MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 17 Assassination

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Outside the Pisces called two times, and no one agreed.

At first she thought that Xie Yi was talking to Li Yu, but she didn't go in, but after a while, they never came out of the house.

Then she felt something was wrong and followed her into the room.

"Two girls?"

However, there was no one in the room. Looking around the screen and looking at the inner room, Xie Yuan and Li Yu were not seen at all!

She panicked and looked inside and outside the room.

How could it be that she just watched the second girl come in? Why is it gone in a blink of an eye! She then noticed that the bed was a bit messy, the windows were slightly open, and it was clear that someone had just left.

Pisces busily walked out of the room and chased outside, "Second girl, little boy Li!"

The people in the temple were busy fighting the fire. No one noticed the situation on her side. She didn't dare to delay, and rushed to the front to inform Xie Liqing and Leng Shi.

Unfortunately, it is too late, Xie Yuan and Li Yu have already been taken away.

Xie Yan was carried on his shoulder, and a rag was blocked in his mouth, so he could not even call out. The man who carried her walked on the rugged mountain road, causing her stomach to ache for a while. She was terribly afraid, but she didn't dare cry, for fear that she would kill her if she made a sound.

She went to Li Yu's room to find him just now. When she walked into the inner room, she could not cover the situation, so she covered it with one hand from behind.

That hand was rough and dry, with a thick cocoon, obviously not Li Yu's hand.

She was struggling, and when she saw another person picking up Li Yu, she stared at her severely: "If you dare to cry, you will be killed."

Those eyes were so fierce that she scared her and shut up.

Li Yuda didn't expect that she would come over. He was calmer than her, but he was still a child and couldn't help shouting at her: "What are you standing for? Not running away!"

Xie Xie did not hesitate to break away and then ran away.

She thought that if she ran away, she could ask her father and mother to save her brother, but she didn't want to die here.

But before she ran to the door, the person carrying Li Yu regretted it, raised her chin to her accomplice, "Bring her up too, and solve it together."

So Xie Yan became the situation now.

The two people who carried them were all in black clothes, covered their faces, could not see the five senses, and could only feel that they were martial arts perennials by virtue of their figures, and their skills should not be bad. They all carried a child and came to the middle of the mountainside. They wanted to solve the problem on the spot, but they felt that they were too close to the temple and could be easily seen by others. They simply walked for a while and went straight to the other hill.

Xie Yan's breakfast and lunch were all turned out by them, and they stopped and threw her and Li Yu to the ground.

Xie Yi's back was pinched on the trunk, and her upper and lower teeth touched her, just biting her tongue, which made her tearful.

She sobbed, holding back without crying, and reached out to grab Li Yu subconsciously.

Li Yu is better than her. At least she was not injured. She quickly got up and stood in front of her. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the two men in black. "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Only then did he look carefully in the room, and now he looked at the sun, and the boy looked really like ... the one in the Forbidden City ...

Although small, the outline can be seen between the eyebrows. And that aggressive attitude is something that ordinary children cannot learn at all.

No wonder someone tried everything except him.

One of the tall men in black grabbed his arm and lifted him, a cold voice came out under the mask: "What do you want us to do? Bring you here for tea?"

Talking about the other hand to pull out the sabre on the waist, the cold blade reflected the dazzling light in the sun, the light penetrated into Li Yu's eyes, he closed his eyes subconsciously, and then felt that his face was cold. Opening his eyes again, the blade slid down his cheek, all the way to his chest.

Seeing that the man in black was about to pierce Li Yu's chest, Xie Yan hurriedly said, "No!"

Talking about getting up from the ground, rushing to the man in black, holding his leg, holding up the pink and naive face, with two black grape-like watery eyes embedded in his face, with Tears begged: "Don't kill Brother Xiaoyu, please don't kill him ..."

People in black have never seen such a lovely powder dumpling, no matter whether it is a famous family or a princess of the emperor, none of them is so painful. He froze at once, and soon he came back and kicked her away: "Don't worry, the next one is you!"

She didn't intend to kill her, but she broke through their good deeds and will definitely tell people what they shouldn't say when they go back. In order to reduce the trouble, it is better to kill the mouth directly.

Li Yu's shoulder was hurt and his bones were broken. He bit his teeth and said, "Dare you ..."

You dare touch her finger.

He was still young at this time, he didn't know the meaning of the second half of the sentence at all, only felt angry. Xie Xie was implicated because Xie Xuan was injured for him, so he felt angry.

The man in black smiled coldly, probably thinking that it was ridiculous to be threatened by a little baby, and he didn't even bother to explain to him.

The sword cut through his clothes and pierced his chest.

Li Yu frowned and asked, "Why kill us?"

