MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 18 village

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The wolverine was especially clear in the empty valley at night.

Xie Yan shuddered, subconsciously near Li Yu.

Both are children. Although Li Yu is more mature than her, she is unavoidable. Now the last little sun on the west side also disappeared, and the mountain forest soon darkened. The cold night light hit the feet by the leaves and sprinkled a silver ash. There was no light around them, and they could only rely on the faint moonlight to illuminate the road in front of them.

Li Yu didn't hesitate this time, holding her hand, "Let's find a place to hide."

Xie Xun walked close to him without stopping, looking around as he walked, for fear that a beast suddenly came out in a certain corner. She had never seen a wolf, but when other parents scared the child, she always said that if they were not obedient, they would let the wolf take them away. She kept in mind and was afraid of animals like the wolf tiger and leopard.

After walking for a while, he was probably attracted by the **** smell of Li Yu, and the howling was getting closer.

Xie Yan walked with both small legs sore, but was afraid to say that he was tired, because Li Yu was more pitiful than her, and he was injured. She blinked and wiped back the tears in her eyes. "Brother Xiaoyu, do you still hurt? Would you like me to carry you?"

Li Yu shook his head without thinking, "No."

He is a boy, older than Xie, what does he always want her to look like? And now it doesn't hurt much anymore, Xie Yan is so stupid and so thin, he can only walk more slowly on his back.

There is a village not far away, and there are cooking smoke in the chimneys of several houses. If they arrive in the village before the wolves, they may get their lives back.

After Li Yu told Xie Xie this idea, Xie Xie immediately trembled and walked faster than he could. "Let's go!"

Li Yu sang and followed her steps.

In fact, he can't walk for a long time. He bleeds too much blood, and it is the limit to support it. He felt that the sight in front of him was getting more and more blurred, and his vision was getting darker. At the end, his legs fell to the ground with a soft knee.

In front of Xie Yuan, when she heard the movement, she turned her head, and the emotions of fear and helplessness suddenly surged, and she couldn't help crying.

She squatted in front of Li Yu and kept calling: "Brother Xiaoyu, Brother Xiaoyu ..."

Li Yu would not even have the energy to abandon her. She closed her eyes and said, "You go."

Xie Yan shook his head and said no, "Let's go together."

She is a small child and doesn't know the reason. All she knows is that they are good partners. They can only walk together if they want to go. Even if Li Yu was walking slower and slower, she never thought about leaving him alone and running away, leaving him here alone.

The wolves behind approached gradually, Xie Wei turned his head, and through the hazy tears, he could even see the eyes glowing with distant green light.

She bit her lower lip, rubbed her sleeves to wipe her tears, grabbed Li Yu's arm, carried him on her back, and after seeing the road clearly, she moved forward with a little effort.

Li Yu's voice was weak, and she somewhat hated the taste of iron and steel: "Do you want to die?"

She shook her head and choked, "I don't want to die. Brother Jade can't die either. We want to go home together."

She ran out of breath, slowly losing her strength, but still refused to let go of Li Yu. Li Yu was dragged to the ground with two legs, and was about to persuade her to give up. She slipped under the clinker, and actually took him to the ground and fell to the bottom of the hillside.

During the period, Li Yu was pressed to the wound, groaned, and passed out completely.

Xie Yan was busy looking for him. As soon as she stood still, a torch came over, lighting up the road around her.

"Who is there?"

The visitor was a resident of a nearby village. When there was no firewood when cooking at home, he went out to look for it, but he did not expect to see two children.

At most six or seven years old, one had a chest injury, and one was exhausted, which made people feel distressed.

How old is this? How did you suffer this kind of suffering?

The survivor is named Wang, and the youngest in the family is called Wang. Seeing that the two children were pitiful, they took them home.

In order to deal with the wolves in the mountains, people in the village set up a half-human high fire station around the village. There was a fire every few dozen steps, and the wolves did not dare to approach at night.

The youngest daughter-in-law, Wang Yang, was still waiting for the firewood, went out to meet him, saw him carrying the firewood on his shoulders, and two children lay on the donkey cart behind him, and couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

The fourth king told her the previous cause and effect, and she heard nothing, and hurriedly took the two children into the room. Seeing that their clothes were cut by thorns, they changed them into their own children's clothes. It happened that the Wang family also had a boy, a girl and two children, all the same age as them.

Li Yu was injured in the chest and couldn't be delayed. Wang Sisi went to the village doctor in the morning.

Wang Yang's combed her hair again. Her original hair was messed up. The woman would not comb the rich and complicated hair buns of the wealthy family, so she gave her two simple twist braids and laid them on both sides. Wang Yang asked his daughter and son to get a basin of water and wipe their faces and hands, only to find out that the two had been born to be more elaborate than the other, and Yu Xue was crystal clear.

She sighed, not knowing who made it, tortured the two jade dolls like this.

After everything was sorted out, she asked her children to take care of Xie Yuan and Li Yu, and went to the kitchen to cook by herself.

Xie Yi was awakened by the scent of fragrance. Her hands and feet were sore, and she had no strength to open her eyelids. In the end, she was so hungry that she slowly lifted her eyelids.

At a glance I saw the two men standing beside the bed, staring at her intently, with curiosity and doubt, and a little amazing.

