MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 38 The original question, the current answer

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"Nowhere else to go?"

The majestic voice of the emperor sounded directly in the hearts of the Seven Killers, shaking the sea of ​​his unshakable thoughts, shivering the natural aura of light living at infinite heights, letting him only feel terrified, lingering in despair, lacking war, and singing on all sides In this way, I thought of putting down the sword in my palm, lowering my head, succumbing to the other party in exchange for blessing.

Together with this thought, the Ninghai Sword trembled suddenly, the dark blade with no flower and no pattern swinging around the killing intention, cut off the hesitation, fear and despair in the hearts of the Seven Killing Taoists, and shattered the surrounding solid time like amber.

The Seven Killing Taoist flickers in the eyes, which contains the purest and most original meaning of killing. The Tao turns into light, rubs into the evil sword of the underworld, and raises a dark sword that kills everything and kills the world and cuts through time. , The split of the long river brought a time and space pause, and headed towards the Emperor, to cut the symbol of this era under the sword and kill the foundation of everything.

The emperor is hazy, such as across mountains and rivers, reaching out his hands calmly, converging a little bit of swordsmanship, condensing into a bit of light, is just in front of the dark and sophisticated, both at the same time frozen at the junction of boundless chaos and the river of time The gap seemed to evolve into a lifelike picture.

In Huo Ran, the wave of light erupted, penetrating the gloomy sword-mang, extending to the past that has long passed away, connecting the illusory time and the long river of destiny, and a series of figures emerged from them, all of which were the past seven killers.

The past when He was cut off by the Underworld Sword, this moment was "forced out" by the emperor again, and the illusion branded into real existence!

The past reappeared, the Seven Killers fell asleep outside the heavens and earth, waiting for the arrival of the Last Calamity and the command of the demon Buddha, and the Seven Killing Monument stood before him.

Silently and silently, the Seven Killing Stele glowed by itself, as if awakened by a certain imprint, suddenly flew towards the Seven Killing Taoist, covering him inside.

The emperor has gone back in time, leaving an indelible secret in the stone emperor's stone stele that originally belonged to him, which continued until it became the Seven Killing Monument, and continued to the "now" that suddenly occurred.

The glimmer of light, the sword of the underworld penetrating the time, shot from the heart of the Seven Killers, and when the stone was cut, it faded away, lost its vitality, and began to decay.

At this time, the Seven Killing Taoists were successful in cultivation and were planning to set off a horrific past in the real world. His expression was blank, his fear was hidden, and he saw himself standing in a palm that seemed to cover the sky. It is like dust, and the palm of this hand is dark and evil, floating with red and black luster, and looming one by one in reverse million characters.

Looking down the palm, it was a dirty and deep arm, and this arm was just a common one of the twenty or thirty arms. It did not hold human skin wood fish, nor did it hold the rosary.

The master of these arms is a horrible demon that fills the heavens, like the King of Fear, and like a fallen Buddha. Dozens of eyes are staring at the Seven Killers, and cruel smiles flow. It was the original Seven Killers who made themselves 傀儡Devil!

"Escape for a while, you can't escape forever, you won't surrender yet!"

The devil's voice was buzzing, shaking the heavens, and applying the demon methods such as intimidation, confusion, and temptation to the extreme.

The Seven Killers shuddered, and the fear that even Ning Haijian could not kill permeated the whole body. He just wanted to catch it, respectfully serve, humiliate, and wait for the future.

His eyebrows were ripped apart, and the sword of the underworld shot again, and a little dim light took the devil and disturbed the voice of God.

However, in this way, the history of confrontation with the Emperor of the Heavens was suddenly at stake, and the light of the Buddha looked at these two periods of history, and the voice of Dao "lay down the butcher knife and become a Buddha" echoed in the ears of the Seven Killers.

Amitabha did not give up, he shot again!

Even an ancient man, the Ninghai Sword can at most counterbalance his breath. Now facing three, it is really inevitable. Therefore, the feeling of despair and coldness has occupied the hearts of the Seven Killers, even because he cannot Going back in time, only relying on the images of the fighting from the underworld sword, it is difficult to grasp the specific details, and I feel that the fate is completely between the other party's thoughts, and we can only hope that the three ancients will scoff and restrain each other.

At this time, in a part of history, the old demon world of Montenegro was outside.

At the corners of his eyebrows are the tired Seven Killers, looking at the little location master in front of his eyes, listening to him in shock and saying, "You are a real monster in Montenegro!"

