MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 18 Panic future

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The moonlight is fascinating, the stars are shining, like a very thick fog, drowning the stone scorpion, and there is a group of white gas transpiration from afar.

This is a very comfortable feeling. Shijie is doing a special breathing method, with chest and abdomen undulating, and there is a faint scent between the nose and mouth.

Historical books have been recorded. When some old people or sorghums sit down, the flesh is not rotted, and the room is full of fragrance. This is a very strange phenomenon.

Some people say that this is because they have been studying the drug for many years and the body has been infected for a long time.

Some scholars have also studied it, thinking that everyone would be like this, accompanied by a taste like blue, but the world is dirty, only a small number of people can exude the original fragrance.

Now, Chu Fengkou's nose and mist are lingering and fragrant, and he can feel it. The swallowing mouth is a bit sweet and very comfortable.

This is a very weird breathing method. According to a certain rhythm, Chu Feng feels that the body is floating, as if to leave the ground.

This breathing rhythm makes his vital signs stronger and more vigorous.

The time is not very long. The ox has opened his eyes first. One hoof is pointing to the sky, and the other hoof is pointing to the ground. It is called several times in a row. It ends this breathing method.

The stars are falling, and the Chu wind is also stopped. In the vagueness, he has a clear understanding. Although the time is not long, the physical activity has increased to saturation, and it is useless to continue.


Suddenly, Chu Feng heard the cracking sound of the courtyard wall, the ground slightly swaying, not very intense, but it can also be detected in the first time.


Then he heard the exclamation and the town was no longer quiet.

Suddenly, the lights on the street were extinguished, and each household was dimmed at the same time.

At the same time, Chu Feng turned on the communicator and found that the signal was blurred, and then it was disconnected.


The oxen whispered and the scorpion was bright. It looked up at the direction of the Taihang Mountains, where some purple clouds were blooming and silver was flowing.

In the vagueness, the rumble came.

The drastic changes have begun again, although they are far apart, but they can already feel a sense of oppression and awe-inspiring.

"The mountain is more!"

Chu Feng was shocked and looked far away. There were more mountains in Taihang Mountain, and some were full of heights and better than before.

Is this the true face of Taihang Mountain?

The town was panicked and the screams of people came.

Because the ground is stretching, some streets are broken, some houses are cracked, there are terrible gaps, and then they will collapse.

The only good news is that this change is not fast.

This night is destined to be quiet.

All kinds of fearful screams, as well as the crying of women and children, appear constantly under the night, very chaotic.


Some buildings have fallen.

"Mom, I am afraid!"

"Hey... Grandma, what's wrong with this, winter and winter are so scared."

Some children cry and are very scared.

On this night, Qingyang Town was in chaos, and this was a disaster that had never happened before.

Chu Feng ran out to save people, so that he was slightly relieved that there were not many casualties, and people ran out of the house in advance.

When the morning came, Qingyang Town was completely changed.

One-third of the houses collapsed, most of which occurred in the north of the town, as if they were broken by the students, the broken buildings were far apart.

The town was in the east, south and west directions. The house was only partially damaged and cracked, but it did not collapse.

Water and electricity are all broken, and the impact of ground fissure is enormous.

Three people died and injured more than a dozen. Relatively speaking, they should be glad that the crack occurred slowly and gave people enough time to escape.

It is only when some people sleep too hard and leave the house. This is a tragedy.

But this is enough to make people panic. There has never been such a thing, especially if they don’t know what will happen in the future. The big environment is changing and the fog is ahead.

People are always afraid of the unknown, because they don’t know, don’t know, they will feel more and more terrible.

This is the case now. This is a period of fascination. There are many different visions and accompanied by disasters. Who can say what kind of era will be greeted?

Is it prosperous or horrible? People have no bottom in their hearts.

Qingyang Town, a cloud is bleak.

Crying, uneasy whispers, people are languid, uneasy, unable to see the future.

Moreover, now water, electricity, communications, etc. are all broken, lost contact with the outside world, can you wait for the rescue?

People don't know what's going on, whether it's the same or more serious.

"Don't be afraid, the house only has a small part. The rest is enough for us to live. The power outage is not terrible. We have a generator in the town that can be used very quickly. As for water cut, don't worry, a few mouthfuls. The ancient well is enough for us to use."

Zhao Sanye is talking, he was found by Chu Feng, to appease the people.

Because Zhao Sanye is also considered to be highly respected in the town, the ancestral craftsmanship, the unique cold weapon workshop, the open-minded and tough character, which make him quite respectable.

Chu Feng returned home, here is located in the easternmost part of Qingyang Town, the damage is not big, only the wall cracked several large seams, no effect.

The ox is looking at the east, with a pale golden beam shining in the eyes, it is a little excited, like what is hoped.

"What are you waiting for?" Chu Feng asked.

The ox does not answer, it is very quiet.

For several days, it was isolated from the outside world and completely disconnected.

