MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 60] Fu Jun truth, finally grew up

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When Shimizu’s real people heard this, they stopped.

The sorceress looked at him charmingly: "What's wrong? Xianggong?"

The clear eyes of Shimizu suddenly recovered the Qingming: "You are not a young man!"

This time, the female stunned.

What is the scorpion of her charm? impossible.

She could see the illusion in his heart and make sure that he was still the appearance of the demon in his eyes.

Nvwa smiled and smiled: "I am a young man, I am a big brother, you look at it with a big eye, I am really green."

"You are not!" Shimizu really disgusted with the bed, standing at a distance of seven or eight feet from the female sorrow. "The green babies will not talk to me like this, she never..."

"Not how?" asked the female singer.

Shimizu’s real face was red and red. He didn’t want to talk to the woman with his bad thoughts about the pleasure of the boudoir. He took a shackle and an ice-colored group of light came to his fingertips.

Under the light of the light group, the exquisite and luxurious courtyard gradually emerged its original appearance - the bare mountains, with dirty grass on both sides, the original soft bed turned into a messy bandit.

Stone benches and stone benches are all gone, leaving only moldy stumps.

As for the maiden charm, I also showed the original shape in the eyes of Shimizu.

She is a ghost. It is reasonable to say that the immortal may not be able to see him. The clear water is the most pure scent of Xianxue Mountain. It can be integrated with any kind of aura between heaven and earth. He combines the aura of the demon world. Naturally, I saw the body of the female demon.

It’s just a monster with a green face!

As soon as I thought of this monster, it turned out to be the look of his day and night. The heart of Shimizu’s real life was filled with a strong cold and disgust: "I dare to look like a young man..."

The female enchantment knows that she is exposed, and she does not continue to disguise immediately. She gathers her face and smiles coldly. "You have been the first one since ancient times, who knows my spells. I appreciate you very much. How do you stay and be my crusher?"

Shimizu's real life is cold: "It depends on whether you have this ability!"

The female singer opened her claws and licked her teeth and rushed toward the clear water.

Since Shimizu’s real person has seen her disguise, it’s not so easy to recruit. I saw his fingertips moving, and the ice-colored light group attacked the disenchantment that rushed toward him.

The female enchantment did not hide, so she slammed into the light group. The female sorcerer wanted to break it, but she did not expect it to be torn apart.

The enchanting goddess turned into a glimpse of the soul of the sky, and knew that she was not the opponent of Shimizu's real life. She wanted to leave, but suddenly a volley flew a small ice lotus.

Not waiting for the female enchantment to react to what is going on, Xiao Binglian opens the petals and swallows her soul light!

"Wei Wei!" Xiao Shuilian, who is going to drop the water, will be in the palm of his hand.

After eating four disenchanted gods and one hundred and eighty souls of the Forgotten River, Xiao Binglian finally got a full meal.

Tianlingen girl and Ganoderma lucidum came over.

Ganoderma lucidum carried a small piggyback and asked with concern: "Real people, are you okay?"

Shimizu’s real person faintly nodded: “I’m fine.”

After the disappearance of the female enchantment, the maze she set up also lost its effectiveness. The big guardian and the second guardian rushed over and saw that everyone gathered together, worrying and longing a sigh of relief.

There is no obsession with the Dabao Law and the Second Protection Law. The female sorrows can't be confused. They will use the maze to trap the two. Although the maze is not dead, it can gradually absorb the cultivation of the two, and the female enchantment is destroyed in time. Otherwise, she and her two must not fall into the realm.

"A powerful and powerful disenchantment!" After the big law, I was afraid of pinching the cold sweat and looking at the crowd. "You are all right? Linger, isn't it for you to leave with a minor repair? Why are you back?"

The Tianlingen girl wants to stop talking.

Ganoderma lucidum said: "I brought her together, we only found the cave of the enchanting..."

The second law frowned angrily: "You found the cave of the enchantment? The things are so bad, I have to smash their nests today!"

