MTL - The Rise Of The Tamer Family-v2 Chapter 308 Flowing Cloud Sect's information

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Listening to Chen Yang's words, Zhao Li hesitated a little, because the fact of the demon was at stake, Zhao Li was really afraid, and the news was found out by someone related to the demon.

Seeing that Zhao Li was still a little hesitant, Chen Yang smiled and said, "I know that you are still a little hesitant, Sect Master Zhao, for fear that we have something to do with the Floating Cloud Sect."

"I can tell you bluntly that we not only have nothing to do with Floating Cloud Sect, but also plan to destroy Floating Cloud Sect in the future."

"Otherwise, we would not invite Sect Master Zhao to come."

Hearing this, Zhao Li glanced at Chen Yang and immediately said, "Patriarch Chen, what evidence do you have?"


Chen Yang smiled and glanced at Shen Daokong beside him.

Seeing this, Shen Daokong looked at Zhao Li with a smile, and then, groups of flames appeared beside Zhao Li.

Zhao Li looked at the flame beside him in horror, and sensed the terrifying aura emanating from Shen Daokong, and quickly said: "Daoyuan Peak!"

"Wait, this breath..."

Zhao Li seemed to have thought of something, and quickly asked: "Dare to ask this lord, are you Lord Shen Daokong, Venerable Huo?"

"If it's a fake replacement." Shen Daokong said lightly.

Chen Yang also took over the words, "Our Chen family has been ordered by the Shen family to formally attack Liu Yunzong. At that time, the Shen family will also send strong men to support us."

"Originally, the Shen family planned to do it in person, but there is no video evidence recorded by the image stone. If you do it rashly, it will definitely not be convincing, and the Li family will also try to stop it."

"I see."

Zhao Li nodded, and immediately said with a smile: "If that's the case, then I, the Black Water Sect, are willing to deal with the Flowing Cloud Sect together with the Chen family."

"That's good. By the way, I'll prepare for the banquet, and I will pick up the wind and wash the dust for Sect Master Zhao. Sect Master Zhao, please come with me."

Seeing that Zhao Li agreed, Chen Yang got up quickly and invited Zhao Li to the banquet he prepared.

After arriving at the banquet, a few people exchanged cups, and the atmosphere became familiar.

Seeing this, Chen Yang knew that the time was almost up, and looked at Zhao Li with a smile, "Sect Master Zhao, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, it's time for the next show."

Zhao Li heard the words, put the chopsticks on the table, and said straightly, "Patriarch Chen, please order."

"It's not a big deal. It's not about Floating Cloud Sect, so I plan to collect some information about Floating Cloud Sect, and specifically ask Sect Master Zhao if he knows any news."

Chen Yang seemed to be talking about some very casual things.

Zhao Li, who heard the question, was not so casual. After thinking for a while, Zhao Li slowly said: "I have been dealing with the Floating Cloud Sect for so many years, but I have collected some information about the Floating Cloud Sect. "

"I don't know Patriarch Chen, I plan to ask for information about it."

"Let's talk about the strength of Floating Cloud Sect first." Chen Yang asked.

"it is good."

Zhao Li nodded, and immediately said: "Liu Yunzong is the strongest five-rank sect under the Li family in Mianyang, and its strength is naturally unusual."

"The most powerful one is the ancestor of the peak of Daoyuan. There was a king who said that this ancestor of the peak of Daoyuan of Floating Cloud Sect has a great possibility to break through to the realm of the king of breaking the sky."

"Although there is no breakthrough yet, but the accumulation of oneself is already very strong, and the extraordinary Daoyuan peak powerhouse can deal with it."

"Under this Daoyuan peak ancestor, Floating Cloud Sect still has thirty Daoyuan Venerables. It can be said that in the respect of Daoyuan Venerable alone, Floating Cloud Sect is no weaker than the general fourth-rank forces. already."

"Among the fourth-rank forces I know, the Taoyuan Venerable of the Shen family is stronger than the Floating Cloud Sect."

"As for the powerhouses on the stage under Daoyuan, there are more. According to our statistics, so far, there are 234 powerhouses on stage in the Floating Cloud Sect."

Listening to Zhao Li's remarks, Chen Yang's expression did not change, but in his heart, he sighed a long time ago.

Not easy to deal with.

This Floating Cloud Sect is worthy of being the most powerful fifth-rank under the Li family, and even Venerable Daoyuan has as many as thirty-one statues.

With so many Venerable Dao Dao Yuan, I am afraid that only the King of Breaking the Sky can deal with them.

"How much do you know about the collusion between the Floating Cloud Sect and the demon?" Chen Yang asked again.

Hearing Chen Yang asking this, Zhao Li took out a booklet from the storage ring and handed it to Chen Yang, "It records the collusion between the Floating Cloud Sect and the demon."