Some people drove and tried to go to the county town, but many of the asphalt roads were disconnected. The long road sections became dirt roads, and the towns could not be seen for more than a hundred miles.

This makes people feel awkward, no longer dare to rush to open, afraid that the fuel will run out.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the county town is only a dozen miles away from here. It is not far from Qingyang Town, but it has completely changed now.

Moreover, there are some mysterious mountains on the road!

Some of the mountains are black and have a sense of oppression. Some of the mountains are rich in grass and screaming, and they are amazing.

If there are many familiar scenes in this area, people really doubt another world.

Qingyang Town is isolated from the world. People are very pessimistic. Even if the generators in the town are running, the light of the night cannot dispel the fear of the unknown destiny.

In the past few days, Chu Feng has been very calm, and there is no panic. He calmly pays attention to it all.

His parents are in Shuntian, it is a huge city, known as the center of the North, and various protective measures are in place. He is not very worried.

In the past few days, he has been working step by step, and he is doing the weird breathing every day. The rhythm is not fast or slow, but he can obviously feel his own changes.

He tried to lift the heavy stone table in the courtyard, which was impossible in the past. Even if he was super-strong, he could only lift a half-foot high.

Chu Feng secretly surprised, the effect is too obvious.

Once in the morning, once in the evening, although the duration is not long, the special breathing rhythm seems to be collecting medicine, nourishing the body and enhancing the vitality of the body.

During the rest of the day, Chu Feng was walking outside, and he was watching the changes in the terrain of the mountains and rivers.

Some places have been stretched, and some places have not changed. He traveled all the familiar areas nearby and found that the overall area has increased a lot.

Adjacent mountains, lakes, etc., the distance between them has increased by more than ten times, and other terrains are also so.

Chu Feng burst into a god, originally the first giant city in the north, just two hundred miles away from here, but according to current speculation, is it not already two thousand miles away?

If you want to see your parents, it is very difficult today.

After six days, the communicator suddenly had a signal.

Chu Feng contacted his parents for the first time. Both sides reported peace. They could clearly feel the worries of the two old people and wanted him to go to Shuntiancheng.

Because it should be regarded as the safest place, various defensive measures are in place, and there are various contingency plans.

The Six Dynasties used to build capital there. There may be some truth. Even this dramatic change, the entire giant city is safe and sound, there is no stretch zone, and the building is in good condition.

This makes Chu Feng more reassuring, comforting them, and will pass in the future, please wait patiently.

"Chu Feng, you are okay, God, I am here, the county is divided into two, close to the outside of the city there are two wild mountains, inserted into the clouds, big to no side." Zhou Quan calls, Talking to him, shouting over there, excited, said: "Guess what I saw? A cockroach, his grandfather, is as big as a stone roller, and it is eating an elephant!"

Zhou Fatzi was incoherent and shouted over there.

Chu Feng finally understood, looking at the two mysterious mountains in the county town, there are all kinds of inexplicable creatures, although not yet down the mountain, but you can use the telescope to clearly capture the shadow of the animal.

Zhou Quan once saw a large stone scorpion, chasing all kinds of ferocious beasts, and even once threw an elephant and pressed for food there.

After the end of the call, Chu Feng thought for a while, if those fierce birds and monsters ran out, the world is not chaotic? I hope they have no way to go out.

Then, his communicator keeps ringing, all are familiar friends and classmates, contact each other, get to know the current situation, and finally be careful and cherish each other!

The world is going to be chaotic, this is the first feeling of Chu Feng.

If this continues, it will inevitably lead to major events, and it must be out of control.

Later, he rushed to the Internet, read various reports, and learned in detail, because who can be sure that the communicator signal has been unblocked, and may be broken at any time.

A dramatic change has been completed all over the world!

Many people are in fear, many people are crying. This is not the world they are familiar with. Peace will never come back. People are expecting storms to come.

The collapse of a large area of ​​the house, although the ground crack is very slow, there is enough time to escape, but a small number of people have lost their lives.

People have seen that the distance between the two places has become larger, generally about ten times, which means that the entire world is over a hundred times larger!

Someone is crying and thinks that the earth is connected to other terrible worlds.

It has also been said that this is the true face of the earth. In the past, there was a land of wild land that has only appeared.

For a time, the theory of folding space has been continuously studied by all parties.

The localities are not quiet, and some photos of the strange scenes are reported.

In particular, the famous mountains and rivers of Duorui, there are **** trees blossoming, there are holy springs rushing, and there are some people fighting for, like premeditated, appear there, causing people's surprise and suspicion.

In these few days, the ox is very quiet. Standing in the courtyard, I have been staring at the void, as if I are paying attention to what.

However, it has hot, deep, excited, excited, it is crouching, waiting!

This morning, the red sun just jumped out of the Taihang Mountains. The ox suddenly stopped restraining, couldn't help but whisper, and greeted Chu Feng to keep up, it rushed out of the yard!