He smiled slightly:

"The Dharma body fell asleep, distracted, and after reincarnation, waiting for the calamity, it is a good way to extend his life, but he actually wanted to see the past life and cut off the past. It was really beyond his control."

"All his schemes and plans are in my eyes. There is no secret at all. This ending is doomed. Do you think so?"

As soon as the words fell, He suddenly noticed that the little master on the other side smiled leisurely, raised his hand and pointed out, and his voice was ethereal:

"He is destined, and the outcome is difficult to change, how about you? Are you willing to end up with your own fate?"

This ... he is not a weak master, but a great figure on the other side! The scenes flashed in the minds of the Seven Killers, allowing him to freeze his eyes.

Combined with the bits and pieces delivered by the sword of the underworld, he saw the desperate situation of the "current" himself, the giant palm of the Buddha, the stele of clear awns, and the red and black reverse characters.

Destined to escape?

Are you really willing?

In front of this small location master, he was not manipulated by others, and he could not help himself, but finally broke free of control, jumped out of the bitter sea, and achieved the true realm of the other side!

Whenever there is a vitality and a little hope, you will never give up!

As his thoughts turned, he saw that there was only a clear and complete light in front of Meng Qi, who was only the guru's realm, shining through his own mind, and speaking openly and grandly:

"Sometimes I borrowed the Qishabei monument to help. Poor Dao came to repay him now."

"If Daoyou enters the Yuxu Palace, he will be treated as a guest, not a servant of the poor, nor a shame. If there is an opportunity to visit the other side in the future, the poor will be willing to help one or two."

"It's just that Daoyou is too murderous, and you must always read morals and refine your heart."

Seven killing Taoists for a while, did not expect that Yuan Shitianzun Su Meng still remembered his little cause and effect, and seeing that there was no way to escape, it seemed that Tuoyu Yuxu Palace was the best choice.

Just then, Meng Qi's smiling expression became solemn, and he yelled:

"In today's world, it is possible for any other bank to cooperate with the demon Buddha in the future, but the poor and the poor will never, what's the hesitation of Taoists?"

Yes, Yuan Shitian respected Su Meng and the demon Buddha because you and I have nothing to do with each other! The thoughts of the Seven Killers turned, and finally they made up their minds, lowered their heads, and worshiped respectfully:

"See Zhangjiao Tianzun!"

"Good!" Meng Qi laughed, and the top of the head was boundless. Yuan Shiqing cloud flew out and the sleeve robe followed, and the Seven Killer Taoist and the Ninghai Sword were included in it, so that all his past and future may be infinite Pulling curled up, avoiding the giant palms of the demon and Buddha, avoiding the shroud of the stele, and avoiding the sound of Amitabha's laying down of the butcher knife, rolled into a chaotic ball, followed the body, and put it into his sleeve.

Then, he put away the bright and clear light and the chaotic Qingyun behind his head, the sleeve robe was behind him, and he returned leisurely to the Yuxu Palace.

Between heaven and earth, everything is calm again.

When Meng Qi's sleeves were raised again, and the Seven Killers were released, his past and future began to be affected by the Ninghai Sword, and he was continuously cut off, leaving only his brand, without having to worry about being quietly affected by other shores.

Sitting in the Yuqing Hall, the Seven Killer Taoist crossed his knees and looked up in the dark and chaos. It seemed that he had formed the heavens and the heavens, and the eyes were flickering, his emotions were complicated, and he finally sighed and got up. Salute, respectfully leave, and read morals in the quiet room.


Failing to surrender to the Seven Killers, Tiandi saw no frustration, but returned to the top of Jiuzhongtian, back to the withered tree.

His eyes were deep, he suddenly stretched out his right hand, and slashed a sparkling blade of light towards the immortal world below, disturbing the mysterious years.

The Heavenly Soldier who had solidified in the fragments of all the immortal worlds and the Star Lord God immediately recovered the passing of life, "walked out" from the still time, revived, and greeted the Emperor.

In this process, the lower the realm, the less affected by eternal time, and at the level of legend, it is difficult to live by this way.

The countless heavenly soldiers and princes return, just like they fell asleep and fell from the ancient times to the current node, letting the dead and lonely fairyland renew its color of life, the hustle and bustle, just the third destroyed by Meng Qi The battlefield on the second floor and the other side can no longer be restored.

As the former subordinates awakened, the Emperor constantly shimmered with gleam, as if the bright stars were illuminated one by one, strung into the sea of ​​light, and the former authority was re-extracted from countless weak blessings!

The things that have not ended in ancient times will be completely cut off! (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network