MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 24 Miracle moment

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十 At 10 am, the BSD Conjecture Report will officially begin.

You can sit in the auditorium of Jiangcheng University with a thousand people and be crowded by more than 500 top scholars from all over the world and hundreds of Jiangcheng University students who come to experience this top academic conference.

In the front row, in addition to a few leaders from Jiangcheng University and the Chinese Mathematical Society who came to watch, Deligne, Faltings, Andrew Wiles, Qiu Chengtong, Gross, Tao Zexuan and other big men sat side by side.

Behind the auditorium, there are a few media reporters from various countries who are allowed to enter the auditorium.

"Dear guests, good morning, thank you for coming to the beautiful Jiangcheng and participating in the academic report of Professor Pang Xuelin's BSD conjecture certification. This report will be divided into two parts. The first part will be an explanation part and will be conducted by Professor Pang Xuelin. The main proof ideas and key steps in the thesis will be explained for everyone, the time is one and a half hours, and the second part is the questioning part. Professor Pang Xuelin will answer relevant questions for everyone. Below we have invited Professor Pang to take the stage.

As the host's voice sounded, the noisy venue gradually became quiet, and everyone focused on Pang Xuelin.

Xi Pang Xuelin calmly walked onto the podium. This kind of scene, he has already experienced in the three-body world, naturally there will be no pressure.

With the help of the staff, Pang Xuelin turned on the projection, entered the homepage of the PPT, and pointed the red laser pointer at the projection screen.

"Hello everyone, it's a great honor for you to come to Jiangcheng to participate in the BSD Conjecture Proof Report. I will explain to you the relevant ideas of BSD proof and the mathematical methods used in the paper. I believe everyone has already seen the paper. I will elaborate further on the areas that have been skipped or have doubts. First of all, I will introduce to you my overall proof of thought. "

"Mr. Swinathon Dale, who raised the BSD conjecture, has a famous saying that any problem related to the number field can be solved by the Riemann zeta function. In recent years, with the confluence of number theory and algebraic geometry and the solution of the Weil conjecture The current research focus has gradually shifted to the Weil-HasseL function (arithmetic L function) of algebraic clusters (arithmetic probabilities) on the whole field, and they should know everything about arithmetic geometry. "

"So, on the BSD conjecture, I have adopted a completely different proof of thought. First, we assume that the BSD conjecture is true, and we can introduce that the BSD conjecture is also true for the elliptic curve E (D): D is some 8k + 5 The product of type primes and several 8k + 1 type primes, as long as the 4-fold mapping of the class of \ BbbQ (\ sqrt {-D}) is single. Given the basic role of the Gross-Zagier formula on low-order curves, we can know ... "

On the screen, relevant content of PPT appears.

[For a given prime p, (1) p \ equiv3 (\ mod8): p is not a congruence but 2p is a congruence; (2) p \ equiv5 (\ mod8): p is a congruence; (3) p \ equiv7 (\ mod8): p and 2p are both congruences. 】

The original whispering discussion gradually disappeared from the stage. Only hundreds of people in the meeting room, only Pang Xuelin's voice echoed in the air.

Pang Xuelin's report was not so smooth when he made a report in the three-body world.

In the three-body world, the tricky questions from various angles of the top mathematicians almost made him unable to come down.

After colliding with the thoughts of the top mathematicians in the three-body world and returning to the real world, Pang Xuelin further improved his discourse and made careful preparations for this report.

In the PPT, he not only fully explained the proof of thought, but also added some omitted parts in the paper and the content that easily caused ambiguity, making the whole proof process more complete and the logic system more strict.

With his unhurried voice, Pang Xuelin took a break from the cocoon and explained the whole proof process in a more popular and clever language.

Most of the scholars attending the conference gradually immersed themselves in the huge mathematical world constructed by Pang Xuelin.

With its rigorous logic and clever ideas, everyone is addicted.

Even some scholars who are ready to come to trouble, after Pang Xuelin's answer to some doubts in the thesis, have suddenly realized their expressions.

Among them is Miguel Wash.

Miguel Wash, Argentine mathematician, winner of the 2012 Ramanu Gold Prize, and researcher at the Cray Institute of Mathematics.

庞 Since Pang Xuelin published the BSD conjecture proof on arXiv, Miguel Wash as a member of the Cray Institute's verification expert group has verified Pang Xuelin's proof process.

After nearly a week of sleepless work, a serious disagreement appeared in the six-person demonstration group. Four of them believed that Pang Xuelin's proof was OK, while Wash and his other colleagues believed that the proof process was flawed and the two sides dispute At the same time, Jiang University announced that Pang Xuelin will hold a BSD conjecture academic report.

Wash and his colleagues registered for the conference as soon as possible.

He originally thought that when he asked Pang Xuelin questions later.

Whoever thought of it just now, Pang Xuelin even directly talked about what he thought was a flaw.

After analyzing this content step by step, Pang Xuelin not only answered the doubts in Wash's mind, but also clever solutions, and even made Wash involuntarily applaud!

The same scene happened to many participating scholars.

