MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 479 Lost childhood

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"Okay!" Su Dafeng was overjoyed, and Ruan Wenwu was looking forward. Obviously, he also wanted to know such masters as Kong.

"Zhang Yang, I invite you to drink!"

Kong's second son jumped down from the ring, and the action was gorgeous. The extremely depressed atmosphere immediately boiled up again. At this time, the black man's body had been carried down by the four big men.

The front wave is always retreated to the beach by the back wave, and the front wave is definitely the front wave. For the black man, no matter how many times the victory is not important, the important thing is that he has been retreated to the beach by the rising star ... ...

"I have a few friends," Zhang Yang smiled.

"I'm asking, hey, I have money now, and I have only been here for more than ten days. I have earned more than one million dollars ..." Kong Laoer was proud of his simple smile. For him Over one million is already astronomical.

"Okay, are you guys interested?"

Zhang Yang's eyes fell on Mr. Cara and Qiang.

"We ... Ok ..." Cara and Qiang looked at each other, but nodded at the same time.

"Well, today, it is rare to meet someone you know in a foreign country. We were drunk, right, Nana, calling the Siberian Tiger." Zhang Yang stood up.


I have to say that Nana's work efficiency is not averagely high. When Zhang Yang arrived at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown and just sat down, Nana came in with a look of anxiety.

In fact, Nana's approach is very simple and effective.

She just said a word to the Siberian Tiger: "Zhang Yang wants to see you, you go, and you go."

In the face of Nana's indifferent eyes, the Siberian tiger only considered for a few seconds before deciding to follow Nana to meet the person he wanted to see him.

The Siberian Tiger is very clear that he is not an opponent of the woman who can easily kill Li Chun. If this woman wants to kill him, she does not need to use other conspiracy methods at all.


The moment the Siberian tiger walked into this huge private room, the whole person was frozen, and he saw two people.



These are two legendary characters, one is the head of the American Mafia family, and the other is the spiritual leader of the Vietnamese gang. Although these two are notorious characters, these are two people who do not want to intersect. Parallel lines, and today these two lines intersect together ...

The Siberian tiger stared at Brother Qiang with radiant eyes. He and Cara did not directly conflict with each other. Unlike Brother Qiang, he had clashed with the Vietnamese gang many times.

Unfortunately, Qiang Brother doesn't know him. In the eyes of Qiang Brother, he is just a small junk who is lumpy in the square. He is unlikely to pay attention to a small junk, even if this junk still has a few brushes.

Siberian tigers are regarded as the number one in China, but they are not a heavyweight in the United States at all.

"Do you know me?" Qiang brother felt the hostility in the eyes of the Siberian tiger.

"Siberian tiger!"

The Siberian Tiger's answer was very skillful. He neither yelled at Brother Qiang, but introduced himself, so that he didn't have to call him, nor did he lose his identity.

"Northeast tiger ..." Suddenly, Qiangge looked shocked. "Are you a Northeast tiger ?!" Obviously, Qiangge knows that there is a Northeast tiger.

"Yes, he was chased to the northeast by the Vietnamese gang, and he was driven away from the United States by the Siberian tiger." The Siberian tiger chuckled and was full of murderous power. Obviously, he counted Li Chun's assassination to his brother.

"Brother Hu, come and have a drink first, just call me Zhang Yang!" Zhang Yang stood up and raised his glass. "All the friends who can sit here are friends, and the former gratitude resented this glass of wine."

Boundless pressure fills every inch of space.

Brother Qiang and Carla couldn't help but glance at each other. They found that suddenly, Zhang Yang changed, the humble Zhang Yang became domineering, and his tone was filled with an irreversible force. Dare to look sideways.

What kind of character is this?

Almost subconsciously, Su Dafeng and Ruan Wenwu picked up the wine glasses and stood up, while the Siberian tiger took a moment and walked to the table to pick up the wine glasses, because he felt that the woman near you seemed to be a killer.

At this time, there are only Qiang and Mr. Carla.