Seeing this, Chen Yang took the brochure and looked at it briefly.

This is incredible. It turns out that the Floating Cloud Sect began to collude with the demon as early as five hundred years ago.

And the Black Water Sect, five hundred years ago, knew about the collusion between the Flowing Cloud Sect and the demon.

It's just that Chen Yang has some doubts. How did the Black Water Sect know about such a secret thing?

Immediately, Chen Yang looked at Zhao Li, "Zhao Sect Master, please forgive me for being too talkative. How did you know about the collusion between the Floating Cloud Sect and the demon?"

"It was a coincidence."

Zhao Li recounted: "Five hundred years ago, my Daoyuan ancestor of the Black Water Sect was recruited by the Li family and went to the Demon Land to resist the demons with the Floating Cloud Sect."

"During a large-scale battle with demons, our ancestors and Daoyuan ancestors were divided."

"At that time, their goal was to be a demon that reached the level of a king of skybreakers."

"The story behind, Clan Master Chen, you should have guessed it. This demon was defeated by my human race and fled in a hurry. The Li family sent a group of Daoyuan ancestors to chase and kill it."

"At that time, the strength of the demon was already out of ten, and it was enough to send Venerable Daoyuan."

"This group of Daoyuan Venerables who were sent out decided to act separately at the suggestion of the Daoyuan ancestor of the Floating Cloud Sect."

"What a coincidence, my ancestor got lost, and while walking around, my ancestor bumped into the scene where the ancestor of the Floating Cloud Sect traded with the demon."

"The conversation between them is unknown, but in the end, the ancestor of the Floating Cloud Sect put the demon into an ordinary stone and brought it out as if nothing had happened."

"At first, my ancestor also wanted to tell the Li family about this, but then I thought about it, the ancestor has no evidence, how can the Li family believe my ancestor?"

"You must know that the ancestor of the peak Daoyuan of Floating Cloud Sect at that time was already the existence of the eighth floor of Daoyuan."

"And my ancestors are not on the first floor of Daoyuan."

"Without accurate evidence, the Li family will not offend the Taoist ancestor of the Floating Cloud Sect because of my ancestor."

"In addition, my ancestor's character is relatively timid and afraid of things, so let the Floating Cloud Sect bring the demon out."

"Thinking about it now, the world is really impermanent. The ancestor also knew that he did something wrong. After returning, he has been conspiring to destroy the Floating Cloud Sect."

"But unfortunately, the Black Water Sect's strength is not good."

Listening to Zhao Li's remarks, Chen Yang also had some understanding of some things that happened five hundred years ago.

Chen Yang agrees with the sentence that things are impermanent.

Venerable Daoyuan, it sounds like a fantasy.

Of course, it may also be the special nature of the land of demons, or it may be that the ancestor of the Black Water Sect did not intend to feel the direction at the time.

No matter what the reason is, it can be attributed to the bad luck of Floating Cloud Sect.

The matter of dealing with the demon was unexpectedly bumped into, this is not bad luck.

After a little sigh, Chen Yang flipped over the booklet handed over by Zhao Li, and then looked left and right, Chen Yang found that Liu Yunzong was always collecting people from the human race.

Immediately, Chen Yang asked: "I saw that the Floating Cloud Sect has been collecting people. Could it be that these people can get any benefits from the demons?"

"That's right."

Zhao Li nodded, "According to our ancestors, the demon they were chasing was a demon called the Demon of Blood Refining."

"Its innate ability is to refine the blood of other races and extract many benefits from it."

"Patriarch Chen, you are also aware that my human race is called the treasure Tianhua clan, and the proceeds from refining the human race originally refined other races."

"By the way, Patriarch Chen, look at page thirteen."

"Page thirteen?"

Chen Yang glanced at Zhao Li, then turned the booklet to the thirteenth page.

On the thirteenth page, it was written that Liu Yunzong destroyed the Qian family of the fifth-rank family, and the reason for destroying the sect was colluding with evil cultivators.

Seeing this, Chen Yang asked with some doubts: "Is there any problem?"

"The problem is big."

Zhao Li explained: "This is an incident that happened 300 years ago. The so-called Qian family colluded with evil cultivators. It's a myth. Although there is video evidence, this evidence was deliberately recorded by the Floating Cloud Sect. ."

"After all, when the photo stone was recorded, I didn't even see the other person's face clearly, only the clothes were recorded. Can this evidence convince people?"

"While destroying the Qian family, the evidence found in the Qian family was prepared in advance by the Floating Cloud Sect."

"Flowing Cloud Sect has colluded with many evil cultivators, and it's not too easy to arrange some evidence to go in."

"Then why did Floating Cloud Sect destroy the Qian family?" Chen Yang asked.