Shimizu’s real people dissipated God’s knowledge and felt: “No, the demon is gone.”

The two guards were surprised.

Ganoderma lucidum simply said the things in the cave, and saved the Tianlingen girl from being insulted. I don’t know why, when the girl’s family talked about this kind of thing, it was always difficult to talk about it. She only said the day. The Lingen girl was taken away by the enchantment. When she looked for the past, the disenchantment had already let Xiao Binglian eat it.

Xiao Binglian found a minor repair, and then she and the Tianlingen girl also came out.

Shimizu’s real person saw his daughter ate the goddess of the female enchantment. He did not doubt him about Ganoderma lucidum. Soon, he found that Xiao Binglian’s blood color was shallow, which showed that he was separated for a little while. Kung Fu, Xiao Binglian has already absorbed the phoenix blood.

Shimizu really muttered: "It seems that disenchantment is also a big complement."

If you have a big guardianship, you can think about it: "The charm is the soul, can make up the gods, is Weiwei strong enough to absorb the phoenix blood of Xianzun?"

Shimizu really nodded: "I am afraid this is the case."

"What kind of charm can you find in the nest?" Shimizu asked.

Tianlingen girl took out the Qiankun bottle: "Here, I just released a little disenchantment, chasing it before coming here, but I just took it back, does the real person need a little disenchantment?"

Shimizu is not surprised that the Tianlingen girl can see and catch the little demon. The two guards are also very calm, which makes the Ganoderma lucidum foggy, Qin Linger can see the disenchantment, how can these people react at all?

Is it really that I am too low to cultivate, as long as the cultivation is up, the disenchantment is visible to every monk?

Shimizu’s real person nodded. He wanted to make a small enchantment. He wanted to give Wei Wei a god. Although the little enchantment is not as nourishing as the big enchantment, it is also useful.

After all, Xiao Xiaomei was arrested by the Tianlingen girl. He didn’t want to have anything to do with humans. He used the same powerful fairy to exchange with the Tianlingen girl.

I know that when he was feeding Xiao Xiaolian with a little charm that was exchanged for the fairy, Xiao Binglian was too disgusted.

After eating the "fat and juicy" soul, even the taste of the big enchantment is somewhat unsatisfactory, not to mention the little charm of these repairs?

It's no different from the smashed leaves.

Xiao Binglian wrapped her own small flower bones with lotus leaves.

Do not eat if you don't eat or eat!

Shimizu is really puzzled: "Hey? Why don't you eat it?"

Ji Xiaoxiu’s mouth is pumping. Does this little dragon’s mouth let him raise it?


Since the disenchantment has been solved, several people should be on the road again. Although they have encountered several demon repairs, they are not as good as the demon, and the group returned to the Qianzong.

Xu Zongzhu, Lei Zun and Lu Yuanzhang sensed the breath of Shimizu's real people. They waited early in the mountains. The first sight of several people was the Ganoderma lucidum and the Tianlingen girl who grew up three or four years old.

Before going out, the two talents were 13-year-old and four-year-old little girl. How did they work for a month and a 16-year-old girl?

Everyone is up!

Look at the cultivation of the two, even already, knot, Dan, and!

Xu Zongzhu: "Hey... what happened in this month..."

After this, several people found that Qiao Weiwei was gone. When Ji Xiaoxiu took a small ice lotus to a few people, several people just didn't want to believe their eyes!

Not a single dragon, she became a lotus again? !

This world is crazy!

Shimizu lived down the messy three people in the wind and took the two children back to their homes.

This is the biggest harvest in the demon world. When Wei Wei finally stopped arguing for Lingzhi every night, she didn’t bother to clear the water, so... there is nothing to be proud of.

Shimizu really went to the Mozu.

Now that he has decided that Qinglan has gone to the realm of the gods, he will start to consider opening the channel of the gods. Although this sounds incredible, he must try it for the sake of the Qing Dynasty.


Mozu, the elders.

The elders and the real people sit in the water.