"Don't give face?" Zhang Yang's cold eyes were as sharp as a knife edge, and he glanced at Lao Carla and Qiang Ge, a powerful and unmatched mental pressure emanating from the sky.

Kara and Qiangge had a hallucination, as if publicity was a supreme emperor, and there was a majesty that could not be profaned.

"We definitely give the face of the little brother, Mr. Carla, do you say no?"

"Of course, of course!"

Brother Jiang and Carla both stood up and drank up their glasses.

The only happy drink was Kong Kong second, Kong Kong second knew neither a strong brother nor a mafia godfather, nor was the Siberian tiger, he was just glad to meet Zhang Yang in a foreign country. That's it.

The table was dull all the time.

Kara and Qiangge both catered to Yan Yan and laughed from time to time. Now, the whole wine table has become a stage of publicity. It seems that Zhang Yang is the core and the king.

This wine was inexplicably drunk and drunk in the clouds.

Even Nana didn't understand why Zhang Yang called these indifferent people together to drink.

"Zhang Yang, where is Brother Biao?" The second most interested of Kong is Liu Biao.

"He's in the country, and he has something to deal with, and he'll come over when things are done."

"How long will it take?" Kong Lao second said with disappointment. "Big brother's martial arts are really great. If he can participate in this underground boxing match, it is easy to win the championship."

"Hehe, Liu Biao has a good opinion of you and mentioned it to me many times. At that time, let him teach you a few tricks. And, once his domestic affairs are dealt with, he will come over immediately, presumably, not long. "Zhang Yang laughed.

"Zhang Yang, are that Azer and little plums very good?"

"Better than Liu Biao."

"Ah! Really ?!" Brother Kong suddenly stood up, his face shocked in disbelief.

"Of course." Zhang Yang nodded surely.


Looking at the excited expression of Kong Lao Er, the shock of Lao Carla and Qiang Brother was impossible to add. They have never heard of the name Liu Biao, but it seems that Liu Biao convinced such a master as Kong Lao Of course, the most important thing is that there are two people who are more powerful than Liu Biao. Listening to Zhang Yang's tone, Liu Biao is actually Zhang Yang's friend, and the relationship is not close.

Obviously, this is not good news for Old Carla and Qiang.

When the two participated in this supper party, they strengthened their determination to kill Zhang Yang. Now, Zhang Yang has formed a cohesiveness intentionally or unintentionally. It seems that the relationship with him is getting closer and closer. If this situation is not curbed, if these people are tangled together, it is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

You must not raise a tiger!

Only by killing Zhang Yang, these people immediately disintegrated, because anyone could see that there was no connection between these people, and even that Kong Er did not know the Siberian Tiger and Su Dafeng.

The party was depressing.

It didn't disperse until four in the morning.

Everyone's mind is different. Kong second is elated. Finally, in this foreign country, he finally met someone he knew, and later he took care of each other. Moreover, he could get Liu Biao's guidance, which was his dream. .

As for Dafeng Su, he returned with a full load, because he met the Siberian tiger. The Siberian tiger is a man. The most important thing is that he can cooperate with the Siberian tiger. What the Siberian tiger needs most now is a partner.

The most depressing is Brother Qiang and Lao Carla. After being separated from the crowd, the two gangsters are completely apart.

"I think, Mr. Qiang should feel a lot of pressure." Lao Cara Lao Jian giggled with a smile.

"It shouldn't be me alone." Brother Qiang leaned back on the car and smiled coldly, he naturally understood Cara's idea.

"Okay, let's talk straight away. Just remove the publicity, and then, I will help you kill Su Dafeng and Ruan Wenwu. The women you help in Vietnam are sent to my place and divided according to the old rules, how?"

"No, we do not need the help of the Mafia." Brother Qiang grinned when he heard the old rules divided, and seemed to hear a joke.

"We are negotiating now, we have common enemies, you open the conditions, as long as I can accept." Old Cara dismissed Qiang's expression.

"Oh, I don't understand. Do you want me to remove Zhang Yang or you to remove Zhang Yang."