"This is exactly what I want to talk to the Chen family. The blood refining demon is not like an evil cultivator. It can only refine a human race of a certain age and a certain cultivation level."

"The devil of blood refining has no taboos, and the higher the strength, the more benefits it can refine."

"Not long after the Qian family was destroyed, the ancestor of the Floating Cloud Sect cultivated to the peak of Daoyuan, and completely laid down his prestige. And he has three more Daoyuan Venerables under his command, which is impossible without anyone doubting it. "

"And in the past five hundred years, Floating Cloud Sect has destroyed a total of three fifth-rank forces and seventeen sixth-rank forces. Isn't this arousing suspicion?" Zhao Lidao.

Listening to Zhao Li's words, Chen Yang understood a little, "You mean that the Floating Cloud Sect let the demons refine the strong Qian family?"

"Then why did you choose the Qian family?"

"We have been investigating this. About ten years ago, we gathered the forces that Floating Cloud Sect had destroyed in the past five hundred years, and finally found the answer."

"Among these forces, there is basically one thing in common, that is, among the forces, there is a monster."

"And this evildoer's cultivation level just happens to be at the stage of the stage."

"Just like the young patriarch of the Qian family, who has a fourth-grade aptitude and is only two hundred years old, he has cultivated to the stage of the stage."

"If you don't fall, it is very likely that you will cultivate to the peak of Daoyuan in the future." Zhao Lidao.

"I understand what you mean."

Chen Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, "This kind of evildoer who has cultivated to the stage of the stage is the most beneficial for the blood refining demon."

"And among the forces that were destroyed by the Floating Cloud Sect, there are all such evildoers."

"Hahaha, after five hundred years of destroying so many forces, Floating Cloud Sect still has the current reputation, it's really difficult for them."

"There's no other way." Zhao Li took over the words, "Whoever said that when the Floating Cloud Sect destroyed the sect, they were all righteous."

"Almost every action, Liu Yunzong can come up with absolute evidence, and after the sect is destroyed, it will release those so-called ignorant clansmen with hypocrisy, and give them a lot of resources."

"As soon as these kinds of measures are implemented, is it difficult for anyone to complain about the Floating Cloud Sect?"

Zhao Li sighed twice, this Floating Cloud Sect is too cunning to do things, if the Black Water Sect always knew the truth, I am afraid that the Floating Cloud Sect would have been fooled.

Such a difficult Floating Cloud Sect, I don't know if this person can deal with it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Li looked at Chen Yang, but found that Chen Yang still maintained his previous expression, motionless, as if thinking about something.

"Patriarch Chen is this?" Zhao Li looked at Li Kehui beside him and wanted to ask Chen Yang what was wrong.

Seeing this, Li Kehui smiled and shook his head.

What else could be wrong, naturally, I found some clues from these information, and I wanted to deal with Liu Yunzong.

After a while, Chen Yang looked at Zhao Li with a smile, "Zhao Sect You said that if there is another evildoer who echoes the request, what will the Floating Cloud Sect do?"

"Naturally, we will continue with the previous measures."

Zhao Li said without hesitation: "With the appetite of the Floating Cloud Sect, I will never let this enchanting gossip. Of course, it depends on whether the enchanting is from the fourth rank. If it is from the fourth rank, the Floating Cloud Sect will still be cowardly."

"It's not always the case. We have adjusted the situation before, and Liu Yunzong has also secretly made a few geniuses. It's just that those geniuses came from other places, and no one knows about it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Li paused for a moment, and then asked, "Could it be that Clan Master Chen wants Liu Yunzong to take the initiative?"

"That's natural. Only the Floating Cloud Sect takes the initiative. When we fight against the Floating Cloud Sect, the Li family will not intervene." Chen Yang said.

"But Floating Cloud Sect's method of slandering its opponents is to frame them as being related to evil cultivators. If so, could the Li family remain indifferent?" Zhao Li asked uncertainly.

Hearing this, Chen Yang shook his head, "I will give him a total of reasons to attack us, but I will not give him the opportunity to frame it."

"Sect Master Zhao, let me ask you, if there is an excuse, but this excuse has nothing to do with evil cultivators, will Floating Cloud Sect still do it?"

Zhao Li thought about it for a long time, and then nodded vigorously, "It will definitely be, they are no different from the demons, how could they give up."

"In this case, I have a solution. Let's not talk about this, let's continue to drink, can't let the Floating Cloud Sect mess up our banquet?" Chen Yang laughed.

Although Zhao Li was at a loss, Chen Yang said so, and it was hard for him to say anything.

After the banquet was over, Zhao Li also stayed in the Qing family.

Because Chen Yang said that it won't be long before the strong of the Shen family arrive.

Zhao Li still wouldn't feel at ease if he didn't see the Shen family's strong man with his own eyes.


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