After listening to the words of Shimizu, the elders surprised and stunned the scorpion: "You mean... Devil respects her god? Is she flying? It is impossible, the passage to the gods has been blocked, she does not It may fly."

Shimizu is humane: "If she didn't fly, where did she go?"

The elders hesitated: "Is it robbed by thunder?"

Shimizu’s real person took out a dragon scale: “This is the dragon scale of the green dragonfly. When she passed through the thunder, one of the dragon scales was taken to the demon world.”

The elders took over the dragon scales, and there was indeed a breath of demon respect. The elders had a sigh of relief: "What do you want to say?"

Shimizu is a humanity: "I want to say... The body of the green scorpion has not been destroyed by the thunder, she has smashed through the thunder, and flew to the realm..."

"But the passage..." The elders got into the ribs and felt that the passage was blocked, and no one could enter the realm.

Shimizu’s real person said nothing: “What I want to say is the passage. Since the green scorpion can fly, it means that the passage has not been completely blocked, and there is still the possibility of opening.”

The elders slowed down for a while, and finally accepted this bold guess: "Even if this is the case, only the gods can open the channel. You don't ask why the demon can also, I think, this should be an accident, if She is really free to open, and she has not returned to the Mozu for so many years."

This is exactly what Shimizu really wants to say. He feels that the green must be trapped in the realm of the gods, otherwise she will not leave Wei Wei and leave him.

He is not sure if he has such an opportunity, and even if he has, what should Vivi do? Did he fly to the gods and leave Wei Wei alone in the fairyland or the middle of the devil?

In the house, I was caught in a strange silence.

I don't know how long it took, the elders sighed and opened their mouths: "Actually... 20,000 years ago, when a **** came to the next session, when the passage was closed, he could not go back."

Shimizu’s real voice is bright: “Why didn’t he go back?”

The elders looked to the boundless night: "He died, specifically the flesh was destroyed, and the gods also died seven or eighty-eight, but there was a remnant of the soul drifting away, after 20,000 years, I don't know. Is the remnant soul still in the world? If you are, you may be able to ask him if there is any way to open the passage."

Shimizu asked strangely: "He is a god, why is his body destroyed?"

"The enemy is chasing and killing." The elders said, "I have not seen this incident with my own eyes. I also listened to the old demon. I mentioned that the war destroyed half of the demon world. The demon world now has so many secrets. Space, also thanks to the big battle. The original world can not be blocked, but the remnant of the **** priest escaped, to prevent the gods from making a comeback, the channel was sealed."

Shimizu’s real person wondered: “How have I never heard of anyone?”

The elders said: "The incident happened in the demon world. The witnesses were all washed away by the people of the gods. The old demon is also there. He is the only one who has not been cleaned, but at the cost, his life is reduced. ”

It’s no wonder that the old magical deity has gone so early.

What I thought of, Shimizu’s real eyebrows: “Is it not dangerous to go to the gods?”

With the devil's temper, don't touch the gods who have harmed the old demon. If you run into it, you will definitely avenge the old devil.

But she is too thin, how can she fight a group of gods?

Shimizu is more heart-warming, and he only wants to open the passage and fly to the realm!

After the conversation ended, both sides began to look for people.

At this time, what they didn't know was that the objects they were looking for were being rafted on the Forgotten River.

Xiao Binglian swims happily in the river, a bit of a "fresh and juicy" soul.

Cui Zhengguan is opposite the adult of the Fujun, such as sitting on a needle felt: "Adults... Can you let her eat?"

"what happened?"

"Meng Po was complained. Some people said that she privately caught the soul of the Forgotten River?" The fearful monarch did not understand what he meant. Cui Judge added the sentence. "This ship is Mengpo."

The attention of Fu Jun is completely different from his: "Is there a saying that can't be a soul?"

"Yes!" Cui Zhengguan righteously resigned, "The 118th article of "The New Law of the Underworld" - the private arrest of the soul, Purgatory ban!"

The monarch of the monarch ignorant of the law of the underworld, and the eyebrows picked and picked, and said: "When does the soul become a good thing?"