That person may feel that he is dying, or he may feel like saying this to a child, anyway, he does n’t understand, "Why? There are so many reasons in the world, if someone wants you to die, you can't live!"

As he said, he pierced the blade deeper.

The feeling of being scratched was very clear. Li Yu bit his teeth so hard that he couldn't help but screamed.

However, when he tried to pierce Li Yu's chest, he stopped suddenly. The man in black stared round, and looked down at a long knife that suddenly appeared on his chest. The tip of the knife was dripping with blood, which was flowing out of his chest.

It was the other man in black who started.

The man did not pull out the blade, but turned around holding the knife handle, the pain caused the other person to roll his eyes immediately, loosen Li Yu, and fell straight aside.

The man opened his face mask, exposing a cold and handsome face, with cold eyebrows and no dust, not at all like the one who just killed someone. He looked at the man in black who hadn't died on the ground, thinly opened his lips, and sent a sentence: "Even a child has to kill everything, she is really a femme fatale."

The man in black stared at his face desperately, but couldn't say what he wanted to say. Eventually his eyes rolled over and he died completely.

Xie Yan and Li Yu were both spoiled little ancestors at home. When they saw this **** scene, they immediately stopped. In particular, Xie Yun looked at the man in action and asked stupidly, "Why did you kill him? Aren't you a gang? Did you betray him?"

The man pulled out his long sword and gave it to those who appeared behind him. "We are not in a group."

Waves of waves dressed as guards came out of the woods, kneeling respectfully behind him, wondering who he was?

Xie Yan paused, whispered and timid, and asked as if afraid of waking up, "Will you let us go?"

The man actually nodded his head, his expression did not change much, but with a bit of compassion, "Go further, the farther you are from the capital, the better."

Xie Yan is very smart, even at this time, even if he doesn't understand the meaning of his words, he has to nod his head desperately, "Uh-huh, we will go!"

The man took a deep look again, his gaze stayed on Li Yu's face, his expression changed subtlely, and soon he returned to a light and clouded expression, turned and led a group of people waiting to leave.

Li Yu was pierced with a hole in his chest. Although it was not deep, it was also a wound, and he continued to bleed blood.

There were only two of them in the wild mountains and mountains. Xie Yi felt unprecedented helplessness and loneliness. Facing the injured Li Yu, she didn't know how to save him.

Xie Xie folded her hands and covered his wounded place. "Brother Xiaoyu, will you die? You must not die, I will take you back to Aunt Song."

Li Yu couldn't help but cough. This move involved a chest injury, which hurt him with his teeth grinning. He hadn't seen the calmness just now.

He was sweating constantly on his forehead, and probably the fear he had just expressed now.

Poor Xie Xie had been frightened for a long time. They didn't know where they were taken. They always felt that they had traveled far, far away, and couldn't even see the shadow of the temple. The sun is about to go down. If they can't rush back to the temple as soon as possible, and listen to Anang's statement that there are wolves and tigers on the mountain, they will eat them all.

Xie Yan pulled him twice, "Brother Xiaoyu gets up, let's go back soon ..."

Li Yu nodded, and followed her by covering her chest.

There are weeds on both sides of the road, and some are even half a person tall, making it very difficult to walk. Moreover, the mountain has not yet been cultured, and there are many broken stones piled on the road, which makes it very difficult to walk.

Xie Yuan took Li Yu's hand for a while, but felt that dragging Li Yu was getting heavier and he couldn't move anymore in the end. She turned around and saw that Li Yu was lying motionless on the ground, and almost all the weeds on the road dripped his blood.

"Brother Xiaoyu!"

Xie Yan shouted in surprise, afraid that he would die like the man in black just now, shaking his arm in panic: "Are you dead? You talk!"

At half a moment, Li Yu took a slow breath and said leisurely, "How can I talk to you when I die ..."

Xie Xie was crying with joy, and the tears fell down and said, "You don't want to die."

Li Yu barely nodded.

He didn't want to die here either.

This time he was completely unable to move, Xie Xuan could not bear to leave him, holding his arm to his shoulder, dragging him forward step by step.

Xie Yan is taller than him, so it is not difficult to lift him up, just a long time, some purring.

The two children's footsteps were so great that they couldn't get out of the mountain tonight. Xie Wei helped Li Yu not long before the sun went down. The forest soon shrouded in a layer of night, and the surroundings were dark, leaving only a little residual light on the edge of the sky.

Xie Yun panicked and asked Li Yu: "What should we do, what should we do?"

At this point Li Yu's chest injury had solidified, no longer bleeding, and he felt numb, and now he could not feel the pain. He left Xie Yuan and was about to speak, but there was a howling in the valley in the distance. 2k novel reading network