MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-~ Fanwai (7) Questions about the past

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When the night approaches, the family is full of wine and meals, which is the most leisure time for the young and old, but they have come up with the universal symbol, and have opened a certain way through projection or visual presentation of the eyes, or gather together or privately. Live.

The live broadcast room is set in the bamboo forest of Wanli. There is a fresh, verdant green, and a bamboo table can be placed in front of a giant bamboo that ten people can hold together. Two ladies are sitting opposite each other, an elegant red and black ancient robe. , Facing the countless lights across the void, smiled calmly:

"Welcome everyone to watch this issue of" A Promise in All Realms. "I am your friend Jiang Yu. This time, we are fortunate to have invited the elders of Xijian Pavilion, Baihong Palace Fairy, a generation of sword gods, Jiang Yan Wei Jiang Fairy, she will Talk to us about martial arts and spiritual practice, and talk about the last age that can no longer be traced back. "

Jiang Yanwei is still wearing a goose yellow dress, with big eyebrows and bright eyes, sitting quietly on her knees, nodding slightly, as if the long time has never left a trace on her body and mind.

Jiang Yu, who is in charge of the appointment of Wanjie, took the opportunity to take a breath and held back his excitement and enthusiasm. This is the first great magical person to be interviewed by a live broadcast in history. All the people in the show group ca n’t add one piece. It ’s said that there is no trace of the Upper Age that can be traced on the other side. There is no chance for others to get close to Jiang Xianzi. One heaven and one underground, how can ordinary people be associated with ants?

Fortunately, her own owner, Qu Jiuniang, is a capable woman with a wide range of friendships and knowledge. Not only can she find rare things in Wanjie, but she can actually invite a great magical person near the peak of Kendo!

In the face of such characters, it is difficult to summarize the differences of Xian Fan, and they can only worship.

Because of this, the advance feedback alone can predict the enthusiasm of watching today, and the program will definitely go up a few floors!

He calmed down a bit, Jiang Yu smiled and looked at Jiang Weiwei:

"According to the original idea, we will hold a grand ceremony at the beginning to welcome the advent of Jiang Xianzi, without losing the status of a supernatural person, but the fairy is low-key and approachable. Fang chose to start. "

Jiang Yan smiled and said, "The immortal is at ease, and his mind is free, so there is no need to talk about red tape."

Thirty-three days away, a light cough sounded.

"This is the true fairy's style, it is fascinating." Jiang Yu stroked his palms and sighed, then turned his head and entered the topic. "Jiang Xianzi, since the Yuxu Palace Meng Tianzun started this era, most of the practice secrets have been made public, Wuguan Academy The current has largely replaced the original martial arts. Their layered hierarchy and promotion have indeed allowed the later practitioners in the spiritual world to continue to flourish and prosper. Those who want to practice are not worried and have no chance. The damage of the martial arts is also obvious. In this regard, as your elder elder, do you have any opinion? "

Jiang Yanwei didn't think about it, it seems that he had thought about this problem for a long time, and his smile was bright but not soft:

"As far as the" Dao "is concerned, it should be the case. Back to the beginning, everyone has the same origins and understands the nature. It doesn't matter whether men, women, young or old, monsters and ghosts are essentially noble and low, and equality of opportunity is fair. The day is right. "

"In terms of martial arts, moving against the trend is like a mantis arm as a car. After all, it has been crushed and swallowed up by the years. We must actively change to adapt to such a situation."

"Of course, this situation is good for us, but not harmful."

Jiang Yu frowned, like a billion trillion living beings watching a live broadcast: "Why is there only good for Xike Pavilion and no harm? Most schools have changed their form or lost their former glory under this wave."

Jiang Yan said nothing: "Perhaps because we are relatively pure sword repair martial arts. We are not obsessed with the size of the martial arts. The selection of true disciples has always been strict. In the past, we accepted many ordinary disciples and taught them non-core swords. Law, then observe them, test them, sharpen them, and find them who can become true sword practitioners. Sometimes, many generations of disciples can't find one. "

"Today's wave has helped us save this process. You see, all the heavens and earth, all the souls who want to practice can get the corresponding cheats, and then rely on the guidance of the teachers in the Wuguan Academy to improve and break Alas, get the exercises of the next realm, and so on, until you practice to a level where similar teachers can no longer point. "

"In this process, each teacher faces a lot of disciples, and will not be as meticulous in teaching and supervising as in the past, the tradition of masters and apprentices. In addition, the prosperity of the world and the popularity of alchemy and alchemy, Too many temptations make the disciples indulge and distract and choose another path. "

"So, those who can step out in this environment and still focus on Kendo are all strong and determined practitioners who have the ability to become true disciples of Xigege. We do n’t need to observe and test ourselves. And sharpened. "

Jiang Yu nodded thoughtfully: "The fairy said it makes sense, and when you reach the state of Dharma and above, the cheats have become more mysterious and profound. You can only realize it by not knowing how long it will take. You worship a fairy and follow him. It is the best choice to practice and accept better instructions. It seems that the system of Wuguan Academy is more suitable for the body below the body of law. The higher the level, the more specialized Master is needed. "

The two sides talked for a while, and Jiang Yu suddenly pouted and laughed:

"Fairy is a famous sword **** in the heavens and the world. Everyone is curious about your own condition. You have no partner yet. Will you feel lonely for a long time?"

Jiang Yan looked slightly as usual, smiling frankly:

"A 'couple' in a 'father's land' refers to a friend who can protect each other and communicate with each other, not a worldly partner or lover, and I don't lack such friends."

"The two swords practice your heart. You cannot speculate on the immortal Buddha with ordinary emotions. Your loneliness may be our enjoyment. The conflicts in your eyes may be a passing sight. Cutting off all the delusions in your heart is the daily work of practice. The important thing is that following the Tao, I am self-sufficient, and without asking, why is it lonely? "

"I'm self-sufficient and don't ask outside ..." Jiang Yu chewed Jiang Yanwei's words, which was somewhat incomprehensible, but seemed to feel the strong heart of the other party.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly smiled and asked Jiang Yanwei's words:

"Fairy, you said that you are not lacking in the" coupling "of the wealthy man, and we also know that you and the Yuxu Palace have known each other since childhood, and can entrust the best friend of life and death. Has there ever been any unexplainable feeling among the difficulties and obstacles I have experienced? "

Swipe it, and the audience watching the live broadcast sit up and narrow their eyes, waiting for the answer.


Beyond the thirty-three days, in the Yuxu Palace, the slim and delicate jade hand was stroking the silver-striped tiger-skin cat, and Meng Qi, who was full of light behind his head, quietly glanced at it.

Time passed, Jiang Yu woke up suddenly, how did he ask that question, a bad one would set off a "blaze of blood"!

Fortunately, fortunately, I just thought about it in my heart and didn't ask the exit!

So she smiled brightly: "Fairy, you said that you are the" couple "in the rich man's law, and we also know that you have several best friends who can entrust life and death, and can tell us about the common experience at the beginning. Is it interesting or thrilling? Everyone is interested in the previous period that cannot be traced back. "

The audience nodded, or leaned back, or lay on the bed.

Jiang Yan froze slightly, then pouted and smiled:

"Okay." (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network