MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 17 Alchemy genius?

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After a while, the alchemists couldn't wait, and said, "Okay, let's take the box and study it, and don't hinder you and the Seven Princesses."

"Doing research on this box, is this fun?" The little ruined family is puzzled.

"It's not fun, this is not a play. We have to open this box and get the notes from the class." The alchemists were serious.

"Note, do you say this book?" A book suddenly appeared in the hands of a small defeated family.

"Well, this is the alchemical watch... oh, no... you, you..." The alchemists pointed at the small squad, and their eyes were as if they had fallen. It was a look of surprise and disbelief.

"Ah..." At this time, everyone grew up and looked at the little ruined family and was so surprised that they couldn't make any sound.

"There are a few books, one, two, three, four... five books. There are five books in this box." The small defeated family took out one book after another, and the people present were still in a daze. .

"Are you sure you haven't been cheating us, is this box really hard to open?" The emperor and others began to suspect that this was a suspicion of the alchemists, wondering if they wanted to see the notes at first sight, so Just lie to everyone, this box can't be opened.

However, the people present also know that this possibility is minimal.

The alchemists immediately vowed to deny: "No, absolutely no, how can we lie to the emperor, this box does indeed require a lot of effort, it takes a lot of difficulties to open, just..."

"Just, why is he a ten-year-old child can easily open?" The emperor looked at the small defeated family, with doubts in his eyes, and more of a quirky.

Yes, the box that many of the top alchemists couldn’t open was opened in the hands of our thirteen sons, and it’s still very easy, without any hindrance, even when there is no time to notice. To.

This made everyone feel surprised and shocked, wondering if they were wrong, and doubting the truth of the truth.

If you say other children, they may also say that he is a genius, but the thirteen young sons are even worse than the average person, how could it be a genius.

"Maybe, he is an alchemist genius." Although it is impossible, the alchemist still proposed this possibility.

"Impossible, he has not learned alchemy, so dangerous things, we will not let him contact." Long Anqi directly denied this possibility, as a mother, she knows her son's things, at least this thing I know.

"Yes, the young master will not be alchemy, he has not seen the alchemy book." The tiger **** the side also nodded.

If Long Anqi’s words are not enough to make people convinced, then with the words of Hu Niu, it is enough to make people believe without doubt. Everyone knows that these years, Hu Niu has been around the thirteen sons, he She did what she did best.

"Since he does not have alchemy, how can he open it, is it a coincidence? This kid is really being taken care of by the goddess of fortune, which is amazing." The emperor and others began to talk, they only have this explanation, use The thirteen little sons have a magical luck to explain.

At this time, the seven princesses asked: "Ye Lang, how did you open this box?"

The seven princesses’ problems also caused the people present to suddenly think that they were guessing what they were doing, and the parties were not in front of them. Just ask them.

It’s just that everyone is worried about one thing. This party may not be able to explain this.

"Why do you open it, just open it, this is difficult." Unsurprisingly, the answer of the 13th son is completely unexplained.

"It seems to be luck, this is unexplained." Everyone smiled and thought that if something happened with luck, it would be impossible to stop the problem.

Is it really luck?

"These alchemy arrays, I certainly haven't seen them, but why do you have a familiar feeling?" The little ruined family looked at the alchemy notes, muttered in the mouth, and then made a decision that made everyone worry.

"I want to learn alchemy. I want to read these books." After that, he put five alchemy notes into his own space ring, and the alchemist on the other side wants to stop it.

"This, Xiaoye Gongzi, can you just give us five books, we have a lot of books here, let's exchange them." The alchemists said, while they came up with a lot of books, they are all their alchemy books. In exchange for the usual, they are not willing to take it out, but now they are desperate.

After collecting the books, Xiaoye Gongzi said a word that made everyone ruin.

"I have these books, but I won't change them!"


The alchemists were crying and looking at the emperor with help. They now only hope that the emperor can come out to preside over justice and find ways to take the five alchemy notes.

In fact, even if they don't ask for help, the emperor will find a way, because he knows that if it is in the hands of a small defeated family, it has no effect at all. Only by handing it to these royal alchemists can it help the empire.

Finally, under the discussion, the thirteen sons handed over the alchemy notes, but they only lend them three days. In three days, they can copy the alchemy notes.

Don't forget, the alchemy notes are just the notes of the class. They are not high-level alchemy items. Just copy the above content and you will have a functional note.

And this idea, or our thirteen small son proposed, these people think too complicated, did not think of this simple aspect, which also makes many people present to be ashamed.

Sometimes, the key to solving problems is often very simple. It's just that many people don't think about it, they just think more complicated, and the problem will become more and more troublesome at the end.

"The little leaf son, can those books be given to us first, we will copy one for you..." The imperial alchemists of the empire asked weakly, and since there were previous methods, they would of course think of this aspect.

It is a bit too wasteful for this little leaf son to hold those rare books. If they want to come back, they will come back. At this time, they will not care about their faces. For their own baby books, they are going out.

"Yes!" The 13 young sons agreed very simply, but after he said this sentence, there is another sentence: "You must copy all your books to me!"


Is this kid really a mentally handicapped child like the legend? I don't think how to look like a little fox. Is he wearing it?

Many people are skeptical at this time, but only for a while. They don't believe that one can pretend to be like this, and they are still installed from an early age.

In fact, the 13-headed son is not in the equipment, but he seems to be missing something, so that he is weak in some things, but in some respects it is very powerful, such as the memory problem before, for example, he wants to learn next Alchemy.

Perhaps there is another point, his luck.

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