Denelli, who was sitting in the front row, whispered to Faltins next to him: "What a terrible epidemic, this young man, I also reviewed his thesis half a year ago. At that time, although it was good, it was far away. It ’s not as amazing as it is today. I ’ve researched his paper many times over and over again. The logic is rigorous and it proves that the idea is clever and can be called a textbook level. Today ’s wonderful report perfectly complements the omission in the paper. In this way, the whole certification process is almost impeccable. What is more terrifying is that this little guy is only 23 years old this year ... "

Faltins, an old German man who has always been commendable, said: "This little guy is really good. I originally planned to ask a few questions in the next question. I didn't expect him to include the question I wanted to ask in the report. I've made up everything, and I think his paper can be published in the next issue of the "Mathematics Yearbook."

Denery said: "We have the same idea. After the report is over, I will ask Gross, Wiles, and Zanak for their opinions. If it is all right, publish it as soon as possible!"

Uh ...

On the podium, Pang Xuelin's explanation continued.

[Q = 1, Dirichlet's theorem degenerates into Euclid's theorem.

Euler's proof gives more detailed results: take the main branch of the logarithmic function on {Re} (s)> 1, logζ (s) = Σlog1 / 1-p ^ {-s} = Σ {n, p } 1 / np ^ {ns}, n≥2 absolutely converges. Set sto1 to get Σ1 / p = loglogX + O (1), Xto∞]

Uh ...

[To sum up, we can determine that the rank of the elliptic curve E (K) is exactly equal to the order of the zero point of L (E, s) at s = 1, and the first non-zero coefficient of the Taylor expansion of the latter can be determined by The algebraic nature of the curve is accurately expressed. From this, the BSD conjecture is established]

Uh ...

Xi Pang Xuelin's words fell, and the hall was silent.

After a few seconds, Tao Zhexuan got up first and smiled and applauded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the auditorium stood up, applause spread like thunder, and rang through the entire auditorium.

Those who understood Pang Xuelin's argumentation process showed excitement on their faces, and they were witnessing the truth with applause.

The students who were confused and heard the approbation of the international mathematics community for Pang Xuelin's certification process.

Alas, they followed the warm applause and paid tribute to the great soul on the podium.

The leaders of Minjiang University and the Chinese Mathematical Society also showed excitement on their faces.

They also understand what this applause means!

They seem to be seeing the Fields Awards that the Chinese have never touched and beckoning to them.

Xi Pang Xuelin took a step forward and bowed deeply to the audience.

As a result, the applause in the auditorium became warmer.

记者 Behind the auditorium, journalists from various countries picked up their cameras and recorded this great moment.

"Okay, thank you, thank you for your support!"

The applause lasted for four or five minutes before Pang Xuelin had to utter a voice to interrupt it.

"Next we will enter the question and answer session of this report, if you have any questions, you can raise your hand now!"

The words fell, and the hall suddenly fell into silence.

Xi Pang Xuelin looked around and couldn't help it, because none of the more than 1,000 people in the entire hall raised their hands.

What happened?

He had to say again: "If you have any questions, you can raise your hand to ask!"

Xi Pang Xuelin looked around, and no one raised his hand.

For a while, the entire auditorium fell into a weird atmosphere, and people talked and talked.

Whenever an academic report enters the questioning session, it is the time when scholars communicate with each other and their thoughts collide, especially when academic lectures of this level enter the questioning section and no one raises their hands, even those knowledgeable Daniels, this is the first time I have seen.

It took about half a minute before Faltins, who was sitting in the first row, raised his right hand high.

The staff will soon send the microphone.

Faltings stood up and smiled, "I have no problem. But I think that all of us who were here just now witnessed a miracle moment. No one asked, indicating that Pang's proof is logical and impeccable, and we have convinced us People. Pang, congratulations. As one of the five independent reviewers of the BSD Conjecture Proof Paper invited by the Annual of Mathematics, I think you have accomplished a great job. Congratulations, you passed my review! "

Next, Faltins handed the microphone to Deligne next to him. UU reading books www.

Gadlinier stood up and smiled, "Pang, it is my pleasure to review such a great masterpiece. Congratulations on your passing my review!"

Then, Dignier gave the microphone to Andrew Wiles, Wiles gave the microphone to Benedict Gross, and Benedict Gross finally gave the microphone to John Coates.

John Coates concluded: "Since the BSD conjecture in the 1960s, this conjecture has inspired generations of mathematicians to go forward and succeed, but has never been able to achieve a decisive victory. I even doubted whether I could live in my lifetime See the day when the BSD conjecture was proved. Pang, thank you for letting me witness this great moment! Congratulations on your passing my review. The Annual of Mathematics will be officially published in the latest issue of October 1. paper!"

The unanimous approval of the top five maths in mathematics has pushed this report to a climax.

Those Jiang Jiang students who were just thinking about coming here to meet the world, looked at Pang Xuelin one by one, full of admiration and admiration.

Even more pride in being a Chinese is rousing in his chest.

Mrs. Hu is so!

Finally squeezed into the auditorium, watching Ai Ai at the idol report, watching the figure of Pang Xuelin on the podium, his heart pounding with excitement: "It really is my male god! It's so handsome! What can I do? No, Pangshen, I find that I am in love with you!

Qi Xin, who stood by to maintain order, looked at Pang Xuelin's eyes with the same sparkle. He, a cheap schoolboy, probably wants to make history today.

The reporters who were present at the scene even quickly tapped the keyboard one by one and sent the scenes in the text as soon as possible.