Cui Judge sighed: "Isn't it a good thing to stop fishing! The masters of the underworld use the soul to improve and repair, and the monks of the human world drink and quench their thirst, but this is so, there are still some stubborn sneak sneak To make up, the result is not to kill yourself, but to make up for others! In short, the soul can not catch, this is the rule of the underworld! I know that you are going to catch the soul, I will not help You borrow it!"

The prince of the monarch is light and windy: "I don't take it away, don't harm others, can they manage it?"

Cui Jue’s official words are long-lasting: "The rules are so, is there any way? You are the prefect, you can't know the law."

The prince of the monarch sighed and sighed: "It is no wonder that the city of the city will not think about it. This day, it is really boring."

Cui judges grievances.

Is it really good to be a former owner in front of his face?

Fu Jun said: "Do not worry, the sky will fall down and the lord will be blamed on your head."

"Where am I afraid that I was blamed, I am obviously..." Cui Zhengguan said, the light was swept away, "Hey? Xiao Binglian?"

Xiao Binglian is gone!

Just before the spit in the water spit, a blink of an eye, I do not know what to end!

"Is it sneak into the bottom of the water?" Cui Zhengguan looked down on the ship's side, but he forgot that the river was too dark, and he could not see anything except a few glowing souls.

The emperor of the monarch smashed his eyebrows, and Xiao Binglian slipped away under his eyelids. This was never possible in the past, but since he lost a drop of blood, his cultivation has also been greatly weakened, and even one Xiao Binglian, who just summoned the body, can also be detached from his gods.

Of course, on the other hand, Xiao Binglian has become even stronger.

In front of the movement, the monarchs smashed a law, and the volley flew past.

I saw a small ice lotus on a floe that was condensed by myself. The leaves were sick and the petals fell a few pieces. On the opposite side of Xiao Binglian, they were two fierce nightshades.

Yaksha is the guardian of the underworld. This time he was ordered to patrol the river and to catch the monks who swallowed the soul.

Xiao Binglian had a bad luck, dive a water, chased a big soul, chasing after the set of the night fork.

Yaksha had precautions, and immediately gave a trident, and slammed it to Xiao Binglian.

Xiao Binglian was stabbed, the leaves were smashed, the petals fell, and she could kill her!

The intelligence of the nightshade in the underworld is not high, only obeying the command, the command is the rebel, killing innocent, then this disobedient Xiaolian, must be smouldering.

Two nightshades saw Xiao Binglian and lived, and he gave a trident to the little ice lotus.

At this moment, the prince of the prince arrived, and the grandfather of the prince swayed, and a powerful soul force bounced the trident. The soul did not stop there, but like a chain, the shackles were trapped. The Yasha.

Fu Jun adults will hold Xiao Binglian up.

Xiao Binglian succumbed to his own small leaves and small petals.

The face of Fujun’s adult man sinking down: “This gentleman is tired of seeing you.”

After all, he explored a slender hand like a jade, a little fingertips.

"Adults -" Cui Judge wanted to stop it from being too late, and the two nightshades slammed, and the smoke was gone.

Cui Judge stopped his face with one hand: "Oh, you have to write a report..."


When the soul of the Forbidden River flooding was preyed to be almost extinct, the blood of Xiao Binglian was finally absorbed.

It was an early morning, Shimizu real people are using the crane and fairy to send news, Ganoderma lucidum and the Tianlingen girl in the test bench than the test martial arts, Xu Zongzhu and others are sitting in the Song Cuitang routine morning meeting, Ji Xiaoxiu in the back hill to give Qiao Weiwei picks up the ripe dragon fruit.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light shines through the sky.

Everyone stopped their hand and looked at the direction of Jinguang.

Second law: "Hey? Isn't that the house of Ganoderma lucidum?"

Dabao Law: "Ganoderma lucidum is in the trial station."

Xu Zongzhu: "Is it Weiwei?"

How many people will grow up? !