MTL - The Roots of Manga-v2 Chapter 265 Solved (1/6)

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Chapter 265 The Solution (1/6)

Howard frowned, and in an instant he enveloped the entire spaceship with his mental power, and immediately discovered something was wrong, an invisible force was making everyone fall into a rage. ,

Eddie's situation is the most serious, the venom in his body is almost coming out.

"I don't understand, why are you arguing!"

Banner said with anger, he suppressed his anger, and restrained his desire to transform.

His negative emotions kept rising at this time. In order not to cause disasters, he had to forcibly restrain himself. In order to prevent the negative emotions in his body from erupting, he kept using a meditation magic that Yidan gave him to keep calm.

"You are clearly here to solve the problem!"

Banner accuses everyone.

Gu Le growled gloomyly: "I only care about Asziya! It's you who are pestering me!"

"We just let you calm down. You have been looking for reasons from us! We didn't hurt her!"

Strange's face was also full of anger.

Gu Le looked at him, and said: "You low-level mage, if it weren't for your negligence, how could Asziya suffer from this situation! Asziya's first condition is obviously a symptom of being cursed. , it must be one of you who has fallen into the camp of the evil gods to make all this happen!"

"You bastard, who are you talking about!"

Kenner also looked at Gu Le gloomyly. Among the people present, if it comes to cursing, he is the best at that side.

"Who knows if a person like you who is used to dealing with evil gods will completely degenerate."

Gu Le's still a little green face was already filled with anger, and he began to care less and less about the obstruction of words.

Eddie suppressed his dissatisfaction. Among the people present, apart from Banner, there was also a monster in his body. If his anger reached the extreme and he fell into madness with the venom, it would undoubtedly cause a disaster, so he kept Trying to restrain myself, "You shouldn't blame casually, should you? We should find out the specific reasons first."

Tony sneered coldly: "You are still the protector of some god, it seems that your **** is not very powerful, and even the minds of believers can't be protected well."

"That's right, only Asgardians can be called gods."

Thor interjected.

In the end, Tony sarcastically said: "You? Come on, then it seems that God is indeed a brainless creature."

Gu Le slapped the table fiercely, and said ferociously: "You are insulting God, you ignorant people, and there is a different god, you are all making the most unwise choice!"

His body began to emit flames, and the whole space suddenly became hot.

"Gule! What are you doing! Stop it! Asjaya is still here!"

Nick Fury said anxiously, this is a spaceship of S.H.I.E.L.D. If these people are allowed to fight, it will undoubtedly be a disaster.

Sure enough, Gule restrained his strength after listening to it.

Tony shifted his firepower and said: "Speaking of which, this war is all because of you. Do you think the earth is not chaotic enough? Please, if you only add chaos, can you go home and tease your children? Play If you die, only people from the Education Bureau will come to you, oh, and maybe the court.”

"This is to protect the earth, how many times have I said it! If it weren't for these weapons, the situation would not be stable at all!"

Nick Fury countered.

Rogers is a little entangled. He has always opposed the study of the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the universe, because in his opinion, the disasters of the mystics have actually been limited to a certain range. The real crisis is the game between the top mystics. , and this kind of weapon only increases the damage to ordinary mystics and even ordinary humans.

So at this time, he stood from Tony's point of view, "Frey, you study the Rubik's Cube, to be honest, it is really redundant."

"Captain, I thought you could understand me."

Nick Fury was disappointed.

Gu Le sneered: "Humans have always wanted to control power. You just want to master more. You have to admit that the chaos and order on the earth are more guarded by human guardians and us. You don’t have much to do with each other. And you gathered us together to gather the power of revenge, but to put it bluntly, you just want to control us and use us! I’ve seen a lot of people like you!”

Howard, who was hiding behind the door, withdrew his mental strength, and frowned as he listened to the quarrel of the people in the room.

In the exploration just now, he also saw where Kade and Natasha were, they were taking care of Asjaya, and although Gule seemed to be against everyone, he still trusted Kade very much.

Howard led Kang Tan into the meeting room. The opening of the door did not distract the noisy and gunpowder-smelling people in the meeting room, and they were still arguing.

Howard walked to a stage, picked up Loki's staff, and then slammed it on the ground, a quiet sound like the ringing of a bell spread out, resounding throughout the conference room.

Everyone's faces were stagnant, and the anger in their hearts could not help but subside. They were about to speak, but they didn't know what to say.

They all felt that their emotions were not right just now, and they all looked at each other sadly, not knowing what to say.

"Everyone is a calm person, and most of them are mages. I think you should pay attention to this point, and don't let the enemy take advantage of this loophole."

Facing the gaze turned towards him, Howard spoke calmly We are plotting against each other, is it this? "

Tony pointed to the staff in Howard's hand.

Howard nodded and said: "That's right, it was my negligence. I didn't expect that ordinary seals can't stop its power from spreading. This kind of power against the soul contains a very high rule, so none of you can resist."

"This is really unacceptable, to be plotted against by a mere magic staff without an owner."

Eddie rubbed his head, his face full of embarrassment, and everyone else was more or less the same.

Gu Le frowned and said, "Chief Howard, is it also because of this?"

"That's basically the case. I'll go and see for myself."

Howard nodded.

Gu Le couldn't sit still, and immediately pulled Howard out of here.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay, especially when Kang Tan was also here. They recovered their senses and realized that the ugly face was exposed in front of a child, and they couldn't help but feel hot.

"Hey, Kid Kang Tan, let's talk it over and forget all about it. If you promise, I'll buy you your favorite toy, how about it?"

Tony forced a smart smile, and said to Kang Tan in a joking manner.


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