MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1565 Empress also returns

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Penetrating the fog, facing the scouring of time and rivers, the stalwart figure of the emperor is coming out of the world, in an unpredictable space!

A punch came, and the Emperor of Heaven penetrated the ancient and modern times, tearing apart the heavens and the world, and came to an incredible place, and found the mysterious creature.

He seemed to have crossed a whole piece of ancient history, from the past, to the other side of the future, truly detached, and confronted with a creature that couldn't be in the usual ideals.


The power of the Heavenly Emperor's Fist surpasses the sky and the earth, the light of the years is splashing, the time of the past and the present is turbulent, the world is restless, and the heavens seem to be shaken.

This is the fist seal of that person, illuminating the ancient and modern future, too domineering, and truly invincible fist seal.

At this moment, everyone in the heavens and worlds was trembling, and countless old monsters who had lived for not knowing how many times were trembling, and couldn't help but want to kneel down.

At this moment, even the true immortal was trembling, his complexion was extremely pale, and many people's legs were weak!

"It's him, the heavenly emperor after the end of the immortal road, he has broken through the ages, like he has recovered from the ancient era and walked out of ancient history!"

Some people were agitated, and the words were no longer coherent.

Even the ancestors of many old monsters were shaking their lips and trembling.

Actually saw the emperor today!

This is beyond the imagination of the world, making everyone shocked inexplicably, the soul light and the physical body are convulsing, the extremely strong are all in awe and trembling.


The emperor's fist, unparalleled in the world, break through all obstacles!

The voice was deafening, it was the trembling of Tao, the whisper of heaven and earth, the surrender and audience of the heavens to the emperor, and the world worshipped one person.


Among the heavens and the realms, the figure of that person appeared at the same time, shocking the ancient and modern creatures.

Not surprisingly, the Emperor of Heaven was invincible, even in the face of an incredible existence, he was still so domineering, and the figure was blurred and obscured, as if to be wiped out from the world.

Everyone was shocked and horrified. It was definitely an existence that could compete with the Emperor of Heaven, but now it was suppressed by that stalwart figure, and was going to be killed with the Emperor Fist? !


The low and suppressed roar echoed and shocked people's hearts. The creature was originally going to be blurred and seemed to be completely wiped out, but it was resurrected in a single thought.

Is this the existence of terror that has reached the end of the road?

Even if he is killed, he can withstand the pressure and return in the process of breaking the road. The true self will never die.

The people who looked at this were terrified. It was necessary to know that his main road was broken just now, and he was completely empty, and he returned to his position in an instant, which is really terrifying.

At this moment, countless people's eyes were dripping with blood and tears. It was separated from the ten thousand realms, that kind of struggle is outside the world, and it is suspected to be blocked by the long river of years, and there can be such horrible coercion. The escape is frightening.

Everyone knows that this is the result of isolation, the real battle is too far away, outside the world, otherwise everyone will die when they see this battle!

People's hearts are throbbing, this is after the emperor's appearance, his vision appeared, so it was seen by people.

If he deliberately covered it, no one could see it all.

What kind of zone is that, obviously it is not the earth in the little underworld, but transcends the heavens, and is the seat of the road end-level creatures.

Even, that is his place of origin!


There was another low growl, and people finally saw the creature vaguely, covered with thick long hair, covering all of itself.

I can feel that he is huge and fierce.

The supreme creature, its path is over, and the road ahead is confused, is it this appearance?

Although it is very hazy and far away, many true celestial creatures still breathe in air-conditioning. Not seeing this person is peaceful, that creature at the end of the road is so ferocious?

This is completely different from what they imagined!

In people’s perception, the creatures at the end of the road are immortal, surpassing the years, even if they are not in the form of the bones of the fairy wind, they will not be disheveled and covered with thick animal hair, right?

what happened to him? Very abnormal!

In the end, the emperor of heaven engulfed in chaotic energy, opened up and reunited, let the laws and order of the heavens all resonate, bowed his head and surrendered, and rushed past with invincible momentum.

The figure groaned, and then exploded!

There were tears coming out of the dog king’s muddy old eyes. He was very excited. The exhausted old blood seemed to boil. He felt as if he had returned to the barren ancient times and saw the emperor of that year, that great world, with him again. Strike all the enemies in the sky and the earth!

The emperor's demeanor remains the same, even if this is just his thought, it is still so unmatched, overbearing invincible, and world-renowned.

Both the dog king and the carrion had their chests rising and falling, and both were breathing heavily.


The figure that exploded roared, reshaped in the ten thousand ways, and reproduced the real body, he was really immortal.

However, the Emperor of Heaven slammed and blasted over, vowing to wipe him out.

Because this has touched the limit of the Emperor of Heaven, some people dare to perform in his native land, doing their hands and feet in his birthplace, letting that old land be in a strange circle of time, constantly reincarnation.

Obviously, this vague figure is very conspiring.

Just as Jiu Dao Yi and Chu Feng speculated, this inexplicable existence is very interested in the old place of the little underworld where the two heavenly emperors were born. If you want to reproduce that environment, try to raise Gu to see if you can urge the heavenly emperor seeds again. Come!

Chu Feng has never dared to go back, because he always has worries and worries, fearing that the black hand who performs the reincarnation of the earth will try to get wrong.

