MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 746 Breakthrough (2)

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"The people who teach will not necessarily have to! I often teach Xiaoyan to cook, but I am myself?" Ye Lang said casually.

Ye Lang’s words are things that everyone here knows. Everyone knows that Ye Lang gives a lot of dishes to Xiao Xiao, which is also a small dish for teaching, but if you let him come, it must be very good.

Although it is said that Ye Lang's dishes are OK, it is only limited!

This statement is the same. Xiao Xiaoying has such a high craftsmanship. Is it true that her leaf wave is higher than her? Obviously, this is impossible.

People who teach will not necessarily be themselves, and those who will meet will not necessarily teach. This is a very simple truth, but is Ye Lang really like this?

This answer may only be known to Ye Lang himself.

"The little things are really like this, but this is two things. Are you really like that?" Ye Yuqing asked calmly, it is one thing that Ye Lang will not cook, and will not be martial arts and magic. That is another matter.

Under such circumstances, the average person will be confused. He will not ask Ye Lang’s martial arts and magical accomplishments. He thinks that he will only teach, and he is not necessarily higher than them before, but Ye Haoqing is a bit different. She will cut into the subject. Will not be confused.

"Really! I didn't enter the heavens, don't forget, I am a waste material without attributes." Ye Lang said with a smile.


No attribute, this thing, everyone seems to have long forgotten, because Ye Lang's non-attribute, as for himself, is not a little influence, and his powerful alchemy, people forget this.

Waste materials? If he is, then there are not many people in the whole world.

Think about this, Ye Haoqing did not speak again, she also felt that Ye Lang is difficult to break through the heavens, and Ye Lang himself said that he did not enter the heavens.

She believes that Ye Lang will not lie, at least not in front of Ye Lanyu and others!

It’s just that she and everyone have neglected one thing, that is, Ye Lang did not enter the heavens, and does not mean that he does not have the strength to compete with the heavens. This is the biggest difference between him and his people, and his most unknown secret.

He did not enter the heavens, it is the standard of this continent, and how can he be the standard can be measured? Obviously impossible.

In this way, everyone's discussion of this issue is limited to this. There is no further discussion, eating, chatting, and then returning to the room to rest.

Time has passed in everyone's cultivation and research. In recent days, Ye Lanyu and the Seven Princess seem to have signs of breakthrough. They feel that their moment is coming, the moment they break through the heavens.

As for Ye Yuqing, it seems that it has broken through a few days ago, perhaps because of this, they will feel that they are about to break through.

On this day, Ye Lang was watching the boat in front of it. He experimented with the recent installation of the alchemy tools to make the ship more perfect.

This is a ship that can make the world a sensation. It will let everyone know that Ye Lang is a miracle.

Of course, it takes a lot of time to create a miracle. Ye Lang is now spending this time here. It has been seven or eight months. This ship is only a semi-finished product for Ye Lang.

However, for other people, this ship may already be the perfect existence, at least the small 嫣 and the small zero before they thought so. They thought that the ship was perfect a few months ago.

Only in these few months, they discovered that they thought they were perfect, or they were not perfect. Ye Lang repeatedly pushed this to the peak, and this peak did not reach the top, and it will always exist.

What kind of boat is this? What can I do specifically?

This problem, Ye Lang did not say, just said to use the facts to speak, will definitely surprise you!

Of course, these problems are Ye Lanyu and others, not Xiao Xiao and Xiao Xiao. They participated in Ye Lang’s big project. They know more or less the role of this ship. I don’t know only some of them. They There is still a bit of confusion.

For example, at this time, Ye Lang installed some equipment on the hull, which is something they can't figure out, and they don't know what to do.

And when Ye Lang was installed, he stopped...

"What happened to the teacher, is there anything wrong with what I am doing?" Xiao zero immediately asked, Ye Lang sometimes stopped suddenly. Most of the reason was that something was wrong, and the small part was because he had a new idea.

"Nothing is wrong, you are doing very well." Ye Lang smiled and replied.

"So, do you think of something new?" This thing is not suitable? "Small zero asked, the tone is very indifferent, and his hard-working things, abandoned by Ye Lang, seems to be a very common thing for her.

It is very common, because Ye Lang has not used it more than once, but Xiaozhen is not because of habits. She didn’t care. She had learned a lot when she was making it, and she is an alchemist. She naturally knows alchemy. The technique is not successful every time.

What the alchemists have studied will not necessarily come in handy in the end, and in many cases, they are useless!

However, as mentioned above, in the process of research, they got a lot, and the process is much more important than the result!

Ye Po shook her head and said with a smile: "Not! Your stuff is very suitable!"

When talking, Ye Lang installed this thing on the hull. The light of alchemy flashed past, and things seemed to be integrated into the hull. It was not seen that it was installed behind.

At this time, Xiaoqi is a little confused. She doesn't think that Ye Lang just suddenly is in a daze. Although Ye Lang is a frequent person, he never dazes when he does this. Every moment is full of energy.

So, there must have been something.

“What happened?” Xiao zero asked directly.

"I feel the air, the fire element and the water element are very moving!" Ye Lang continued to do things, said with a smile, there seems to be happiness in the smile.

"Fire element, water element?" Little zero does not understand, and then ready to test, she thought that there is something wrong with her equipment.

"The problem is not here, it is on the other side, they should be a breakthrough." Ye Lang prevented the search for Xiaoqi, and explained the reason he was just in a daze.

"Breakthrough? Are you saying that Miss Ye Lanyu and His Royal Highness Princess Seven?" After a small stay for a while, I immediately remembered that the person who is going to break through now, Ye Yuqing has already broken through, and the rest of the nature is Ye Lanyu. people.

And the two of them are not the properties of ice and fire, the changes caused are the elements of fire and water!

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