"Of course it's you. If you can't do it, I will shoot again." Old Cara gloomy, he was still worried about the loss of three snipers yesterday, of course, he would not tell others about this kind of thing.

"In this case, then I will take the shot first. If I kill Zhang Yang, our cooperation will be divided into two and eight, and you will be divided into eight and two. If I did not kill Zhang Yang, I will follow the old rules and divide into thirty-seven. How about that?"

"it is good!"

The two big hands were firmly held together ...


There was a hint of coolness in San Francisco in the early morning. Zhang Yang and Nana strolled along the beach, feeling the seawater smell in the breezes, extremely pleasant.

"Zhang Yang, why do you call them together? I have a feeling that you seem to have a purpose."

"Of course." Zhang Yang's eyes looked at the profound depth of the vast sea.


"Now the situation in San Francisco is a bit confusing. The cohesive bosses of the Big Circle have already gone on the right track, and the underground forces are in a state of stalemate. With me, Su Dafeng can slowly regroup the strength of the Big Circle. Ruan Wenwu, Su Dafeng can slowly penetrate the interior of the Vietnamese gang, at least, they can be broken internally. As for the Siberian tiger, they need to be twisted into a rope with Su Dafeng to survive and grow. Kong second child is completely a kind of In the manifestation of force, he needs money. As long as Su Dafeng provides enough money, he can provide them with force support. Moreover, the descendants of the expeditionary army have a steady stream of human resources ... "

"It's just a contradiction." Nana snuggled her head up on Zhang Yang's shoulders, looking at Zhang Yang with a serious face.


"Have you thought about the consequences? Although they can unite together to strengthen the strength of the Chinese, and even to confront the five major families of the Mafia, but after they succeed, how to distribute benefits and who will manage the temporary underground Power? At that time, it will inevitably be another **** cannibalism ... "

"Oh, no one can predict this. My task is just to let them go together. No one knows what will happen in the future."


"No, but there is risk in everything in this world. I just pass here by accident. I ca n’t spend my energy in an underground gang organization. I have many more important things. What I can do is to minimize Time brings them together, allowing them to give play to their strengths, forming a force that is shocking enough! "Nana Zhang interrupted.

"As long as you like it." Nana's expression was dim, as if she didn't agree with Zhang Yang's words, but she didn't want to violate Zhang Yang's meaning.

"Nana, don't worry, everything will be fine. They are smart people. Smart people will think of the future situation. If they can't predict it, then it is their life."

"Hope." Nana sighed.

"Nana, I have a very important thing to ask you now."


"Can your kung fu evoke the childhood memories of others?" Zhang Yang's eyes were tightly fixed on Nana's black and white eyes.

"Well, yes, I can let others indulge in the joy of childhood and not be able to extricate themselves according to my needs, to the point of being deceived ..."

"Why was my childhood blank?"

"It is impossible, everyone has a childhood, whether it is happiness or pain, childhood is an important life trajectory that cannot be erased ..."

"I didn't!" Zhang Yang shook his head.




"I don't believe it either, Nana, I need your hypnosis now. My childhood was almost blank, and I couldn't find a specific thing that happened during my childhood."

"But ..." Nana glanced at the beach and the open sea, and then she bowed her head shyly.

"It's okay, I can hold it." Zhang Yang smiled slightly and pressed his hands on Nana's show shoulders. "This is a very important question. I'm looking for a secret. Now, I'm getting away from this secret. It's near, and my childhood memories will play a vital role, come on, let's start! "

"That ... then I started ..." Nana sat upright.

"Come on!" Zhang Yang said solemnly.

"Then I really started ..."


"I really started ..."

Nana's grimace flushed, even in the dim moonlight, it was extremely dazzling.

"let's start……"

Zhang Yang was a little depressed. Nana kept repeating. Suddenly, he felt an indescribable force jumping in the air. Nana's shyness and smile became blurred, like a flower in the mist, and like a dream. The illusion, slowly, the focus of the eyes becomes more and more blurred ...

(To be continued)