MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 103 four men

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It is!

Ran Dongling learned it, and began to draw inferences, "then they must be very valuable!"

It's the same price as a diamond.

"nono, Ling Ling, saying they are diamonds does not mean they are valuable, but describes them as hard."

Hard? Where is it hard?

Is it hard to hit someone, it is.

Clenching her fists hard, Ran Dongling, who felt that she was still young, gestured to Sheng Qiuyi, "Qiuyi, I am also very hard."

This is not hard.

Ran Dongling and Sheng Qiuyi, one is in green, and his thoughts are also in green; the other is in green, and his thoughts are in yellow.

Although the brain circuits are not aligned, it does not prevent their friendship from blooming.

Sheng Qiuyi tightened his five fingers, imitated his movements, and gestured his fists a few times, "Look, we are all hard."

The two jokingly gestured their fists and walked towards the most crowded stadium.

The ball game in the high school is going on fiercely. The entire stadium is surrounded by water, and the students are cheering for their respective teams. With her rich fishing experience, Sheng Qiuyi intuitively has fish in it.

Standing on the outermost floor, Ran Dongling looked at the people on the inner third floor and the outer third floor, thinking about how to squeeze in.

touched his belly, he gave birth to a withdrawal heart, there are so many people, what to do if the baby is squeezed, it is too dangerous, so don't go in and watch it, in fact, watching the uncle play ball is very good OK

He tugged Sheng Qiuyi's sleeves and said softly, "Qiuyi, I don't want to squeeze in, let's move to another place."

"Don't squeeze, someone will make way for us."

Sheng Qiuyi was half a head taller than Ran Dongling, and she stretched out her hand and embraced him in front of him, forming a protective action.

He patted one of the classmates on the shoulder, "Student, I'm sorry, can you give me a seat?"

The classmate couldn't squeeze in by himself, and he couldn't see the front clearly from the back row. He heard someone ask him to make way for his seat, and said impatiently: "I'm sick, it's so crowded, you... ah good , then, then you go in, the front, let let let."

Something weird happened.

Ran Dongling covered her stomach with both hands, and saw that everyone who turned back moved a little to the side, and a road gradually opened in front.

He and Sheng Qiuyi went all the way unimpeded and came to the front row.

No one blocked the line of sight, now Ran Dongling can see the hard diamonds clearly.

The male high school students are all cheering up, and the exposed calves and arms are smooth and powerful. When jumping, the abdominal muscles that are exposed inadvertently seem to be quite a lot.

Well... Sheng Qiuyi is right.

Young boys are really hard diamonds.

"No. 17, a good waist." Sheng Qiuyi looked at a certain Gao Jun's figure on the field and said.

Listening to him, Ran Dongling looked for No. 17 on the court, and then met a handsome boy.

I can't tell if the waist of No. 17 is good, but the face is long enough, but the eyes are not very good.

He gave Ran Dongling a stern look, and with the ball in his hand, he made a rebound and dunk.

The students around him cheered for his goal. Ran Dongling was chilled all over. The boy who dunked was obviously a basketball, but why did he always feel that the basketball he dunked was like his own head.

They watched the ball game for five minutes, Ran Dongling was glared twice by him, and finally couldn't stand it anymore and hid behind Sheng Qiuyi.

Sheng Qiuyi watched it with relish, and took time out to ask Ran Dongling, "Don't you like to look at diamonds? In fact, you can also take a look when you are married. Mr. Qiu is not so stingy, and he won't be angry if he knows. "

Having a proper look, Ran Dongling just stretched out his head and looked at No. 17 again, and was stunned by a stare, so scared that he quickly retracted behind his friend.

"Autumn, I think..."

I feel like the diamonds are going to beat me.

At halftime, the players came down to drink water to replenish energy.

Shengqiu was like a flower and butterfly, dragging her good friend little dragonfly through the crowd, and came to No. 17, blocking his way.

"Hello, classmate, have a drink." He didn't know where he got a bottle of mineral water and handed it to No. 17.

"You don't know me anymore." The boy looked bad and took the water from his hand.

Sheng Qiuyi showed a puzzled expression, "Who are you?"

"My brother is He Jue." The boy gritted his teeth and said, "Your sixth boyfriend."

Sheng Qiuyi suddenly realized it, and he didn't know whether he really remembered it or imagined it. He looked at the looming abdominal muscles under He Yu's white jersey and nodded regretfully.

"Oh - you're He Yu, I said why you look so familiar, thought it was someone you knew, and wanted to come over to say hello."

During the show, he introduced Ran Dongling politely.

"Ling Ling, this is my ex-boyfriend's younger brother, He Yu. He Yu, this is my good friend, Ling Ling."

When the boy heard the first three words, he looked at Sheng Qiuyi in disbelief, "You change four boyfriends in two months?!"

Wow, so exciting.

Ran Dongling's gossip radar was activated, her eyes lit up, and her ears perked up.