Now, the wisp of obsession of the Emperor of Heaven has revived, breaking through the mysterious sky outside the earth, blasting the barriers of heaven and earth along that kind of breath, crossing the barriers of the ten thousand realms, and found that person, and the black hand must be liquidated.

Chu Feng was naturally exhilarated and happy. If this big trouble is removed, he will lose a kind of worry, which can wipe out the shadow that looms in his heart.

Obviously, the road of life at the end of the road has been broken, and there is no way forward, and oneself is eternal and immortal. Standing on the cliff of Tao is detached and indelible.

Therefore, this creature is extremely difficult to kill.

People saw that between the collision of the two powerhouses, time was splashing, and that zone that was beyond the world seemed to have passed hundreds of millions of years. Time was not normal at all. It constantly scoured them and created a fault in ancient history. feel.

In the existence of this series, ten thousand ways become empty, oneself triumphantly, order is just a flower on the side of the road, blooming and withering, and after the long river of time, everything is empty in the end, only oneself is eternal, and the only one comes true.

The rivers of time are surging, surging beyond eternity, making the worlds tremble, as if they are about to collapse at any time.

On this day, the emperor's fist roared and exploded the creature!

The stalwart figure is brave and invincible, hitting all obstacles!


Once again, the creature exploded and did not manifest for a long time.

Really...killed a strong man who had died?

impossible! Everyone can't believe that if the creatures of that series are so easy to kill, they can't be respected as an eternal existence.

Sure enough, there was a difference there, and the creature reappeared in a single thought, vague and crippled, with thick hairs all over, like a terrifying humanoid beast.

However, he did not attack again, but he became more and more faint and burned, and he was about to wipe out himself.

"He is not... the real body, just a thick and long hairy skin left over from the endless years?"

Finally, people saw clearly what it was, a human-shaped fur, and it was indestructible in the sky and buried in the earth.

This is too terrible, just a piece of skin, you can channel spirits, interpret the reincarnation of the earth, want to raise Gu, watch the homeland of the Emperor of Heaven, and reach the sky!

Where is the real body of this creature? It's because of the end of the road, it jumped into nothingness, and it was gone.

Or is it that he was injured and killed, leaving only a piece of skin?


The emperor's fist was shocked, and the fur was finally transformed into the Tao, completely disappeared, eternal silence!

The Emperor of Heaven was standing there, wisps of light flew out of his eyes, looking for the true body of that creature against cause and effect.

However, if a creature at the end of the road deliberately escapes from the world, or really died, leaving only a piece of skin, it is really difficult to trace back!

Especially, the Emperor of Heaven is not a real body, he has not even left a human skin, it is just a residual thought, let alone complete.

Soon after, he returned from outside the world, looking at the earth and the homeland where he was born, without a word for a long time until he finally turned around and left.

Then, he returned to the world and became a pair of fist marks, scattered in the heavens.

He... is just the trace left by the fist of the Emperor of Heaven, and the thought left behind is now gone!

The dog king burst into tears and murmured: "You must be alive, you are not alive, you are not going to come back for a look, I believe that we will meet again in the future!"

Suddenly, a cold sigh came, very unkind and ruthless.

"The road is over, or is Eternal Silence dead?" That ruthless voice echoed in the heavens, the voice was not high, but it shocked everyone.

In the dim, people saw a figure, and behind him, there appeared a magnificent and ancient-sacrifice!

The priest? !

How could he show up, why did he come again? Isn't there an agreement? He has an appointment with the supreme creature behind the three imperial artifacts, giving the heavens a ray of life.

Now, he actually reappeared!

"A pair of fist seals, burning the road to exhaust your breath, it's interesting, are you completely dead, or have you jumped into the air in the long river of time?"

The priest muttered to himself in the endlessly distant world, and then his eyes shot out a cold light, saying: "Not thinking about it, not only can prevent the return of Lu Jin-level creatures, even when everything about you is erased, No matter how no one thinks about you, you will really die."

He was shocked to say such a thing.

If the real body of the dead of the road has an accident, will it be considered that he is truly dead until everyone does not think about it and no longer mentions him? !

"I, erase your breath and your fist marks, and dare to stay in this world and die!"

The priest spoke very harshly, and then he shot.

He wants to obliterate everything about the Emperor of Heaven, first of all the traces it left behind, and then cut off his shadow from everyone's hearts, so as to truly have no thoughts and no thoughts about the Emperor of Heaven.

He is vigorous and resolute, even though he is not driving in the sun, he is still separated by an endless distance of time and space, and he is suspected to be above God!

However, as soon as he pointed it out, the long river of time was about to change its course, to reverse the cause and effect, and to kill the emperor who may be alive or may have already died.

However, there was another accident in the accident, and the shock happened again.

An inexplicable Taoist rhyme emerged, and on the way to the eternal silence and the unspeakable place, a bridge emerged. According to legend, many emperors walked this way, but in the end they all fell under the bridge and died!

At this time, in the thick fog, on the opposite bank of the endless and silent ancient bridge, light and rain suddenly bloomed, and a crystal palm was resurrected from death in the white clothes dancing, and then slapped to the ground with a slap.

Across time and space, separated by a few pieces of ancient history, that peerless palm pierced through eternity, directly covering the priest!

"Wow!" Howling the dog emperor, his old eyes rounded, he knew who it was, empress!

"She actually appeared, this is his... true body, she has recovered!"