Xie Yan ignored them, and immediately found his brother Xiaoyu when he awoke.

Fortunately, Li Yu was lying beside her, her chest was bandaged, she changed to clean clothes, and she looked a little more complex than before.

The little girl at the bedside said: "A father invited the doctor and showed him for a long time and spent twenty pennies."

In that tone, I felt bad.

Xie Yan turned his head, blinked and asked, "You saved us?"

The little girl nodded. "Ada saved you back."

She said sincerely, "Thank you!"

The little girl smiled and hid behind her brother shyly.

While Wang Yang was preparing dinner, Li Yu had not yet woke up.

Xie Yan followed Wang's family for dinner. The meals were ordinary farmers' side dishes, fried bamboo shoots and leek eggs. Because of their arrival, Wang Yang's specially made the chicken and mushrooms. The food is not as delicate as at home, but Xie Yi is not picky at all and eats unprecedented fragrant.

When she was half-eaten, she remembered something, and embarrassedly pointed to the dish on the table: "Can I leave something for Brother Xiaoyu ..."

After speaking, I was afraid that people would object, and added quickly: "He doesn't eat much, just a little bit."

Wang Yang's distressed, "Eat it, leave it for him long ago."

Xie Yan said happily and thanked him, and continued to eat.

After lunch, it was completely dark. There are not many other things in the village, that is, there are many houses. Wang Yang cleaned up a vacant room for them, put on soft mattresses and pillows, and moved two more quilts. Call me in the next room. "

Xie Yan looked up, tears flashing in her eyes: "When I go home, I must let Adie and Auntie thank you very well."

Wang Yang's head touched her, "Let the people in the village inquire about where your home is tomorrow, you will definitely be able to go back, don't worry."

She cried, "Hmm ..."

After Wang Yang's departure, the room fell into silence and darkness.

Rural oil lamps are expensive and ordinary people are reluctant to use them. They usually go to bed after dark.

Xie Yi fumbled to Li Yu, next to him, tentatively called "Little Jade Brother". Li Yu didn't agree, but she felt relieved, and she fell asleep before lying next to him.

When it woke up again, it was already bright.

The sun pierced through the window, and she curled up a moment, and opened her eyes, staring at Li Yu.

She cried in surprise: "Brother Xiaoyu, you are awake!"

Li Yu woke up long ago, but her hands and feet were wrapped around him, making him unable to get up at all. Originally I wanted to push her away, but suddenly I couldn't bear the thought of the way she stubbornly carried him back yesterday. Forget it, let her hug for a while, Li Yu thought, because he was lying quietly, waiting for her to wake up.

Only then did Xie realize that he was still holding him, and quickly released him to sit up, and Hush asked: "Are you hungry? Are you in pain? Yesterday, Aunt Yang saved us and invited you to a doctor ..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Li Yu looked at her strangely, and saw her inexplicably nervous.

"What, what?"

Li Yu reached out and held her twisted braid, without understanding. "How did your hair look like this?"

He didn't say that Xie Yuan didn't find it at all. He patronized dinner last night, fell asleep after eating, and didn't notice that he changed his hairstyle. There was no mirror in the room, and she looked down and saw two thick, black, four twisted braids.

She said, "It was probably Aunt Yang combed me ..." and asked, "Don't it look good?"

Li Yu skimmed the beginning, "Ugly dead."

Not as ugly as he said. Xie Yun's skin is white and a small face is beautiful. Even if it was ordinary twist braid, she couldn't tell how lovely she was when she combed it.

Xie Ye didn't mind it and wanted to get out of bed.

She was accustomed to wait for the servant girl. No one was here, she would not even wear a shoe, and she simply put it on her feet and went to Wang Yang's room to call someone.

Wang Yangs and Wang Lao woke up early in the morning, boiled hot water for Xie Yuan and Li Yu, and took care of them briefly.

Wang Yang's went to the fire to cook. Breakfast was millet porridge with a few simple side dishes, and the best fried radish cake.

The radishes are leftovers in the winter, and there is not much fried in total, two for each person. Xie Yan didn't have enough food in the end, Li Yu gave her clip to her, pursed her lips, and thought, or said, "I'll give it to you."

Xie Xun refused, and re-clamped him: "You bleed a lot of blood, you need to eat more."

Li Yu frowned, and clamped her bowl again, "If you want to eat, just eat."

The two pushed back and forth, and in the end Wang Yang's contribution was made, and the two of them stopped.

Wang Yang's tapped the heads of his two children and educated them: "Look at how good the relationship between the brothers and sisters is, then look at you and you will know the fight all day long."

Two children spit out their tongues.

Xie Yan didn't hear her, she was concentrating on eating.

But Li Yu heard it. He turned to look at Xie Yuan, and then turned around halfway, then bowed his head and took a bite of fried carrot cake, without refuting this sentence.

After having breakfast, Mr. Wang was going to call someone in the village to help Xie Yi and Li Yu find their way home.

Before leaving the house, he was dressed up by a servant and stood tall at the door.

The other party asked him, "Have you seen two children aged five or six?"

Wang Sisi quickly looked at the man again, remembering the downfall of the two children yesterday, and for a time he wondered whether he should tell the truth. 2k novel reading network