Sheng Qiuyi didn't answer, he looked at his heart, pointed at a player not far away and said, "He Yu, someone seems to be calling you over there, you go and have a look."

Taking advantage of the moment He Yu turned around, he took Ran Dongling's hand, passed through the crowd, and turned away without looking back.

The ex-ex-boyfriend's brother is here, and they can't look at the glittering treasure.

Different from the loss of friends, Ran Dongling breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that He Yu would beat him just now.

Exiting the middle school, they turned a corner and walked into the university next to them.

Walking on the campus path, Ran Dongling heard someone discussing him behind.

"Why is the man in front so like a little idiot, the height is the same, and the walking posture is also the same, did I think he was hallucinating."

"I look at it, and I don't blame you for misreading it. It's really similar. The back can be used as a meal replacement."

"It's that the person next to him is too short. If he is taller, he can take revenge."

Hearing the short characters, Sheng Qiuyi stopped and turned to ask the two students.

"Am I short?"

The two students saw his face clearly and regretted their impolite behavior just now, one frantically shook his head, the other frantically apologized.

"Autumn is not short, he is 1.8.2 meters." Ran Dongling spoke to his friend.

"Not short, not short, not short." The two students followed his words.

Even the tone and voice are very similar... One of the students looked up boldly and met Ran Dongling's big eyes.

It's him, it's really him, he's a little idiot!

"Forget it, let's go." Sheng Qiuyi was afraid that they would see something and left with Ran Dongling.

When they were far away, the two students came back to their senses, "Damn! He is, is a little idiot, then he will not be with Qiu Ci, and..."

No need to say more, the two quickly took out their mobile phones and took a blurry photo before their backs disappeared.

Sheng Qiuyi took Ran Dongling to visit the campus for half an hour. I didn't experience the colorful campus life, and I didn't see the beautiful campus greening.

Ran Dongling only felt that the university was really big, and he was so tired that he deserved to be called a university.

The campus is too big to go around in one or two hours. They have to go back to the old house for dinner at noon. They don't have much time left, so they simply make an appointment to come again next time.

An hour later, a sports car drove into the yard of Sheng's house, Ran Dongling got out of the car, took off his hat, mask, and glasses, and wanted to put these things away before returning to the old house.

The two walked into Sheng's house, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw Little Fatty squatting in the corner of the entrance and drawing circles.

Kicked his **** lightly, Sheng Qiuyi changed his shoes and asked him, "You're stupid, you don't watch cartoons inside, why are you squatting here?"

Little Fatty touched his butt, shrank to the corner, and said without looking back: "Sheng Qiuyi, you kick me, you wait to die, Ran Dongling will die too."

Ran Dongling just sat aside to change shoes, did nothing, and was scolded for no reason.

Little Fatty hummed and cursed them in circles on the ground.

On the sofa in Sheng's living room, four men were sitting.

When they heard the movement at the door, the four of them turned their heads in unison, their faces were the same, all expressionless.

As soon as she entered the living room, Ran Dongling saw Qiu Ci among the four men, especially prominent.

Because of Qiu Ci, he even laughed, but the smile was not curved enough, and the smile turned into a sneer.

Sheng Qiuyi was very puzzled. She looked down at the diamond watch on her wrist. It was twelve o'clock in the noon, and when the yang was strong, how could you still see ghosts during the day.

Qiu Ci stood up first, he and a panicked person looked at each other and said solemnly: "Ran Dongling, come here."

I call him his full name, brother Qiu Ci looks very angry.

Ran Dongling wasn't a thief, but he was more guilty than a thief. He didn't dare to go there, and shook his head slowly, intending to hide behind Shengqiuyi.

"Xie Dongling, come here."


The memory in the back of my mind emerged, Xie family rarely called him by his full name, once he did, he must have made a big mistake.

For example, when he was looking for treasure at home, he accidentally lost the token of love that his father gave to his father.

For example, he sent sugar water to the eldest brother, and accidentally poured the sugar water on the prince's head.

For example, when he went out to play with his second brother, he accidentally recognized the old emperor who went out of the palace in private as a grandfather, and asked him if he had money to eat steamed buns, and kindly gave him two cents.

It turns out that Little Fatty didn't talk nonsense.

In the past, he will die faster, but in the past, he will die slower.

A little slower, Ran Dongling took a deep breath and made a fake move forward.

And when Qiu Ci didn't respond, he and Sheng Qiuyi ran out of the door at the same time.

The author has this to say:

Children's Day Theatre:

On Children's Day, Ran Dongling looked at the annoying little chubby dun, and he showed off a flying balloon in front of his eyes.

"Hey, hey, this is a gift from my dad for Children's Day, don't you have it?"

Dad sent…

Father Qiu wouldn't give Ran Dongling such gadgets.

Smothered to find revenge.

Qiu Ci hugged him and asked him why he was unhappy.

"Little Fatty's dad gave him a flying balloon."

He wants too.

Take the initiative to wrap around Qiu Ci's neck, he blinked.

"Daddy, me too."