they would look for Xu Dazhuang directly. They would never “take it” directly from a certain cage.

Can you say... Is there still a man living in this forest?

Qiao Wei was suspiciously returned to the yard.

Luo Auntie just finished washing the children, one by one with wet hair, like a chicken coop, eyes wet, cute and dead.

Qiao Wei couldn't help but squat on the head of the two.

Luo Auntie looked at the pheasant in her hand: "Catch it? This chicken said that there is a three or five pounds, which can sell a good price."

"Do not sell." Qiao Wei put the chicken into the bag and handed it to Luo Da Niang: "You have worked hard these days, you take it to make up the body."

Luo Auntie don't want to.

Qiao Wei said: "I know that you don't want to help me from what I am here, but I want to honor my elders, you have to fulfill my heart."

When it comes to this, Luo Auntie is not good at it, hesitated and said: "There is something, I have long wanted to talk to you."

"What?" Qiao Wei asked.

Luo Auntie said: "You are on the side of her brother's brother, you go with me, I can see that your big brother wants to call you, afraid that you will not hold back if you are in trouble."

"She" was famous in the village, and Luo Yongzhi was afraid to invite her. She didn't want to go, but she had to go because of her feelings.

She is not hoping to repay Luo Auntie, even if Luo Auntie does not mention it, she is also prepared to mention, she readily agreed.

After Luo Auntie left, she went into the kitchen to prepare the ingredients to be used in the early morning. She did not sell the overnight stuff. All the snacks were made in the early morning.

Considering that the day after tomorrow, Cui Yun’s younger brother must go out of business for a day, she decided to do more tomorrow.

When she was ready, she entered the house and somehow remembered the prey.

I don't know if that person will come tomorrow.

Wouldn't it be good to charge him a couple of dollars each time?

A hare is a hundred words, she sells to a thousand people, she is a disguised Qingdao prawn!

The conscience is a bit uneasy.

Qiao Wei touched his chin and decided on the entire price list.

She has seen the words of this era in the town, a bit like a little sister. The script of her traditional characters is still alive, and Xiao Yan is too embarrassed for her.

Hesitated for a moment, she decided to use a stick figure.

First draw a rabbit on a thin wooden board, then draw a white mosquito next to the rabbit, homophonic: one hundred words.

When she painted the price of the pheasant, she painted a black mosquito and added eight small stones under the black mosquito. This should be obvious.

After painting, she put the wooden sign in the cage of the forest.

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