MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 530 Feiqiucheng fall

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The battle of Feiqiucheng determines the rise of a new force. The Wandering Idol Association, the idol group that was pulled up by Luhua City, really made the 2nd world a little surprised. No one thought of this faint group that had never been noticed, and together they would become so powerful.

A circle of Feiqiucheng was filled with the idol war stage, desperately competing for the hearts of Feiqiucheng. Every stage victory will lower the hearts of Feiqiucheng. As long as the human heart is reduced to a certain extent, Feiqiucheng is even a change of ownership.

The city's main fat autumn with a pair of glasses is quite Sven, usually a confident look, but at this moment he has no way to calm down, because the people's heart of Feiqiucheng has been reduced from 86 to 60, the distance is captured. The red line 20 is only a few days away.

"What the **** is the old man's devil? I can't hold it for a long time!"

Fat autumn is almost roaring, and the 48 groups in his hands have all been pressed up, and they are desperately fighting against the opponent on the stage. However, the vagrant guild carried out 20 war scenes in one breath, and then they were still overweight, and such an exaggerated offensive was obviously to be captured in one breath.

The battle really came too fierce, but the message of help has already spread, but I have not seen any reinforcements from the East. Although there are many idols in the 48th regiment, they can’t stand the war stage of the surf guild.

Because it has been playing against the show, it has seriously exceeded the working hours of the idol day. After a few days, the value of the idol is greatly reduced, and the natural defeat is more and more. In the critical situation, many of the 48 regiments were bought by the Luhua City and directly retired, resulting in a shortage of staff.

The most shameful thing is that in order to establish a good image, Feiqiu uttered the rules of the 48th group that never fell in love. The little thoughts specifically selected a group of wandering idols with skills such as 'Fa" and 'Gossip' into the Feiqiu City, and then used the 'Wenchun Photographer', and soon put 48 The main force in the regiment has pulled down a few.

The opponent is fierce, and there are all kinds of abnormal reductions under his men. It can be said that if there is no reinforcement, Fei Qiu can only hand over the city that he has built.

There is a reason for the roar of the autumn. His city is the only idol city in Dongpu, and the 48 groups under his team are still being tempted by various temptations. They are dragged to the Women's College a little carelessly. This is no more, I did not expect that when the fat autumn city accident, Dongpu country actually did not even send reinforcements.

Isn't it just that I want to be a serious idol city? How is it so difficult?

It is a pity that Fei Qiu is a devil of the Eastern Kingdom. As a country owner, he naturally does not want his territory to decrease. After hearing the rogue guild frenzied and attacked Feiqiucheng, a mobilization order was issued immediately, asking the women's college to send teachers to support. However, it is a pity that the order of the lord was suppressed by the founder of the Women's College for a few days.

The founder is also very ambitious, and has always wanted to make the women's college become the third idol force outside the Star Alliance and the fallen tribe, just like the current vagrant guild. However, it is a pity that the Women's College is also popular in Dongpu, and there is no chance in other places.

As a result, the Women's College can only hope for domestic power, so Feiqiucheng's slogan of creating the only idol city pool is very uncomfortable for the women's college. Unfortunately, Feiqiucheng belongs to the same country and cannot be attacked. Otherwise, the Women's College has already been beaten. It is not like the fact that it can only transform the 48th group of Feiqiu.

However, the most important thing is that Xiao Nian’s sneak peek at the dean of the Women’s College and gave him a good plus-way surf guild and a women’s college alliance. Any local star city that has been starred or fallen in the future will be opened to Actress College.

Luhua City and the fallen grievances of the stars, the dean is also aware, and this career is what he wants, but unfortunately the third was snatched away by the wandering guild, then he can only try to occupy the fourth position. Sending a fat autumn city to the wandering guild as a name, is not impossible, who makes Feiqiucheng always install a serious look? They are all Dongzhao people, and they are sages.

As a result, the devil's orders were delayed for a few days after various reasons, and then began to slowly transfer to Feiqiucheng. However, at this moment, Feiqiucheng has already lost its strength.

The people have passed the red line 20, and the generals who have been rejuvenating in the vagrant guild have finally come out. These are all idols above the excellent level. In the idol wars of the past few days, they only went out a few times a day. They all rely on good and ordinary idols in the wheel, so the values ​​are full. Coupled with the various costume items that add to the idol values ​​and the refined idol oil, these idols are luxurious full-filled combat machines that directly crush the remaining members of the 48th regiment.

As for the teachers who came to help, they basically showed their 48-hand skills and basically didn't do anything.

Zhou Yu wanted to take a look at the live teaching of Guangtian Bairi from the live broadcast on the front line. However, it was a pity that it was forbidden by Xiaomu Pear. It is the old bachelor bachelors in the city of Luhua, one by one hiding in the dark corner to see a cool, but not called the city together cool, it is not loyal.

The last struggle was invalid, Feiqiucheng collapsed, and the city's code was also brought up by the boss of the wandering idol. He announced that Feiqiucheng was extinct and the city was officially established.

The wandering idols from all over the country cheered and celebrated that they finally had their own homes. They were no longer ghosts and ghosts. They could only live by the charity of other city owners.

The gap in Nanyang has opened.

Although the power of the vagrant guild is huge, the ability to manage the city is not, so basically it is by the stray cat Hank.

There is nothing special about the production of the city itself, that is, the fishery resources are abundant, and the tourism resources are only general. So many wandering idols come in. If you don't find a suitable industry, this city can't last too long.

The 'Arts Committee' created by the stray cat Hank quickly entered the state, and with the cooperation with several TV stations, began to introduce various kinds of work for these stray idols.

The wandering city's mission system was quickly established, and the Wandering City immediately transformed into a mission city. The wandering idols here were directed at the large number of missions, and basically did not stay in the wandering city. Just on the occasion of the holidays, they can still find a place to reunite.

Luhua tv, enter the South Sea.