MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 114 The original version of Dragon Elephant Gong

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Twenty-seven years old: The headmaster of Zhenwuzong borrowed Bai Xiaosheng's hand and gave you the "Shenxiao Jade Book".

Twenty-eight years old: Taoist Qingxu, headmaster of Zhenwuzong, and Bai Xiaosheng are visiting together. The two invite you to explore a secret and blessed land that was originally in the hands of the Shenxiao faction.

After thinking about it for a long time, you agreed to go with the two of you.

Half a year later, with nothing to gain except a Shenxiao token, the three of them left.

Twenty-nine years old: Daoist Qingxu wanted to propose that you talk about peace with the imperial court, and he also leaked the idea of ​​supporting your re-establishment of the Shenxiao School, but you politely rejected it.

After half a year, you return to the Northwest Road, and you want to go to King Kong Gate to obtain the last step of the Dragon Elephant Gong.

Thirty years old: You fought with the master of King Kong Gate, and the two were inseparable, and you didn't get what you wanted.

Thirty-one years old: You go deep into the wild land of the Western Regions, you want to find traces of esoteric Buddhism that cannot be avoided, and obtain the original method of Longxiang Gong.

Thirty-three years old: The emperor died, King Xing was appointed to succeed him, and all forces began to wager the game.

But you turned a deaf ear, because after two years of searching, you finally found the place of Tantra, and you wanted to ask for the original Dragon Elephant Art, but you did not expect to meet an extremely tyrannical master of Tantra.

You, who originally thought that you would return without success, did not expect that this tantric master did not hinder you and let you comprehend the original of Dragon Elephant Gong.

You sat for three months, and although you learned the final method of Longxiang Gong, you didn't practice it. Because the last stage of this practice requires extremely profound Buddhist attainments, which is completely different from your martial arts.

Thirty-five years old: After you left Tantric Buddhism, you have traveled the world again, visiting masters of cross-training from all over the world, and intending to create your own ninth dragon elephant art with your own abilities.

One day, when you were sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, you were suddenly attracted by the roaring thunder in the sky. Looking at the flashing thunder, you had a whim, and a crazy idea rose in your heart.

You pulled out the sword of the gods and stabbed the thunder, even trying to attract the power of thunder and temper the flesh.

The power of bursting thunder runs through your body, and the body that you thought was extremely tyrannical began to collapse.

At this moment, the Divine Sky Token on your body suddenly changed. After being stimulated by the power of Thunder, the Divine Sky Token shone brightly, resisting the tyranny of Thunder, leaving only a steady stream of good fortune to nourish you. 's flesh.

At this moment, if you have an enlightenment in your heart, you will have a clear understanding of the ninth level of the method of horizontal refining, and your physical body will also be transformed.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened at this time.

At the critical moment of physical transformation, two masters of the Yin Division came. These two first-rank warriors followed you for a long time, intending to take your life at this time.

At that time, although you were restrained by Thunder, you also killed two people with your backhand.

However, because of this, he was injured by the power of thunder.

Thirty-six years old: According to the guidance obtained in the Shenxiao token, you once again came to the old site of the Shenxiao Sect, and used the Shenxiao token to open an unknown secret realm of Shenxiao inheritance.

In order to obtain the true inheritance secret method of the Shenxiao faction, you have accepted the test in the secret realm.

But you didn't expect that with your own strength, you would not be able to pass the test, and only died in the fourth level.

[This life is over. 】

Shenxiao token, Shenxiao inheritance, secret realm test.

Pei Xuanjing couldn't help falling into contemplation when he saw this simulated experience.

"I didn't expect that the inheritance of the Shenxiao faction would have another origin, and the blessed land of the secret realm known to Daoist Qingxu and Bai Xiaosheng is not the real inheritance place. No wonder there is nothing to gain except the Shenxiao token." he thought to himself.

"It's just why there is a test in the inheritance of the Shenxiao School, why is it so strict, and if you don't pass it, you will die?" Pei Xuanjing was a little puzzled.

He didn't want his life simulation this time to die like this, which was a little unexpected.

It must be clear that although the Shenxiao faction behaves strangely in the Taoist sect, it is not an evil sect.

[The simulation is over, you can choose to keep one of the following rewards. 】

[First, the original version of "Dragon Elephant Gong". 】

[Second, Thunder Body Refinement Method (Incomplete Version). 】

[Third, the Shenxiao School inherits the experience of the first three levels. 】

"Choose the first item."

Pei Xuanjing thought for a while, but chose the first option.

Although compared with the rewards of the latter two items, the original version of "Dragon Elephant Art" is probably impossible for me to practice, but this top-level skill (PS: King Kong Gate's Dragon Elephant Art is an improved semi-special skill, However, the original Dragon Elephant Art is a complete and unique technique.), it has a great reference for the next method of horizontal training, and it can be used by analogy and benefit.

As for the incomplete version of the Thunder Body Refinement Method, with the experience in life simulation, Pei Xuanjing had no idea of ​​cultivating himself if he had the Divine Sky Token in his hand.

After all, the Sims themselves don't have a simulator to use, so they can only go to extremes. And now there are many ways to do it.

As for the third item, although that thing is useful, it is still a little far away from him, so he can only put it aside for After making a choice, Pei Xuanjing's mind has more about the practice of the original version of Long Xianggong Dharma door, as well as the experience of some tantric predecessors.

"Sure enough!"

After a long time, Pei Xuanjing, who had studied this exercise, couldn't help but sigh.

In fact, from the very beginning, Pei Xuanjing was curious as to why many major forces in the arena hid their own exercises so tightly that no leakage was allowed.

But looking at Buddhism, Taoism, and Demon Sect, these three types of forces, especially the big forces among the three, they don't really care about the leakage of their own martial arts.

It can be said that every once in a while, there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that which of these three types of forces has been stolen from the martial arts, and most of the stealers are nothing in the end.

Only later did he understand why most of the top experts in the world came from these three families.

These three schools are not only martial arts sects, but they also have their own ideas and principles, all of which have been integrated into the martial arts they practice.

And once you practice these three martial arts, you will become more powerful and at the peak of martial arts, you will definitely be influenced, and you will agree with their ideas and principles.

And if you only want to practice martial arts, but don't agree with the truth and philosophy, then you can't practice it to the extreme.

"No wonder, this is an investment. Cast a wide net, don't cultivate. I'm not afraid that you won't cultivate, as long as you cultivate, then you are considered yourself." Pei Xuanjing couldn't help but sigh.

He even had some malicious guesses. Did those who stole martial arts really 'steal' to martial arts by their own abilities, or did they deliberately 'send' them?

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